When the day is over you notice that the gang of Ruffians and Aurilia's brother have still not turned up. You ask some people you've seen them hang around with and even they haven't seen them. You're worried, sure they're ruffians but they're not evil. \n\n[[Next.|Even Later]]\n
You take a breath. The knife slips from your sleeves and you grab it tight. You take a single step back and leap through the cracked window - sending glass shards flying. \n\n[[Next!|Bam]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Fighting-Tarantul-9408/Fighting-Tarantul-9408_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
The ruffians are lying face first in the ground, but it doesn't take a doctor to figure out they're dead. They must have been attacked by the swamp creatures and killed. It was just the original three, they must not have gotten the help they wanted from anyone else.\n\nYou look them over before skedaddling out of there, picking up a rusty knife, an empty gun, and a folded piece of paper.\n\n[[You unfold the paper.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
Your story begins in a post-apocalyptic, yet technologically advanced, Victorian world... An army of rebels fight against an oppressive totalitarian regime led by a tyrant called “Prophet” Mal. \n\nThis land, torn and crumbling, is filled with many dangers – mutated monsters leftover from the nuclear wars. But by far the rebel’s greatest fear is Mal’s massive Undead Armies.\n\nYou’ve left your life in the ash-filled countryside to study at a university in the Capitol – where, for the first time, you experience the chaos the rebels have brought. Daily riots, thefts, buglaries, random shootings and, rarely, public lynchings.\n\nBut there is much more than the black and white, Rebels versus Mal, and your're about to find out...\n\nIt begins quite simply, but you're about to find something much darker and infinitely malicious than Mal’s conservative dictatorship itself...\n\n[[Now, shall we begin?]]\n[[No.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
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When you said you'd rather study you were lying. Your next class wasn't for the next hour, but hers was.\n\n[[And by her you mean...]]\n\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Folk/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n
And by Aurilia you mean absolute perfection, dark allure, and feminine intelligence wrapped up in a long red dress.\n\n[[Anyway...]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
You breathe and look towards the treasure they were worshipping. Tucking your knife away, you stride forward. You lean down and pick it up, wiping the mud from its cover.\n\n[[Suddenly you can't breathe|Approach the treasure.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
On the paper is a marked up map, and a circle around a particularly boggy part of the swamp. You figure that this is the where the treasure is hidden and make your way there.\n\n[[You make your way to the swamp.|Well then, you say, tucking the bloody knife in your pocket. Looks like those swamp creatures will be getting a guest soon.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
[[Where are the swamp creatures keeping the treasure?]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
What will you do... to get what you want?
Blood sprays forth from the dull wound and he stumbles into the murky waters, disappearing forever, a pool of red seeping from where he once was. But you don't stop, the next one's just ahead.\n\n[[Next.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Fighting-Tarantul-9408/Fighting-Tarantul-9408_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
You ask someone where they went and they direct you to the swamp outside of the city. Its a long ride via taxi, but its Friday and you have the afternoon off. The taxi drops you off just outside the swamp. The air is thick and smells of death, trickles of smoke rise up from the murkey waters, but you get out of the taxi, university books still in hand, and look around. You see a pile of what appears to be bodies.\n\n[[Approach the bodies.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
[[Start.]]\n\n<<set $name = prompt("What's your name?")>>\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
The last creature attacks from behind- but you are quicker in a single swift motion, the blade shines for one last time before being coated in the thick, black, life force. You smile as its head rolls to the floor. \n\n[[Next|Wow]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Fighting-Tarantul-9408/Fighting-Tarantul-9408_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
Hello <<print $name>>, and welcome to Ambrosius.\n\n[[Its very nice to finally have you back.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
Lying on the ground, their black blood simmering on the floor - you take one of their limbs in your other arm and use it to push the others away - hot blood dripping on your skin. \n\n[[Next|Woah]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Fighting-Tarantul-9408/Fighting-Tarantul-9408_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
You sprint back towards the city, you can see the shadows of their lumbering bodies racing through the mists - but you're faster than they are. University books still in hand you race towards them. You're just on the heels of the closest one, you raise your books high and slam them down on his filthy head.\n[[Next]]\n\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Fighting-Tarantul-9408/Fighting-Tarantul-9408_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n
She shrugs. //Yeah, well, my brother ran off with some thugs just minutes ago this morning. Said something about a swamp and a treasue. I know he can handle himself but I'm still worried.// She says.\n\nYou look away for a moment, more preoccupied with Aurilia's sadness than her brother's current situation. \n\nBut the school siren sounds and the first class is due in just seconds. \n\nBefore she gets up to leave, to cheer her up you look up at her with a smile. //Don't worry, Aurilia, I'll check out the swamp after my first class during break to see if he's alright.//\n\nAurilia beams, her cheeks growing red. //You'd do that <<print $name>>?//\n\n//Of course.// You announce proudly. She leans over to press a quick kiss to your cheek before scrambling to her feet and heading off to class. You rub your cheek affectionately, proud of yourself.\n\n[[Later...]]\n
[[Yes! Okay! Okay. Well, we heard that the swamp creatures were guarding a treasure, okay? But in order to get it we had to distract them so we were going to use you.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
Aurilia Nakamura\n\nSecond year student, but your first friend in this foreign city. She was a native and grew up in the slums. To say she was tough was an understatement (so was saying you liked her), but she looked delicate. She wore dark clothes and a mean face to drive the wrong ones away. It did nothing to keep you from befriending her.\n\nShe's leaning against the gate, and notices you approaching the school. She smiles. \n\n//Hello <<print $name>>. Early today again?//\n\n[[Yeah, didn't finish my homework.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
She laughs. //Oh, he always does that with his best and brightest.//\n\nYou ignore the compliment and sit down next to her in the dead grass and notice that despite the smile, she looks paler than usual.\n\n[[Is everything alright?]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Folk/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
//Great!// He exclaims, clasping his wrinkly hands together. //But to prove your worth to them you're going to have to do them a little favor first.//\n\nYou nod, happy to have something to do today. //Alright.//\n\n//Recently, our school had something very precious taken from it - a treasure, if you will. The perpetrator was caught in the swamps outside the city, but the treasure was not found on him, instead they found a map. A group of ruffians were sent out earlier with the map today to find the treasure, but they have not yet returned. I'll get you a taxi and everything, consider your day free of classes. Do you think you can go out and find them for me?//\n\nYou're upset to miss your other classes, but this is an opportunity you cannot miss. \n\n[[Of course! Consider it done!]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Folk/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n
You can feel its power pulsating through your fingertips. It vibrates through your veins as, for a brief second, you see it all. Everything. Everything that ever was and everything that ever will be. You can feel it. In yourself and all around, weaving through the universe. You see it all, existence, creation, everything... but just for a moment.\n\nThen the moment’s gone and it's all forgotten.\n\nWell, nearly all of it. \n\nYou still have the book... That treasure.\n\n ... Your thumb still rubbing the muck from the barely visible title. \n\nYour eyes scan it once. Twice. \n\nThen a third time. \n\nAnd you realize you have a choice. You can turn it in, give it back to the people who own it now - the government. Or... you could keep it. Pretend you were lost with it. Run away and never come back.\n\nYou read the title again, shivering in the cold, shaking from the heat coming from its cover.\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="02 - Foretaste.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n<a target="_top" href="http://www.flamingtext.com/" ><img src="http://blog.flamingtext.com/blog/2013/09/19/flamingtext_com_1379621775_456659155.gif" border="0" width="500" alt="Logo Design by FlamingText.com" title="Logo Design by FlamingText.com"></a>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n\n\n\n[[End of Prologue]]
He struggles, but pulls a wet map from his pocket and hands it to you. You take it, and thank him before grabbing a rusty knife from his belt and slitting his throat. You let his body flop into the swamp and flood the dirty water with bright red as you look at the map and locate the rumored location of the treasure.\n\n[[Well then, you say, tucking the bloody knife in your pocket. Looks like those swamp creatures will be getting a guest soon.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
[[Of course it fucking exists, damnit.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
Images: Google Images\nMusic: Flashkit.com\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
//Again, <<print $name>>?//\n\nYou shrug but you notice she is distracted by a group of ruffians messing around at the gate. She looks at you nervously. //I better get going to class.//\n\nYou're upset that they scared your not-really-girlfriend away, so you roll up your sleeves and walk briskly towards the gate.\n\n[[Next|Ruffians]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Folk/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
[[Aurilia.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
He runs, panicked and screaming through the swamps. The Judeccan slums are just ahead but just before he can reach them you toss one of your books - it spins through the air at a breakneck speed until it finally collides with the ruffian's head - the corner of the blook slicing through his skull. He stumbles and falls.\n\n[[Next!]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Fighting-Tarantul-9408/Fighting-Tarantul-9408_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
You stop just on front of him, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him towards your dark, bloodthirsty gaze. you demand to know what the hell that was about and he explains, spurting blood from his orifices. \n\n[[Next!!]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
[[You sock him in the jaw. Get to the point! You yell.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
The monsters won't stop surrounding the treasure. You take a rock, roll it in your hands for a second and throw it, but they can't hear you over the sounds of their own howling.\n\n[[Back|Well then, you say, tucking the bloody knife in your pocket. Looks like those swamp creatures will be getting a guest soon.]] \n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
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You tuck your bloody books underneath your arm to grab a tuft of his head and pull his hair back towards the ground. You impale his skull into a broken stick submerged in the waters and slam your foot on his bleeding neck for good measure. You stop, breathing heavily, eyes on your last target.\n\n[[Next...]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Fighting-Tarantul-9408/Fighting-Tarantul-9408_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
It takes the moonlight to send the creatures away. You're shivering, shaking, wondering if this was even a good idea, but you hear them slip out, tripping over their own misshapen limbs. They crawl into the muck, swimming underneath the rotten waters, screamign as they go. You only have moments so you push away a loose board and slip inside. \n\nYou crawl along the wooden floor, eyes and ears scanning for signs of life. Your knife is drawn, just in case. But the sounds of the swamp seem to fade as you get nearer.\n\nSuddenly everything is silence.\n\nYou breathe and look towards the treasure they were worshipping. Tucking your knife away, you stride forward. You lean down and pick it up, wiping the mud from its cover.\n\nYou can't breathe.\n\n[[Approach the treasure.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
Ahem.\n\nYou approach Aurilia, who is in the campus commons sitting underneath a crumbling, dead tree, her thin legs spead out on the dry grass. She always came early, finishing her homework here rather than at home. She hears you approach and looks up at you, smiling.\n\n//Hello again, <<print $name>>. What are you doing here?//\n\n[[Avoiding my Military science professor. He's being creepy and trying to get me to join the army again.|Yeah, well, I had some homework to finish.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Folk/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
The gang responds enthusiatically and before you know it you're dragged away from the university and shoved into a taxi.\n\nYou're out of the city, and into the swamp that surrounds the capital. Its dark, foggy and putrid - the smell of a thousand dead creatures fills your lungs. You look up at the dim skies criss-crossed with the black branches and metal poles, leftovers of the outer city. There's an echoing of murmurs, whispters and muffled screeches all around, swallowing the silence in a never-ending cacophany of chaos. \n\nNeedless to say, you don't really like it there. But you do as your told. The group splits up a bit just to get their bearings. Your foot gets stuck in some mud and you turn around to complain to the band of ruffians that brought you here in the first place.\n\nBut when you turn around you find that they're gone. What do you do?\n* [[I head back towards the city.]]\n* [[I start to look around for the so-called treasure they were talking about. I know these guys, they wouldn't lie about something like that.|I head back towards the city.]]\n* [[Chase after the ruffians and murder them in cold blood.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n
Its getting dark, the sun barely lingering above the horizon, its rays poking through the dark sheets of cloud, but just ahead you can see a group of dim lights shining through what appears to be a poorly patched up cabin. \n\nThe smell of rot and death fills your nostrils, high pitched calls echo throughout the air.\n\nYou know you're in the right place. You pluck the rusty knife from your pocket and hold it at the ready as you approach the cabin. You wade through the waters, a bit upset that your expensive text books are getting soaked, but peer through the grimy window. \n\nInside you see five of howling, naked swamp creatures - no taller than the average 8 year old. They leap and shake, almost seizure-like in their moves, their thin, pale, rotting limbs flailing about them. Their eyes, dripping black muck, look up to the crumbling roof and up into the dim skies. In the center of their diabolical circle is a small, squarish item - no bigger than a cheap romance novel.\n\nYou're quite disappointed. You expected some gold, money, jewelry, or at least a cursed weapon or something. But no, its a book-like item. Nevertheless, it must be valuable, but you have to get it first. Do you...\n\n[[Wait?]]\n[[Attack, weapons drawn, screaming like mad?]]\n[[Sneak in while the creatures are distracted and snatch the book?]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
You walk through the dim, musty halls when your creepy Military Science professor approaches you with an offer. He has recently been speaking with the head of the Judeccan Army and it turns out they are eager to recruit new meat - new meat that can handle special missions. You're at the top of his class, so you can see where its going.\n\n[[Sweet! Hook me up!]]\n[[Nah, I'd rather study.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Folk/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n\n
The swamp creatures scream and thrash but their reaction does nothing to slow you down. You send three slashes their way, and two become victim to your merciless blows. \n\n[[NEXT|Slash]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Fighting-Tarantul-9408/Fighting-Tarantul-9408_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
You start heading in what you think is the right direction but the city seems to fade.\n\nThe noises are constantly fluxuating, grower louder, softer, and louder again. You move quietly, meandering through the swamp, darting from log to bush to rubble, always staying within the shadows.\n\nYou're soaked by now, waist deep in dirty water. You're frustrated. You kick a log in the hopes that it will make you feel better.\n\nThat's when you see it.\n\nThe bodies floating in the water.\n\n[[Approach the bodies.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
Its a sunny day in the city of bustling city of Judecca. The train tracks rattle overhead as the sunlight shimmers through the crowds of people. You approach your University, books in hand. The gothic structure towers before you but you're not daunted. Its a dangerous, dark city with a massive crime rate and a number of the population either in jail or starving. A dark cloud hangs over the city, a cloud created by the spread of dark, mysterious factories. Its a place that requires a life of crime, a cold heart and a polished knife, but its the only place to get a job, or an education. \nYou're there to study but right now you're more preoccupied with...\n\n[[Her.]]\n\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
Why are you here?\n\n[[Back|Its very nice to finally have you back.]]
You approach them but before you can do anything more the tallest one approaches you.\n\n//Hey, you're <<print $name>>, right? Yo, we were wonderin' if we could have some help with something out in the swamps. Rumor has ot there's somethin' pretty valuable out there, and we know where. Problem is its a dangerous job, we need a touch guy like you to help us out. We'll split the prize, how does that sound?//\n\n[[Sure, why not?]]\n[[No thanks, I don't want to miss my classes.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Folk/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755/Folk_Fun-Q-Music-7755_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
[[Aurilia|Aurilia1]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399/Tranquil-Tarantul-9399_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
[[So you know that swamp creatures are hoarders right? - He asks you.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
END OF PROLOGUE\n\nDO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE?\n\n[[Credits]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Easy_Listening/Classical/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515/Battle_M-PlayOnLo-10515_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
[[Treasure? You ask. So it does exist?]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
You slam a knife into one’s skull, pushing it aside as you drop the dead limb to keep another at bay with your bare hand. The creatures cries out, opening its mouth wide, but you are quicker. You grab it by its head and jaw, forcing the two open until you hear a dreadful *crack*! \n\n[[It falls to the ground.|Damn]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Fighting-Tarantul-9408/Fighting-Tarantul-9408_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>
by: Cyrus Chang
Its a long ride via taxi, but its Friday and you have the day off. \n\nThe taxi drops you off just outside the swamp. The air is thick and smells of death, trickles of smoke rise up from the murkey waters, but you get out of the taxi, university books still in hand, and look around. \n\nYou see a pile of what appears to be bodies. You wipe the sweat from your forhead and take a deep breath, reminding yourself that you can do this.\n\n[[Approach the bodies.]]\n\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<embed src="http://www.flashkit.com/imagesvr_ce/flashkit/loops/Ambient/Midnight-Diode111-10043/Midnight-Diode111-10043_hifi.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true"\nwidth="2" height="0">\n</embed>\n\n</body>\n</html>