It's April in 1775. You have just heard the British plan to attack the minutmen at Lexington and Concord.You are also worried about your two Patriot friends who are to be hung by the British so you decide to [[warn them]]
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Do you take the water route [[across the Charles River]], or [[horseback]] on the path by Cambridge? The river will take you longer, but if you go by Cambridge you will have to pass by British camp.
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You quickly dive into an adajacent bush and hide. The redcoats pass by without supsecting anything. After a few minutes you [[continue]] on your way to Lexington.
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They tip their hats at you and ask where you're going. Do you say,[[I'm going to warn the minutemen of the oncoming attack."]] or [["I'm going to deliever a letter."]]
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Thye gesture for you to move ahead you [[say thanks and keep moving]]
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You go across the river with your two friends William Dawes and Samuel Prescott. Soon you reach land and find a kind gentle man who lets you borrow his horses. Together it is your job to alert people of the upcoming battle. Do you [[keep riding till Lexington]] to save your other friends, or [[stay here and help alert people]]?
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You ride alongside your two other friends Samuel Prescott and William Dawes. Soon you come across the British camp and see two British officials approaching. Do you [[hide]] or [[politely say hello]] ?
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You reach Lexington well in time and find your two friends. Unfortunately, the colonists who you didn't warn earlier were not aware of the British attack. Many of them were slaughtered, and the guns and ammunition they were hiding were taken by the British. Do you [[try and fight the British]] or [[escape with your two friends?]]
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You yell, "The redcoats are coming, the redcoats are coming!" The colonists rush to the ware house and take whatever guns and ammunition they have. You can't help but wonder whether you should [[stay here and fight with them]] or [[warn people while riding]]. You are also hesitant on whether you should [[ride farther to Lexington]] to save your friends, but at the same time you know you need to help these people.
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You finally reach Lexington and tell your friends what will happen if they stay. You escape together.
[[The end]]
You quickly jump off your horse and pull out your weapons. But right away you see the British have far greater numbers than the small gathering of the Patriots. You quikcly turn your back to find yourself having a sharp pain. You were [[killed]] in the name of honor.
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You continue riding while yelling the alert. Unfortunately, by warning people you weren't able to save your friends. The journey ends here for you.
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You keep riding to Lexington to find Sameul Adams and James Hancock. Unfortunatley, you're sighted by Britished officials, by a village in Lexington. They take your horse and ammunition. Do you... [[try to escape]] or [[let Prescott or Dawes continue and leave you here]] ?
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Youy reach Lexington in time to tell your friends to escape.
[[The end]]
You wait until nightime and quietly try to slip away. One young British official sees you, and you halt in your tracks. He look at you and winks. Do you ask, [["Why are you doing this?"]] or say [["thank you"]]?
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The British hang you for treason, but you have died for a good reason. The good news is that Presott and Dawes were able to rescue Sam Adams and John Hancock. Your name is now a cry of American Independence.
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Here lies your grave^
"I don't agree with all the violence the British are causing." He says, and lets you leave into the dark night. You reach Lexington and are able to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock.
[[The end]]
You say "thank you" and ask "But why are you letting me go?" The redcoat says, "I dont think the acts of the British are appropriate." He lets you go and you arrive just in time to save your friends.
[[The end]]
You realize that you've just given away yourself as a traitor, but it's too late. The British officers make you stand trial in Parliament and you are accussed of treason and acts against the "Mother Country" (England). Later that day you are hung publicly as a warning to all disloyal to Britain and its king.
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It is impossible to fight the British army singlehandedly. You are shot and killed almost instantly after being sighted.
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The end
You, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock escape together and move out West. You make peace with the Oneida Native Americans of that region. You live the rest of your lives in wilderness.
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Congratulations. These were some of the best choices to select during the story. As you have probably guessed, you are playing as Paul Revere on the night of his famous midnight ride.
Excerpt from Longfellow's poem:
Listen, my children and you shall hear
of the midnigt ride of Paul Revere
on the 18th of April, in Seventy five
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year
The End :-)
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