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<<if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> holds their knife before them, ready to parry!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> holds their knife before them, ready to parry!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> holds their hand before them, ready to parry!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> holds their hand before them, ready to parry!<<endif>>
Where do you want to guard?\n\n[[High|p2 Parry High]]\n[[Middle|p2 Parry Middle]]\n[[Low|p2 Parry Low]]\n
<<if $player eq 1 && $p1Pose eq "ground">><<$p1Name>> rolls away and struggles up off the floor, panting.<<set $p1Pose = "standing">><<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Pose eq "ground">><<$p2Name>> rolls away and struggles up off the floor, panting.<<set $p2Pose = "standing">><<else if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>> leaps back, easily dodging the blade that slices before them.<<else>><<$p2Name>> leaps back, easily dodging the blade that slices before them.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p1Pos += $p1Move>>\n<<else if $player eq 2>>>>\n <<set $p2Pos += $p2Move>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $p1A = "attackLegs">><<display p1Status>>\n\n[[Player 2]]
<<<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> scrambles to pick up the knife on the ground!
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Number(s.slice(0,-2))||0\n}else{if(s.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=="s"){return Number(s.slice(0,-1))*1000||0\n}}}throwError(g,s+" isn't a CSS time unit");return 0}var fl=this.flavour;\nvar tm=cssTimeUnit(f[0]);setTimeout(function timefn(){var done=!revise("revise",m);\nif(!done){setTimeout(timefn,tm)}},tm)}function hoverSetup(m){m.onmouseover=function(){revise("revise",this)\n};m.onmouseout=function(){revise("revert",this)};m=null}function mouseSetup(m){var fl=this.flavour,evt=(window.onmouseenter===null?"onmouseenter":"onmouseover");\nm[evt]=function(){var done=!revise("revise",this);if(done){this[evt]=null\n}};m=null}function linkSetup(m,g,f){var fl=this.flavour,l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(),p=m.parentNode;\nl.className="internalLink replaceLink";p.insertBefore(l,m);l.insertBefore(m,null);\nl.onclick=function(){var p,done=false;if(m&&m.parentNode==this){done=!revise("revise",m);\nscrollWindowTo(m)}if(done){this.parentNode.insertBefore(m,this);\nthis.parentNode.removeChild(this)}};l=null}function visitedSetup(m,g,f){var i,done,shv=state.history[0].variables,os="once seen",d=(m.firstChild&&(this.flavour=="insert"?m.firstChild.nextSibling:m.firstChild).tweecode);\nshv[os]=shv[os]||{};if(d&&!shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)){shv[os][d]=1\n}else{for(i=shv[os][d];i>0&&!done;i--){done=!revise("revise",m,true)\n}if(shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)){shv[os][d]+=1}}}[{name:"insert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"insertion",flavour:"insert",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"later",flavour:"insert",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"replace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousereplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"revision",flavour:"replace",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"keyreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"timedremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mouseremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"removal",flavour:"remove",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"once",flavour:"remove",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"continue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedcontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousecontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"keycontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"cycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"mousecycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"timedcycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"keycycle",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup}].forEach(function(e){e.handler=revisionSpanHandler;\ne.shorthand=(["link","mouse","hover"].indexOf(e.trigger)>-1);\nmacros[e.name]=e;macros["end"+e.name]=nullobj;begintags.push(e.name);\nendtags.push("end"+e.name)});function 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h=state.history[0].variables;\nfor(var i=0;i<c.length;i++){var on=(i==Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]),0));\nvar d=insertElement(null,"span",null,rl+((on)?"En":"Dis")+"abled");\nif(on){h[v]=c[i];l.setAttribute("data-cycle",i)}else{d.style.display="none"\n}insertText(d,c[i]);l.appendChild(d)}l.onclick=function(){reviseAll(b,rname);\nvar t=this.childNodes,u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0,m=t.length,n,lall,i;\nif((end||out)&&u==m-(end?2:1)){if(end){n=this.removeChild(t[u+1]);\nn.className=rl+"End";n.style.display="inline";this.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this)\n}else{this.parentNode.removeChild(this);return}}else{toggleText(t[u]);\nu=(u+1)%m;if(v){h[v]=c[u]}toggleText(t[u]);this.setAttribute("data-cycle",u)\n}lall=document.getElementsByClassName(rl+"_"+rname);for(i=0;i<lall.length;\ni++){updateLink(lall[i])}};disableLink(l);setTimeout(function(){updateLink(l);\nl=null},1)}};macros.mouserevise=macros.hoverrevise={handler:function(a,b,c,d){var 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\n[[Coldswine fight]]\n\n<<revision music>><html><img src="jukebox.png"></html><<loopbgm zZW3e_FlT7Y>><<becomes>><html><img src="jukeboxOff.png"></html><<pausebgm zZW3e_FlT7Y>><<endrevision>>\n\n<<revise music "Music on">><<revert music "Music off">> \n\n<<timedinsert 3s>><html><img src="A.png"><audio autoplay>\n <source src="knifeSlice1.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">\n</audio>\n</html><<endtimedinsert>>
Structure\n\nPlayer 1 puts in their actions\n\nPlayer 2 puts in their actions\n\nScreen combines the two into a single, coherent story about a round, which fades in piece by piece to give tension and anticipation.\n\nRepeat until heart is eaten.
<<set $p2A = "attackLegs">><<display p2Status>>\n\n[[End]]
<<set $p1A = "grapple">><<display p1Status>>\n\n[[Player 2]]
You throw up all over your partner. You are slowed this round.
<<display p2Status>><<set $p2A = "dodge">><<if $p1Legs eq "false">><<else>><<set $p2Move = -1>><<endif>>\n\n[[End]]\n
<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\s\n<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>> grabs <<$p2Name>>'s knife as it flies towards <<$him1>>. In one fluid motion, <<$he1>> hurls it back into <<$p2Name>>'s head.\s\n<<else>><<$p2Name> grabs <<$p1Name>>'s knife as it flies towards <<$him2>>. In one fluid motion, <<$he2>> hurls it back into <<$p1Name>>'s head.<<endif>><<else>>\s\n<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>> deflects <<if $player eq 1>><<$p2Name>>'s blade and buries <<$his1>> knife in <<$his2>> head.\s\n<<else>><<$p2Name>> deflects <<$p1Name>>'s blade and buries <<$his2>> knife in <<$his1>> head.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Head -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else>>\n <<$p1Head -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n <<else if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> shifts their weight and starts to move!
<<if $player eq 1 && $knifeToss eq "true">><<$p1Name>> hurls <<$his1>> knife for <<$p2Name>>'s head! <<else if $player eq 2 && $knifeToss eq "true">><<$p2Name>> hurls <<$his2>> knife for <<$pName>>'s head!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> stabs for the head!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> stabs for the head!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> punches for the head!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> punches for the head!<<endif>>
<<$p1Name>> is<<if $p1Pos eq 5 || $p1Pos eq 1>> up against the wall<<endif>> at position <<$p1Pos>>. <<if $p1Knife eq "ground">><<$p1Name>>'s knife is on the ground at position <<$p1KnifePos>>.<<endif>><<$p2Name>> is<<if $p2Pos eq 5 || $p2Pos eq 1>> up against the wall<<endif>> at position <<$p2Pos>>. <<if $p2Knife eq "ground">><<$p2Name>>'s knife is on the ground at position <<$p2KnifePos>>.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $p1Pos < 5>>[[Move forward|p1 dodge forward]]<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Pos > 1>>[[Move back|p1 dodge back]]<<endif>>
\nHEL:LLLOOO\n\n<<revision music>><<loopbgm zZW3e_FlT7Y>><<becomes>><<pausebgm \nzZW3e_FlT7Y>><<endrevision>><<revise music "Music on">><<revert music "Music off">> \nasdasdsadada
The two blades clash in mid-air! <<if $knifeToss eq "true">>They both clatter to the ground.<<else>><<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> struggle for control...\n\n<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> pushes through and buries their knife in <<if $player eq 2>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>>'s arm!<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2KnifePos = $p2Pos>>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n<<else if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Arms -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<$p1Arms -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n<<endsilently>>
When we lit that first flame in the dark, they saw us, and started walking. They're almost here now. In their left hand is a terrible sound, and in their right hand is a terrible light.\n\nYou tear your gaze away. The ghost image of them is burned into your vision.
<<set $p2A = "grapple">><<display p2Status>>\n\n[[End]]
<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> twists <<if $player eq 2>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>>'s arm around, sending their knife flying. <<if $player eq 2>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> has only their fists now.<<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2KnifePos = $p2Pos>>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n<<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\n[[Player 1]]\n
<<set $p2A = "parryHigh">><<display p2Status>>\n\n[[End]]\n
<<if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> stabs their blade into <<$p2Name>>'s left arm.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> stabs their blade into <<$p1Name>>'s left arm.<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> punches <<$p2Name>> in the arm.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> punches <<$p1Name>> in the arm.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Arms -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else>>\n <<$p1Arms -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n <<if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos -1>>\n <<elseif $p2Pos < $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos +1>>>>\n <<endif>>\n <<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos -1>>\n <<elseif $p2Pos < $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos +1>>>>\n <<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
You see the Ash Giants.\n\n[[Examine the Ash Giants]]
You look around at the inside of Burger Head. You're fighting in a cleared out section of the restaurant floor, barricaded by upended tables. A [[wage slave]] flings out burgers to the hungry crowd that seethes behind them, <<if $fightStarted eq "false">>watching in hushed silence.<<else>>cheering wildly.<<endif>>\n\n[[Throw him out the window]]
<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> deflects <<if $player eq 1>><<$p2Name>>'s blade and buries <<$his1>> knife in <<$his1>> chest.<<else>><<$p1Name>>'s blade and buries <<$his2>> knife in <<$his2>> chest.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Chest -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else>>\n <<$p1Chest -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n <<else if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $player = 1>><<display $p1A>>\n\n<<set $player = 2>><<display $p2A>><<silently>>\n//------------------------------------------Attack Energy\n\n<<$p1Energy -= $p1AttackEnergy>>\n<<$p2Energy -= $p2AttackEnergy>>\n\n//------------------------------------------Attacking the Head\n<<if $p1A eq "attackHead">>\n\n//-------------------------------------------------------------May have to change this when/if characters get different attack ranges\n <<if $knifeToss eq "true" && $p2A eq "attackHead" || "attackChest" || "attackArms" || "attackLegs">>\n <<set $win = "attackTie">>\n <<endif>>\n//Player 1 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackHeadWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "pickUp">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackHeadWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryMiddle">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackHeadWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryLow">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackHeadWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Player 2 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "dodge">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryHigh">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "parryHeadWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Tie - winner is based on Energy\n//Equal energy = tie\n\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead" && $p1AttackEnergy eq $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest" && $p1AttackEnergy eq $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms" && $p1AttackEnergy eq $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs" && $p1AttackEnergy eq $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 1\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead" && $p1AttackEnergy > $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackHeadTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest" && $p1AttackEnergy > $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackHeadTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms" && $p1AttackEnergy > $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackHeadTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs" && $p1AttackEnergy > $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackHeadTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 2\n\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead" && $p1AttackEnergy < $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackHeadTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest" && $p1AttackEnergy < $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackChestTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms" && $p1AttackEnergy < $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackArmsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs" && $p1AttackEnergy < $p2AttackEnergy>><<set $win = "attackLegsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n//------------------------------------------Attacking the Chest\n<<if $p1A eq "attackChest">>\n//Player 1 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackChestWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryHigh">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "attackChestWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryLow">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackChestWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Player 2 won\n <<if $p2A eq "parryMiddle">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win ="parryChestWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "dodge">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Tie - winner is based on Energy\n//Equal energy = tie\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy eq $p2AttackEnergy>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 1\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy > $p2AttackEnergy>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $win = "attackChestTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $win = "attackChestTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $win = "attackChestTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $win = "attackChestTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 2\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy < $p2AttackEnergy>> \n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $win = "attackHeadTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $win = "attackChestTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $win = "attackArmsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $win = "attackLegsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n//------------------------------------------Attacking the Arms\n<<if $p1A eq "attackArms">>\n//Player 1 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackArmsWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryHigh">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "attackArmsWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryLow">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackArmsWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Player 2 won\n <<if $p2A eq "parryMiddle">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win ="parryArmsWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "dodge">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Tie - winner is based on Energy\n//Equal energy = tie\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy eq $p2AttackEnergy>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 1\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy > $p2AttackEnergy>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $win = "attackArmsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $win = "attackArmsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $win = "attackArmsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $win = "attackArmsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 2\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy < $p2AttackEnergy>> \n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $win = "attackHeadTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $win = "attackChestTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $win = "attackArmsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $win = "attackLegsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n//------------------------------------------Attacking the Legs\n<<if $p1A eq "attackLegs" >>\n//Player 1 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackLegsWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryHigh">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "attackLegsWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryMiddle">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="attackLegsWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Player 2 won\n <<if $p2A eq "parryLow">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win ="parryLegsWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "dodge">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Tie - winner is based on Energy\n//Equal energy = tie\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy eq $p2AttackEnergy>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $win = "attackTie">><<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 1\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy > $p2AttackEnergy>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $win = "attackLegsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $win = "attackLegsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $win = "attackLegsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $win = "attackLegsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 1>><<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 2\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy < $p2AttackEnergy>> \n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $win = "attackHeadTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $win = "attackChestTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $win = "attackArmsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $win = "attackLegsTiebreaker">><<set $player = 2>><<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n//------------------------------------------Grappling\n<<if $p1A eq "grapple">>\n//Player 1 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "parryHigh">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "grappleWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryMiddle">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "grappleWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryLow">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="grappleWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Player 2 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackHeadWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackChestWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackArmsWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackLegsWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Tie - winner is based on Energy\n//Equal energy = tie\n\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy eq $p2AttackEnergy>>\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">>\n <<set $win = "grappleTie">>\n <<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 1\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy > $p2AttackEnergy>>\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">>\n <<set $player = 1>>\n <<set $win = "grappleTiebreaker">>\n <<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n//Tiebreaker for player 2\n <<if $p1AttackEnergy < $p2AttackEnergy>> \n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">>\n <<set $player = 2>>\n <<set $win = "grappleTiebreaker">>\n <<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n\n <<if $p2A eq "dodge">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "grappleWin">><<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n//------------------------------------------Dodging\n<<if $p1A eq "dodge">>\n//Player 1 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryHigh">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryMiddle">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryLow">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win ="dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Player 2 won\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "grappleWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Tie: Both actions complete\n <<if $p2A eq "dodge">><<set $win = "dodgeTie">><<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n//------------------------------------------Parrying high\n<<if $p1A eq "parryHigh">>\n//Player 1 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "parryHeadWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Player 2 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackChestWin">><<$p1Chest -= $p2Damage>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackArmsWin">><<$p1Arms -= $p2Damage>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackLegsWin">><<$p1Legs -= $p2Damage>><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "grappleWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "dodge">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Tie: Both actions complete\n <<if $p2A eq "parryHigh">><<set $win = "parryTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryMiddle">><<set $win = "parryTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryLow">><<set $win ="parryTie">><<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n//------------------------------------------Parrying Middle\n<<if $p1A eq "parryMiddle">>\n//Player 1 won\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "parryChestWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "parryArmsWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Player 2 won\n\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackHeadWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackLegsWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "grappleWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "dodge">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Tie: Both actions complete\n <<if $p2A eq "parryHigh">><<set $win = "parryTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryMiddle">><<set $win = "parryTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryLow">><<set $win ="parryTie">><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n//------------------------------------------Parrying Low: DONE\n<<if $p1A eq "parryLow">>\n//Player 1 won\n <<if $p2A eq "attackLegs">><<set $player = 1>><<set $win = "attackLegsWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Player 2 won\n <<if $p2A eq "attackHead">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackHeadWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackChest">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackChestWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "attackArms">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "attackArmsWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "grapple">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "grappleWin">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "dodge">><<set $player = 2>><<set $win = "dodgeWin">><<endif>>\n\n//Tie: Both actions complete\n <<if $p2A eq "parryHigh">><<set $win = "parryTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryMiddle">><<set $win = "parryTie">><<endif>>\n <<if $p2A eq "parryLow">><<set $win ="parryTie">><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n//Setting the name to use - p1's or p2's\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $pName = $p1Name>>\n<<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $pName = $p2Name>>\n<<endif>>\n\n//-------------------------------Bleedout - incrementing\n<<if $p1Bleedout eq "true">>\n <<$p1BleedoutTime -= 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Bleedout eq "true">>\n <<$p2BleedoutTime -= 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\n<<display $win>><<if $gameOver eq "true" || $p1BleedoutTime eq 0 || $p2BleedoutTime eq 0>><<display "Game Over">><<endif>>\n\n<<if $altContinue eq "false">>[[Player 1]]<<endif>>\n\n<<display p1Status>>\n\n<<display p2Status>>\n\nP1 Head <<$p1Head>>\nP1 Chest <<$p1Chest>>\np1 Arms <<$p1Arms>>\np1 Legs <<$p1Legs>>\n\np2 Head <<$p2Head>>\np2 Chest <<$p2Chest>>\np2 Arms <<$p2Arms>>\np2 Legs <<$p2Legs>>\n
You see Persia, Gaul, Byzantium; \n\n[[Look further|Even further out]]
<<set $girlPose = "ground">>\n\n<<if $rope eq "bound">>You shove her. She falls onto the ground. The rope jerks and pulls you over with her. You're writhing in the mud together.\n\n<<set $boyPose eq "ground">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $rope eq "cut">>You shove her. She falls onto the ground before you.\n<<endif>>\n\n\n[[Girl]]\n
<<set $p2A = "attackArms">><<display p2Status>>\n\n[[End]]
<<if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> sinks their blade into <<$p2Name>>'s chest.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> sinks their blade into <<$p1Name>>'s chest.<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> punches <<$p2Name>> in the belly.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> punches <<$p1Name>> in the belly.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Chest -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else>>\n <<$p1Chest -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n <<if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos -1>>\n <<elseif $p2Pos < $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos +1>>>>\n <<endif>>\n <<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos -1>>\n <<elseif $p2Pos < $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos +1>>>>\n <<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $p2A = "parryMiddle">><<display p2Status>>\n\n[[End]]\n
<<silently>>\n\n//======================================Health\n//------------------------Head\n<<if $p1Head eq 4>>\n <<set $p1HeadD = "">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Head eq 3>>\n <<set $p1HeadD = $He1 + "'s got a black eye.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Head eq 2>>\n <<set $p1HeadD = "Blood is running down through "+ $his1 + " eyes.">>\n <<set $p1AR = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Head eq 1>>\n <<set $p1HeadD = $His1 + " head looks like it's been through a tumble-drier. Most of "+ $his1 + " teeth are knocked loose, and " +$his1+ " hair is thick with clotted blood.">>\n <<set $p1AR = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Head eq 0>>\n<<set $gameOver = "true">>\n<<set $player = 2>>\n<<endif>>\n//------------------------Chest\n<<if $p1Chest eq 4>>\n <<set $p1ChestD = "">>\n<<else if $p1Chest eq 3>>\n <<set $p1ChestD = $He1 +"'s wheezing.">>\n<<else if $p1Chest eq 2>>\n <<set $p1ChestD = "Blood is oozing down "+$his1+" thighs from the deep slash running across " +$his1+" belly.">>\n <<set $p1Bleedout = "true">>\n<<else if $p1Chest eq 1>>\n <<set $p1ChestD = $He1+"'s doubled over, nursing "+$his1+" chest. Looks like "+$he1+"'s got a couple of cracked ribs.">>\n <<set $p1Bleedout = "true">>\n<<else if $p1Chest eq 0>>\n<<set $gameOver = "true">>\n<<set $player = 2>>\n<<endif>>\n//------------------------Arms\n<<if $p1Arms eq 4>>\n <<set $p1ArmsD = "">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Arms eq 3>>\n <<set $p1ArmsD = $His1+" left shoulder is purple and swollen.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Arms eq 2>>\n <<set $p1ArmsD = "There's some bad cuts going up "+$his1+" left arm.">>\n <<set $p1energy = 0>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Arms eq 1>>\n <<set $p1ArmsD = $His1+" left arm hangs limp, broken and useless.">>\n <<set $p1energy = 0>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Arms eq 0>>\n<<set $gameOver = "true">>\n<<set $player = 2>>\n<<endif>>\n//------------------------Legs\n<<if $p1Legs eq 4>>\n <<set $p1legsD = "">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Legs eq 3>>\n <<set $p1legsD = $He1+"'s looking a little slower on " +$his1+ " feet.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Legs eq 2>>\n <<set $p1legsD = "There's oozing gashes torn through "+$his1+" thighs.">>\n <<set $p1legs = "false">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Legs eq 1>>\n <<set $p1legsD = $His1+" left leg's broken. "$He1+" slumps on the floor, unable to stand.">>\n <<set $p1legs = "false">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p1Legs eq 0>>\n<<set $gameOver = "true">>\n<<set $player = 2>>\n<<endif>>\n\n//======================================Position, status, equipment\n<<if $p1Pose eq "standing">>\n <<set $p1Pose1 = $He1+" shifts back and forth restlessly.">>\n<<else if $p1Pose eq "ground">>\n <<set $p1Pose1 = $He1+"'s struggling to get up off the ground.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">>\n <<set $p1Pose2 = $His1+" knife waves back and forth.">>\n<<else if $p1Knife eq "ground">>\n <<set $p1Pose2 = $His1+" fists are up. "+$His1+" knife is on the ground.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n//======================================Putting it all together\n\n<<if $p1Head eq 4 && $p1Chest eq 4 && $p1Arms eq 4 && $p1Legs eq 4>>\n <<set $p1Status = $p1Name + " is fighting fit." + " " + $p1Pose1 + " "+ $p1Pose2>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $p1Status = $p1Name + " is looking a little shaky. "+ $p1HeadD + " " + $p1ChestD + " " + $p1ArmsD + " " + $p1legsD + " " + $p1Pose1 + " " + $p1Pose2>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endsilently>><<$p1Status>>\n\n<<$p1Name>> is<<if $p1Pos eq 5 || $p1Pos eq 1>> up against the wall<<endif>> at position <<$p1Pos>>. <<if $p1Knife eq "ground">><<$p1Name>>'s knife is on the ground at position <<$p1KnifePos>>.<<endif>><<if $p1Bleedout eq "true">><<$p1Name>> will bleed out in <<$p1BleedoutTime>> rounds.<<endif>>
try {\n version.extensions['textinput'] = { major:1, minor:0, revision:0 };\n macros['textinput'] = {\n handler: function(place, macroName, params, parser) {\n var v = params[0].replace("$","");\n\n var input= document.createElement('input');\n input.type = "text";\n var d = v+"TextInput";\n\n input.id = d;\n input.addEventListener('keyup', function()\n {\n state.history[0].variables[v] = document.getElementById(d).value;\n });\n place.appendChild(input);\n }, \n };\n } catch(e) {\n throwError(place,"textinput Setup Error: "+e.message); \n }\n
<<if $player eq 1 && $knifeToss eq "true">><<$p1Name>> hurls <<$his1>> knife for <<$p2Name>>'s chest! <<else if $player eq 2 && $knifeToss eq "true">><<$p2Name>> hurls <<$his2>> knife for <<$pName>>'s chest!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> stabs for the chest!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> stabs for the chest!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> punches for the chest!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> punches for the chest!<<endif>>
Your palms are slick with sweat. If you miss an attack you’ll drop your knife.
<<set $p1A = "parryMiddle">><<display p1Status>>\n\n[[Player 2]]\n
The two blades clash in mid-air! <<if $knifeToss eq "true">>They both clatter to the ground.<<else>><<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> struggle for control...\n\n<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> pushes through and buries their knife in <<if $player eq 1>><<$p2Name>><<else>><<$p1Name>><<endif>>'s skull!<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2KnifePos = $p2Pos>>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n<<else if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Head -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<$p1Head -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n<<endsilently>>
<<set $p1A = "attackHead">><<display p1Status>>\n\n[[Player 2]]
<<set $p2A = "pickUp">><<display p2Status>>\n\n[[End]]
<<if $player eq 1 && $p1Pose eq "standing">><<$p1Name>> hurls <<$p2Name>> onto the floor.<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Pose eq "ground">><<$p1Name>> pulls <<$p2Name>> onto the ground with them. They're both struggling on the floor.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Pose eq "standing">><<$p2Name>> hurls <<$p1Name>> onto the floor.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Pose eq "ground">><<$p2Name>> pulls <<$p1Name>> onto the ground with them. They're both struggling on the floor.<<endif>>\n\n[[Player 1]]<<silently>>\n\n//Putting them on the ground.\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p2Pose = "ground">>\n<<else>>\n <<set $p1Pose = "ground">>\n<<endif>> \n\n<<endsilently>>
These things are everywhere. Someone who lived here before us had nothing better to do but throw up giant stone heads all over America. Sinking alien eyes look out at parking lots and corn fields, railyards and rivers, the bottom of landfills and walled-off office courtyards. \n\nSomeone had the bright idea of buying up a bunch of them, hollowing out the insides, and making it into a franchise.
The two blades clash in mid-air! <<if $knifeToss eq "true">>They both clatter to the ground.<<else>><<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> struggle for control...\n\nThey're evenly matched!<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2KnifePos = $p2Pos>>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if ($p1Pos > $p2Pos) && ($p1Pos - $p2Pos > $p2AR) || ($p2Pos > $p1Pos) && ($p2Pos - $p1Pos > $p2AR)>><<set $charging = "true">> <<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> both charge towards each other...<<else>>\n<<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> both grab each other...<<endif>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> overpowers <<if $player eq 1>><<$p2Name>><<else>><<$p1Name>><<endif>>!\n\n[[Disarm]]\n[[Throw]]<<silently>>\n\n<<if $charging eq "true">>\n <<if $p1Pos > $p2Pos>>\n <<set $p1Pos = ($p1Pos - $p2Pos)/2)+$p2Pos>> \n <<set $p2Pos = ($p1Pos - $p2Pos)/2)+$p2Pos>> \n <<else if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1Pos = ($p1Pos - $p1Pos)/2)+$p1Pos>> \n <<set $p2Pos = ($p2Pos - $p1Pos)/2)+$p1Pos>> \n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $charging = "false">>\n<<set $altContinue = "true">>\n<<endsilently>>
Player 1: <<textinput $p1Name>> <<cyclinglink $p1PN "He" "She">>\n\nPlayer 2: <<textinput $p2Name>> <<cyclinglink $p2PN "He" "She">>\n\n[[Player 1]]\n
<<silently>>\n\n//Massive d30 table: What is happening to me?\n\n<<set $x = 2>>//(Math.floor(Math.random()*(30))+1)>>\n<<set $text = "Nothing">>\n\n<<if $x eq 1>>\n <<set $text = "Poison! Your current HP is halved">>\n <<set $boyHP = ($boyHP/2)>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 2>>\n <<set $text = "Save or be Paralyzed this round">>\n <<if (Math.floor(Math.random()*(20))+1) lte 16>>\n <<set $paralyzed = "true">>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 3>>\n <<set $text = "Your palms are slick with sweat. If you miss an attack you’ll drop your knife.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 4>>\n <<set $text = "You throw up all over your partner. You are slowed this round.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 5>>\n <<set $text = "You’ve got the shakes. +4 critical fail chance.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 6>>\n <<set $text = "Shit! Shit! One of these sick fucks put a snake in the handle of your knife!">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 7>>\n <<set $text = "Save or be overwhelmed by Fear. ">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 8>>\n <<set $text = "Whoever was holding the torch just dropped it. You’re both blind.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 9>>\n <<set $text = "Someone just threw something at the back of your head. d4 damage if it hits.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 10>>\n <<set $text = "You can’t stop crying.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 11>>\n <<set $text = "The other outcasts are pissing all over you two. If you stand in it, save or slip over. ">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 12>>\n <<set $text = "The crowd around you has dissolved into an orgy and/or bloodbath. You have to fight through piles of writhing, slippery bodies. ">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 13>>\n <<set $text = "You look into your partners eyes. Both of you are caught up in a frozen moment of intense, sick arousal. The crowd sees it, knows, and roars approval. ">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 14>>\n <<set $text = "The crowd pulses and pushes you towards your partner, cheering. They get a free extra attack at -2.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 15>>\n <<set $text = "Shadowy figures cluster around inside the circle, giving you advice: Everyone you’ve ever let down">>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $x eq 16>>\n <<set $text = "Shadowy figures cluster around inside the circle, giving you advice: Every dead thing you’ve ever known.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 17>>\n <<set $text = "Shadowy figures cluster around inside the circle, giving you advice: Crooked and vague shapes. You see a deer, but its neck extends into a red hand with an eye in the middle. You see a giant mother boar with six human faces dripping from its teats.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 18>>\n <<set $text = "Shadowy figures cluster around inside the circle, giving you advice: Lovers and friends - but their eyes are wrong, and their advice is horrifying. ">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 19>>\n <<set $text = "The stars are pulsating and ripping into something giant and multicoloured that’s turning to look down at the fight. Whenever you see the sky, save or be hypnotized by it.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 20>>\n <<set $text = "A vision of the future unfolds around you. It’s incredibly important - pity you’re distracted. ">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 21>>\n <<set $text = "You suddenly feel like your head is whirling a thousand miles above your feet. Intense disorientation and vertigo gives -2 to hit this turn.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 22>>\n <<set $text = "All the blood and mud you’re standing in is swirling together into churning red waves, first waist-deep, then neck-deep. If this keeps going you’ll drown.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 23>>\n <<set $text = "The world spins. You swap bodies with the other outcast.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 24>>\n <<set $text = "The ground lurches, and both of you are suddenly in freefall through a vast chasm. The crowd’s cries grow faint. Something enormous and terrible slithers at the bottom. ">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 25>>\n <<set $text = "You feel a horrifying joy. You can’t stop laughing. Your opponent must make a morale check or spend their turn trying to flee.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 26>>\n <<set $text = "Bezerk: You attack twice this round at random.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 27>>\n <<set $text = "Desperation. +4 to critical hit chance.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 28>>\n <<set $text = "Sudden clarity. +2 to all rolls this turn.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 29>>\n <<set $text = "Hyperactive speed. +2 AC. ">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $x eq 30>>\n <<set $text = "Crazed, frothing strength. Double damage.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endsilently>><html><img src="Boy.png"></html>\n\n<<print $text>>\n\n<<print $X>>\n\n<<if $paralyzed eq "true">>You suddenly falter and stand, stock-still, paralyzed. You struggle to move your limbs.\n\n
Where do you want to attack?\n<<if ($p1Pos > $p2Pos) && ($p1Pos - $p2Pos > $p2AR) || ($p2Pos > $p1Pos) && ($p2Pos - $p1Pos > $p2AR)>> You're too far away to stab <<$p2Name>>: you'll have to throw a knife.<<if $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<set $knifeToss = "true">><<else>>\nUnfortunately, you don't have one.<<set $p1CanAttack = "false">><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $p1CanAttack eq "true">><<if $p1Pose eq "standing" || ($p2Pose eq "ground" && $p1Pose eq "ground")>>[[Head|p1 Attack Head]]\n[[Chest|p1 Attack Chest]]\n[[Arms|p1 Attack arms]]<<endif>>\n[[Legs|p1 Attack legs]]<<endif>>\n\n
Where do you want to guard?\n\n[[High|p1 Parry High]]\n[[Middle|p1 Parry Middle]]\n[[Low|p1 Parry Low]]\n
Jack McNamee
You see a lady made of crows. \n\n[[Look further|Further out]]
try {\n version.extensions['keyPressMacro'] = { \n major:1, minor:0, revision:0 \n };\n macros['keyPress'] = {\n handler: function(place, keyPress, params, parser) {\n onkeypress(e)\n {\n new wikifier (place, "Hello World!")\n }\n },\n init: function() { },\n };\n} catch(e) {\n throwError(place,"keyPress Setup Error: "+e.message); \n}\n
<<set $p1A = "dodge">><<display p1Status>><<if $p1Legs eq "false">><<else>><<set $p1Move = 1>><<endif>>\n\n[[Player 2]]\n
<<if $player eq 1 && $knifeToss eq "true">><<$p1Name>>'s knife flies through the air and slices off <<$p2Name>>'s ear!<<else if $player eq 2 && $knifeToss eq "true">><$p2Name>>'s knife flies through the air and slices off <<$p1Name>>'s ear!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> slices their blade across <<$p2Name>>'s face.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> slices their blade across <<$p1Name>>'s face.<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> cracks <<$p2Name>> across the jaw with their fist.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> cracks <<$p1Name>> across the jaw with their fist.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Head -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<$p1Head -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n <<if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos -1>>\n <<elseif $p2Pos < $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos +1>>>>\n <<endif>>\n <<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos -1>>\n <<elseif $p2Pos < $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos +1>>>>\n <<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endsilently>>\n\n\n
He flies through the window, smashing glass all over his body and the parking lot. You leap out after him.\n\n[[Look around |Outside Burger Head]]
<html><img src="http://oi44.tinypic.com/300y641.jpg"></html>\n<html><img src="under.png"></html>\n\n<html>\n<element onkeypress=new wikifier (place, "Hello world!">\n</html>\n\n[[Start|Coldswine fight]]<<silently>>\n\n\n\n//----------Player names + pronouns - default\n<<set $p1Name = "John">>\n<<set $p2Name = "Jane">>\n//either name, depending on circumstances.\n<<set $pName = "John-Jane">>\n\n<<set $p1PN = "He">>\n<<set $p2PN = "She">>\n\n//=========Energy\n<<set $p1Energy = 5>>\n<<set $p2Energy = 5>>\n<<set $p1AttackEnergy = 0>>\n<<set $p2AttackEnergy = 0>>\n\n//=========Damage\n<<set $p1Damage = 2>>\n<<set $p2Damage = 2>>\n\n//=========Health\n<<set $p1Head = 4>>\n<<set $p1Chest = 4>>\n<<set $p1Arms = 4>>\n<<set $p1Legs = 4>>\n\n<<set $p2Head = 4>>\n<<set $p2Chest = 4>>\n<<set $p2Arms = 4>>\n<<set $p2Legs = 4>>\n\n//Description\n<<set $p1HeadD = "">>\n<<set $p1ChestD = "">>\n<<set $p1ArmsD = "">>\n<<set $p1LegsD = "">>\n\n<<set $p2HeadD = "">>\n<<set $p2ChestD = "">>\n<<set $p2ArmsD = "">>\n<<set $p2LegsD = "">>\n\n<<set $p1Status = $p1Name + " is doing fine.">>\n<<set $p2Status = $p2Name + " is doing fine.">>\n\n//==========Status: Location of knife, poses, etc\n<<set $p1Knife = "p1Hand">>\n<<set $p2Knife = "p2Hand">>\n//When a knife has fallen on the ground, this tracks where it fell.\n<<set $p1KnifePos = 0>>\n<<set $p2KnifePos = 0>>\n//standing, ground\n<<set $p1Pose = "standing">>\n<<set $p2Pose = "standing">>\n//Position\n<<set $p1Pos = 3>>\n<<set $p2Pos = 3>>\n//Movement\n<<set $p1Move = 0>>\n<<set $p2Move = 0>>\n//Can they move?\n<<set $p1legs = "true">>\n<<set $p2legs = "true">>\n//Attack Range\n<<set $p1AR = 1>>\n<<set $p2AR = 1>>\n//Knife thrown, instead of attacked with as normal?\n<<set $knifeToss = "false">>\n//Can they attack?\n<<set $p1CanAttack = "true">>\n<<set $p2CanAttack = "true">>\n//Are they bleeding out?\n<<set $p1Bleedout = "false">>\n<<set $p1BleedoutTime = 4>>\n<<set $p2Bleedout = "false">>\n<<set $p2BleedoutTime = 4>>\n\n<<set $p1Status = <<$p1Name + " is doing fine.">>\n<<set $p2Status = <<$p2Name + " is doing fine.">>\n\n//==========Which action they've chosen each round\n<<set $p1A = "nothing">>\n<<set $p2A = "nothing">>\n\n//---------Charging - used in GrappleWin\n<<set $charging = "false">>\n\n//----------Active Player\n<<set $player = 0>>\n\n\n\n//----------If there's a continue other than the normal Player 1 etc\n<<set $altContinue = "false">>\n\n//If the game's over, and who won.\n<<set $gameOver = "false">>\n<<set $player = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\n
<<if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> holds their knife high, ready to parry!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> holds their knife high, ready to parry!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> holds their hand high, ready to parry!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> holds their hand high, ready to parry!<<endif>>
The two blades clash in mid-air! <<if $knifeToss eq "true">>They both clatter to the ground.<<else>><<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> struggle for control...\n\n<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> pushes through and buries their knife in <<if $player eq 2>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>>'s leg!<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2KnifePos = $p2Pos>>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n<<else if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Legs -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<$p1Legs -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n<<endsilently>>
<<display p2Status>><<set $p2A = "dodge">><<if $p1Legs eq "false">><<else>><<set $p2Move = 1>><<endif>>\n\n[[End]]
<<if $player eq 1 && $knifeToss eq "true">><<$p1Name>> hurls <<$his1>> knife for <<$p2Name>>'s leg! <<else if $player eq 2 && $knifeToss eq "true">><<$p2Name>> hurls <<$his2>> knife for <<$pName>>'s leg!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> stabs for the leg!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> stabs for the leg!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> punches for the leg!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> punches for the leg!<<endif>>
Save or be paralyzed this round.
html {\n width: 100%;\n\n /* Fallback colour */\n background-color: White;\n\n /* Vertical centering */\n height: 100%;\n display: table;\n}\nbody {\n /* Remove default styles */\n font-size: 100%;\n background-color: transparent;\n margin: 0;\n\n /* Vertical centering */\n height:100%;\n display:table-cell;\n vertical-align: middle;\n\n}\n#passages {\n border-left: 0px;\n margin: 0;\n /* Keep a gap at the top and bottom of the page,\n when the text is longer than the window's height. */\n padding: 5% 0;\n}\n\n.passage {\n /* Passage width */\n width: 60%;\n /* Horizontal centering */\n margin: 0 auto;\n\n /* Text formatting */\n color: black;\n font-size: 100%;\n text-align:center;\n}\n\n/* No sidebar */\n#sidebar {\n display:none;\n}\n\n/* Links */\na.internalLink, a.externalLink {\n color: cornflowerblue;\n}\na.internalLink:hover, a.externalLink:hover {\n color: lightskyblue;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n\n/* Shrink the page when viewed on devices with a low screen width */\n@media screen and (max-width: 960px) {\n .passage { font-size: 90%; width: 70%; }\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 840px) {\n .passage { font-size: 87.5%; width: 80%; }\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 720px) {\n .passage { font-size: 75%; width: 90%; }\n}\n\n
<<if $player eq 1 && $knifeToss eq "true">><<$p1Name>> hurls <<$his1>> knife for <<$p2Name>>'s arm! <<else if $player eq 2 && $knifeToss eq "true">><<$p2Name>> hurls <<$his2>> knife for <<$pName>>'s arm!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> stabs for the arm!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> stabs for the arm!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> punches for the arm!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> punches for the arm!<<endif>>
<<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> both flip away.<<set $p1Pos += $p1Move>><<set $p2Pos += $p2Move>>
<<$p1Name>> is<<if $p1Pos eq 5 || $p1Pos eq 1>> up against the wall<<endif>> at position <<$p1Pos>>. <<if $p1Knife eq "ground">><<$p1Name>>'s knife is on the ground at position <<$p1KnifePos>>.<<endif>><<$p2Name>> is<<if $p2Pos eq 5 || $p2Pos eq 1>> up against the wall<<endif>> at position <<$p2Pos>>. <<if $p2Knife eq "ground">><<$p2Name>>'s knife is on the ground at position <<$p2KnifePos>>.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $p2Pos < 5>>[[Move forward|p2 dodge forward]]<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Pos > 1>>[[Move back|p2 dodge back]]<<endif>>
<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> deflects <<if $player eq 1>><<$p2Name>>'s blade and buries <<$his1>> knife in <<$his1>> arm.<<else>><<$p1Name>>'s blade and buries <<$his2>> knife in <<$his2>> arm.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Arms -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else>>\n <<$p1Arms -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n <<else if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $p1A = "parryLow">><<display p1Status>>\n\n[[Player 2]]\n
\ny'all dead! You died! Game over!\n\n<<set $altContinue = "true">>[[Restart|Start]]
<<set $p1A = "attackArms">><<display p1Status>>\n\n[[Player 2]]
<<set $p2A = "attackHead">><<display p2Status>>\n\n[[End]]
Where do you want to attack?\n<<if ($p1Pos > $p2Pos) && ($p1Pos - $p2Pos > $p2AR) || ($p2Pos > $p1Pos) && ($p2Pos - $p1Pos > $p2AR)>> You're too far away to stab <<$p1Name>>: you'll have to throw a knife.<<if $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<set $knifeToss = "true">><<else>>\nUnfortunately, you don't have one.<<set $p2CanAttack = "false">><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $p2CanAttack eq "true">><<if $p2Pose eq "standing" || ($p2Pose eq "ground" && $p1Pose eq "ground")>>[[Head|p2 Attack Head]]\n[[Chest|p2 Attack Chest]]\n[[Arms|p2 Attack arms]]<<endif>>\n[[Legs|p2 Attack legs]]<<endif>>\n\n
Crooked and vague shapes are gathered outside the circle of onlookers. You see a deer, but its neck extends into a red hand with an eye in the middle. You see a giant mother boar with six human faces dripping from its teats.\n\n[[Examine the deer]]\n\n[[Examine the boar]]\n\n[[Look further]]
The whole joint is inside a gigantic stone sculpture, long sunk into the muck. Crooked chunks of granite are carved into a [[giant lopsided head]], which looks out on the empty landscape with an unreadable expression. \n\nThe top of his head has been caved in and filled with giant neon fries, and double-doors are shoved into his drooping mouth. His vacant eyes blaze with light from the restaurant inside. "It's a "HEAD" of a time!" he shrieks, through a speech bubble billboard.
<<silently>>\n\n//======================================Health\n//------------------------Head\n<<if $p2Head eq 4>>\n <<set $p2HeadD = "">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Head eq 3>>\n <<set $p2HeadD = $He2 + "'s got a black eye.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Head eq 2>>\n <<set $p2HeadD = "Blood is running down through "+ $his2 + " eyes.">>\n <<set $p2AR = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Head eq 1>>\n <<set $p2HeadD = $His2 + " head looks like it's been through a tumble-drier. Most of "+ $his2 + " teeth are knocked loose, and " +$his2+ " hair is thick with clotted blood.">>\n <<set $p2AR = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Head eq 0>>\n<<set $gameOver = "true">>\n<<set $player = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n//------------------------Chest\n<<if $p2Chest eq 4>>\n <<set $p2ChestD = "">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Chest eq 3>>\n <<set $p2ChestD = $He2 +"'s wheezing.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Chest eq 2>>\n <<set $p2ChestD = "Blood is oozing down "+$his2+" thighs from the deep slash running across " +$his2+" belly.">>\n <<set $p2Bleedout = "true">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Chest eq 1>>\n <<set $p2ChestD = $He2+"'s doubled over, nursing "+$his2+" chest. Looks like "+$he2+"'s got a couple of cracked ribs.">>\n <<set $p2Bleedout = "true">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Chest eq 0>>\n<<set $gameOver = "true">>\n<<set $player = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n//------------------------Arms\n<<if $p2Arms eq 4>>\n <<set $p2ArmsD = "">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Arms eq 3>>\n <<set $p2ArmsD = $His2+" left shoulder is purple and swollen.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Arms eq 2>>\n <<set $p2ArmsD = $His2+" hands are shaking. There's some bad cuts going up "+$his2+" left arm.">>\n <<set $p2energy = 0>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Arms eq 1>>\n <<set $p2ArmsD = $His2+" left arm slumps, broken and useless.">>\n <<set $p2energy = 0>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Arms eq 0>>\n<<set $gameOver = "true">>\n<<set $player = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n//------------------------Legs\n<<if $p2Legs eq 4>>\n <<set $p2legsD = "">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Legs eq 3>>\n <<set $p2legsD = $He2+"'s looking a little slower on " +$his2+ " feet.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Legs eq 2>>\n <<set $p2legsD = "There's oozing gashes torn through "+$his2+" thighs.">>\n <<set $p2legs = "false">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Legs eq 1>>\n <<set $p2legsD = $His2+" left leg's broken. "$He2+" slumps on the floor, unable to stand.">>\n <<set $p2legs = "false">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $p2Legs eq 0>>\n<<set $gameOver = "true">>\n<<set $player = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n\n//======================================Position, status, equipment\n<<if $p2Pose eq "standing">>\n <<set $p2Pose1 = $He2+" shifts back and forth restlessly,">>\n<<else if $p2Pose eq "ground">>\n <<set $p2Pose1 = $He2+"'s struggling to get up off the ground,">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">>\n <<set $p2Pose2 = "waving " +$his2+" knife back and forth in front of " +$him2+ ".">>\n<<else if $p2Knife eq "ground">>\n <<set $p2Pose2 = "clenching "+$his2+" fists.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n//======================================Putting it all together\n\n<<if $p2Head eq 4 && $p2Chest eq 4 && $p2Arms eq 4 && $p2Legs eq 4>>\n <<set $p2Status = $p2Name + " is fighting fit." + " " + $p2Pose1 + " "+ $p2Pose2>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $p2Status = $p2Name + " is looking a little shaky. "+ $p2HeadD + " " + $p2ChestD + " " + $p2ArmsD + " " + $p2legsD + " " + $p2Pose1 + " " + $p2Pose2>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endsilently>><<$p2Status>>\n\n<<$p2Name>> is<<if $p2Pos eq 5 || $p2Pos eq 1>> up against the wall<<endif>> at position <<$p2Pos>>. <<if $p2Knife eq "ground">><<$p2Name>>'s knife is on the ground at position <<$p2KnifePos>>.<<endif>><<if $p2Bleedout eq "true">><<$p2Name>> will bleed out in <<$p2BleedoutTime>> rounds.<<endif>>
Title screen art: http://www.kaisercarart.com/50s-cars-art.html\n\nMusic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZW3e_FlT7Y\n\nSound effects:\n\nhttp://soundjax.com/knife_sounds-1.html
<<set $p1A = "attackChest">><<display p1Status>>\n\n[[Player 2]]
<<set $p1A = "pickUp">><<display p1Status>>\n\n[[Player 2]]
Poison! Your current HP is halved.\n\nYou stand in the muck. The girl is lying in the mud before you. You can see the glint of her knife near her hand. \n\nYour status:\n On the ground, standing, etc\n If knife has been knocked out of your hand, you can grab for it\n If bindings have been cut\n Drug effect\n\nOpponent's status.\n\n
<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> reaches out for a grapple!
<<if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> holds their knife low, ready to parry!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> holds their knife low, ready to parry!<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> holds their hand low, ready to parry!<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> holds their hand low, ready to parry!<<endif>>
<<set $p2A = "parryLow">><<display p2Status>>\n\n[[End]]\n
You see clusters of children, milling aimlessly in a wasteland. \n\n[[Look further|Further still]]
<<set $p2A = "attackChest">><<display p2Status>>\n\n[[End]]
She takes orders and makes meals with robotic precision, her conciousness temporarily over-ridden by Burger Head corporate. Her name is Gloria. Her badge says "Hello! My name is: JENNY." She never stops smiling, even when some kids in the corner start trying to flick cigarette butts into her mouth when she talks.\n\nShe walks through the crowd serving plates and shifting customers with terrifying politeness. \n\n"Excuse me, ma'am, you'll have to breastfeed outside. This is a family restaraunt."
<<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> stare each other down, on guard.
<<if ($p1Pos > $p2Pos) && ($p1Pos - $p2Pos > $p2AR) || ($p2Pos > $p1Pos) && ($p2Pos - $p1Pos > $p2AR)>><<set $charging = "true">><<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> charges <<if $player eq 2>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>>, slamming into them and laying them flat on the floor.\n <<if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p1Pos = $p2Pos>>\n <<set $p2Pose = "ground">>\n <<else>>\n <<set $p2Pos = $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1Pose = "ground">>\n <<endif>>\n<<else>>\n <<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> grabs <<if $player eq 2>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>>, holding them fast as they struggle to get free.\n\n<<if $player eq 1 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand" || $player eq 2 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">>[[Disarm]]<<endif>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1 && $p2Pose neq "ground" || $player eq 2 && $p1Pose neq "ground">>[[Throw]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<silently>>\n<<if $charging neq"true">><<set $altContinue = "true">><<endif>><<set $charging = "false">>\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $p1A = "dodge">><<display p1Status>><<if $p1Legs eq "false">><<else>><<set $p1Move = -1>><<endif>>\n\n[[Player 2]]\n
<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> deflects <<if $player eq 1>><<$p2Name>>'s blade and buries <<$his1>> knife in <<$his1>> leg.<<else>><<$p1Name>>'s blade and buries <<$his2>> knife in <<$his2>> leg.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Arms -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else>>\n <<$p1Arms -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n <<else if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<endsilently>>
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The two blades clash in mid-air! <<if $knifeToss eq "true">>They both clatter to the ground.<<else>><<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> struggle for control...\n\n<<if $player eq 1>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>> pushes through and buries their knife in <<if $player eq 2>><<$p1Name>><<else>><<$p2Name>><<endif>>'s chest.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2KnifePos = $p2Pos>>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n<<else if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Chest -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<$p1Chest -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n<<endsilently>>
This has always been happening. You have always been sitting here, about to look up, with a silent crowd around you. You have always tasted the metallic tang of blood in your mouth and felt the last lump of flesh sliding down your throat. The corners of your mouth have always been moving upwards. For centuries, now, you've been dreaming about what kind of life you're going to live when you finally finish this slow, bloody smile.
<<set $p1A = "parryHigh">><<display p1Status>>\n\n[[Player 2]]\n
<<if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife eq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> stabs their blade into <<$p2Name>>'s left leg.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife eq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> stabs their blade into <<$p1Name>>'s left leg.<<else if $player eq 1 && $p1Knife neq "p1Hand">><<$p1Name>> punches <<$p2Name>> in the leg.<<else if $player eq 2 && $p2Knife neq "p2Hand">><<$p2Name>> punches <<$p1Name>> in the leg.<<endif>><<silently>>\n\n<<if $player eq 1>>\n <<$p2Legs -= $p1Damage>>\n<<else>>\n <<$p1Legs -= $p2Damage>>\n<<endif>> \n\n<<if $knifeToss eq "true">>\n <<if $player eq 1>>\n <<set $p1Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p1Damage = 1>>\n <<if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos -1>>\n <<elseif $p2Pos < $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos +1>>>>\n <<endif>>\n <<else if $player eq 2>>\n <<set $p2Knife = "ground">>\n <<set $p2Damage = 1>>\n <<if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos -1>>\n <<elseif $p2Pos < $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1KnifePos = $p2Pos +1>>>>\n <<endif>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
[[Dodge|p2 Dodge]]\n[[Parry|p2 Parry]]\n[[Grapple|p2 Grapple]]\n[[Attack|p2 Attack]]<<if $p1Knife eq "ground" && $p1KnifePos eq $p1Pos || $p2Knife eq "ground" && $p1KnifePos eq $p1Pos>>\n[[Try to grab the knife on the ground|-p2 Pickup]]]](Sorry, this isn't working yet - good luck!)<<endif>>\n\nEnergy: <<if $p2Energy eq 5>><<cyclinglink $p2AttackEnergy 0 1 2 3 4 5>><<else if $p2Energy eq 4>><<cyclinglink $p2AttackEnergy 0 1 2 3 4>><<else if $p2Energy eq 3>> <<cyclinglink $p2AttackEnergy 0 1 2 3>><<else if $p2Energy eq 2>><<cyclinglink $p2AttackEnergy 0 1 2>><<else if $p2Energy eq 1>><<cyclinglink $p2AttackEnergy 0 1>><<else if $p2Energy eq 0>>0<<endif>>
[[Dodge|p1 Dodge]]\n[[Parry|p1 Parry]]\n[[Grapple|p1 Grapple]]\n[[Attack|p1 Attack]]<<if $p1Knife eq "ground" && $p1KnifePos eq $p1Pos || $p2Knife eq "ground" && $p1KnifePos eq $p1Pos>>\n[[Try to grab the knife on the ground|-p1 Pickup]](Sorry, this isn't working yet - good luck!)<<endif>>\n\nEnergy: <<if $p1Energy eq 5>><<cyclinglink $p1AttackEnergy 0 1 2 3 4 5>><<else if $p1Energy eq 4>><<cyclinglink $p1AttackEnergy 0 1 2 3 4>><<else if $p1Energy eq 3>> <<cyclinglink $p1AttackEnergy 0 1 2 3>><<else if $p1Energy eq 2>><<cyclinglink $p1AttackEnergy 0 1 2>><<else if $p1Energy eq 1>><<cyclinglink $p1AttackEnergy 0 1>><<else if $p1Energy eq 0>>0<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n//---------------------Setting all the fucking pronouns I need\n//================TO DO: SOLVE PRONOUNS\n//hope no-one reads this\n<<if $p1PN eq "He">>\n <<set $He1 = "He">>\n <<set $His1 = "His">>\n <<set $Him1 = "Him">>\n <<set $he1 = "he">>\n <<set $his1 = "his">>\n <<set $him1 = "him">>\n<<else if $p1PN eq "She">>\n <<set $He1 = "She">>\n <<set $His1 = "Her">>\n <<set $Him1 = "Her">>\n <<set $he1 = "she">>\n <<set $his1 = "her">>\n <<set $him1 = "her">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $p2PN eq "He">>\n <<set $He2 = "He">>\n <<set $His2 = "His">>\n <<set $Him2 = "Him">>\n <<set $he2 = "he">>\n <<set $his2 = "his">>\n <<set $him2 = "him">>\n<<else if $p2PN eq "She">>\n <<set $He2 = "She">>\n <<set $His2 = "Her">>\n <<set $Him2 = "Her">>\n <<set $he2 = "she">>\n <<set $his2 = "her">>\n <<set $him2 = "her">>\n<<endif>>\n\n//Talking\n\n<<revision tome>>Say<<set $boyWord = "say">><<becomes>>Whisper<<set $boyWord = "whisper">><<becomes>>Yell<<set $boyWord = "yell">><<endrevision>> something to her: <<textinput $boySays>>\n//------------------Resetting Alt Continue\n<<set $altContinue = "false">>\n//------------------Resetting Movement\n<<set $p1Move = 0>>\n<<set $p2Move = 0>>\n//------------------Resetting Knife Toss thing\n<<set $knifeToss = "false">>\n//------------------Resetting - they can attack\n<<set $p1CanAttack = "true">>\n<<set $p2CanAttack = "true">>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if ($p1Pos > $p2Pos) && ($p1Pos - $p2Pos > $p2AR) || ($p2Pos > $p1Pos) && ($p2Pos - $p1Pos > $p2AR)>><<set $charging = "true">> <<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> both charge towards each other...<<else>><<$p1Name>> and <<$p2Name>> both grab each other...\n\nThey heave and struggle, but neither can gain an advantage!<<silently>>\n\n<<if $charging eq "true">>\n <<if $p1Pos > $p2Pos>>\n <<set $p1Pos = ($p1Pos - $p2Pos)/2)+$p2Pos>> \n <<set $p2Pos = ($p1Pos - $p2Pos)/2)+$p2Pos>> \n <<else if $p2Pos > $p1Pos>>\n <<set $p1Pos = ($p1Pos - $p1Pos)/2)+$p1Pos>> \n <<set $p2Pos = ($p2Pos - $p1Pos)/2)+$p1Pos>> \n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $charging = "false">>\n<<endsilently>>