Restart Story

(function () {\n version.extensions['revisionMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 2,\n revision: 0\n };\n\n function tagcontents(b, starttags, desttags, endtags, k) {\n function tagfound(i, e) {\n for (var j = 0; j < e.length; j++) {\n if (a.indexOf(e[j], i) == i) {\n return e[j];\n }\n }\n }\n var a = b.source.slice(k);\n var l = 0;\n var c = "";\n var tg;\n for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {\n if (tg = tagfound(i, starttags)) {\n l++;\n }\n else if ((tg = tagfound(i, desttags)) && l == 0) {\n b.nextMatch = k + i + tg.length;\n return [c, tg];\n }\n else if (tg = tagfound(i, endtags)) {\n l--;\n if (l < 0) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n c += a.charAt(i);\n }\n return null;\n }\n macros['cycle'] = macros['insertion'] = macros['removal'] = macros['revision'] = macros['span'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n var begintags = ["<<revision", "<<cycle", "<<insertion", "<<removal", "<<span"];\n var becomes = ["<<becomes>>", "<<gains>>"];\n var endtags = ["<<endrevision>>", "<<endcycle>>", "<<endinsertion>>", "<<endremoval>>", "<<endspan>>"];\n var name = f[0].replace(" ", "_");\n var k = b.source.indexOf('>>', b.matchStart) + 2;\n var c, vsns, vsn, i, cn, vtype;\n vsns = [];\n c = tagcontents(b, begintags, becomes.concat(endtags), endtags, k);\n if (c && endtags.indexOf(c[1]) == -1) {\n while (c) {\n vsns.push(c);\n c = tagcontents(b, begintags, becomes, endtags, b.nextMatch);\n }\n c = tagcontents(b, begintags, ["<<end" + e + ">>"], endtags, b.nextMatch);\n }\n if (!c) {\n throwError(g, "can't find matching end" + e);\n return;\n }\n vsns.push(c);\n i = 0;\n cn = 0;\n m = insertElement(g, "span", null, e + " " + name);\n if (vsns.length > 0) {\n h = insertElement(m, "span", null, "revision-span initial");\n }\n else {\n h = m;\n }\n if (e == "insertion") {\n = "none";\n }\n h.setAttribute("data-enabled", (e != "insertion") + "");\n vsn = vsns.shift();\n h.tweecode = vsn[0];\n while (vsns.length > 0) {\n i += 1;\n vtype = vsn[1].slice(2, -2);\n vsn = vsns.shift();\n h = insertElement(m, "span", null, "revision-span " + vtype);\n h.tweecode = vsn[0];\n h.setAttribute("data-enabled", "false");\n = "none";\n }\n h = m.firstChild;\n new Wikifier(h, h.tweecode);\n }\n }\n var de = "data-enabled";\n\n function revise(rt, rname) {\n var rall, r, rc, rcl, ind, ind2, curr, next, ins, rmv, cyc, rev, rnd;\n rev = (rt == "revert");\n rnd = (rt.indexOf("random") > -1);\n var rsp = "revision-span";\n\n function showVer(n) {\n n.innerHTML = "";\n new Wikifier(n, n.tweecode);\n n.setAttribute(de, "true");\n = "inline";\n n.classList.remove(rsp + "-out");\n n.classList.add(rsp + "-in");\n if (n.timeout) clearTimeout(n.timeout);\n n.timeout = setTimeout(function () {\n n.classList.remove(rsp + "-in");\n }, 1);\n }\n\n function hideVer(n) {\n n.setAttribute(de, "false");\n n.classList.remove(rsp + "-in");\n n.classList.add(rsp + "-out");\n if (n.timeout) clearTimeout(n.timeout);\n n.timeout = setTimeout(function () {\n if (n.getAttribute(de) == "false") {\n n.classList.remove(rsp + "-out");\n = "none";\n n.innerHTML = "";\n }\n }, 1000);\n }\n\n function doToGainerSpans(n, fn) {\n for (var k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--) {\n if (rc[k + 1].classList.contains("gains")) {\n fn(rc[k]);\n }\n else break;\n }\n }\n rall = document.getElementsByClassName(rname);\n for (var i = 0; i < rall.length; i++) {\n r = rall[i];\n rc = r.childNodes;\n ins = r.classList.contains("insertion");\n rmv = r.classList.contains("removal");\n cyc = r.classList.contains("cycle");\n rcl = rc.length - 1;\n ind = -1;\n for (var k = 0; k <= rcl; k++) {\n if (rc[k].getAttribute(de) == "true") {\n ind = k;\n }\n }\n if (ind == -1) {\n if (ins) {\n ind = -1;\n curr = null;\n }\n else if (rmv) {\n ind = rcl + 1;\n curr = null;\n }\n }\n else {\n if (rev) {\n ind -= 1;\n }\n curr = (ind >= 0 ? rc[ind] : (cyc ? rc[rcl] : null));\n }\n ind2 = ind;\n if (rnd) {\n ind2 = (ind + (Math.floor(Math.random() * rcl))) % rcl;\n }\n next = (ind2 < rcl ? rc[ind2 + 1] : (cyc ? rc[0] : null));\n var docurr = (rev ? showVer : hideVer);\n var donext = (rev ? hideVer : showVer);\n if (curr) {\n if (!(next && next.classList.contains("gains")) || rnd) {\n docurr(curr);\n doToGainerSpans(ind, docurr);\n }\n }\n if (next) {\n donext(next);\n if (rnd) {\n doToGainerSpans(ind2 + 1, donext);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n macros['revert'] = macros['revise'] = macros['randomise'] = macros['randomize'] = {\n handler: function (a, b, c) {\n var l, rev, rname;\n\n function disableLink(l) {\n = "none";\n }\n\n function enableLink(l) {\n = "inline";\n }\n\n function updateLink(l) {\n if (l.className.indexOf("random") > -1) {\n enableLink(l);\n return;\n }\n var rall = document.getElementsByClassName(rname);\n var cannext, canprev;\n for (var i = 0; i < rall.length; i++) {\n var r = rall[i];\n if (r.classList.contains("cycle")) {\n cannext = canprev = true;\n }\n else {\n var rc = r.childNodes;\n var rcl = rc.length;\n var ins = r.classList.contains("insertion");\n var rmv = r.classList.contains("removal");\n var rnd = rname.indexOf("random") > -1;\n var ind = -1;\n for (var k = 0; k < rc.length; k++) {\n if (rc[k].getAttribute(de) == "true") {\n ind = k;\n }\n }\n if (ind == -1 && (ins || rmv)) {\n (ins ? cannext = true : canprev = true);\n }\n if (ind > (ins ? -1 : 0)) {\n canprev = true;\n }\n if (ind > -1 && ind < (rmv ? rcl : rcl - 1)) {\n cannext = true;\n }\n }\n }\n var can = (l.classList.contains("revert") ? canprev : cannext);\n (can ? enableLink : disableLink)(l);\n }\n function toggleText(w) {\n w.classList.toggle(rl + "Enabled");\n w.classList.toggle(rl + "Disabled");\n = (( == "none") ? "inline" : "none");\n }\n var rl = "reviseLink";\n if (c.length < 2) {\n throwError(a, b + ' macro needs 2 parameters');\n return;\n }\n rname = c.shift().replace(" ", "_");\n l = Wikifier.createInternalLink(a, null);\n l.className = "internalLink " + rl + " " + rl + "_" + rname + " " + b;\n var v = "";\n var end = false;\n var out = false;\n if(c.length>1 && c[0][0] == "$") {\n v = c[0].slice(1);\n c.shift();\n }\n switch(c[c.length - 1]) {\n case "end":\n end = true;\n c.pop();\n break;\n case "out":\n out = true;\n c.pop();\n break;\n }\n var h = state.history[0].variables;\n for(var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {\n var on = (i == Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]), 0));\n var d = insertElement(null, "span", null, rl + ((on) ? "En" : "Dis") + "abled");\n if(on) {\n h[v] = c[i];\n l.setAttribute("data-cycle", i);\n } else {\n"none";\n }\n insertText(d, c[i]);\n l.appendChild(d);\n }\n l.onclick = function () {\n revise(b, rname);\n var t = this.childNodes;\n var u = this.getAttribute("data-cycle") - 0;\n var m = t.length;\n if((end || out) && u == m - (end ? 2 : 1)) {\n if (end) {\n var n = this.removeChild(t[u + 1]);\n n.className = rl + "End";\n = "inline";\n this.parentNode.replaceChild(n, this);\n } else {\n this.parentNode.removeChild(this);\n return;\n }\n } else {\n toggleText(t[u]);\n u = (u + 1) % m;\n if(v) {\n h[v] = c[u];\n }\n toggleText(t[u]);\n this.setAttribute("data-cycle", u);\n }\n var lall = document.getElementsByClassName(rl + "_" + rname);\n for (var i = 0; i < lall.length; i++) {\n updateLink(lall[i]);\n }\n };\n disableLink(l);\n setTimeout(function () {\n updateLink(l);\n }, 1);\n }\n }\n macros['hoverrevise'] = {\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var endtags = ["<<end" + b + ">>"];\n var t = tagcontents(d, ["<<" + b + ">>"], endtags, endtags, d.source.indexOf('>>', d.matchStart) + 2);\n if (t) {\n var rname = c[0].replace(" ", "_");\n h = insertElement(a, "span", null, "hoverrevise hoverrevise_" + rname);\n new Wikifier(h, t[0]);\n h.onmouseover = function () {\n revise("revise", rname);\n }\n h.onmouseout = function () {\n revise("revert", rname);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['becomes'] = macros['gains'] = macros['endrevision'] = macros['endinsertion'] = macros['endremoval'] = macros[\n 'endcycle'] = macros['endhoverrevise'] = {\n handler: function () {}\n }\n\n}());
(function () {\n var bs = String.fromCharCode(92);\n Wikifier.formatters.unshift({\n name: "htmltag",\n match: "<"+bs+"w+(?:(?:"+bs+"s+"+bs+"w+(?:"+bs+"s*="+bs+"s*(?:"+'"'+".*?"+'"'+"|'.*?'|[^'"+'"'+">"+bs+"s]+))?)+"+bs+"s*|"+bs+"s*)"+bs+"/?>",\n tagname: "<("+bs+"w+)",\n void: ["br", "hr", "area", "img", "input", "embed", "param", "source", "track"],\n handler: function (a) {\n var re, tn, e;\n re = new RegExp(this.tagname).exec(a.matchText);\n tn = re && re[1];\n if(tn) {\n e = document.createElement(a.output.tagName);\n e.innerHTML = a.matchText;\n e = e.firstChild;\n if(this.void.indexOf(tn.toLowerCase()) == -1) {\n a.subWikify(e, "<" + bs + "/" + bs + "s*" + tn + bs + "s*>");\n }\n a.output.appendChild(e);\n }\n }\n });\n}());\n
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<<silently>>\n\n//Stats\n\n<<set $CON = (Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))>>\n\n<<set $conMod = (Math.floor(($CON - 10)/2))>>\n\n<<set $STR = (Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))>>\n\n<<set $strMod = (Math.floor(($STR - 10)/2))>>\n\n<<set $DEX = (Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))>>\n\n<<set $dexMod = (Math.floor(($DEX - 10)/2))>>\n\n<<set $CHA = (Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))>>\n\n<<set $chaMod = (Math.floor(($CHA - 10)/2))>>\n\n<<set $INT = (Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))+(Math.floor(Math.random()*7))>>\n\n<<set $intMod = (Math.floor(($INT - 10)/2))>>\n\n<<set $FAT = (Math.floor(Math.random()*18))>>\n\n<<set $fatMod = (Math.floor(($FAT - 10)/2))>>\n\n//Saving Throws\n\n<<set $sickness = 39 + (Math.floor(Math.random()*10)+1) - ($strMod*10)>>\n<<set $sin = 0//39 + (Math.floor(Math.random()*10)+1) - ($fatMod*10)>>\n<<set $Weariness = 39 + (Math.floor(Math.random()*10)+1) - ($dexMod*10)>>\n<<set $disgrace = 39 + (Math.floor(Math.random()*10)+1) - ($chaMod*10)>>\n<<set $despair = 39 + (Math.floor(Math.random()*10)+1) + ($intMod*10)>>\n<<set $death = 39 + (Math.floor(Math.random()*10)+1) - ($conMod*10)>>\n\n<<endsilently>><<hoverrevise hCON>>''CON:'' <<print $CON>><<if $CON eq 0>>0<<endif>> (<<if $conMod gte 1>>+<<endif>><<print $conMod>><<if $conMod eq 0>>0<<endif>>)<<endhoverrevise>>\s\n <<hoverrevise hSTR>>''STR:'' <<print $STR>><<if $STR eq 0>>0<<endif>> (<<if $strMod gte 1>>+<<endif>><<print $strMod>><<if $strMod eq 0>>0<<endif>>)<<endhoverrevise>>\s\n <<hoverrevise hDEX>>''DEX:'' <<print $DEX>><<if $DEX eq 0>>0<<endif>> (<<if $dexMod gte 1>>+<<endif>><<print $dexMod>><<if $dexMod eq 0>>0<<endif>>)<<endhoverrevise>>\n<<hoverrevise hCHA>>''CHA:'' <<print $CHA>><<if $CHA eq 0>>0<<endif>> (<<if $chaMod gte 1>>+<<endif>><<print $chaMod>><<if $chaMod eq 0>>0<<endif>>)<<endhoverrevise>>\s\n <<hoverrevise hINT>>''INT:'' <<print $INT>><<if $INT eq 0>>0<<endif>> (<<if $intMod gte 1>>+<<endif>><<print $intMod>><<if $intMod eq 0>>0<<endif>>)<<endhoverrevise>>\s\n <<hoverrevise hFAT>>''FAT:'' <<print $FAT>><<if $FAT eq 0>>0<<endif>> (<<if $fatMod gte 1>>+<<endif>><<print $fatMod>><<if $fatMod eq 0>>0<<endif>>)<<endhoverrevise>>\n\n<<hoverrevise hSickness>>''Sickness:'' <<print $sickness>><<if $sickness eq 0>>0<<endif>><<endhoverrevise>> \s\n<<hoverrevise hSin>>''Sin:'' <<print $sin>><<if $sin eq 0>>0<<endif>><<endhoverrevise>> \s\n<<hoverrevise hWeariness>>''Weariness:'' <<print $Weariness>><<if $Weariness eq 0>>0<<endif>><<endhoverrevise>>\n\s\n<<hoverrevise hDisgrace>>''Disgrace:'' <<print $disgrace>><<if $disgrace eq 0>>0<<endif>><<endhoverrevise>> \s\n<<hoverrevise hDespair>>''Despair:'' <<print $despair>><<if $despair eq 0>>0<<endif>><<endhoverrevise>> \s\n<<hoverrevise hDeath>>''Death:'' <<print $death>><<if $death eq 0>>0<<endif>><<endhoverrevise>>\n\n<<insertion hCON>>Constitution: How well your skin and bones stick together. Affects HP and Death. (0-6 + 0-6 + 0-6)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hSTR>>Strength: Your raw muscle power. Affects Melee attack and damage, Brute Force and Sickness. (0-6 + 0-6 + 0-6)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hDEX>>Dexterity: Speed and skill. Affects AC, Ranged attack and damage, Tricks and Weariness. (0-6 + 0-6 + 0-6)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hCHA>>Charisma: The personal magic of leadership. Affects Birthright, Hirelings, Disgrace. (0-6 + 0-6 + 0-6)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hINT>>Intelligence: Knowledge and Reason. Affects Languages, Spell Checks, Despair and Corruption. (0-6 + 0-6 + 0-6)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hFAT>>Fate: A measure of your destiny. Affects Alignment, Star Sign, and Sin. (0-18)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hSickness>>39 + 1-10 - (STR mod * 10)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hSin>>Always begins at 0<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hWeariness>>39 + 1-10 - (DEX mod * 10)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hDisgrace>>39 + 1-10 - (CHA mod * 10)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hDespair>>39 + 1-10 + (INT mod * 10)<<endinsertion>>\s\n<<insertion hDeath>>39 + 1-10 - (CON mod * 10)<<endinsertion>>\n\n<<set $sign = Math.floor((Math.random()*30)+1)>>\s\n<<set $cross = Math.floor((Math.random()*30)+1)>>\s\n<<set $star = Math.floor((Math.random()*50)+1)>>\s\n\s\nThough the stars are hidden to those on Britannica, church records state you were born \s\n\s\n<<if $sign eq 1>>as the sign of the Devil's House<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 2>>as the sign of the Charmed House<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 3>>as the sign of the Broken Sinner<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 4>>as [[Dario]]<<set $cross = 1>><<set $star = 51>><<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 5>>as the sign of the Dead Dog<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 6>>as the sign of the Smokestack<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 6>>as the sign of the Chained Lady<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 7>>as Simargl<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 8>>as the twin signs of The Hook and Fish<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 9>>as Svarog<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 10>>as Jarilo<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 11>>as a natal Sun<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 12>>as the Serpent's Head<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 13>>as the Climacteria began.<<set $cross = 0>><<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 14>>as a Silent planet<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 15>>as the Sacrifice<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 16>>as the sign of the Brick<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 17>>as the sign of the Razor<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 18>>as the Silver Cross<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 19>>as the Cripple<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 20>>as the Big Empty<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 21>>during a series of Blood Nights.<<set $cross = 0>><<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 22>>as the Sailor<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 23>>as the sign of the Skin King<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 24>>as the Thief's sign<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 25>>as Jarilo's purse<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 26>>as the Fish and the Wife<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 27>>as Hort's Comet<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 28>>as a Hanged sign<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 29>>as the Banner<<endif>>\s\n<<if $sign eq 30>>as the sign of the Scar<<endif>>\s\n \s\n<<if $cross eq 1>>hung over you.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 2>>crossed into Triglav's hatred zone.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 3>>shifted through the moon's sector.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 4>>caused disturbances in the Zorya.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 5>>hung low on the horizon.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 6>>was ascending in a smokey degree.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 7>>was descending in a pitted degree.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 8>>was descending in a smokey degree.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 9>>was ascending in a pitted degree.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 10>>lurked in a crooked degree.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 11>>hung in a malefic aspect.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 12>>became besieged.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 13>>entered the second house.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 14>>entered the fifth house.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 15>>entered a cadent house.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 16>>entered the midheaven.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 17>>entered the eleventh house.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 18>>entered in the Cacodæmon.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 19>>was in contra-parallel with Veles.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 20>>hung on the cusp of a critical degree.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 21>>was placed in a position of accidental dignity.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 22>>was placed in a position of essential dignity.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 23>>fell into a position of debility.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 24>>shifted through a bloodied house.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 25>>lay in a dark degree.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 26>>bled through Morana.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 27>>washed under Veles.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 28>>crossed behind the moon.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 29>>declined.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $cross eq 30>>disappeared.<<endif>>\n\n''+FATE mod to \s\n<<if $star eq 1>>all rolls against any foe whose name you know.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 2>>dectecting treachery.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 3>>maintaining purity.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 4>>all attempts to ignore the true nature of the world.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 5>>all gambling.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 6>>saves against sickness.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 7>>saves against despair.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 8>>saves against disgrace.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 9>>saves against weariness.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 10>>saves against death.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 11>>resisting corruption.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 12>>resisting temptation.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 13>>research on foreigners and forbidden lands.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 14>>research on devils & the origin of sin.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 15>>research on the true nature of hidden things.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 16>>research on men & their masters.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 17>>research on the hidden & disgusting powers of women.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 18>>resisting insects & diseases.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 19>>all rolls against serpents.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 20>>curing diseases & ailments.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 21>>all taxation gathered.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 22>>resisting the influence of drugs & poisons.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 23>>escaping confinement & inconvenient obligations.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 24>>acts that rebel against your divine alignment.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 25>>caste rank.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 26>>languages known.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 27>>secrets known.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 28>>morale checks.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 29>>sailing & fishing.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 30>>all prayers.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 31>>all interactions with corpses & those close to death.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 32>>detecting subtleties & hidden meanings.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 33>>leaping & acrobatics.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 34>>all begging, pleading & extortion.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 35>>all checks made while crawling.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 36>>communicating through secret languages & gestures.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 37>>fashion checks, style & dandyism.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 38>>swordsmanship. <<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 39>>all checks made while under the influence of alcohol.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 40>>all treachery & deceit.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 41>>all sacrilige and dissent.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 42>>all attempts to repair, maintain & create intricate mechanisms.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 43>>seduction & beguilement.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 44>>all actions made while heavily injured.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 45>>all destruction & ruination.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 46>>spell checks.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 47>>physical damage resistance.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 48>>spiritual & mental damage resistance.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 49>>initiative rolls.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 50>>astrology, haruspicusy & destiny.<<endif>>\s\n<<if $star eq 51>>Sickness, Sin, Weariness, Despair, Disgrace, & Death.<<set $sickness = $sickness + $FAT>><<set $sin = $sin + $FAT>><<set $weariness = $weariness + $FAT>><<set $despair = $despair + $FAT>><<set $disgrace = $disgrace + $FAT>><<set $death = $death + $FAT>><<endif>>''\n\n<<if $sickness gte 100>>Unfortunately, [[Dario]] laid claim to you. You are [[stillborn.]]\n<<else if $sin gte 100>>Unfortunately, [[Dario]] laid claim to you. Your mother watches, too weak to esist, as you are [[taken from her arms.]]\n<<else if $weariness gte 100>>Unfortunately, [[Dario]] laid claim to you. You stop moving soon before birth, and are [[stillborn.]]\n<<else if $despair gte 100>>Unfortunately, [[Dario]] laid claim to you. You stop moving soon before birth, and are [[stillborn.]]\n<<else if $disgrace gte 100>>Unfortunately, [[Dario]] laid claim to you. Shortly after birth, you are [[forsaken]].\n<<else>> <<endif>>
Character Creation
Jack McNamee
\n@import url(,700);\n\n@import url(;\n\n\nbody {\n\nfont-size: .9em;\nfont-family: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;\nbackground-image: url(lightpaperfibers.png);\n\n}\n\n\n.passage {\nbackground-color: transparent;\ntext-align: center;\n\n}\n\n.title {\n\n}\n\n.revision-span-in {\n opacity: 0;\n}\n.revision-span:not(.revision-span-out) {\n transition: 1s;\n -webkit-transition: 1s;\n}\n.revision-span-out {\n position:absolute;\n opacity: 0;\n}\n\n\n#content1 {\n\n\n\n//font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive;\n\n\n}\n\n\n
version.extensions.ifMacros={major:2,minor:0,revision:0};macros["if"]={handler:function(place,macroName,params,parser){\nvar conditions=[],clauses=[],srcOffset=parser.source.indexOf(">>",parser.matchStart)+2,src=parser.source.slice(srcOffset),endPos=-1,currentCond=parser.fullArgs(),currentClause="",t=0,nesting=0;\nfor(var i=0;i<src.length;i++){if(src.substr(i,9)=="<<endif>>"){nesting--;if(nesting<0){endPos=srcOffset+i+9;\nconditions.push(currentCond);clauses.push(currentClause);break;}}if((src.substr(i,6)=="<<else")&&nesting==0){conditions.push(currentCond);\nclauses.push(currentClause);currentClause="";t=src.indexOf(">>",i+6);if(src.substr(i+6,4)==" if "){currentCond=Wikifier.parse(src.slice(i+10,t));\n}else{currentCond="true";}i=t+2;}if(src.substr(i,5)=="<<if "){nesting++;}currentClause+=src.charAt(i);\n}try{if(endPos!=-1){parser.nextMatch=endPos;for(i=0;i<clauses.length;i++){if(eval(conditions.shift())){new Wikifier(place,clauses[i ].trim());\nbreak;}}}else{throwError(place,"can't find matching endif");}}catch(e){throwError(place,"bad condition: "+e.message);\n}}};