{(set: $health to 1000000)(set: $money to 1)(set: $noSound to 1)(text-color: "grey")[Secret 01]}<center>(text-style: "shadow")[<big><big><big><big>(text-color: "black")[''The End'']</big></big></big></big>]
(color: "red")[(text-rotate: 2)[<small>''Deadbrain City''</small>]]
<sub><small>[[By Kieron Rana]]</small></sub></center>
(set: $displayHealth to 0)Tip: {(either: 'Combat is turned based; either you or your opponenet tries to hit each other, then the other way around!','Ammo is a valuable resource - only use it when you need it.','Salotape is needed to craft anything, so never sell it.','Talk to certain people enough and the will allow you do do special things...','Corpses, campfires and dead cows appear randomly around Deadbrain. Sometimes you can loot a cow/corpse more than once!','Complete random challenges from the backpack for a quick way to get 10XP.','Go to the extras menu from the backpack to access a map, minigames, lore and more!','Wandering does not decrease hydration or starvation, but puts you in a random place.','Save often.','Save often.','Fast travelling to places takes away 5 starvation and 5 hydration, but fast travelling home does not.','Sleeping regenerates health, but decreases hunger.','The more comfort you have, the more health regenerates when you sleep.','If you need to find someone, use the map in the extras menu.','Dying resets your health to 100, but takes away 5 XP.','Listen to music by putting on headphones in the backpack.')}
{(if: $newGameA is true)[(set: $slot to 1)(set: $newGameA to false)<script>stopAllAudio()</script>(goto: "newGame")](if: $newGameB is true)[(set: $slot to 2)(set: $newGameB to false)<script>stopAllAudio()</script>(goto: "newGame")](if: $newGameC is true)[(set: $slot to 3)(set: $newGameC to false)<script>stopAllAudio()</script>(goto: "newGame")]}(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[{
(link: "Load Game A")[(set: $slot to 1)(set: $noSound to 0)(load-game:"Slot A")]}
{<small>(link: "New Game")[(set: $newGameA to (confirm: "Delete Your Game Data And Begin A New Game?"))(goto: "Start")]</small>}](else:)[{(link: "New Game")[(set: $newGameA to (confirm: "Begin A New Game?"))(goto: "Start")]}]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[{
(link: "Load Game B")[(set: $slot to 2)(set: $noSound to 0)(load-game:"Slot B")]}
{<small>(link: "New Game")[(set: $newGameB to (confirm: "Delete Your Game Data And Begin A New Game?"))(goto: "Start")]</small>}
](else:)[{(link: "New Game")[(set: $newGameB to (confirm: "Begin A New Game?"))(goto: "Start")]}]
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[{
(link: "Load Game C")[(set: $slot to 3)(set: $noSound to 0)(load-game:"Slot C")]}
{<small>(link: "New Game")[(set: $newGameC to (confirm: "Delete Your Game Data And Begin A New Game?"))(goto: "Start")]</small>}
](else:)[{(link: "New Game")[(set: $newGameC to (confirm: "Begin A New Game?"))(goto: "Start")]}]
[[Title ->title]]
<small>[[Credits ->By Kieron Rana]]</small><big><big>''The End''</big></big>
By Kieron Rana(text-color: "grey")[(link: '.')[(goto: 'finished?')]]
Images By Kieron Rana
Music by Anthony Rana
Thanks To:
from the Twine Forum
[[Back ->title]]{
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
(live: 1s)[(set: $time to it + 1)]
(if: $breakCar is true)[(set: $breakCar to 0)The car breaks down.]
(set: $findCounter to it + 1)(set: $drinkHome to it + 1)
(if: $dive is true)[(live: 60s)[(set: $dive to 0)(goto: 'dead')]]
(if: $findCounter is 40)[(set: $findSomething to true)(set: $findCounter to 0)]
(if: $health >= 1)[(if: $hydration <= 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $health to $health - 5)](set: $hydration to 0)]
(if: $starvation <= 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $health to $health - 5)](set: $starvation to 0)]]
(if: $ammo <= 0)[(set: $ammo to 0)]
(if: $money <= -1)[(goto: 'broke')]
(if: $health >= 1)[](else:)[(set: $health to 100)(goto: "dead")]
(if: $gun is "Crossbow")[(set: $damage to 10 + $crossbow)(set: $reload to 1)(set: $speed to 2)]
(if: $gun is "Pistol")[(set: $damage to 5 + $pistol)(set: $reload to 4)(set: $speed to 4)]
(if: $gun is "Sniper Rifle")[(set: $damage to 11 + $sniper)(set: $reload to 2)(set: $speed to 1)]
(if: $gun is "Flintlock")[(set: $damage to 6 + $flintlock)(set: $reload to 2)(set: $speed to 2)]
(if: $gun is "Submachine Gun")[(set: $damage to 4 + $submachine)(set: $reload to 4)(set: $speed to 5)]
(if: $gun is "Assault Rifle")[(set: $damage to 3 + $assault)(set: $reload to 3)(set: $speed to 5)]
(if: $gun is "Grenades")[(set: $damage to 9 + $grenade)(set: $reload to 4)(set: $speed to 4)]
(if: $club is true)[(set: $strength to (($strength + 3) * $club))]
(if: $gun is "Sword")[(set: $damage to 6 + $sword )(set: $reload to 0)(set: $speed to 5)(set: $ammo to 0)]
(if: $gun is "Axe")[(set: $damage to 8 + $axe)(set: $reload to 0)(set: $speed to 3)(set: $ammo to 0)]
(if: $club >= 1)[(set: $strength to ($strength + 4) + $club)]
(if: $stake >= 1)[(set: $strength to $strength + 2)]
(if: $xp >= 100)[Choose a level up in the pause menu!](else-if: $health is < 10)[Your health is low; sleep at a bed to regenerate health.](else-if: $ammo is 0)[You are out of ammo; you will not be able to use your $gun in a fight.]}<big>''Inventory''</big>
<small>Gun: $gun</small>
[[Back ->Backpack]]
(if: $watch >= 1)[Watch x $watch
<small>(link: "Sell - £4")[(set: $watch to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 4)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]
](if: $clock >= 1)[Clock x $clock
<small>(link: "Sell - £7")[(set: $clock to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 7)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]
](if: $hat >= 1)[Hat x $hat
<small>(link: "Sell - £9")[(set: $hat to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 9)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $pillow >= 1)[Pillow x $pillow - Adds 1 Comfort
<small>(link: "Sell - £6")[(set: $pillow to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 6)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $slipper >= 1)[Slipper x $slipper
<small>(link: "Sell - £6")[(set: $slipper to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 6)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $pen >= 1)[Pen x $pen - Necessary To Write Books
<small>(link: "Sell - £4")[(set: $pen to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 4)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $leather >= 1)[Leather x $leather
<small>(link: "Sell - £10")[(set: $leather to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 10)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $salotape >= 1)[Salotape x $salotape
<small>(link: "Sell - £5")[(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 5)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $toiletRoll >= 1)[Toilet Roll x $toiletRoll
<small>(link: "Sell - £5")[(set: $toiletRoll to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 5)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $book >= 1)[Book x $book
<small>(link: "Sell - £5")[(set: $book to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 5)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]
(if: $pen >= 1)[[[Write Book ->Book]]](else:)[You need a pen to write a book.]</small>
](if: $light >= 1)[Lighter x $light - Can Be Used To Start A Campfire & Lets You Partially See In Dark Places
<small>(link: "Sell - £7")[(set: $light to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 7)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $actionFigure >= 1)[Action Figure x $actionFigure
<small>(link: "Sell - £3")[(set: $actionFigure to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 3)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $paper >= 1)[Paper x $paper
<small>(link: "Sell - £4")[(set: $paper to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 4)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $box >= 1)[Box x $box
<small>(link: "Sell - £6")[(set: $box to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 6)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $ruler >= 1)[Ruler x $ruler
<small>(link: "Sell - £1")[(set: $ruler to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 1)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $headphone >= 1)[Headphone x $headphone
<small>(link: "Sell - £7")[(set: $headphone to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 7)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]
(link: "Music")[]</small>
](if: $blanket >= 1)[Blanket x $blanket - Adds 1 Comfort(set: $comfy to it + 1)
<small>(link: "Sell - £10")[(set: $blanket to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 10)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $metal >= 1)[Metal x $metal
<small>(link: "Sell - £8")[(set: $metal to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 8)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $armour >= 1)[Armour x $armour - Decreases Damage Taken
<small>(link: "Sell - £20")[(set: $armour to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 20)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $torch >= 1)[Torch x $torch - Can Be Used To Start A Campfire & Lets You Fully See In Dark Places
<small>(link: "Sell - £15")[(set: $torch to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 15)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $spikeShoe >= 1)[Spiked Shoes x $spikeShoe - Increases Melee Damage
<small>(link: "Sell - £16")[(set: $spikeShoe to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 16)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $parachute >= 1)[Parachute x $parachute - Lets You Survive The Fatal Fall
<small>(link: "Sell - £7")[(set: $parachute to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 7)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $gloves >= 1)[Gloves x $gloves - Decreases Damage Taken
<small>(link: "Sell - £6")[(set: $gloves to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 6)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $fins >= 1)[Fins x $fins - Lets You Swim In The Deadly Stream
<small>(link: "Sell - £2")[(set: $fins to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 2)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $plate >= 1)[Plate x $plate - Makes Food More Useful
<small>(link: "Sell - £5")[(set: $plate to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 5)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $radio >= 1)[Radio x $radio
<small>(link: "Sell - £6")[(set: $radio to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 6)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $helmet >= 1)[Helmet x $helmet - Decreases Damage Taken
<small>(link: "Sell - £7")[(set: $helmet to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 7)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $goggles >= 1)[Goggles x $goggles - Lets You Swim In The Deadly Stream
<small>(link: "Sell - £5")[(set: $goggles to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 5)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $uncHumanMeat >= 1)[Uncooked Human Meat x $uncHumanMeat
<small>(link: "Sell - £10")[(set: $uncHumanMeat to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 10)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $uncCowMeat >= 1)[Uncooked Cow Meat x $uncCowMeat
<small>(link: "Sell - £14")[(set: $uncCowMeat to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 14)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $humanMeat >= 1)[Human Meat x $humanMeat
<small>(link: "Sell - £12")[(set: $humanMeat to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 12)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]
(link: "Eat")[(set: $starvation to it + 3 + (1 * $plate) + $eat)(set: $humanMeat to it - 1)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
](if: $cowMeat >= 1)[Cow Meat x $cowMeat
<small>(link: "Sell - £19")[(set: $cowMeat to it - 1)(set: $money to it + 19)(goto: 'Open Inventory')]
(link: "Eat")[(set: $starvation to it + 5 + (2 * $plate) + $eat)(set: $cowMeat to it - 1)(if: $challenge is 'cow')[(set: $xp to it + 10)(set: $challenge to 0)](goto: 'Open Inventory')]</small>
[[Back ->Backpack]]{(set: $pause to 0)(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)}<big>''Fast Travel''</big>
(if: $home is 0)[](else:)[[[Home ->home]]]
(if: $money >= 5)[(link: "(color: 'orange')[Dead Desert - 1,1]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Dead Desert")]
(if: $abandonedVillage is true)[
(link: "(color: 'black')[Abandoned Village - 5,1]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(set: $opt to 1)(goto: "Abandoned Village")]](else:)[<small>Abandoned Village: 5,1</small>]
(if: $trainwreck is true)[
(link: "(color: 'white')[Trainwreck - 11,1]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Trainwreck")]](else:)[<small>Trainwreck: 11,1</small>]
(if: $factory is true)[
(link: "(color: 'blue')[Shut-Down Vabarnium Factory - 2,3]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: 'Shut-Down Factory')]](else:)[<small>Shut-Down Vabarnium Factory: 2,3</small>]
(if: $prison is true)[
(link: "(color: 'black')[Raided Police Station - 7,2]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Raided Police Station")]](else:)[<small>Raided Police Station: 7,2</small>]
(if: $survivorsCity is true)[
(link: "(color: 'blue')[Survivor's Safety City - 6,3]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Survivors City")]](else:)[<small>Survivor's Safety City: 6,3</small>]
(if: $friendlyCamp is true)[
(link: "(color: 'green')[Friendly Camp - 12,3]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Friendly Camp")]](else:)[<small>Friendly Camp: 12,3</small>]
(if: $motorway is true)[
(link: "(color: 'white')[Unused Motorway - 5,6]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Unused Motorway")]](else:)[<small>Unused Motorway: 5,6</small>]
(if: $city is true)[
(link: "(color: 'black')[Ruined City - 10,7]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Ruined City")]](else:)[<small>Ruined City: 10,7</small>]
(if: $military is true)[
(link: "(color: 'green')[Military Camp - 15,7]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Military Camp")]](else:)[<small>Military Camp: 15,7</small>]
(if: $jail is true)[
(link: "(color: 'black')[(text-style: 'shadow')[Jail - 1,8]]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Jail")]](else:)[<small>Jail: 1,8</small>]
(if: $lighthouse is true)[
(link: "(color: 'red')[Lighthouse - 12,8]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(set: $fastTravel to false)(goto: "Lighthouse")]](else:)[<small>Lighthouse: 12,8</small>]
(if: $fall is true)[(link: "(color: 'black')[(text-style: 'shadow')[Fatal Fall - 16,1]]")[(set: $hydration to it - 5)(set: $starvation to it - 5)(goto: 'Fall')]](else:)[<small>Fatal Fall: 16,1</small>]](else:)[£5 To fast travel to a location.]
(text-color: "black")[(link: "Cancel")[(set: $pause to true)(set: $fastTravel to false)(set: $hydration to it + 5)(set: $starvation to it + 5)(goto: "Backpack")]]
(if: $atHome is true)[(live: 0.1s)[<hr>Health: $health
Hydration: $hydration
Starvation: $starvation
$gun Ammo: $ammo]
Money: £$money</hr>](else-if: $displayHealth is true)[<hr>(color: "green")[(live: 0.1s)[Health: $health]]
(if: $gun is "Sword")[Sword](else-if: $gun is "Axe")[Axe](else:)[$gun Ammo: $ammo</hr>]
Money: £$money](if: $fastTravel is true)[(if: $home is 0)[](else:)[(link: "Home")[(goto: 'home')]]]Searching...
(live: 2s)[{(either: '','','','(set: $money to it + 5)')(either: '(either: "(set: $ammo to it + 1)","(set: $ammo to it + 2)","(set: $ammo to it + 3)","(set: $ammo to it + 4)","(set: $ammo to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $money to it + 1)","(set: $money to it + 2)","(set: $money to it + 3)","(set: $money to it + 4)","(set: $money to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $watch to it + 1)","(set: $watch to it + 2)","(set: $watch to it + 3)","(set: $watch to it + 4)","(set: $watch to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $clock to it + 1)","(set: $clock to it + 2)","(set: $clock to it + 3)","(set: $clock to it + 4)","(set: $clock to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $hat to it + 1)","(set: $hat to it + 2)","(set: $hat to it + 3)","(set: $hat to it + 4)","(set: $hat to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $pillow to it + 1)","(set: $pillow to it + 2)","(set: $pillow to it + 3)","(set: $pillow to it + 4)","(set: $pilllow to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $slipper to it + 1)","(set: $slipper to it + 2)","(set: $slipper to it + 3)","(set: $slipper to it + 4)","(set: $slipper to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $pen to it + 1)","(set: $pen to it + 2)","(set: $pen to it + 3)","(set: $pen to it + 4)","(set: $leather to it + 1)","(set: $pen to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $salotape to it + 2)","(set: $salotape to it + 4)","(set: $salotape to it + 6)","(set: $salotape to it + 8)","(set: $salotape to it + 10)")','(either: "(set: $salotape to it + 2)","(set: $salotape to it + 4)","(set: $salotape to it + 6)","(set: $salotape to it + 8)","(set: $salotape to it + 10)")','(either: "(set: $salotape to it + 2)","(set: $salotape to it + 4)","(set: $salotape to it + 6)","(set: $salotape to it + 8)","(set: $salotape to it + 10)")','(either: "(set: $salotape to it + 2)","(set: $salotape to it + 4)","(set: $salotape to it + 6)","(set: $salotape to it + 8)","(set: $salotape to it + 10)")','(either: "(set: $toiletRoll to it + 1)","(set: $toiletRoll to it + 2)","(set: $toiletRoll to it + 3)","(set: $toiletRoll to it + 4)","(set: $toiletRoll to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $book to it + 1)","(set: $book to it + 2)","(set: $book to it + 3)","(set: $book to it + 4)","(set: $book to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $light to it + 1)","(set: $light to it + 2)","(set: $light to it + 3)","(set: $light to it + 4)","(set: $light to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $actionFigure to it + 1)","(set: $actionFigure to it + 2)","(set: $actionFigure to it + 3)","(set: $actionFigure to it + 4)","(set: $actionFigure to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $paper to it + 1)","(set: $paper to it + 2)","(set: $paper to it + 3)","(set: $paper to it + 4)","(set: $paper to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $box to it + 1)","(set: $box to it + 2)","(set: $box to it + 3)","(set: $box to it + 4)","(set: $box to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $ruler to it + 1)","(set: $ruler to it + 2)","(set: $ruler to it + 3)","(set: $ruler to it + 4)","(set: $ruler to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $headphone to it + 1)","(set: $headphone to it + 2)","(set: $headphone to it + 3)","(set: $headphone to it + 4)","(set: $headphone to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $blanket to it + 1)","(set: $blanket to it + 2)","(set: $blanket to it + 3)","(set: $blanket to it + 4)","(set: $blanket to it + 5)")','(either: "(set: $metal to it + 1)","(set: $metal to it + 2)","(set: $metal to it + 3)","(set: $metal to it + 4)","(set: $metal to it + 5)")')
}(if: $getGun is true)[(either: 'Items found(live: 2s)[(display: "place")]','Items found(live: 2s)[(display: "place")]','Items found(live: 2s)[(display: "place")]','Items found(live: 2s)[(display: "place")]','Items found(live: 2s)[(display: "place")]','(if: $gun is "Crossbow")[(set: $ammo to it + 5)Items found](else:)[Would you like to equip a crossbow?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $gun to "Crossbow")(either: "(set: $ammo to 0)","(set: $ammo to 10)","(set: $ammo to 15)","(set: $ammo to 20)")(display: "place")]
(link: "No")[(display: "place")]]','Would you like to equip a pistol?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $gun to "Pistol")(either: "(set: $ammo to 0)","(set: $ammo to 10)","(set: $ammo to 15)","(set: $ammo to 20)")(display: "place")]
(link: "No")[(if: $place is "Dead Desert")[(goto: "Caravan")](else:)[(display: "place")]]','(if: $gun is "Grenades")[(set: $ammo to it + 5)Items found](else:)[Would you like to equip grenades?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $gun to "Grenades")(either: "(set: $ammo to 0)","(set: $ammo to 1)","(set: $ammo to 2)","(set: $ammo to 3)")(display: "place")]
(link: "No")[(if: $place is "Dead Desert")[(goto: "Caravan")](else:)[(display: "place")]]]','(if: $gun is "Sniper")[(set: $ammo to it + 5)Items found](else:)[Would you like to equip a sniper rifle?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $gun to "Sniper")(either: "(set: $ammo to 4)","(set: $ammo to 1)","(set: $ammo to 2)","(set: $ammo to 3)","(set: $ammo to 1)","(set: $ammo to 2)","(set: $ammo to 5)")(display: "place")]
(link: "No")[(if: $place is "Dead Desert")[(goto: "Caravan")](else:)[(display: "place")]]]','(if: $gun is "Assault Rifle")[(set: $ammo to it + 5)Items found](else:)[Would you like to equip an assault rifle?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $gun to "Assault Rifle")(either: "(set: $ammo to 10)","(set: $ammo to 15)","(set: $ammo to 20)","(set: $ammo to 25)")(display: "place")]
(link: "No")[(if: $place is "Dead Desert")[(goto: "Caravan")](else:)[(display: "place")]]]','(if: $gun is "Submachine Gun")[(set: $ammo to it + 5)Items found](else:)[Would you like to equip a submachine gun?
(link: "Yes")[(set: $gun to "Submachine Gun")(either: "(set: $ammo to 10)","(set: $ammo to 20)","(set: $ammo to 30)","(set: $ammo to 15)","(set: $ammo to 25)")(display: "place")]
(link: "No")[(if: $place is "Dead Desert")[(goto: "Caravan")](else:)[(display: "place")]]]')](else:)[Items found(live: 1s)[(if: $place is "Dead Desert")[(goto: 'Caravan')](else:)[(display: 'place')]]]
(set: $findSomething to false)
(set: $getGun to false)
(set: $xp to $xp + 10)(stop:)]<script>stopAllAudio()</script>''<big>//2091...//</big>''
We'd learned so much[[.]]
Built so much.
Made so many breakthroughs in science.
And then came the [[Brainfeeder...]](if: $DT is false)[(goto: 'Gender')](if: $secret is 0)[(link: "S")[(set: $secret to 1)(goto: 'tutorial')]](else:)[S]urviving in D(if: $secret is 1)[(link: "e")[(set: $secret to 2)(goto: 'tutorial')]](else:)[e]adbrain (if: $secret is 2)[(link: "C")[(set: $secret to 3)(goto: 'tutorial')]](else:)[C]ity is always a st(if: $secret is 3)[(link: "r")[(set: $secret to 4)(goto: 'tutorial')]](else:)[r]uggle, so h(if: $secret is 4)[(link: "e")[(set: $secret to 5)(goto: 'tutorial')]](else:)[e]re's a (if: $secret is 5)[(link: "t")[(goto: 'tutorialSecret')]](else:)[t]utorial! There is no story mode, but the ultimate objective is to escape Deadbrain.
Click 'Move' to move in any direction.
(link: "Move")[[[North ->t2]]
[[South ->t2]]
[[West ->t2]]
[[East ->t2]]]
(set: $hydration to 100)
(set: $starvation to 100)
(set: $health to 50)
(set: $strength to 8)
(set: $xposition to 1)
(set: $yposition to 1)
(set: $harry to false)
(set: $scarlet to false)
(set: $james to false)
(set: $gun to "Pistol")
(set: $displayHealth to true)
(if: $slot is 2)[(save-game:"Slot B")]
(if: $slot is 3)[(save-game:"Slot C")]
(if: $slot is 1)[(save-game:"Slot A")]
(set: $findSomething to true)
(set: $xp to 0)
(set: $taunt to 'Laugh')
(set: $level to 1)
(set: $lten to 1)
(set: $money to 10)}{(set: $place to "Dead Desert")}(set: $xposition to 1)(set: $yposition to 1)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''The Dead Desert''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
(if: $home is "Caravan")[(link: "Caravan")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "home")]](else:)[[[Caravan ->Caravan]]]
[[Go Hunting]](text-color: "black")[{(set: $pause to true)(set: $displayHealth to true)}<big><big>''$name''</big></big>
Level $level <small>XP: $xp/100 </small>
(if: $xp >= 100)[
[[Level Up ->Level Up]]]
(if: $challenge is 0)[[[Random Challenge (25XP) ->Random Challenge]]](else:)[[[Replace Challenge ->Random Challenge]] - (display: "challenge")]
[[Open Inventory]]
[[Fast Travel]]
{(link:"Save Game")[(if: $slot is 1)[
(save-game:"Slot A")](if: $slot is 2)[
(save-game:"Slot B")](else:)[
(save-game:"Slot C")]Game Saved!]}
(link: 'Take Off Headphones')[<script>stopAllAudio()</script>]
[[Quit To Title ->title]]
{(link: "Back")[(set: $pause to 0)(if: $atHome is true)[(goto: 'home')](else:)[(display: "place")]]}]{(set: $displayHealth to false)}''Travelling...''
Position(XY): $xposition,$yposition(live: 3s)[(set: $hydration to $hydration - 3)(set: $starvation to $starvation - 2)(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
Hydration: $hydration
Starvation: $starvation
(if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Dead Desert.
[[Dead Desert]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Abandoned Village.
(link: "Stop")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "Abandoned Village")]](else-if: $xposition is 9 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 1)[You reach an old train track.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 11 and $yposition is 1)[You reach a trainwreck.
[[Stop ->Trainwreck]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 1)[You reach Deadbrain Hills.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 2)[You reach a police station.
[[Stop ->Raided Police Station]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 3)[You reach an old factory.
[[Stop ->Shut-Down Factory]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Survivor's Safety City.
[[Stop ->Survivors City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Friendly Camp.
[[Stop ->Friendly Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 3)[You reach the Safe River.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 4)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop ->Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 3 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 4 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Burning Station.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 7)[You reach the Ruined City.
[[Stop ->Ruined City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 15 and $yposition is 7)[You reach a military camp.
[[Stop ->Military Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 8)[You reach an old jail.
[[Stop ->Jail]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 8)[You reach the old lighthouse.
[[Stop ->Lighthouse]]](else-if: $yposition is <= 9 and $yposition >= 13)[You reach Deadbrain Beach
[[Stop ->Beach]]](else:)[
(link: "Move In A Different Direction")[(link: "North")[(goto: "North")]
(link: "South")[(goto: "South")]
(link: "West")[(goto: "West")]]](if: $opt is 1)[{(set: $displayHealth to true)}(set: $place to "Abandoned Village")(set: $abandonedVillage to true)(set: $xposition to 5)(set: $yposition to 1)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''The Abandoned Village''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
[[James Say]]
[[Scarlett Brown]](if: $home is "Garage")[
[[Garage ->home]]]](else-if: $opt is 2)[The Abandoned Village is attacked!
[[Fight ->setOpponent]]
(link: 'Try To Run')[(either: '(goto: "Dead Desert")','(goto: "Dead Desert")','(goto: "setOpponent")')]]</span>{(set: $place to "nowhere")(set: $displayHealth to true)}<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content">{<big>(if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 1)[<big>''Old Train Station: $xposition,$yposition''</big>](else-if: $xposition is 9 and $yposition is 1)[<big>''The Deadly Stream: $xposition,$yposition''</big>](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 5)[<big>'''Let Down The Walls' Protest''</big>](else:)[<big>''The Middle Of Nowhere: $xposition,$yposition''</big>]</big>}
(if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 3 and $challenge is 'assassin')[[[Fight ->fight]]](else:)[(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
[[Go Hunting]]
(if: $xposition is 9 and $yposition is 1 and $challenge is 'assassin')[[[Swim In The Deadly Stream ->The Deadly Stream]]
(link: "Drink From The Deadly Stream")[(set: $hydration to $hydration - 15)(set: $hydration to it + $drink)(goto: "Stop")]](if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 1)[[[Follow The Train Track ->Train Track]]
[[Trainwreck]]](if: $xposition is 14 and $ypostition is 3)[(link: 'Drink From The Safe River')[(set: $hydration to it + 20)(set: $hydration to it + $drink)(goto: 'Stop')]]
{(if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 6)[[[Harry Jones ->Harry Jones]]](if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 4)[[[Terry ->Terry]]](if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 3)[(link: 'Jon Wolfe')[{(either: "(set: $news to 1)","(set: $news to 2)")}(goto: 'Jon Wolfe')]](if: $xposition is 4 and $yposition is 5)[[[Rupert King ->Rupert King]]](if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 5)[[[Protest ->Protest]]](if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 1)[[[Kathryn Ryder ->Kathryn Rider]]](if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 6)[[[The Burning Station ->The Burning Station]]]}
(either: '(if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 6)[](else:)[(link: "Campfire")[(set: $fire to false)(goto: "Campfire")]]','','[[Traveller]]')
(either: '(link: "Corpse")[(set: $getGun to true)(goto: "look4stuff")]','','','','(link: "Dead Cow")[(set: $uncCowMeat to it + 1)Meat Added]','(link: "Dead Cow")[(set: $uncCowMeat to it + 1)Meat Added]','[[Abandoned House]]','[[Abandoned House]]','[[Sleeping Bag ->Sleep]]')](if: $harry is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hi.' you say. 'My name's $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'I'm Harry.' Harry replies.")(stop:)](set: $harry to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Harry")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Harry")]You enter the caravan.
(if: $home is 0)[(link: "Set As Home")[(set: $opt to 1)(set: $home to "Caravan")(goto: "home")]
(if: $findSomething is true)[(link: "Look For Stuff")[(goto: "look4stuff")]]
[[Leave ->Dead Desert]]](else:)[(goto: "home")]{(set: $displayHealth to false)}Travelling...
Position(XY): $xposition,$yposition(live: 3s)[(set: $hydration to $hydration - 3)(set: $starvation to $starvation - 2)(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "Train Track")]
(if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the end of the track, and the Burning Station...(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Stop')]](else:)[
(link: "Move In A Different Direction")[(link: "North")[(goto: "North")]
(link: "East")[(goto: "East")]
(link: "West")[(goto: "West")]]]{(set: $displayHealth to false)}''Travelling...''
Position(XY): $xposition,$yposition(live: 3s)[(set: $hydration to $hydration - 3)(set: $starvation to $starvation - 2)(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
Hydration: $hydration
Starvation: $starvation
(if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Dead Desert.
[[Dead Desert]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Abandoned Village.
(link: "Stop")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "Abandoned Village")]](else-if: $xposition is 9 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 1)[You reach an old train track.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 11 and $yposition is 1)[You reach a trainwreck.
[[Stop ->Trainwreck]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 1)[You reach Deadbrain Hills.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 2)[You reach a police station.
[[Stop ->Raided Police Station]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 3)[You reach an old factory.
[[Stop ->Shut-Down Factory]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Survivor's Safety City.
[[Stop ->Survivors City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Friendly Camp.
[[Stop ->Friendly Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 3)[You reach the Safe River.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 4)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop ->Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 3 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 4 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Burning Station.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 7)[You reach the Ruined City.
[[Stop ->Ruined City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 15 and $yposition is 7)[You reach a military camp.
[[Stop ->Military Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 8)[You reach an old jail.
[[Stop ->Jail]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 8)[You reach the old lighthouse.
[[Stop ->Lighthouse]]](else-if: $yposition is <= 9 and $yposition >= 13)[You reach Deadbrain Beach
[[Stop ->Beach]]](else:)[
(link: "Move In A Different Direction")[(link: "North")[(goto: "North")]
(link: "South")[(goto: "South")]
(link: "East")[(goto: "East")]]]{(set: $displayHealth to false)}''Travelling...''
Position(XY): $xposition,$yposition(live: 3s)[(set: $hydration to $hydration - 3)(set: $starvation to $starvation - 2)(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")]
Hydration: $hydration
Starvation: $starvation
(if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Dead Desert.
[[Stop ->Dead Desert]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Abandoned Village.
(link: "Stop")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "Abandoned Village")]](else-if: $xposition is 9 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 1)[You reach an old train track.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 11 and $yposition is 1)[You reach a trainwreck.
[[Stop ->Trainwreck]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 1)[You reach Deadbrain Hills.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 2)[You reach a police station.
[[Stop ->Raided Police Station]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 3)[You reach an old factory.
[[Stop ->Shut-Down Factory]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Survivor's Safety City.
[[Stop ->Survivors City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Friendly Camp.
[[Stop ->Friendly Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 3)[You reach the Safe River.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 4)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop ->Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 3 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 4 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Burning Station.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 7)[You reach the Ruined City.
[[Stop ->Ruined City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 15 and $yposition is 7)[You reach a military camp.
[[Stop ->Military Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 8)[You reach an old jail.
[[Stop ->Jail]]](else-if: $xposition is 16 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Fatal Fall.
[[Stop ->Fall]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 8)[You reach the old lighthouse.
[[Stop ->Lighthouse]]](else-if: $yposition is <= 9 and $yposition >= 13)[You reach Deadbrain Beach
[[Stop ->Beach]]](else:)[
(link: "Move In A Different Direction")[(link: "North")[(goto: "North")]
(link: "East")[(goto: "East")]
(link: "West")[(goto: "West")]]]{(set: $displayHealth to false)}''Travelling...''
Position(XY): $xposition,$yposition(live: 3s)[(set: $hydration to $hydration - 3)(set: $starvation to $starvation - 2)(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")]
Hydration: $hydration
Starvation: $starvation
(if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Dead Desert.
[[Dead Desert]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Abandoned Village.
(link: "Stop")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "Abandoned Village")]](else-if: $xposition is 9 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 1)[You reach an old train track.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 11 and $yposition is 1)[You reach a trainwreck.
[[Stop ->Trainwreck]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 1)[You reach Deadbrain Hills.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 2)[You reach a police station.
[[Stop ->Raided Police Station]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 3)[You reach an old factory.
[[Stop ->Shut-Down Factory]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Survivor's Safety City.
[[Stop ->Survivors City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Friendly Camp.
[[Stop ->Friendly Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 3)[You reach the Safe River.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 4)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop ->Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 3 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 4 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Burning Station.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 7)[You reach the Ruined City.
[[Stop ->Ruined City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 15 and $yposition is 7)[You reach a military camp.
[[Stop ->Military Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 8)[You reach an old jail.
[[Stop ->Jail]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 8)[You reach the old lighthouse.
[[Stop ->Lighthouse]]](else-if: $yposition is <= 9 and $yposition >= 13)[You reach Deadbrain Beach
[[Stop ->Beach]]](else:)[
(link: "Move In A Different Direction")[(link: "South")[(goto: "South")]
(link: "East")[(goto: "East")]
(link: "West")[(goto: "West")]]]<big><big>''The Deadly Stream''</big><big>
(link: "Drink The Water")[(set: $hydration to it - 15)(set: $hydration to it + $drink)(goto: 'The Deadly Stream')]
(link: "Swim North")[Swimming...(live: 9s)[(set: $hydration to it - 5 and $starvation to it - 4)(goto: "Survivor's City")]]
(if: $goggles >= 1 and $fins >= 1)[[[Dive Down... ->dive]]]
[[Get Out ->Stop]](if: $writtenBook is 0)[](else:)[[[Book ->readBook]]
](if: $watch >= 1)[[[Time->time]]
(link: 'Change Name')[(set: $name to (prompt: 'Change Name To:'))]
[[Back ->Backpack]]The entire population of the UK was quarantined. No one was allowed in, or out, no matter if they were infected or not, for fear of the Brainfeeder spreading to the rest of world. The UK was unnoficially renamed Deadbrain City.
(link: 'It was a trajedy...')[It was a trajedy...
(link: 'It was an apocalypse...')[It was an apocalypse...
(link: '(live: 1s)[It(stop:)] (live: 2s)[was(stop:)](live: 4s)[.(stop:)](live: 5s)[.(stop:)](live: 6s)[.(stop:)]')[(goto: 'It was')]]]An alternate and extremely more effecient power source than fossil fuels was discovered. It was called Vabarnium. Unfortunately, Vabarnium came with one dark secret - a horrifying disease. It was a disease that once infected, its victims went insane, destroying and killing anything it could, before dying. Luckily, it only started in the UK, and nowhere else, but unluckily, it was spreading. And eventually, a [[tough decision]] had to be made.<big><big><big>''The End''</big></big></big>(live: 2s)[(set: $DT to (confirm: 'Would you like to play the tutorial?'))(goto: 'tutorial')]{(set: $place to "Trainwreck")(set: $trainwreck to true)}(set: $xposition to 11)(set: $yposition to 1)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Trainwreck''</big></big>
(if: $challenge is 'trainwreck')[IT'S A TRAP! You were ambushed!
[[Fight! ->setOpponent]]](else:)[(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
(if: $findSomething is true)[(link: "Look For Stuff In The Train")[(set: $getGun to false)(goto: "look4stuff")]]
(link: 'Goto The Train Track')[(set: $xposition to 10)(goto: 'Stop')]
[[Go Hunting]]]{(if: $haveTap is true)[(set: $hydration to it + 3)](if: $home is "Caravan")[(set: $place to "Dead Desert")](if: $home is "Garage")[(set: $place to "Abandoned Village")](if: $home is "Treehouse")[(set: $place to "nowhere")](if: $home is "Cell")[(set: $place to "Raided Police Station")](if: $home is "Appartement")[(set: $place to "Survivors City")](if: $home is "Tent")[(set: $place to "Friendly Camp")](if: $home is "Building")[(set: $place to "Ruined City")](if: $home is "Cave")[(set: $place to "Beach")](set: $atHome to true)(if: $haveRadio is true)[]}
<span id="content">(if: $opt is 1)[<big><big>''Home: $home''</big></big>
(if: $haveClock is true)[(current-time:)]
(link: "Craft")[[[Craft Items ->Craft]]
[[Upgrade Weapons]]]
[[Cook]](if: $drinkHome >= 40)[
(link: 'Drink')[(set: $hydration to it + 10)(set: $hydration to it + $drink)(set: $drinkHome to 0)(goto: 'home')]]
(link: "Unset As Home(if: $home is 'Garage')[ + £100](if: $home is 'Appartement')[ + £175]")[(set: $home to 0)(set: $haveRadio to false)(set: $haveClock to false)(if: $home is "Caravan")[(goto: "Dead Desert")](else-if: $home is "Garage")[(set: $money to $money + 100)(goto: "Abandoned Village")](else-if: $home is "Treehouse")[(goto: 'Unsafe Forest')](else-if: $home is "Cell")[(goto: 'Raided Police Station')](else-if: $home is "Appartement")[(goto: 'Survivor's City')]]
(link: "Leave")[(set: $atHome to 0)(display: 'leaveHome')]](else:)[(goto: "homeAttack")](if: $james is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hey.' you say. 'My name's $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'Hey.' he replies. 'Nice to meet ya. My names James Say.")(stop:)](set: $james to 1)(live: 5s)[(goto: "Know James")]]](else:)[(goto: 'Know James')](if: $scarlet is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hi.' you say. 'I'm $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'Hey.' she replies. 'I'm Scarlet.'")(stop:)](set: $scarlet to 1)(live: 5s)[(goto: "Know Scarlet")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Scarlet")]<big>''Harry Jones''</big>
(link: "Ammo - £10")[You buy the ammo.(set: $ammo to $ammo + 10)(set: $money to $money - 10)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Harry")]]
(link: "Pillow - £10")[You buy the pillow.(set: $pillow to $pillow + 1)(set: $money to $money - 10)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Harry")]]
(link: "Hat - £5")[You buy the hat.(set: $hat to $hat + 1)(set: $money to $money - 5)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Harry")]]
(link: "Salotape - £8")[You buy the salotape.(set: $salotape to $salotape + 1)(set: $money to $money - 8)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Harry")]]
(link: "Finished")[(goto: "Know Harry")]{(set: $talkHarry to true)}(link: "Talk")[(set: $harry to $harry + 1)You talk.(live: 1s)[(goto: "Know Harry")]]
(link: "Trade")[(goto: "Trade Harry")]
(if: $harry >= 7)[(link: "Use His Campfire")[(alert: '"Sure!"')(live: 1s)[(goto: "Campfire")]]]
[[Back ->Stop]](link: "Talk")[(if: $challenge is 'jamesLetter')[(alert: 'Please take this letter to Jonathon West')(set: $challenge to 'jamesLetter2')(live: 1s)[(goto: 'Know James')]](else:)[You talk.(live: 1s)[(goto: "Know James")]]]
(if: $home is "Garage")[](else:)[(link: "Trade")[(alert: "I gotta garage that I'll sell for 100 pounds.")(link: "Buy")[(set: $home to "Garage")(set: $money to it - 100)(goto: 'home')]]]
[[Back ->Abandoned Village]]You were attacked at home by an infected person!
(link: "Fight")[(goto: "setOpponent")]
(link: "Try To Run")[(either: '(display: "place")','(goto: "setOpponent")')](if: $opponent >= 1)[(if: $turn is 1)[(either: '(set: $hit to 1)','(set: $hit to 2)')(if: $hit is 1)[(if: $gun is "Sword")[You stab your opponent with your sword!](else-if: $gun is "Axe")[You hit your opponent with your axe!](else:)[You shoot your opponent with the $gun!](live: 2s)[(if: $gun is "Sword")[](else-if: $gun is "Axe")[](else:)[(set: $ammo to $ammo - 1)](set: $opponent to $opponent - $damage)(set: $turn to 2)(either: '(goto: "fightShoot")','(goto: "fightFist")')]](else:)[You miss!(live: 2s)[(set: $ammo to $ammo - 1)(set: $turn to 2)(either: '(goto: "fightShoot")','(goto: "fightFist")')]]](else-if: $turn is 2)[(either: '(set: $hit to 1)','(set: $hit to 2)')(if: $hit is 1)[Your opponent shoots you!(live: 2s)[(set: $health to $health - $opponentDamage)(set: $turn to 1)(goto: "fight")]](else:)[Your opponent misses!(live: 2s)[(set: $turn to 1)(goto: "fight")]]]](else:)[{(if: $challenge is 'trainwreck')[(set: $challenge to 0)(set: $money to it + 10)(set: $xp to it + 25)]}You kill your opponent!(set: $money to $money + 50)(set: $xp to $xp + 20)(if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 3)[(if: $challenge is 'assassin')[(set: $challenge to 0)(set: $money to it + 10)(set: $xp to it + 25)]](set: $opt to 1)(set: $uncHumanMeat to it + 1)(if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 3)[(if: $challenge is 'assassin')[(set: $challenge to 0)(set: $money to it + 10)(set: $xp to it + 25)]](set: $kills to it + 1)
(link: "Continue")[(if: $homeAttack is true)[(goto: "home")](else:)[(display: 'place')]]]
(set: $hydration to $hydration - 1)<script>
</script>{(if: $health >= 1)[(either: '(set: $opponentDamage to 1)','(set: $opponentDamage to 2)','(set: $opponentDamage to 3)','(set: $opponentDamage to 4)','(set: $opponentDamage to 5)')
(either: '(set: $opponentReload to 1)','(set: $opponentReload to 2)','(set: $opponentReload to 3)','(set: $opponentReload to 4)','(set: $opponentReload to 5)')
(either: '(set: $opponentSpeed to 1)','(set: $opponentSpeed to 2)','(set: $opponentSpeed to 3)','(set: $opponentSpeed to 4)','(set: $opponentSpeed to 5)')
(either: '(set: $opponentStrength to 2)','(set: $opponentStrength to 3)','(set: $opponentStrength to 4)','(set: $opponentStrength to 5)')
(either: '(set: $opponent to 20)','(set: $opponent to 10)')
(if: $armour >= 1)[(set: $opponentDamage to it - 4)]
(if: $helmet >= 1)[(set: $opponentDamage to it - 2)]
(if: $gloves >= 1)[(set: $opponentDamage to it - 2)]
(if: $speed >= $opponentSpeed)[(set: $turn to 1)(goto: 'fight')](else:)[(set: $turn to 2)(either: '(goto: "fightShoot")','(goto: "fightFist")')]](else:)[(goto: 'dead')]}{(set: $atHome to 0)(set: $fighting to true)(if: $minigame is true)[(goto: 'Extras')]
(if: $place is "Dead Desert")[(goto: "Dead Desert")]
(if: $place is "Abandoned Village")[(goto: "Abandoned Village")]
(if: $place is "Trainwreck")[(goto: "Trainwreck")]
(if: $place is "Raided Police Station")[(goto: 'Raided Police Station')]
(if: $place is "Fatal Fall")[(goto: 'Fall')]
(if: $place is "Factory")[(goto: 'Shut-Down Factory')]
(if: $place is "Survivors City")[(goto: 'Survivors City')]
(if: $place is "Military")[(goto: 'Military Camp')]
(if: $place is "City")[(goto: 'Ruined City')]
(if: $place is "Friendly Camp")[(goto: 'Friendly Camp')]
(if: $place is "Motorway")[(goto: 'Unused Motorway')]
(if: $place is "Lighthouse")[(goto: 'Lighthouse')]
(if: $place is "Beach")[(goto: 'Beach')]
(if: $place is "Jail")[(goto: 'Jail')]
(if: $place is 'cave')[(goto: 'Cave')]
(if: $place is "nowhere")[(goto: "Stop")]}(link: "Talk")[(set: $scarlet to $scarlet + 1)You talk.(live: 1s)[(goto: "Know Scarlet")]]
(link: "Trade")[(goto: "Trade Scarlet")]
[[Back ->Abandoned Village]]<big>''Scarlet Brown''</big>
(link: "Ammo - £10")[You buy the ammo.(set: $ammo to $ammo + 10)(set: $money to $money - 10)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Scarlet")]]
(link: "Sniper Rifle - £300")[You buy the gun.(set: $gun to "Sniper Rifle")(set: $money to $money - 300)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Scarlet")]]
(link: "Helmet - £5")[You buy the helmet.(set: $helmet to $helmet + 1)(set: $money to $money - 10)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Scarlet")]]
(link: 'Water - £10')[You buy a drink of water.(set: $hydration to it + 20)(set: $hydration to it + $drink)(set: $money to it - 10)(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Trade Scarlet')]]
(link: "Finished")[(goto: "Know Scarlet")]{(set: $displayHealth to false)}|header1>[The End]
|header2>[Of Your Life
(live: 3s)[(if: $slot is 1)[(save-game:"Slot A")](if: $slot is 2)[(save-game:"Slot B")](else:)[(save-game:"Slot C")](set: $hydration to it + 50)(set: $starvation to it + 50)(set: $xp to it - 5)(if: $home is 0)[(goto: 'Dead Desert')](else:)[(goto: 'home')]]]{(set: $displayHealth to true)}(either: '(set: $hunt to true)','(set: $cow to true)')(if: $hunt is true)[(set: $hunt to 0)(either: 'You find an infected person!','Someone attacks you!')
(if: $hunter is 0)[Achievement: Hunter!(set: $hunter to true)]
(link: 'Fight!')[(goto: 'setOpponent')]
(link: 'Try To Run Away')[(either: '(display: "place")','(goto: "setOpponent")')]](else-if: $cow is true)[(set: $cow to 0)You find and kill a cow.(set: $uncCowMeat to it + 1)
(link: 'Back')[(goto: 'place')]]{(set: $place to "Raided Police Station")(set: $prison to true)}(set: $xposition to 7)(set: $yposition to 2)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Raided Police Station''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
(if: $findSomething is true)[(link: "Look For Something")[(set: $getGun to true)(goto: 'look4stuff')(set: $ammo to it + 5)]]
[[Cell (With Unlocked Door)]]
[[Note ->Jailnote]]
[[Campfire]]{(set: $place to "Factory")(set: $factory to true)}(set: $xposition to 2)(set: $yposition to 3)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Shut-Down Vabarnium Factory''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
(if: $findSomething is true)[(link: "Look For Stuff")[(set: $getGun to false)(goto: "look4stuff")]]
[[Vabarnium Chunk]]
[[Machine]]{(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)','(set: $opt to 1)')(set: $place to "Survivors City")(set: $survivorsCity to true)}(if: $opt is 1)[(set: $xposition to 6)(set: $yposition to 3)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Survivor's Safety City''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
[[Will's Bar]]
[[Water Shop]]
[[Basketball (5/10 XP) ->Basketball]]
(if: $home is "Appartement")[(link: "Appartement")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "home")]](else:)[(if: $money >= 175)[(link: "Buy Appartement - £175")[(set: $home to "Appartement")(set: $money to it - 175)(goto: 'home')]]]](else:)[Surivor's City is attacked!
[[Fight ->setOpponent]]
(link: 'Try To Run')[(either: '(set: $xposition to 6)(set: $yposition to 2)(goto: "Stop")','(set: $xposition to 6)(set: $yposition to 2)(goto: "Stop")','(goto: "setOpponent")')]]{(set: $place to "Friendly Camp")(set: $friendlyCamp to true)}(set: $xposition to 12)(set: $yposition to 3)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Friendly Camp''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
[[Go Hunting]]
[[Fred Lozochovich]]
[[George Brown]]
[[Martyn Grey]]
(link: 'Campfire')[(set: $fire to true)(goto: 'Campfire')]
(if: $home is "Tent")[(link: "Tent")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "home")]](else:)[(if: $money >= 75)[(link: "Buy Tent - £75")[(set: $home to "Tent")(set: $money to it - 75)(goto: 'home')]]]{(set: $place to "Motorway")(set: $motorway to true)}(set: $xposition to 5)(set: $yposition to 6)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Unused Motorway''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]]
(link: "Follow The Motorway")[(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to 2)(set: $yposition to 6)(goto: 'Stop')]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to 7)(set: $yposition to 6)(goto: 'Stop')]
(either: "(link: 'Search Cars')[(either: '(set: $getGun to true)','','')(goto: 'look4stuff')]","")
(link: 'Corpse')[(set: $getGun to true)(goto: 'look4stuff')]
[[Fix A Car]]
[[Go Hunting]]{(set: $place to "City")(set: $city to true)(if: $alley is true)[(goto: 'Alleway Town')]}(set: $xposition to 10)(set: $yposition to 7)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Ruined City''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
[[Jonathon West]]
[[Hardware Store]]
[[Alleyway Town]]
(link: "Burning Station")[(set: $xposition to 10)(set: $yposition to 6)(goto: 'Stop')]
(if: $home is "Building")[(link: "Building")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "home")]](else:)[[[Bashed Up Building ->Bashed Up Building]]]{(set: $place to "nowhere")}<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content">{<big><big>''The Unsafe Forest''</big></big>}
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
[[Go Hunting]]
(if: $treehouse is true)[(if: $home is "Treehouse")[[[Home ->home]]](else:)[[[Treehouse ->Treehouse]]]](else:)[[[Build A Treehouse ->Build A Treehouse]]]
(either: '(link: "Dead Cow")[(set: $uncCowMeat to it + 1)Meat Added]',''){(set: $place to "Military")(set: $military to true)}(set: $xposition to 12)(set: $yposition to 8)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Military Camp''</big></big>
(if: $protest is 0)[(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
[[Patrick Garfield]]
[[Ross Man]]
[[Alice Blood]]](else:)[(goto: 'fightRoss')]{(set: $place to "Jail")(set: $jail to true)}(set: $xposition to 1)(set: $yposition to 8)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Jail''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
(if: $findSomething is true)[(link: "Search The Prison")[(set: $getGun to true)(goto: 'look4stuff')]]
[[Read Paper]]
[[Campfire]]{(set: $atHome to true)(set: $fighting to true)(if: $hydration <= 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $health to $health - 5)]]
(if: $starvation <= 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $health to $health - 5)]]
(if: $money <= -1)[(goto: 'dead')]}(if: $hit is 1)[(text-style: 'blur')[(color: 'red')[Opponent:]]](else:)[Opponent:] $opponent
(if: $health >= 1)[(if: $opponent >= 1)[(if: $gun is "Sword")[(link: "Sword Them")[(goto: 'fightShoot')]](else-if: $gun is "Axe")[(link: "Axe Them")[(goto: 'fightShoot')]](else:)[(if: $ammo >= 1)[(link: "Shoot Them")[(goto: 'fightShoot')(set: $ammo to $ammo - 1)]
][[Punch Them ->fightFist]]
(link: "Try To Run")[(either: '(display: "place")','(goto: "place")','(goto: "fight")','(goto: "chase")')]](else:)[You kill your opponent!(set: $money to $money + 50)(set: $xp to $xp + 20)
(set: $opt to 1)
(link: "Continue")[(if: $homeAttack is true)[(goto: "home")](else:)[(display: 'place')]]]]](else:)[(goto: 'dead')](if: $opponent >= 1)[(if: $turn is 1)[(either: '(set: $hit to 1)','(set: $hit to 2)','(set: $hit to 3)')(if: $hit is 1)[You hit your opponent!(live: 2s)[(set: $opponent to $opponent - $strength)(set: $turn to 2)(either: '(goto: "fightShoot")','(goto: "fightFist")')]](else-if: $hit is 2)[You try to hit your opponent, but they block!(live: 2s)[(set: $turn to 2)(either: '(goto: "fightShoot")','(goto: "fightFist")')]](else-if: $hit is 3)[You miss!(live: 2s)[(set: $turn to 2)(either: '(goto: "fightFist")','(goto: "fightShoot")')]]](else-if: $turn is 2)[(either: '(set: $hit to 1)','(set: $hit to 2)','(set: $hit to 3)')(if: $hit is 1)[Your opponent hits you!(live: 2s)[(set: $health to $health - $opponentStrength)(set: $turn to 1)(goto: "fight")]](else-if: $hit is 2)[Your opponent tries to hit you, but you block!(live: 2s)[(set: $turn to 1)(goto: "fight")]](else-if: $hit is 3)[Your opponent misses!(live: 2s)[(set: $turn to 1)(goto: "fight")]]]](else-if: $opponent <= 0)[{(if: $challenge is 'trainwreck')[(set: $challenge to 0)(set: $money to it + 10)(set: $xp to it + 25)]}You kill your opponent!(set: $money to $money + 50)(set: $xp to $xp + 20)(set: $uncHumanMeat to it + 1)(if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 3)[(if: $challenge is 'assassin')[(set: $challenge to 0)(set: $money to it + 10)(set: $xp to it + 25)]](set: $opt to 1)(set: $kills to it + 1)
(link: "Continue")[(if: $homeAttack is true)[(set: $opt to 1)(goto: "home")](else:)[(display: 'place')]]]
(set: $hydration to $hydration - 3)
(set: $starvation to $starvation - 2){(set: $place to "Lighthouse")(set: $lighthouse to true)}(set: $xposition to 12)(set: $yposition to 8)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Lighthouse''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
[[Activate The Light]]
[[Go Hunting]]{(set: $place to "Beach")(set: $beach to true)(set: $swim to 0)}(set: $xposition to 12)(set: $yposition to 9)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Beach''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $yposition to $yposition + 1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[(set: $yposition to $yposition - 1)(goto: "South")]
(link: "West")[(set: $xposition to $xposition - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $xposition to $xposition + 1)(goto: "East")]
[[Sleep On Lounger ->Sleep]]
(if: $home is "Cave")[(link: "Cave")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "home")]](else:)[[[Cave ->Cave]]]
[[Go Hunting]]<span id="box">Hydration: (color: "green")[47%]
Starvation: (color: "green")[46%]</span><span id="content">As you wander around, your hydration and starvation (in the box) will deplete. Click stop to stop travelling.
Position(XY): 2,1
[[Stop ->t3]]<span id="box">Hydration: (color: "green")[47%]
Starvation: (color: "green")[46%]
[[Backpack ->t4]]</span><span id="content">Click the backpack (in the box) to open your inventory, and drink the water.
''Campfire''[[Water ->t5]]
''Uncooked Human Meat
Toy Car''<span id="box">Hydration: (color: "green")[50%]
Starvation: (color: "green")[46%]
''Backpack''</span><span id="content">Now that your hydration's back up to 50%, click on 'Campfire' to cook some food.
[[Campfire ->t6]]Add the toy car to get the fire going, then add the food.
(link: "Add Fuel")[(link: "Toy Car")[[[Uncooked Human Meat ->t7]]]]Now eat the food, and you're ready to begin your adventure...
(link: "Add Fuel")[You have no fuel.]
[[Cooked Human Meat ->Gender]]<big><big>''Campfire''</big></big>
(if: $fire is true)[[[Cook Something ->Cook Something]]](else:)[(if: $torch >= 1)[(link: "Fuel With Torch")[(set: $fire to true)(goto: 'Campfire')]
](else-if: $light >= 1)[(link: "Fuel With Lighter")[(set: $fire to true)(goto: 'Campfire')]](else:)[[[Add Fuel ->Add Fuel]]]]
(if: $place is 'Friendly Camp')[[[Leah Smith ->Leah Smith]]
[[Back ->Friendly Camp]]](else-if: $talkKathryn is true)[[[Back ->Know Kathryn]]](else:)[(link: "Back")[(if: $talkHarry is true)[[[Back ->Know Harry]]](else:)[(display: "place")]]](set: $displayHealth to true)(set: $health to 50)
(set: $hydration to 50)
(set: $starvation to 50)
(set: $ammo to 10)
(set: $strength to 5)
(set: $speed to 5)[[Go ->setOpponent]]{(set: $health to 1)(set: $hydration to 1)(set: $starvation to 1)(set: $displayHealth to false)(set: $MUSIX to 0)}
var audio = {};
function stopAllAudio() {
Object.keys(audio).forEach(function (howlId) {
Audio tracks.
audio.songtwo = new Howl({
src : ['https://www.dropbox.com/s/6q7x7s9sj2n5xnq/Non%20spawn%20point.mp3?dl=1'],
html5 : true,
loop : true
audio.akbanan = new Howl({
src : ['https://www.dropbox.com/s/bvufjdbckfpf9sq/AK47Banana.mp3?dl=1'],
html5 : true,
loop : true
audio.piano = new Howl({
src : ['https://www.dropbox.com/s/ggyazkzti5271iu/My%20Song.m4a?dl=1'],
html5 : true,
loop : true
{(set: $atHome to false)}(if: $salotape >= 1)[Possible Crafting:
(if: $leather >= 10)[(link: "Armour (10 Leather)")[(set: $leather to $leather - 10)(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $armour to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[10 Leather To Craft Armour]]
(if: $pen >= 1 and $light is >= 1)[(link: "Torch (1 Pen + 1 Lighter)")[(set: $pen to $pen - 1)(set: $light to $light - 1 and $salotape to it - 1)(set: $torch to $torch + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[1 Pen and 1 Lighter To Craft Torch]]
(if: $pen >= 1 and $slipper >= 1)[(link: "Spiked Shoes (1 Slipper + 1 Pen)")[(set: $pen to it - 1)(set: $slipper to it - 1)(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $spikeShoe to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[1 Pen and 1 Slipper To Craft Spiked Shoes]]
(if: $paper >= 10)[(link: "Book (10 Paper)")[(set: $paper to it - 10)(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $book to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[10 Paper To Craft Book]]
(if: $blanket >= 1 and $leather >= 1)[(link: "Parachute (1 Blanket + 1 Leather)")[(set: $leather to it - 1)(set: $blanket to it - 1)(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $parachute to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[1 Leather and 1 Blanket To Craft Parachute]]
(if: $watch >= 1 and $leather >= 2)[(link: "Gloves (1 Watch + 2 Leather)")[(set: $leather to it - 2)(set: $watch to it - 1)(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $glove to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[1 Watch and 2 Leather To Craft Gloves]]
(if: $slipper >= 2 and $leather >= 4)[(link: "Fins (2 Slippers + 4 Leather)")[(set: $leather to it - 4)(set: $slipper to it - 2)(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $fin to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[4 Leather and 2 Slipper To Craft Fins]]
(if: $clock >= 1 and $toiletRoll >= 1)[(link: "Plate (1 Clock + 1 Toilet Roll)")[(set: $clock to it - 1)(set: $toiletRoll to it - 1 and $salotape to it - 1)(set: $plate to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[1 Clock and 1 Toilet Roll To Craft Plate]]
(if: $headphone >= 1 and $box >= 1)[(link: "Radio (1 Box + 1 Headphone)")[(set: $headphone to it - 1)(set: $box to it - 1)(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $radio to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[1 Box and 1 Headphone To Craft Radio]]
(if: $hat >= 1 and $leather >= 3)[(link: "Helmet (1 Hat + 3 Leather)")[(set: $hat to it - 1)(set: $leather to it - 3)(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $helmet to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[1 Hat and 3 Leather To Craft Helmet]]
(if: $watch >= 2 and $leather >= 1)[(link: "Goggles (2 Watch + 1 Leather)")[(set: $watch to it - 2)(set: $leather to it - 1)(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $goggles to it + 1)(goto: 'Craft')]](else:)[(color: "red")[2 Watch and 1 Leather To Craft Goggles]]
[[Back ->home]]](else:)[(color: "red")[You Need Salotape To Craft Anything.](live: 2s)[[(goto: 'home')]]][[Cancel ->Campfire]]
(if: $watch >= 1)[(link: "Watch x $watch")[(set: $watch to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $clock >= 1)[(link: "Clock x $clock")[(set: $clock to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $hat >= 1)[(link: "Hat x $hat")[(set: $hat to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $pillow >= 1)[(link: "Pillow x $pillow")[(set: $pillow to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $slipper >= 1)[(link: "Slipper x $slipper")[(set: $slipper to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $pen >= 1)[(link: "Pen x $pen")[(set: $pen to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $leather >= 1)[(link: "Leather x $leather")[(set: $leather to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $salotape >= 1)[(link: "Salotape x $salotape")[(set: $salotape to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $toiletRoll >= 1)[(link: "Toilet Roll x $toiletRoll")[(set: $toiletRoll to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $book >= 1)[(link: "Book x $book")[(set: $book to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $light >= 1)[(link: "Lighter x $light")[(set: $light to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $actionFigure >= 1)[(link: "Action Figure x $actionFigure")[(set: $actionFigure to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $paper >= 1)[(link: "Paper x $paper")[(set: $paper to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $box >= 1)[(link: "Box x $box")[(set: $box to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $ruler >= 1)[(link: "Ruler x $ruler")[(set: $watch to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $headphone >= 1)[(link: "Headphones x $headphone")[(set: $watch to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]]
(if: $blanket >= 1)[(link: "Blanket x $blanket")[(set: $blanket to it - 1)(set: $fire to true)(goto: "Campfire")]](if: $uncHumanMeat >= 1)[(link: "Uncooked Human Meat x $uncHumanMeat")[(set: $uncHumanMeat to it - 1)(set: $humanMeat to it + 1)Meat Added(live: 1s)[(goto: 'Cook Something')]]]
(if: $uncCowMeat >= 1)[(link: "Uncooked Cow Meat x $uncCowMeat")[(set: $uncCowMeat to it - 1)(set: $cowMeat to it + 1)Meat Added(live: 1s)[(goto: 'Cook Something')]]]
[[Cancel ->Campfire]]<big><big>''Book''</big></big>
(color: "black")[(link: "Write Book")[(set: $writtenBook to (prompt: "Text (As Long As You Want)"))(alert: 'You can read your book in the Extras menu.')(set: $book to it - 1)(goto: 'Backpack')]
[[Cancel ->Backpack]]]<big><big>''Cook''</big></big>
(if: $uncHumanMeat >= 1)[(link: "Uncooked Human Meat x $uncHumanMeat")[(set: $uncHumanMeat to it - 1)(set: $humanMeat to it + 1)Meat Added(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Cook')]]]
(if: $uncCowMeat >= 1)[(link: "Uncooked Cow Meat x $uncCowMeat")[(set: $uncCowMeat to it - 1)(set: $cowMeat to it + 1)Meat Added(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Cook')]]]
[[Back ->home]](link: "Set As Home")[(set: $home to 'Cell')(goto: 'home')]
[[Leave ->Raided Police Station]]We checked the prison first, to gather supplies such as weapons, before eating and quickly leaving. We are going to set up camp further east, where apparently there's an entire river of completely safe water.
[[Back ->Raided Police Station]] Building...(live: 6)[(set: $treehouse to true)(set: $home to 'Treehouse')(goto: 'home')](link: "Set As Home")[(set: $home to "Treehouse")(goto: 'home')]
(link: "Light On Fire")[(set: $treehouse to false)(set: $burn to true)(set: $place to 'nowhere')(goto: 'Campfire')]
[[Leave ->Unsafe Forest]](if: $terry is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Um, hello.' you say. 'My name's $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'Yeah, I'm Terry.' he replies.")(stop:)](set: $terry to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Terry")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Terry")](if: $lenny is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hi.' you say. 'I'm $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'My name is Lenny Devynchi.' replies Lenny.")(stop:)](set: $lenny to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Lenny")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Lenny")](if: $jon is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hey.' you say. 'I'm $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'My name's Jon.' says Jon.")(stop:)](set: $jon to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Jon")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Jon")]Secret 02(live: 5s)[(goto: 'tutorial')](set: $xp to 10)(if: $rupert is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hello.' you say. 'My name's $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'Pleased to meet you. My name's Rupert King.' Rupert replies.")(stop:)](set: $rupert to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Rupert")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Rupert")]{(set: $name to (prompt: "Create A Name:"))}Tips:
`*`Be careful with your money, because if you end up with a negative amount of money, you die...
`*`There is no story mode, but the ultimate goal is to escape Deadbrain. Even when you do so, you can still continue to play.
`*`There are 5 secrets which you can find, so try to work out where they are. They look like this: ''Secret 01''
`*`You can press Wander to go to a random place without it using hydration or starvation.
`*`If you fast travel, you loose hydration and starvation, but not when you fast travel to your home.
Please Select A Gender:
(link: "Male")[(set: $gender to 1)(set: $noSound to 0)(goto: 'Startplace')]
(link: "Female")[(set: $gender to 2)(set: $noSound to 0)(goto: 'Startplace')]{(set: $atHome to false)}<big>''Decorate:''</big>
You need resources to decorate your house with.
(if: $clock >= 1 and $haveClock is 0)[(link: "Clock")[(set: $haveClock to true)(set: $clock to it - 1)(goto: 'Decorate')]](else-if: $haveClock is true)[(link: "Take Clock")[(set: $haveClock to 0)(set: $clock to it + 1)(goto: 'Decorate')]]
(if: $radio >= 1 and $haveRadio is 0)[(link: "Radio")[(set: $haveRadio to true)(set: $radio to it - 1)(goto: 'Decorate')]](else-if: $haveRadio is true)[(link: "Take Radio")[(set: $radio to it + 1)(set: $haveRadio to 0)(goto: 'Decorate')]]
(if: $metal >= 3)[(if: $haveTap is 0)[(link: 'Tap (3 Metal)')[(set: $haveTap to true)(set: $metal to it - 3)(goto: 'Decorate')](else:)[(link: 'Take Tap')[(set: $metal to it + 3)]]]]
[[Back ->home]]{(set: $place to "Fatal Fall")(set: $fall to true)}(set: $xposition to 16 and $yposition to 1)<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''The Fatal Fall''</big></big>
(link: "Move")[(link: "North")[{(set: $position to $position + 0.1)(goto: "North")}]
(link: "South")[{(set: $position to $position - 0.1)(goto: "South")}]
(link: "West")[(set: $position to $position - 1)(goto: "West")]
(link: "East")[(set: $position to $position + 1)(goto: "East")]
(link: "Jump Down...")[(if: $parachute is 0)[(goto: 'Death')](else:)[(goto: $pit)]]
[[Go Hunting]]
(either: '[[Campfire]]',''){(set: $talkTerry to true)}(if: $drinke is true)[You have a drink.
(set: $money to it - 9)(set: $drinke to false)]
(link: "Get Drunk")[(set: $money to it - 42)(goto: 'drunk')]
(link: "Talk")[(set: $terry to $terry + 1)You talk.(live: 1s)[(goto: "Know Terry")]]
(link: "Trade")[(set: $drinke to (confirm: "'Wanna Drink?' (£9)"))(goto: 'Know Terry')]
(if: $terry >= 2)[[[Gamble ->gamble]]]
[[Back ->Stop]]{(set: $talkRupert to true)}(link: "Talk")[(set: $rupert to $rupert + 1)You talk.(live: 1s)[(goto: "Know Rupert")]]
[[Trade ->Trade Rupert]]
[[Back ->Stop]]{(set: $talkJon to true)}(link: "Talk")[(set: $jon to $jon + 1)(if: $challenge is 'jon')[(set: $challenge to 'jon2')(alert: 'Please take this to Leah Smith.')](else:)[You talk.(live: 1s)[(goto: "Know Jon")]]]
(link: "Read The Newspaper - £7")[(set: $money to it - 7)(goto: 'news')]
(if: $jon >= 7)[[[Be In The News (10XP)->interview]]]
[[Back ->Stop]]{(set: $talkLenny to true)}(link: "Talk")[(set: $lenny to $lenny + 1)You talk.(live: 1s)[(goto: "Know Lenny")]]
(link: "Have A Portrait Painted - £9")[(set: $money to it - 9)(goto: 'paint')]
[[Back ->Stop]]<big>''Rupert King''</big>
(link: "Sword - £40")[You buy the sword.(set: $gun to "Sword")(set: $money to $money - 40)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Rupert")]]
(link: "Axe - £42")[You buy the axe.(set: $gun to "Axe")(set: $money to $money - 42)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Rupert")]]
(link: "Crossbow - £20")[You buy the crossbow.(set: $gun to "Crossbow")(set: $money to $money - 20)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Rupert")]]
(link: "Flintlock - £55")[You buy the flintlock.(set: $gun to "Flintlock - £55")(set: $money to $money - 55)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Rupert")]]
(link: 'Finished')[(goto: 'Know Rupert')]{(set: $displayHealth to 0)}(if: $news is 1)[<big><big><big>''Fire Fight!''</big></big></big>
Recently a massive fire fight at an old village happened; after a gang of infected attacked, the people of the village had to fight for their home!
//'We killed those guys. They didn't stand a chance!'// says James Say, a resident of the village. Also, small businesses have been affected by this not only in one way...
//'I wasted my ammo which is a product that I sell!'// complains angry Scarlett Brown.](if: $news is 2)[<big><big><big>''Military In Deadbrain?''</big></big></big>
Rumors are everywhere about sightings of the military in Deadbrain. If that is true, what are they doing, and why aren't they helping us?
After we spoke to Ian Webb - a man who claimed to see the military - he said this.
//'If the military really are here, then why aren't they helping us?!'// With people thinking that they are here, a protest has began, hoping that the military will hear and 'Let Down The Walls.']
(if: $interview is 0)[
(link: 'Back')[(set: $displayHealth to true)(goto: 'Know Jon')]](else:)['$interview' says $name.
(link: 'Back')[(set: $displayHealth to true)(goto: 'Know Jon')]]{(set: $xp to it + 10)(if: $challenge is 'news')[(set: $xp to it + 10)(set: $challenge to 0)]}(if: $news is 1)[Have you heard about the latest news story? Yes, a village just next to the Dead Desert was attacked, resulting in a massive gun battle. How do you feel about this?
(link: "Answer")[(set: $interview to (prompt: "How Do You Feel About This?"))(alert: 'Brilliant. You will be in the newspaper.')(goto: 'Know Jon')]](else:)[Have you heard about the rumor of the military in Deadbrain? How do you feel about this?
(link: "Answer")[(set: $interview to (prompt: "How Do You Feel About This?"))(alert: 'Brilliant. You will be in the newspaper.')(goto: 'Know Jon')]]<big><big>'''Let Down The Walls!'''</big></big>
(link: "Anne Shey")[(alert: 'Let Down The Walls!')]
(link: "Mark Damian")[(alert: 'Let Down The Walls!')]
(link: "Caroline Stern")[(alert: 'If the military really ARE here in Deadbrain, we need to make sure that they know what we want!')]
(if: $military is true)[(link: "Take Them To The Military Camp")[(set: $protest to true)(goto: 'Military Camp')]]
[[Back ->Stop]](if: $roll is 0)[Which Number Do You Bet The Dice Will Show?
(link: "1")[(set: $bet to 1)(set: $roll to 1)(goto: 'gamble')]
(link: "2")[(set: $bet to 2)(set: $roll to 1)(goto: 'gamble')]
(link: "3")[(set: $bet to 3)(set: $roll to 1)(goto: 'gamble')]
(link: "4")[(set: $bet to 4)(set: $roll to 1)(goto: 'gamble')]
(link: "5")[(set: $bet to 5)(set: $roll to 1)(goto: 'gamble')]
(link: "6")[(set: $bet to 6)(set: $roll to 1)(goto: 'gamble')]](else:)[(set: $dice to (random: 1,6))$dice
(set: $roll to 0)
(if: $dice is $bet)[You won £10!(set: $money to it + 10)(live: 4s)[(if: $talkTerry is true)[(goto: 'Terry')](else-if: $minigame is true)[(goto: 'Extras')](else:)[(display: 'place')]]](else:)[You lost £10!(set: $money to it - 10)(live: 4s)[(if: $talkTerry is true)[(goto: 'Terry')](else-if: $minigame is true)[(goto: 'Extras')](else:)[(display: 'place')]]]](color: "red")[<small>y</small>]ou f<big><big>''E''</big></big>''e''(color: "white")[l] (text-rotate: 35)[u]<small>n</small>st<big>able</big> AS (color: "pink")[y]<big>o</big>u <small><small>sudde</small></small>^^n^^//l//(color: "white")[y] ~~fal~~<big>L</big> (color: "green")[ove^^r...](live: 11s)[(either: '(set: $xposition to 4)','(set: $xposition to 6)','(set: $xposition to 9)','(set: $xposition to 2)','(set: $yposition to 4)','(set: $yposition to 13)','(set: $yposition to 7)')(goto: 'Stop')](if: $infected is 0)[You pick up the blue glowing rock.
(live: 20s)[(set: $infected to true)(goto: 'Vabarnium Chunk')]
[[Back ->Shut-Down Factory]]](else:)[The vabarnium chunk infects you!(live: 2s)[(set: $infected to 0)(goto: 'dead')]](if: $challenge is 'vabarnium')[(set: $xp to it + 10)(set: $challenge to 0)]<big><big>''Will's Bar''</big></big>
(link: "Talk")[(set: $will to it + 1)You Talk(live: 2s)[(goto: "Will's Bar")]]
(link: "One Drink - £8")[(set: $money to it - 8)(goto: "Will's Bar")]
(link: "Get Drunk - £40")[(set: $money to it - 40)(goto: 'drunk')]
(if: $will >= 7)[(link: "Eat Some Crisps")[(set: $starvation to it + 2)(goto: "Will's Bar")]]
[[Leave ->Survivors City]](link: "Water - £10")[(set: $money to it - 20)(set: $hydration to it + 20)(set: $hydration to it + $drink)(goto: 'Fred Lozochovich')]
(if: $river is 0)[(link: 'Question')[You ask where he got the water from.
(live: 2s)[(alert: "There's a river which is completely safe to drink from a bit further East.")(set: $river to true)(goto: 'Fred Lozochovich')]]]
[[Back ->Friendly Camp]](if: $george is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hello.' you say. 'My name's $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'Hey.' George replies. 'My name's George. Want somethin' to drink?'")(stop:)](set: $george to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know George")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know George")](if: $challenge is 'kathrynLetter2')[(alert: 'Thank you very much')(set: $challenge to 0)(set: $xp to it + 25)(set: $money to it + 13)](else:)[(alert: 'Hello there, and welcome to Friendly Camp.')](goto: 'Friendly Camp')(if: $leah is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hey.' you say. 'My name's $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'I'm Leah.' Leah replies.")(stop:)](set: $leah to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Leah")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Leah")](if: $kathryn is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hi.' you say. 'My name's $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'Hey'. Kathryn replies. 'I'm Kathryn Rider.'")(stop:)](set: $kathryn to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Kathryn")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Kathryn")](if: $jonathon is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hi.' you say. 'I'm $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'My name's Jonathon.' Jonathon replies.")(stop:)](set: $jonathon to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Jonathon")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Jonathon")]<big><big>''Hardware Store''</big></big>
(link: 'Sniper Rifle - £10')[(set: $money to it - 10)(set: $gun to "Sniper")(goto: 'Hardware Store')]
(link: "Pistol - £7")[(set: $money to it - 7)(set: $gun to "Pistol")(goto: 'Hardware Store')]
(link: 'Assault Rifle - £9')[(set: $money to it - 9)(set: $gun to 'Assault Rifle')(goto: 'Hardware Store')]
(link: 'Grenades - £5')[(set: $money to it - 5)(set: $gun to 'Grenades')(goto: 'Hardware Store')]
(link: 'Ammo - £4')[(set: $money to it - 4)(set: $ammo to it + 5)(goto: 'Hardware Store')]
(link: 'Club - £2')[(set: $money to it - 2)(set: $club to it + 1)(goto: 'Hardware Store')]
(link: 'Water - £12')[(set: $money to it - 12)(set: $hydration to it + 20)(goto: 'Hardware Store')]
[[Back ->Ruined City]]{(set: $alley to true)}(set: $pizza to "awesooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo")<big><big>''Alleyway Town''</big></big>
[[Alleyway Bar]]
[[Scott Stern]]
(link: 'Leave')[(set: $alley to 0)(goto: 'Ruined City')]<big><big>''Alleyway Bar''</big></big>
[[Drum Kit]]
[[Mary Grace]]
(if: $band is 2)[[[Play In Band ->band]]]
[[Leave ->Alleyway Town]][[Gamble ->gamble]](if: $challenge is 'scottItem')[
(link: 'Talk')[(alert: 'Could you take this to George Brown.')](set: $challenge to 'scottItem2')]
[[Back ->Alleyway Town]]{(set: $atHome to false)}<span id="box"><big>''$gun''</big>
Damage: $damage
<small>Ammo: $ammo</small></span><span id="content"><big><big>''Upgrade $gun''</big></big>
(if: $salotape >= 2 and $metal >= 5)[(link: "Upgrade $gun (2 Salotape + 5 Metal)")[(if: $gun is "Pistol")[(set: $pistol to it + 1)](if: $gun is "Crossbow")[(set: $crossbow to it + 1)](if: $gun is "Sniper Rifle")[(set: $sniper to it + 1)](if: $gun is "Assault Rifle")[(set: $assault to it + 1)](if: $gun is "Submachine Gun")[(set: $submachine to it + 1)](if: $gun is "Grenades")[(set: $grenade to it + 1)](if: $gun is "Flintlock")[(set: $flintlock to it + 1)](if: $gun is "Sword")[(set: $sword to it + 1)](if: $gun is "Axe")[(set: $axe to it + 1)](set: $salotape to it - 2)(set: $metal to it - 5)(goto: 'home')]](else:)[(color: "red")[To Upgrade A Weapon You Need 2 Salotape and 5 Metal]]
[[Back ->home]]</span>{(set: $talkGeorge to true)}(if: $drinke is true)[You have a drink.
(set: $money to it - 9)(set: $drinke to false)]
(link: "Get Drunk - £42")[(set: $money to it - 42)(goto: 'drunk')]
(link: "Talk")[(if: $challenge is 'scottItem2')[(alert: 'Thanks a lot.')(set: $challenge to 0)(set: $xp to it + 25)(set: $money to it + 3)](else:)[You talk.](live: 1s)[(goto: "Know George")]]
(link: "Trade")[(set: $drinke to (confirm: "'Wanna Drink?' (£9)"))(goto: 'Know George')]
[[Back ->Friendly Camp]]{(set: $talkLeah to true)}
(link: "Talk")[(if: $challenge is 'jon2(set: $leah to $leah + 1)You talk.(live: 1s)[(goto: "Know Leah")]]
(if: $leah >= 10 and $band is 1)[(link: "Ask To Join Band")[(set: $band to 2)(set: $bandName to (prompt: 'What will you call the band?'))She joins as a bass guitarist.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Know Leah')]]]
[[Back ->Campfire]](live: 5s)[[[Chris Mainfield ->Chris Manfield]]
][[Stop ->Alleyway Bar]]{(set: $talkMary to true)}(if: $drinke is true)[You have a drink.
(set: $money to it - 11)(set: $drinke to false)]
(link: "Get Drunk")[(set: $money to it - 45)(goto: 'drunk')]
(link: "Trade")[(set: $drinke to (confirm: "'Wanna Buy A Drink?' (£11)"))(goto: 'Mary Grace')]
[[Back ->Alleyway Bar]](link: "Continue")[(set: $band to 1)(goto: 'Alleyway Bar')]
(alert: "'Hey, I sing, and I'm thinkin' about starting a band. If you find a bassist, I'll get the guitarist. See ya.' He says.")Surving
[[Back ->Jail]]{(set: $talkJonathon to true)}(link: "Talk")[(set: $jonathon to $jonathon + 1)(if: $challenge is 'jamesLetter2')[(alert: 'Thank you for the letter.')(set: $jonathon to it + 1)(set: $xp to it + 25)(set: $challenge to 0)(set: $money to it + 10)(live: 1s)[(goto: 'Know Jonathon')]](else:)[You talk.(live: 1s)[(goto: "Know Jonathon")]]]
[[Trade ->Trade Jonathon]]
[[Back ->Ruined City]]<big>''Jonathon West''</big>
(link: "Pistol - £20")[You buy the pistol.(set: $gun to "Pistol")(set: $money to $money - 20)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Jonathon")]]
(link: "Ammo - £15")[You buy the ammo.(set: $ammo to it + 10)(set: $money to $money - 15)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Jonathon")]]
(link: "Club - £10")[You buy the club.(set: $club to it + 1)(set: $money to $money - 10)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Jonathon")]](if: $jonathon >= 10)[''
Josh Gun - £<big>∞</big>'']
(link: 'Finished')[(goto: 'Know Jonathon')]There are buttons.
(link: 'Up')[{(if: $konami is 0)[(set: $konami to 1)](if: $konami is 1)[(set: $konami to 2)](goto: 'Machine')}]
(link: 'Down')[{(if: $konami is 2)[(set: $konami to 3)](if: $konami is 3)[(set: $konami to 4)](goto: 'Machine')}]
(link: 'Left')[{(if: $konami is 4)[(set: $konami to 5)](if: $konami is 6)[(set: $konami to 7)](goto: 'Machine')}]
(link: 'Right')[{(if: $konami is 5)[(set: $konami to 6)](if: $konami is 7)[(set: $konami to 8)](goto: 'Machine')}]
(link: 'A')[{(if: $konami is 9)[(goto: 'Konami Secret')]}]
(link: 'B')[{(if: $konami is 8)[(set: $konami to 9)](goto: 'Machine')}]
[[Back ->Shut-Down Factory]]Secret 03(live: 4s)[(goto: 'Shut-Down Factory')]
{(if: $konamiCode is 0)[Achievement: The Konami Code](set: $konamiCode to true)(set: $xp to it + 10)}{(set: $basketball to true)(set: $starvation to it - 2)(set: $hydration to it - 3)(set: $xp to it + 5)}Playing...
(live: 5s)[(either: 'You win!(set: $xp to it + 5)(if: $challenge is "basketball")[(set: $xp to it + 10)(set: $challenge to 0)]
(if: $slamDunk is 0)[Achievement: Slam Dunk!](set: $slamDunk to true)
[[Continue ->Survivors City]]','You loose.
[[Continue ->Survivors City]]')(stop:)](if: $patrick is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hello.' you say. 'My name is $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'I'm Patrick Garfield.' Patrick replies.")(stop:)](set: $patrick to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Garfield")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Garfield")](if: $ross is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hi.' you say. 'I'm $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'Hey. My name's Ross Man.' Ross replies.")(stop:)](set: $alice to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Ross")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Ross")](if: $alice is 0)[(link: "Introduce Yourself")['Hi.' you say. 'My name's $name.'(live: 2s)[(alert: "'Hey.' Alice replies. 'I'm Alice Blood.'")(stop:)](set: $alice to 1)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Alice")]]](else:)[(goto: "Know Alice")]{(set: $talkPatrick to true)}(link: "Ask About Military")[(alert: "'Our mission is to assist the people of Deadbrain and try to help the United Kingdom.'")(goto: "Know Garfield")]
[[Trade ->Trade Patrick]]
[[Back ->Military Camp]]<big>''Patrick Garfield''</big>
(link: "Pistol - £20")[You buy the pistol.(set: $gun to "Pistol")(set: $money to $money - 20)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Patrick")]]
(link: "Ammo - £10")[You buy the ammo.(set: $ammo to it + 10)(set: $money to $money - 10)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Patrick")]]
(link: "Sniper - £40")[You buy the sniper.(set: $gun to "Sniper")(set: $money to $money - 40)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Patrick")]]
(link: "Assault Rifle - £38")[You buy the assault rifle.(set: $gun to "Assault Rifle")(set: $money to $money - 38)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Patrick")]]
(link: 'Finished')[(goto: 'Know Garfield')]{(set: $talkAlice to true)}(link: "Talk")[(set: $alice to $alice + 1)You Talk(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Alice")]]
[[Trade ->Trade Alice]]
[[Back ->Military Camp]]<big>''Alice Blood''</big>
(link: "Leather - £9")[You buy the leather.(set: $leather to it + 1)(set: $money to $money - 9)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Alice")]]
(link: "Ammo - £10")[You buy the ammo.(set: $ammo to it + 10)(set: $money to $money - 10)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Alice")]]
(link: 'Finished')[(goto: 'Know Alice')]{(set: $talkRoss to true)}(link: "Talk")[(set: $ross to $ross + 1)You Talk(live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Ross")]]
[[Trade ->Trade Ross]]
[[Back ->Military Camp]]<big>''Ross Man''</big>
(link: "Pistol - £15")[You buy the pistol.(set: $gun to "Pistol")(set: $money to $money - 15)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Ross")]]
(link: "Ammo - £10")[You buy the ammo.(set: $ammo to it + 10)(set: $money to $money - 10)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Ross")]]
(link: "Submachine Gun - £25")[You buy the submachine gun.(set: $gun to "Submachine Gun")(set: $money to $money - 25)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Ross")]]
(link: 'Finished')[(goto: 'Know Ross')]You take the protest to the military camp. When you get there, Patrick is furious.
'Everyone, leave now!' he shouts, pulling out a pistol. Suddenly, Anne Shey jumps on Patrick!
He pulls the trigger, and a bullet flies into Anne. And there is war! You find yourself standing in front of Ross.
'C'mon, man. You don't have to do this!'
[[Fight!]]You punch Ross in the nose.
'Please, stop this.' he says, trying not to get the blood from his nose in his mouth.
(link: "Punch Him")[You go to hit him again, but he blocks it.
'I don't wanna do this!'
While you have the chance, you hit him.
(link: 'Block His Punch')[He tries to punch you, but you stop him, and sweep your leg under him to trip him up.
'C'mon, $name, please!'
(link: "Kill Him")[You lift your foot up, and bring it down to smash his head, but he rolls to one side and shoots your kneecap.
'I din't wanna do that!' he says, standing up.
(link: "Threaten Him")[You hold your $gun, pointing it at Ross.
(link: "Kill Ross")[You kill him, then take his pistol and, aiming it at Patrick's head, fire!
[[Continue]]]]]]]Caroline presses a button in Patrick's corpse's suit, and then helps you as well as Mark get to a car. You see up ahead the gigantic walls opening...
Alice Blood fires a sniper rifle, killing Caroline. Mark continues to drive, out of the walls, out of Deadbrain, and into the unknown...
(set: $completion to true)
[[Continue ->By Kieron Rana]]Activating the light, you see a shipwreck in the dark waters...
[[Back ->Lighthouse]]{(set: $dive to 0)}<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content">(if: $swim <= 10)[(link: 'Swim Out')[(set: $swim to it + 1)(goto: 'Water')]](else:)[You are at the wall of Deadbrain.]
(link: "Swim In")[(goto: 'Beach')]
(if: $swim is 5)[[[Shipwreck ->Shipwreck]]]{(set: $dive to true)}<span id="box">Hydration: {(if: $hydration >= 50)[(color: "green")[$hydration]](else-if: $hydration >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$hydration]](else:)[(color: "red")[$hydration]]}
{Starvation: (if: $starvation >= 50)[(color: "green")[$starvation]](else-if: $starvation >= 10)[(color: "yellow")[$starvation]](else:)[(color: "red")[$starvation]]}
[[Backpack]]</span><span id="content"><big><big>''Shipwreck''</big></big>
[[Return To Surface ->Water]]
(if: $findSomething is true)[(link: "Look For Stuff")[(set: $getGun to true)(goto: 'look4stuff')]]
(either: '','','','','(link: "Treasure Chest")[Secret 04]'){(set: $displayHealth to true)}(if: $torch <= 0)[(if: $light <= 0)[(live: 2s)[(set: $health to it - 5)(goto: 'Pit')](text-style: 'shadow')[<big><big>''The Pit...''</big></big>
You are being attacked!
(if: $ammo >= 1)[(link: 'Fire')[]]
(link: 'Punch')[]]](else:)[(text-style: 'shadow')[(color: "orange")[<big><big>''The Pit''</big></big>
There are infected people... EVERYWHERE!
(link: 'Run!')[Running(live: 2s)[(set: $starvation to it - 2)(set: $hydration to it - 3)(live: 10s)[You see footholes in the surface of the cliff.
[[Climb ->Fall]]](stop:)]]]]]](else:)[(color: 'orange')[<big><big>''The Pit''</big></big>
There are infected people... EVERYWHERE!
(link: 'Run!')[Running(live: 2s)[(set: $starvation to it - 2)(set: $hydration to it - 3)(live: 10s)[You see footholes in the surface of the cliff.
[[Climb ->Fall]]](stop:)]]]]{(if: $gender is 1)[(either: '','')](else:)[(either: '','')]}Swimming...
(live: 4s)[You find an underwater cave!(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Underwater Cave')]]{(set: $displayHealth to true)}(if: $torch <= 0)[(if: $light <= 0)[(live: 2s)[(set: $health to it - 5)(goto: 'Cave')](text-style: 'shadow')[<big><big>''The Cave''</big></big>
You are being attacked!
(if: $ammo >= 1)[(link: 'Fire')[]]
(link: 'Punch')[]]](else:)[(text-style: 'shadow')[(color: "orange")[<big><big>''The Cave''</big></big>
There are infected people... EVERYWHERE!
(link: 'Run!')[Running(live: 2s)[(set: $starvation to it - 2)(set: $hydration to it - 3)(live: 10s)[[[Dive Back Down ->dive]]](stop:)]]]]]](else:)[(color: 'orange')[<big><big>''The Cave...''</big></big>
There are infected people... EVERYWHERE!
(link: 'Run!')[Running(live: 2s)[(set: $starvation to it - 2)(set: $hydration to it - 3)(live: 10s)[[[Dive Back Down ->dive]]](stop:)]]]]{(set: $talkKathryn to true)}(link: "Talk")[(if: $challenge is 'kathrynLetter')[(set: $challenge to 'kathrynLetter2')(alert: 'Take this to Martyn Grey.')](else:)[(alert: "If you wanna buy somethin', buy it!")](live: 2s)[(goto: "Know Kathryn")]]
[[Trade ->Trade Kathryn]]
(link: 'Use Campfire - £10')[(set: $money to it - 10)(set: $fire to true)(goto: 'Campfire')]
(link: 'Back')[(set: $talkKathryn to 0)(goto: 'Stop')]<big>''Kathryn Rider''</big>
(link: "Pistol - £40")[You buy the pistol.(set: $gun to "Pistol")(set: $money to $money - 40)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Kathryn")]]
(link: "Axe - £42")[You buy the axe.(set: $gun to "Axe")(set: $money to $money - 42)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Kathryn")]]
(link: "Assault Rifle - £60")[You buy the assault rifle.(set: $gun to "Assault Rifle")(set: $money to $money - 60)(live: 2s)[(goto: "Trade Kathryn")]]
(link: 'Finished')[(goto: 'Know Kathryn')]Secret 05(live: 5s)[(goto: 'newGame')](if: $slamDunk is true)[Slam Dunk!](else:)[???Uknown???]
(if: $konamiCode is true)[The Konami Code](else:)[???Uknown???]
(if: $hunter is true)[Hunter](else:)[???Uknown???]
(if: $completion is true)[Completion](else:)[???Uknown???]
(if: $drummer is true)[Drummer](else:)[???Uknown???]
{(if: $slamDunk is true)[(if: $konamiCode is true)[(if: $hunter is true)[(if: $completion is true)[(if: $drummer is true)[Achivement Champion!]]]]]}
[[Back ->Extras]](link: 'Dead Desert')[In the year 2091, pyramids were coming into fashion all over the world. The biggest one in Europe was built in the UK. However, with no one maintaining it and the infected attacking it, it collapsed, and all the sand it was built out of spread all across Deadbrain.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Abandoned Village')[After the Brainfeeder came, people fled from the abandoned village (called Samington) trying to get to the city, thinking it would be safer there, not realising the damage done.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'The Honest')[A large terrorist organisation during 2091 called The Honest were trying to reveal Vabarnium's dark secret. They attacked a train which was carrying Vabarnium into the city. The terrorists were monsters, even though their intentions were good and stopping the train is the reason for most of the people who are not infected. After UK was quarantined, they saw their chance and destroyed the city. The group has now ended seeing as there is no point in it anymore, but are the main reason of the 'Let Down The Walls' protest.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Raided Police Station')[Obviously, the police station seems like a good idea to go to. Thanks to 'The Honest', police became armed with live ammunition, making their old station a great place to look for supplies!
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Shut-Down Factory')[The old factory would be a good place to live, seeing as it has walls and a roof, but most people are put off by the fact of the Vabarnium chunk which still lies there, waiting for it's next victim to infect...
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Friendly Camp')[Friendly camp was first set up by Mark Land. His brother, Sean Land created Survivor's City. The brothers wanted to make Deadbrain a safer place to be. However, Mark Land was killed by an infected, and left Martyn Grey in charge.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Unused Motorway')[When people found out about the Brainfeeder, they all fled for the walls that were about to close so they could escape the UK before they were trapped. Unfortunately, the military had orders not to let anyone get out, but they coudn't handle all the cars. So they simply bombed the motorway, killing everyone there, and stopping all the cars. There are no functioning cars in Deadbrain, seeing as they were all on that motorway.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: "Survivor's City")[Survivor's city was first set up by Sean Land. His brother, Mark Land created Friendly Camp. The brothers wanted to make Deadbrain a safer place to be.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Jail')[When the UK was about to be quarantined, it was the police versus the military. The police wanted to get everyone - including criminals - out of the UK. That is why the jail and the police station is empty.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Lighthouse')[In 2091, people liked the idea of a privately run lighthouse, and so a lot were built in the UK.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Fatal Fall')[When the military bombed the motorway, one of the missiles accidentaly missed, causing a massive hole in the ground. What lies down there is unknown...
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Vabarnium')[Vabarnium was discovered by Frank Marxwatz. He lived in the UK and didn't know that it would cause Brainfeeder. However when he found out, he said he would not sell it. But his corrupt wife killed him and left no evidence, and started selling Vabarnium before anyone found out about Brainfeeder. Cows, for some reason were immune to Brainfeeder, and could be the cure to it.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Deadly Stream')[The Deadly Stream hides underwater caves, which are home to infected people. The water carries the Brainfeeder disease.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
(link: 'Safe River')[In 2091, a scientist called Mathew Emleys created a chemical that would make any water safe to drink. He tested this with the Safe River (previously called by a different name), just when the Brainfeeder began spreading. His chemical did eventually work, but Mathew died before he knew if it did.
(link: 'Close')[(goto: 'History')]]
[[Back ->Extras]]2016:
Happisburgh is a small village on the beach, but thanks to it being on alluvium - a weak rock - it is being eroded by the sea quickly. Happisburgh is currently the only place with a privately run lighthouse.
[[Back ->History]](live: 5s)[You play in the band!
(if: $drummer is 0)[Achievement: Drummer(set: $drummer to true)](live: 3s)[(goto: 'Alleyway Bar')]](if: $challenge is 'band')[(set: $xp to it + 10)(set: $challenge to 0)]$writtenBook
[[Back ->Extras]]<big><big>''The Burning Station''</big></big>
You can cook any uncooked food you have.
(if: $uncHumanMeat >= 1)[(link: "Uncooked Human Meat x $uncHumanMeat")[(set: $uncHumanMeat to it - 1)(set: $humanMeat to it + 1)Meat Added(live: 2s)[(goto: 'The Burning Station')]]]
(if: $uncCowMeat >= 1)[(link: "Uncooked Cow Meat x $uncCowMeat")[(set: $uncCowMeat to it - 1)(set: $cowMeat to it + 1)Meat Added(live: 2s)[(goto: 'The Burning Station')]]]
[[Cancel ->Stop]](link: 'Set As Home')[(set: $home to 'Building')(set: $abandonedHouse to 0)(goto: 'home')]
[[Look For Stuff ->look4stuff]]
[[Leave ->Ruined City]]{(set: $place to 'cave')}[[Campfire]]
(link: 'Set As Home')[(set: $home to 'Cave')(goto: 'home')](either: "(set: $challenge to 'jamesLetter')James Say wants to speak to you.","(set: $challenge to 'trainwreck')Go to the Trainwreck","(set: $challenge to 'kathrynLetter')Speak with Kathryn Rider","(set: $challenge to 'scottItem')Scott Stern needs you for something.","Kill the person at 5,3(set: $challenge to 'assassin')","(set: $challenge to 'jon')Talk to Jon Wolfe")
[[Continue ->Backpack]](link: 'Places')[''Dead Desert'' - 1,1
''Abandoned Village'' - 5,1
''Trainwreck'' - 11,1
''Raided Police Station'' - 7,2
''Friendly Camp'' - 12,3
''Shut-Down Vabarnium Factory'' - 2,3
''Survivor's Safety City'' - 6,3
''Unused Motorway'' - 5,6
''Ruined City'' - 10,7
''Military Camp'' - 15,7
''Jail'' - 1,8
''Lighthouse'' - 12,8
''Fatal Fall'' - 16,1]
(link: 'People')[''Harry Jones'' - 6,6
''Terry'' - 12,4
''Jon Wolfe'' - 5,3
''Rupert King'' - 4,5
''Kathryn Rider'' - 13,1
'''Let Down The Walls''' - 6,5]
[[Back ->Extras]]Wandering...
(live: 2s)[{(either: '(set: $xposition to 1)','(set: $xposition to 2)','(set: $xposition to 3)','(set: $xposition to 4)','(set: $xposition to 5)','(set: $xposition to 6)','(set: $xposition to 7)','(set: $xposition to 8)','(set: $xposition to 9)','(set: $xposition to 10)','(set: $xposition to 11)','(set: $xposition to 12)','(set: $xposition to 13)','(set: $xposition to 14)','(set: $xposition to 15)','(set: $xposition to 16)')
(either: '(set: $yposition to 1)','(set: $yposition to 2)','(set: $yposition to 3)','(set: $yposition to 4)','(set: $yposition to 5)','(set: $yposition to 6)','(set: $yposition to 7)','(set: $yposition to 8)')
}(if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Dead Desert.
[[Dead Desert]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Abandoned Village.
(link: "Stop")[(either: '(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 1)','(set: $opt to 2)')(goto: "Abandoned Village")]](else-if: $xposition is 9 and $yposition is 1)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 1)[You reach an old train track.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 11 and $yposition is 1)[You reach a trainwreck.
[[Stop ->Trainwreck]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 1)[You reach Deadbrain Hills.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 2)[You reach a police station.
[[Stop ->Raided Police Station]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 3)[You reach an old factory.
[[Stop ->Shut-Down Factory]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Survivor's Safety City.
[[Stop ->Survivors City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 3)[You reach Friendly Camp.
[[Stop ->Friendly Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 3)[You reach the Safe River.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 2 and $yposition is 4)[You reach the Deadly Stream.
[[Stop ->Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 3 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 4 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 5 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 6 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Unused Motorway.
[[Stop ->Unused Motorway]]](else-if: $xposition is 7 and $yposition is 6)[You reach the Burning Station.
[[Stop]]](else-if: $xposition is 10 and $yposition is 7)[You reach the Ruined City.
[[Stop ->Ruined City]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 13 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 14 and $yposition is 7)[You reach Unsafe Forest.
[[Stop ->Unsafe Forest]]](else-if: $xposition is 15 and $yposition is 7)[You reach a military camp.
[[Stop ->Military Camp]]](else-if: $xposition is 1 and $yposition is 9)[You reach an old jail.
[[Stop ->Jail]]](else-if: $xposition is 12 and $yposition is 8)[You reach the old lighthouse.
[[Stop ->Lighthouse]]](else-if: $yposition is <= 9 and $yposition >= 13)[You reach Deadbrain Beach
[[Stop ->Beach]]](else:)[(goto: 'Stop')]]Tips:
`*`Be careful with your money, because if you end up with a negative amount of money, you die...
`*`There is no story mode, but the ultimate goal is to escape Deadbrain. Even when you do so, you can still continue to play.
`*`There are 5 secrets which you can find, so try to work out where they are. They look like this: ''Secret 01''
`*`You can press Wander to go to a random place without it using hydration or starvation.
`*`If you fast travel, you loose hydration and starvation, but not when you fast travel to your home.
[[Back ->Extras]] Kills: $kills
Deaths: $deaths
Time Played (seconds): $time
Strength: $strength(if: $band is 2)[
Band Name: $bandName]
[[Back ->Extras]]{(set: $lten to it + 1)(if: $lten >= 10)[(goto: 'levelten')](set: $hydration to it + 10)(set: $starvation to it + 10)(set: $health to it + 25)}Choose A Skill To Upgrade:
(link: 'Strength
<small>Increases Melee Damage</small>')[(set: $strength to it + 1)(goto: 'Backpack')]
(link: 'Eating
<small>Increases Starvation Gained From Eating</small>')[(set: $eat to it + 3)(goto: 'Backpack')]
(link: 'Drinking
<small>Increases Hydration Gained From Drinking</small>')[(set: $drink to it + 3)(goto: 'Backpack')]
(set: $level to it + 1)
(set: $xp to it - 100)You ran out of money.(set: $money to 10)(live: 3s)[(if: $slot is 1)[(save-game:"Slot A")](if: $slot is 2)[(save-game:"Slot B")](else:)[(save-game:"Slot C")](set: $hydration to it + 50)(set: $starvation to it + 50)(set: $xp to it - 5)(if: $home is 0)[(goto: 'Dead Desert')](else:)[(goto: 'home')]]<big><big>''Water Shop''</big></big>
(link: "Low Quality - £10")[(set: $money to it - 10)(set: $hydration to it + 15)(set: $hydration to it + $drink)(goto: "Water Shop")]
(link: "High Quality - £40")[(set: $money to it - 40)(set: $hydration to it + 50)(set: $hydration to it + $drink)(goto: 'Water Shop')]
[[Leave ->Survivors City]]{(set: $hydration to it + 20)(set: $starvation to it + 20)(set: $health to it + 10)(set: $money to it + 50)(set: $ammo to it + 5)(set: $lten to 0)}<big>''Welcome To Level $level''</big>
Congratulations for reaching Level $level!
+20 Hydration
+20 Starvation
+10 Health
+5 Ammo
(link: 'Continue')[(goto: 'Level Up')](if: $home is "Caravan")[(goto: 'Dead Desert')]
(if: $home is "Garage")[(goto: 'Abandoned Village')]
(if: $home is "Appartement")[(goto: 'Survivors City')]
(if: $home is "Cell")[(goto: 'Raided Police Station')]
(if: $home is "Tent")[(goto: 'Friendly Camp')]
(if: $home is "Building")[(goto: 'Ruined City')]
(if: $home is "Cave")[(goto: 'Beach')]
(if: $home is "Treehouse")[(goto: 'Unsafe Forest')]Double-click this passage to edit it.(set: $health to it + 10)(set: $health to it + $blanket)(set: $health to it + $pillow)(live: 2s)[(if: $atHome is true)[(goto: 'home')](else-if: $abandonedHouse is true)[(goto: 'abandonedHouse')](else:)[(goto: 'place')]]You run, but your opponent chases you!
(set: $hunger to it - 3)(set: $hydration to it - 3)
[[Fight ->fight]]
[[Run More]](if: $ammo >= 1)[
(link: 'Run And Gun')[(either: 'You miss.','You miss.','You kill your opponent.(set: $kills to it + 1)(live: 1s)[(goto: "place")]')(live: 3s)[(goto: 'cchase')](set: $ammo to it - 3)]](either: 'Your opponent stops chasing you.(live: 1s)[(goto: "place")]','(goto: "chase")','(goto: "chase")','(goto: "chase")',){(set: $abandonedHouse to true)(set: $getGun to false)}[[Search The House ->look4stuff]]
(link: 'Drink')[You drink some water.(set: $hydration to it + 5)]
(link: 'Leave')[(set: $abandonedHouse to 0)(goto: 'Stop')](either: '(goto: "look4stuff")','(goto: "abandonedHouse")','It was a trap!
[[Fight ->setOpponent]]')(if: $metal >= 20)[You fix the car! Which direction do you drive in?
(set: $metal to it - 20)(set: $xp to it + 10)
(link: 'North')[(set: $yposition to 10)(set: $breakCar to true)(goto: 'Stop')]
(link: 'South')[(set: $breakCar to true)(goto: 'Abandoned Village')]
(link: 'East')[(set: $xposition to 1)(set: $breakCar to true)(goto: 'Stop')]
(link: 'West')[(set: $xposition to 10)(set: $breakCar to true)(goto: 'Stop')]](else:)[You need 20 metal to fix a car.
(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Unused Motorway')]](set: $metal to 20)
[[Unused Motorway]]
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eMWeQWGla0Y?autoplay=1"></iframe>]
(if: $noise is 2)[<iframe width="0" height="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DhOiEJB7VJ4?autoplay=1"</iframe><big>''Traveller''</big>
(either: '(set: $traveller to 1)','')(if: $traveller is 1)[(either: "(link: 'Ammo - £10')[(set: $ammo to it + 10)(set: $money to it - 10)You buy the ammo.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]","(link: 'Metal - £10')[(set: $metal to it + 4)(set: $money to it - 10)You buy the metal.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]","(link: 'Water - £15')[(set: $hydration to it + 10)(set: $money to it - 15)You buy the water.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]","(link: 'Watch - £3')[(set: $watch to it + 1)(set: $money to it - 3)You buy the watch.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]")
(either: "(link: 'Ammo - £10')[(set: $ammo to it + 10)(set: $money to it - 10)You buy the ammo.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]","(link: 'Metal - £10')[(set: $metal to it + 4)(set: $money to it - 10)You buy the metal.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]","(link: 'Water - £15')[(set: $hydration to it + 10)(set: $money to it - 15)You buy the water.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]","(link: 'Watch - £3')[(set: $watch to it + 1)(set: $money to it - 3)You buy the watch.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]")
(either: "(link: 'Ammo - £10')[(set: $ammo to it + 10)(set: $money to it - 10)You buy the ammo.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]","(link: 'Metal - £10')[(set: $metal to it + 4)(set: $money to it - 10)You buy the metal.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]","(link: 'Water - £15')[(set: $hydration to it + 10)(set: $money to it - 15)You buy the water.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]","(link: 'Watch - £3')[(set: $watch to it + 1)(set: $money to it - 3)You buy the watch.(live: 2s)[(goto: 'Traveller')]]")
(link: 'Finished')[(either: '(goto: "Stop")','(goto: "Stop")','The traveller steals your money!
[[Fight ->setOpponent]]')]](else:)[[[Gamble ->gamble]]
[[Cancel ->Stop]]]Where would you like to begin your adventure?
[[The Dead Desert ->Dead Desert]]
[[The Unsafe Forest ->Unsafe Forest]]
[[The Burning Station]]
(link: 'The Middle Of Nowhere')[(set: $xposition to 10)(set: $yposition to 10)(goto: 'Stop')](if: $challenge is 'jamesLetter')[James Say wants to speak to you](if: $challenge is 'jamesLetter2')[Take James' letter to Jonathon West](if: $challenge is 'trainwreck')[Go to the Trainwreck](if: $challenge is 'kathrynLetter')[Speak with Kathryn Rider](if: $challenge is 'kathrynLetter2')[Take Kathryn's letter to Martyn Grey](if: $challenge is 'scottItem')[Scott Stern needs you for something](if: $challenge is 'scottItem2')[Take Scott's item to George Brown](if: $challenge is 'assassin')[Kill the person at 5,3](if: $challenge is 'jon')[Talk to Jon Wolfe](if: $challenge is 'jon2')[Take Jon's item to Lea Smith.]<script>stopAllAudio()</script>(if: $MUSIX is 0)[(either: '<script>
</script>',)](goto: 'Backpack')Double-click this passage to edit it.I'm... finished? This game has taken me so long! I'm finally finished! Yes!!! If you found this, then you're awesome, so I'm gonna give you a hidden sixth secret!
<big>''(color: 'red')[S](color: 'green')[e](color: 'blue')[c](color: 'yellow')[r](color: 'orange')[e](color: 'purple')[t] <big><big>6</big></big>''</big>
[[Back ->title]]