Hey, babe. It's getting hot outside and you need: [[Ice cream->ice cream option]] [[Soda->soda option]] [[44 oz slurpee->slurpee option]] [[Otter Pops->otter pops option]] [[A cheeseburger->cheeseburger option]]Let's go to Cold Stone Creamery (The Ultimate Ice Cream ExperienceⓇ)! Since it's so hot outside, you put on some weather-appropriate (and bitchin') attire. What are you wearing? [[90s-looking spaghetti-strap sundress.->sundress option]] [[Daisy Dukes (*cue the hallelujah chorus*)->daisy dukes option]] [[Vintage crop top, heyyyyyy.->crop top option]] [[Favorite bikini top (also, it's metallic.)->bikini option]] [[A BYU t-shirt and Bermuda shorts.->bermuda option]] [[Literally nothing.->naked option]]You actually want ice cream. [[Get ice cream. ->ice cream option]] You look great! And you're dressed appropriately for the hot weather! And you decide to walk to Cold Stone because you don't want to add to the carbon footprint by using excessive fossil fuels! [[Bitchin'! ->bitchin option]]You look great! And you're dressed appropriately for the hot weather! And you decide to walk to Cold Stone because you don't want to add to the carbon footprint by using excessive fossil fuels! [[Bitchin'! ->bitchin option]]You look great! And you're dressed appropriately for the hot weather! And you decide to walk to Cold Stone because you don't want to add to the carbon footprint by using excessive fossil fuels! [[Bitchin'! ->bitchin option]]You look great! And you're dressed appropriately for the hot weather! And you decide to walk to Cold Stone because you don't want to add to the carbon footprint by using excessive fossil fuels! [[Bitchin'! ->bitchin option]]Well, you get escorted home by the police and fined for public lewdness. It's still hot outside the next day. What do you do? [[Go to Washington DC to protest because isn't it dumb that nudity is such a big deal? Isn't it a violation of Freedom of Speech? What's so offensive about your body?->washington dc option]] [[Try to make the Cold Stone voyage again.->clothing option]] Barack Obama sees your point ("Wait, there ISN'T anything wrong with the naked human body and making laws against public nudity IS way dumb and harmful!" -Obama) and makes an Official Government Law For Real™ that public nudity is a basic right of Freedom of Speech and expression (unless the nudity is inherently sexual/meant for arousal, which is gross and get away away from us). [[High-five Barack Obama.->high-five option]]What do you wear? [[90s-looking spaghetti-strap sundress.->sundress option]] [[Daisy Dukes (*cue the hallelujah chorus*)->daisy dukes option]] [[Vintage crop top, heyyyyyy.->crop top option]] [[Favorite bikini top (also, it's metallic.)->bikini option]] [[Literally nothing.->double naked option]]You get caught again for public lewdness, and this time you have to spend the night in jail. [[It's still dumb but, like, stop going to Cold Stone Creamery naked because it's against the law and you can't win BECAUSE YOUR BODY HAS BEEN SYSTEMATICALLY OBJECTIFIED BY SOCIETY, okay?->minus naked clothing option]] [[90s-looking spaghetti-strap sundress->sundress option]] [[Daisy Dukes (*cue the hallelujah chorus*)->daisy dukes option]] [[Vintage crop top, heyyyy->crop top option]] [[Favorite bikini top (also, it's metallic)->bikini option]] You actually want ice cream. [[Get ice cream.->ice cream option]]You actually want ice cream. [[Get ice cream.->ice cream option]]Ugh, cheeseburgers are hot, you doofus! [[Get ice cream.->ice cream option]][[High-five Michelle Obama.->high-five one option]][[High-five Barack Obama.->high-five option]] But wait! Some gross horndogs in an Escalade drive past and yell a lot of misogynistic and sexually suggestive things at you as they drive by. The horndogs' catcalls make you feel violated and ashamed. Their comments make you feel like you don't have ownership of your own body because of the way they casually dehumanize and objectify you. [[Flip them off.->flip off option]] [[Go home and put on something less "revealing."->modesty option]] [[Feel crappy in general but proceed to Cold Stone anyway. ->crappy option]] [[You're flattered!->flattered option]] [[Shoot a bazooka at them.->bazooka option]]HEY COOL THEY DESERVE IT. But also: unhelpful and pretty rude. And also, it just encourages and validates the horndogs! But it's cool that you realize that the horndogs are being really sexist and harmful but you're ABOVE IT because you're a total goddess and they have no right to make possessive or suggestive comments about your body and it doesn't even phase you because they're so basic, riiiight?!?! [[AND->plz option]]Okay. I get it. The horndogs made you feel violated and objectified and now you don't feel comfortable in your own skin. But here's the thing: modesty is a socially defined construct that has changed over time and between cultures and isn't in any way PERMANENT or DOCTRINE. Modesty is also: situational, environmental, and seasonal. Moreover, defining what someone is or isn't comfortable with wearing is a very personal thing that varies from person to person. Moreover, slut-shaming affects all women, no matter how much or how little they're wearing --- it's impartial and misogynistic, NOT based on any kind of moral/ethical truth. So covering up is definitely an option, but remember that what you do or don't put on your body is up to YOU and isn't up to any horndogs. [["Okay, cool! Whatever thing I decided to wear or not wear is making me feel confident and happy and I'm ready to go eat ice cream!"->victory option]] Hey grrrrl, I know being degraded by gross horndogs mega-sucks, but don't let the horndogs get to you! [["Okay, yeah! Power!"->plz option]] [[Still feelin' bummed.->plz option]] Okay, so you feel a little bit gratified by the horndogs' catcalling. It means you're attractive, right? It's a compliment, right? That's a good thing, right? Actually, no. But what you're feeling is understandable and this mentality has been ingrained in you since childhood. Society says, "When a man comments on how you look, it's a positive thing!" But in reality, it's a display of control and ownership. Society is saying that if you can't dress or look the way YOU want to without a man's approval, then your body is someone else's property. [[AND?->plz two option]] They die in a really theatrical, fireworks-y death explosion, and you (rightfully) go to prison for a long time. (But at least there was some justice for slut-shaming, amiright ladies?) [[Go to prison.->prison option]]You have to eat chili though. [[Eat chili.->veg option]]At least it's vegetarian. Now what do you do? [[Go home and put on something less "revealing."->modesty option]] [[Feel crappy in general but proceed to Cold Stone.->crappy option]] [[You're empowered by being enlightened about the harmful nature of catcalling and slut-shaming, so you STRUT to Cold Stone to get some victory ice cream.->victory option]]You decide to research the sexist and damaging nature of slut-shaming on your own because it's important and the author of this story wants you to understand. Plus she's a little bit tired. And bored. [[You use your internet prowess to investigate slut-shaming, using this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slut-shaming -> wikipedia option]] You've made it to Cold Stone Creamery (The Ultimate Ice Cream ExperienceⓇ). FINALLY. What do you order? [[Lemon Sorbet.->you die option]] [[Cake Batter.->good choice option]] [[Sweet Cream.->good choice option]]You look great! And you're dressed appropriately for the hot weather! And you decide to walk to Cold Stone because you don't want to add to the carbon footprint by using excessive fossil fuels! [[Bitchin'! ->bitchin two option]]But wait! Even though you're dressed in a traditionally "modest" way, some gross horndogs in an Escalade drive past and yell a lot of misogynistic and sexually suggestive things at you as they drive by. You realize that slut-shaming is generally impartial and is aimed at women wearing ANY kind of clothing. The horndogs' catcalls make you feel violated and ashamed. Their comments make you feel like you don't have ownership of your own body because of the way they casually dehumanize and objectify you. [[Flip them off.->flip off option]] [[Go home and put on something less "revealing."->modesty option]] [[Feel crappy in general but proceed to Cold Stone anyway. ->crappy option]] [[You're flattered!->flattered option]] [[Shoot a bazooka at them.->bazooka option]]Plz remember: modesty is relative and culturally defined, and what you wear doesn't represent or determine: who you are, what you do, your past, your behavior, your sexuality, or your value. Modesty is also: situational, environmental, and seasonal. Defining what someone is or isn't comfortable with wearing is a very personal thing that varies from person to person. Moreover, slut-shaming affects all women, no matter how much or how little they're wearing --- it's impartial and misogynistic, NOT based on any kind of moral/ethical truth. Now get some ice cream and kill your enemies and look great forever! [["I am a beautiful Valkyrie and I rock!"->victory option]] Plz remember: modesty is relative and culturally defined, and what you wear doesn't represent or determine: who you are, what you do, your past, your behavior, your sexuality, or your value. Modesty is also: situational, environmental, and seasonal. Defining what someone is or isn't comfortable with wearing is a very personal thing that varies from person to person. Moreover, slut-shaming affects all women, no matter how much or how little they're wearing --- it's impartial and misogynistic, NOT based on any kind of moral/ethical truth. [["Okay, Avery, I get it."->get it option]] [["I think you're being a little bit didactic and overbearing, Avery. But I get it."->get it option]] [["I still don't really see the problem but would like to understand."->more info option]]You spend many, many hours researching and finally understand slut-shaming and why it's so destructive and sexist, right? [["Right. Let's get some ice cream now."->victory option]]Gross. You die.You win! And you look great! And you're on your way to defeating sexist patriarchal constructs! And I love you! [[Here's a million dollars.->win one]]And a slice of pizza. [[You deserve it.->win two]][[Seriously.->win three option]]I love you.