His eyes narrow, and that's all the warning you get. Next thing you know, you're flat on your back and he's standing over you, a sneer on his face.\n\n"I got a killer to catch and I don't need no cop asshole getting in my way. Nothing personal," he adds, as his steel-capped boot crushes your left eye.\n\n<<display '85'>>
He snorts. "Yeah, okay. Whatever you want to believe, bud." He lets you handcuff him and lead him to your car before you call for back up and collapse into the front seat with exhaustion and blood loss.\n\n<<display '85'>>\n
"Hey, I didn't do it! It was all her!" He continues protesting as you get him into the back of your car, calling in backup before you collapse into the front seat, exhausted and bleeding more than you would have thought possible.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You take aim and shoot him right between the eyes. His grasping hand is still twitching as you step over the two bodies and stagger to your car, trying to staunch the bleeding as best you can. You realise you haven't done a very good job when the grass comes up to smack you in the face.\n\n<<display '85'>>\n\n
"No fucking way." As you step closer, he lifts his shotgun with one beefy arm.\n\n[[Shoot him.|142]]\n\n[["Give up. It's over."|143]]
You have a moment to enjoy the fleeting look of horror in his eyes before his poorly-aimed shotgun blast knocks you to your knees. You fall forward, registering his sightless eyes before darkness claims you, as well.\n\n<<display '85'>>
"You know what you've done, Maria. It's time to confess."\n\n"You'll never catch me, pig!" she sneers. "Bobby's already on his way."\n\n[[Pull out your pistol and aim it at her head.|29]]\n\n[[Try to convince her to come quietly.|41]]\n\n[[Arrest her.|41]]
She spins, stabbing her cigarette into your face, and ducks under your grasping arms, running toward the living room.\n\n[[Draw your pistol.|54]]\n\n[[Grab a kitchen knife.|51]]\n\n[[Chase after her.|51]]
She doesn't even get a chance to struggle. As her body goes limp in your arms, you hear a car pull up outside.\n\n[[Go out the front door, guns blazing.|157]]\n\n[[Draw your gun and lie in wait.|156]]\n\n[[Run.|155]]
You aim your pistol at her head.\n\n"You wouldn't dare." She sneers at you.\n\n[[Shoot her.|33]]\n\n[["You're coming with me!"|41]]\n\n[[Lower your weapon.|41]]
She shrugs, pushes the door a little wider. Inside, the blinds are drawn and the room has an unaired smell. She gestures at the couch and you sit. She flops next to you and lights a cigarette, looking at you over the top of the flame.\n\nYou clear your throat and decide how best to start.\n\n[["You're suspected of doing some very bad things, Maria."|196]]\n\n[["Are you aware that there have been a series of murders in your neighbourhood?"|195]]\n\n[["I need to talk to you about your boyfriend."|194]]
To Catch A Killer
"It was you all along." He falls to his knees, blood bubbling from his lips.\n\nHe collapses onto his face as you sit down amongst the carnage, and wait for help to arrive.\n\n<<display '85'>>
It seemed like a good idea at the time. As his bulk carries you onto the carpet and into crushing oblivion, you have a split second to dwell on your mistake.\n\n<<display '85'>>
She collapses noiselessly to the floor, mobile phone clattering from her hand. As the echoes of the gunshot fade, you hear a car pull up outside.\n\n[[Go out the front door, guns blazing.|157]]\n\n[[Lie in wait.|156]]\n\n[[Run.|155]]
Bobby looks up at you suspiciously.\n\n"What kind of cop are you?"\n\n[[Shoot him.|115]]\n\n[["The kind that hauls scum like you to jail."|133]]\n\n[["Not the kind to shoot a defenceless woman."|132]]
Her eyes glitter dark with hatred before she slams the door in your face. You hear footsteps retreating toward the back of the house.\n\n[[Knock again.|8]]\n\n[[Shoot out the lock.|10]]\n\n[[Find another way in.|9]]\n
The buckshot grazes your right shoulder as you roll toward Bobby, striking him in the chest with both feet as you lever yourself from the floor. He lands on his back, winded.\n\n[[Shoot him.|67]]\n\n[[Aim your gun at Maria.|61]]\n\n[[Handcuff him.|65]]
You swing around and aim your pistol at the man in the doorway.\n\n"Shoot him, baby!" You hear Maria sneaking up behind you.\n\n[[Shoot him.|67]]\n\n[[Aim your gun at Maria again.|66]]\n\n[[Drop and roll.|59]]
She stops where she is, both hands in the air. \n\n"Okay, look, you win," she says nervously, eyes on Bobby. "Take us to the station or whatever. We got nothing to hide."\n\n[[Shoot her.|71]]\n\n[["Get over here so I can keep an eye on both of you."|62]]\n\n[[Handcuff Bobby.|65]]
You find her standing on the opposite side of the dining room, not running anymore. She has her phone out, the screen lit up in mid-call and a triumphant look on her face.\n\n[[Aim your gun at her head.|29]]\n\n[["It's over. Come quietly now."|41]]\n\n[["Let's end these games, Maria. I'm taking you in."|41]]
You find her standing on the opposite side of the dining room, not running anymore. She has her phone out, the screen lit up in mid-call and a triumphant look on her face.\n\n[[Pull out your pistol and aim it at her head.|29]]\n\n[["It's over. Come quietly now."|41]]\n\n[["Let's end these games, Maria. I'm taking you in."|41]]
She walks toward you, and you back away, maintaining a safe distance. As you reach the hallway, she taps the screen of her phone.\n\n"Bobby, now!"\n\nThe front door shatters under the force of the gigantic man storming into the room, shotgun aimed at your chest.\n\n"Checkmate, pig," he sneers.\n\n[[Aim your pistol at Bobby.|58]]\n\n[["Both of you are under arrest!"|64]]\n\n[[Drop and roll.|59]]
"Yeah? So?" She pulls out her phone and idly starts texting.\n\n[["So I'm gonna bust you on possession charges if you don't start talking."|203]]\n\n[["So seven people are dead. You got anything you want to share?"|207]]\n\n[["So you and your boyfriend are suspects."|203]]
"Bobby'll be here any minute. You can ask him questions yourself." She pulls out her phone and idly starts texting.\n\n[["I'm not here to play your little games."|203]]\n\n[["Where's he been that you know of?"|203]]\n\n[["I want to talk to you."|207]]
She shrugs again. "This is a bad neighbourhood, and I've been a very bad girl." She smirks, sizing you up, then realises her words had no effect. She pulls out her phone and idly starts texting.\n\n[["Listen to me when I'm talking to you."|203]]\n\n[["That routine work often?"|203]]\n\n[["You have to realise that you and your boyfriend are suspected of murder."|203]]
He realises what you're trying to do and eases up on your wrist to make a grab for your gun, momentarily off-balance.\n\n[[Pick up the shotgun and shoot him.|193]]\n\n[[Pick up your pistol and shoot him.|138]]\n\n[[Kick him where it hurts.|186]]
The man's head is like a rock. He laughs and casually stomps on your wrist. The pain is like nothing you've ever felt before. You have only a couple of seconds of consciousness left as you realise the shotgun is now in reach.\n\n[[Pick up the shotgun and shoot him.|193]]\n\n[[Kick him where it hurts.|186]]
The first blast obliterates his face. The recoil slams the butt of the shotgun into your ribs, winding you. You fall to your knees amidst the mess, and laugh breathlessly.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You make it to the front door before the shotgun blows your legs out from underneath you and you smash, face-first, into the gravel pathway. \n\n<<display '85'>>
He falls to the floor, face registering surprise, as your own consciousness fades into a whitewash of pain.\n\n<<display '85'>>
She collapses onto the grass, her last breath wooshing out of her in a sob.\n\nAs the echoes of the gunshot fade, Bobby launches himself at you, screaming in animalistic fury.\n\n[[Run.|122]]\n\n[[Try to subdue him.|122]]\n\n[[Shoot him.|121]]
He stares down at you for a moment, wipes his mouth, then sneers. He kicks you in the ribs, hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to break anything, and leaves the house. You hear the roar of his truck as you fade into the depths of pain.\n\n<<display '85'>>
By the time you reach her, Bobby is gone, the roar of his engine fading away down the street. Her head rolls brokenly to the side as you lift her into your arms. You make it back to your car and place her in the back seat before collapsing in exhaustion, blood dripping too freely from your wounds.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You hear Maria's terrified scream as he barges into you, knocking you to the floor. Your gun goes off and his blood drips onto your face as he crushes your neck with his massive hands. The last thing you see is Maria raising a lamp over his head, determination and blind terror on her face.\n\n<<display '85'>>
It's not the smartest thing to do, but it sure is satisfying. You watch his eyes grow wide as he realises what you mean to do, and you cherish his scream for the instant before the flames engulf him and the rest of the kitchen. The explosion throws you backward into the wall, but when you can breathe again you can't stop laughing.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You feel, rather than hear, the bulk of Bobby rising up behind you. He smashes his fist into your face as you turn and you land heavily on the carpet, tasting blood. As you lie there, stunned, he picks up his shotgun.\n\n[[Throw your gun aside.|84]]\n\n[[Aim at Maria.|86]]\n\n[[Aim at Bobby.|87]]
The shotgun blast catches you in the back. After the pain, death comes as a relief.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You hear the scrabble of feet and see the betrayal on Bobby's face as Maria deserts him. He drops his gun and falls to his knees, hands behind his head. You work the cuffs around his thick wrists and haul him out to the car, locking him safely inside before you call for backup and collapse ungracefully into the front seat.\n\n<<display '85'>>
"I don't mean any harm-"\n\nYour words are small consolation as Bobby plunges the butt of the shotgun into your ribs and neck, crushing you down into a dark oblivion.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You awake in hospital, a concerned aide looking down at you. \n\n"I'm sorry, sir," she stammers, clearly surprised by your return to wakefulness. "It looks like the killer got away."\n\nYou endure the endless checks and procedures and sign yourself out as soon as you can. Hand on your holster, you leave the hospital with murder on your mind.\n\n[[That's not how it happened...|1]]
"Like hell I will!" She slams the door in your face. You hear footsteps retreating toward the back of the house.\n\n[[Knock again.|8]]\n\n[[Find another way in.|9]]\n\n[[Shoot out the lock.|10]]
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she sobs, turning to place a kiss on Bobby's forehead. Then she sprints out the front door, leaving him cursing in her wake.\n\n[[Handcuff Bobby.|131]]\n\n[[Let her go.|127]]\n\n[[Shoot her.|117]]
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she says, bending to place a kiss on Bobby's cheek. Then she sprints out the front door, leaving him cursing in her wake.\n\n[[Handcuff Bobby.|105]]\n\n[[Let her go.|127]]\n\n[[Shoot her.|117]]
You round the corner only to find she's vanished, and you're bleeding a lot more than you thought you would. Head between your knees, sitting on a park bench, you hear the radio in your car crackle to life.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You call in her escape, take one look at Bobby's body, lying in the doorway, and collapse into the front seat in exhaustion.\n\n<<display '85'>>
"He did it. It was all him." She steps away from Bobby as he cusses her from the floor, rising to his knees in an instant, swinging with a backhand that knocks her halfway across the room.\n\n[[Tackle him.|112]]\n\n[[Help Maria.|111]]\n\n[[Shoot him.|110]]
"Hey, I didn't do it! It was all her!" He continues protesting as you get him into the back of your car, calling for backup before you collapse into the front seat, bleeding and exhausted.\n\n<<display '85'>>
For a second, her eyes register panic.\n\n"Don't-"\n\nAs the echoes of the gunshot fade, you hear a car pull up outside the house.\n\n[[Go out the front door, guns blazing.|157]]\n\n[[Lie in wait.|156]]\n\n[[Run.|155]]
She smirks.\n\n"Good luck."\n\n[[Pull out your pistol and aim it at her head.|29]]\n\n[["You killed seven people. It's time to pay for your crimes."|41]]\n\n[["You're under arrest. Don't try to run."|41]]
"So talk." She reaches slowly for something in her hip pocket, clearly hoping you won't notice.\n\n[[Pull out your pistol and aim it at her head.|29]]\n\n[["You killed seven people. It's time to pay for your crimes."|41]]\n\n[["You're under arrest. Don't try to run."|41]]
Leanne C. Taylor-Giles
A hard-boiled detective goes in to [[arrest a serial killer|1]], against the best advice and his own better judgement.
She moves to stand next to Bobby in the open doorway, hands in the air. You track her with your pistol as Bobby watches you, his deepset eyes full of malice. His empty shotgun is pointed at the floor.\n\nThey share a glance, and Maria's hands drop a fraction of an inch.\n\n[[Shoot her.|71]]\n\n[["Don't move. I won't warn you again."|103]]\n\n[[Handcuff Bobby.|65]]\n
He laughs, stepping further into the room.\n\n"Ready, baby?" he asks Maria.\n\n[[Aim your gun at Maria.|66]]\n\n[[Aim your pistol at Bobby.|58]]\n\n[[Drop and roll.|59]]
Maria lands on your back before you can reach Bobby, her hands scrabbling at your neck, fingernails drawing blood. You curse and stumble backward.\n\n[[Point your gun over your shoulder and fire.|75]]\n\n[[Aim at Bobby.|76]]\n\n[[Pry her off.|77]]
She stops where she is, both hands in the air. \n\n"Okay, look, you win," she says nervously, eyes on Bobby. "Take us to the station or whatever. We got nothing to hide."\n\n[[Shoot her.|71]]\n\n[["Get over here so I can keep an eye on both of you!"|69]]\n\n[[Handcuff Bobby.|65]]
Maria's scream pierces the air in the moment before the bullet splatters Bobby's brains across the front doorstep. She's standing behind you, eyes white with shock, as you turn to face her.\n\n[[Shoot her.|149]]\n\n[["On your knees."|148]]\n\n[["I'm taking you in."|147]]
She moves to stand next to Bobby in the open doorway, hands in the air. You track her with your pistol as Bobby watches you, his deepset eyes full of malice. His shotgun is still pointed at your chest.\n\nThey share a glance, and Maria's hands drop a fraction of an inch.\n\n[[Shoot her.|71]]\n\n[[Handcuff Bobby.|65]]\n\n[[Drop and roll.|59]]
The explosion throws you backward, winding you. You have the satisfaction of seeing Bobby writhing on the ground, in flames, before you begin to cough, darkness closing in around you.\n\n<<display '85'>>
As you stumble out of the kitchen, you hear a curse behind you, and the sound of a shotgun cocking. You hear the roar of flames before the explosion slams you into the wall and you tremble there, exhausted and disoriented, as the fire creeps toward you and Bobby's charred corpse falls to the kitchen floor.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You hear him thrashing around the bushes in the back yard, screaming expletives at the top of his lungs, and you know you have only moments to escape. Keeping low, you crawl from under the sink and limp back into the dining room.\n\n[[Set a trap.|182]]\n\n[[Ambush him.|181]]\n\n[[Run.|180]]
Thinking fast, you use a wrench to shatter the gas pipe that services the stove. Knowing the noise will draw him, you step around the corner and wait.\n\nIt isn't long before he strides into the kitchen, right into your trap.\n\n[[Shoot him.|176]]\n\n[[Fire into the growing cloud of gas.|175]]\n\n[[Run.|174]]
You make it to your car just as Bobby comes out of the house. He yells as he spots you and takes aim, but the range on his shotgun falls short of shattering your back window, and you speed away from the curb, leaving a couple of hundred dollars worth of rubber in your wake.\n\nIt isn't until you're safely away that you realise your legs are bleeding quite a lot more than you'd expected. You pull over to the side of the road and call for backup as darkness claims you.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You stand just outside the kitchen, waiting for him to come back inside. You hear the screen door bang, hear his heavy footsteps headed toward Maria's body. You hear him sniffle, hear the low moan that escapes his lips. He's thoroughly distracted.\n\n[[Shoot him.|138]]\n\n[[Run.|180]]
He collapses forward, his weight lifting from your wrist and freeing you to use both the shotgun and your pistol.\n\n[[Pick up the shotgun and shoot him.|193]]\n\n[[Pick up your pistol and shoot him.|138]]\n\n[[Try to run.|192]]
Your aim is off, and you miss by a full yard. She disappears into the trees as you hear the radio in your car crackle to life.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You knock again, politely.\n\nThere's no response from within. After a moment you hear the slam of a phone into its cradle.\n\n[[Shoot out the lock.|10]]\n\n[[Find another way in.|9]]
Her eyes register a terror that is deep and complete before you shoot her, her body toppling backward, pinning Bobby to the floor.\n\n"Hey! What're you doing?" Bobby struggles under her weight, but fear makes him weak-handed. "You're kidding, right, bro? You're a joker, yeah?"\n\n[[Shoot him.|137]]\n\n[["She was a murderer. You are, too."|139]]\n\n[["Bobby Lindeman, you're under arrest for the murder of Maria Anders."|139]]
As he collapses onto the floor, his hand spasms, pulling the trigger of the shotgun and peppering the gas pipes underneath the stove with hundreds of hissing holes.\n\n[[Shoot him.|176]]\n\n[[Fire into the growing cloud of gas.|175]]\n\n[[Run.|174]]
Your first shot takes him in the chest, and you have the satisfaction of watching surprise bloom on his face. Your second shot takes him in the eye, and he falls like a sack of potatoes, crushing the kitchen table. As you limp to freedom, you can't help but feel that this turned out okay, after all.\n\n<<display '85'>>
He rounds the corner in an instant and kicks the phone from your hand. He pins you against the floor with the tip of the shotgun, and squeezes the trigger just hard enough to see the fear come into your eyes.\n\n"You took from me, I take from you."\n\n[[Shoot him.|161]]\n\n[[Kick him where it hurts.|166]]
You drag yourself underneath the kitchen sink, pulling the door closed behind you, hoping you didn't make too much noise. He steps into the room, nostrils flaring like a wild animal as he catches sight of the back door.\n\n[[Shoot him.|161]]\n\n[[Wait for him to leave.|170]]\n\n[[Trip him as he passes.|166]]
You draw your pistol and shoot the lock off the front door.\n\nYou hear a string of expletives from within the house as you kick the door open and stride into the living room. Maria emerges from the kitchen, holding a carving knife in one shaking hand.\n\n"Don't you come any closer!"\n\n[[Aim your pistol at her head.|29]]\n\n[[Demand a confession.|26]]\n\n[["I just want to talk."|34]]
You call out to let Maria know you're inside the house.\n\nYou hear a string of expletives from within the house. Maria emerges from the kitchen, holding a carving knife in one shaking hand.\n\n"Don't you come any closer!"\n\n[["I'm taking you in, with or without your cooperation."|36]]\n\n[["You know what you've done, Maria. It's time to confess."|26]]\n\n[["I just want to talk."|34]]
You draw your pistol and move further into the house.\n\nYou find her in the kitchen, mobile phone in one hand, lit cigarette in the other. She doesn't notice you standing in the doorway.\n\n[["Put your hands behind your head and turn around."|44]]\n\n[["It's over, Maria."|44]]\n\n[[Shoot her.|126]]
You sneak further into the house.\n\nYou find her in the kitchen, mobile phone in one hand, lit cigarette in the other. She doesn't even notice as you stand up right behind her.\n\n[[Draw your pistol.|44]]\n\n[[Pull a knife from the carving block and slit her throat.|23]]\n\n[[Tap her on the shoulder.|22]]
She's still shaking as you tug her out the front door.\n\n"It was you, wasn't it? You killed all those people." She starts to shake more violently. "God, what're you going to do with me? Please, let me go!"\n\nShe keeps screaming as you stuff her into the back seat, but it isn't until she wraps the handcuffs around your neck that you realise you underestimated her.\n\n<<display '85'>>
You hear the front door splinter as Maria's boyfriend barges in, hear him swear as he finds her corpse. You don't know the exact moment he catches sight of you, but you sure know it when the agonising sting of buckshot cripples the backs of your legs.\n\n[[Shoot him.|161]]\n\n[[Hide.|163]]\n\n[[Call for backup.|162]]
You meet the man charging into the house head-on, but unfortunately he has the advantage of bulk. You crash to the floor in a tangled heap, his shotgun trapped between your legs, his knee on your pistol hand. He stares into your eyes, breathing heavily, and you feel your wrist start to snap.\n\n[[Try to twist the shotgun to your advantage.|191]]\n\n[[Headbutt him.|190]]\n\n[[Kick him where it hurts.|186]]
You step behind a kitchen cabinet as the front door splinters in front of the weight of Maria's boyfriend, who charges head-first into the house, shotgun poised. With a cry of rage, he starts toward her dead body, unaware that you're standing just out of sight.\n\n[[Run away.|192]]\n\n[[Set a trap.|182]]\n\n[[Shoot him.|161]]
"You idiot! She's getting away!" Too late you realise Maria's gone, the back door hanging open on its lopsided hinges. Bobby smashes a fist into your face, forcing you to lose your grip. \n\n[[Surrender.|116]]\n\n[[Shoot him.|115]]
At the sound of the safety clicking off, she slowly raises both her hands and turns around.\n\n"What do you want me to do? Beg?" She insolently lowers her cigarette to her lips, fingers still poised over the touchscreen of her mobile phone.\n\n[[Aim your pistol at her head.|29]]\n\n[["It's time to pay for the lives you took."|50]]\n\n[["You're under arrest."|50]]
She whips her mobile phone to her mouth, clearly already in the middle of a call.\n\n"Bobby, now!"\n\nThe front door shatters under the force of the gigantic man storming into the room, shotgun aimed at your chest.\n\n"Checkmate, pig," he sneers.\n\n[[Aim your pistol at Bobby.|58]]\n\n[["Both of you are under arrest!"|64]]\n\n[[Drop and roll.|59]]
At your knock, a bleary-eyed woman opens the door, slouching defensively in the entryway.\n\n"Yeah? Whaddya want?"\n\n[["Do you mind if I come in?"|4]]\n\n[["You'll need to come with me to the station."|3]]\n\n[["Maria Anders, you're under arrest for murder."|2]]
You circle around the house and look for another way in.\n\nYou find an open window leading into the living room and drop inside, landing in a crouch. All is quiet.\n\n[[Draw your gun.|19]]\n\n[[Try to catch her off-guard.|18]]\n\n[[Call out.|17]]
"Okay, okay! Anything you want!" She holds her hands together in front of her, waiting to be cuffed.\n\n[[Shoot her.|149]]\n\n[[Handcuff her.|151]]
She lowers her phone, a murderous look in her eyes.\n\n"Pig cop," she snarls. "Think you know everything. Well, you don't know shit." A car pulls up outside and she smiles. "You're about to find out just how dumb you are."\n\n[[Draw your pistol.|41]]\n\n[[Handcuff her.|41]]\n\n[[Move toward the door.|41]]\n
"That's for resisting arrest."\n\nHis body goes limp and you make it to your car to call for backup before you collapse into the front seat, a small smile on your face.\n\n<<display '85'>>
His eyes narrow, and that's all the warning you get. Next thing you know, you're flat on your back and he's standing over you, a sneer on his face.\n\n"Nothing personal," he says, as his steel-capped boot crushes your left eye.\n\n<<display '85'>>
"Bobby, he won't like that." She smiles as a car pulls up outside. "Matter of fact, here he is now."\n\n[[Draw your pistol.|41]]\n\n[["It's in your best interests to cooperate."|41]]\n\n[["Just tell me what I want to know."|41]]
With a whimper, she drops to the floor, her hands held uselessly at her sides.\n\n[[Shoot her.|149]]\n\n[[Handcuff her.|151]]
At the last moment, she lunges forward, stabbing a switchblade into your thigh. It doesn't save her. As her body slumps to the floor, you collapse onto the carpet, dialling for backup as you start to bleed out.\n\n<<display '85'>>
An elbow to the face sends her tumbling to the floor, nose bloody, eyes leaking tears. She raises her hands in self defence.\n\n[[Shoot her.|71]]\n\n[["Get over here so I can keep an eye on both of you."|79]]\n\n[[Handcuff her.|80]]
"No!" She drops from your back, darting around in front of you to throw herself between Bobby and the gun. "We didn't do anything! We're innocent!"\n\n[["I know."|91]]\n\n[["That's for a jury to decide."|102]]\n\n[["Prove it."|106]]
Her weight falls limply from your back, leaving you doubled over, one hand to your bleeding neck.\n\nAs the echoes of the gunshot fade, Bobby launches himself at you, screaming in animalistic fury.\n\n[[Run.|122]]\n\n[[Try to subdue him.|122]]\n\n[[Shoot him.|121]]
For a second, her eyes register panic.\n\n"Don't-"\n\nAs the echoes of the gunshot fade, Bobby launches himself at you, screaming in animalistic fury.\n\n[[Run.|122]]\n\n[[Try to subdue him.|122]]\n\n[[Shoot him.|121]]
"Okay. Okay." She crawls over to Bobby and places a gentle hand on his cheek.\n\n"I'm sorry, baby," she whispers. \n\nBefore you can react, she slashes a switchblade across his throat and follows through by stabbing the blade into your groin.\n\nBy the time you regain your senses, she's halfway across the front lawn, sprinting for a nearby park.\n\n[[Return to your car and call for backup.|101]]\n\n[[Attempt to chase her.|100]]\n\n[[Shoot at her.|99]]