That [[new sausage-and-bun boutique|The Hot Dog Place]] was amazing. Didn't you love their salt-free menu? So good. Didn't I choose a great place for our date? And now I'm feeling like dessert. There's a couple places in walking distance. Where should we go? [[The Coffee Place|The Coffee Place]] [[The Ice Cream Parlor|The Ice Cream Parlor]] [[The Pie Shop|The Pie Start]]Why did we come back here. You just had dinner. What? Was one not enough for you? Look. That cashier recognizes your wasabi-aioli-stained jeans. We need to get out of here. [[NOW|Restart]].Oh. My. Wordsworth. This place is part of a national chain. A National. CHAIN. How could you even think of walking in here. I can feel my integrity shrivelling up like a baby oolong-tea leaf. I don't think I can stand another millisecond in this soulless establishment. [[Leave|Restart]] [[Stay|Still the Coffee Place]]Do they have any non-fat no-sugar double-chocolate swirl? No? What about durian-papaya-dragonstarfruit sorbet? Not that either? Hmph. Let's go. There's nothing worth getting here. [[Leave|Restart]] [[But I want ice cream...|Lactose]]Which one should we get? [[Strawberry Cream|Really?]] [[Mexican Chocolate|Really.]] [[Matcha Green Tea|Really!]]What are you doing? Oh. My. Hemingway. What are they playing? Is that music? Do people really think that's music? Come on. Let's leave before this junk osmoses into my brain. [[Stand your ground|So Selfish]] [[Exit in Shame|Restart]]What do you mean "Check out the menu"? You know I don't drink anything but Tokyo-Seoul-Shanghai drip. Is that AMERICAN coffee??? Oh. My. Shakespeare. Do you even know ME? You can be so selfish sometimes. [[Apologize|Apology Accepted]] [[Try to Tout the Merits of American Coffee|Apology Accepted]]It's okay. You don't need to explain. I forgive you. Now let's [[go|Restart]].Why do you even want ice cream? Aren't you lactose-intolerant. No? That's not you? Huh. Really? You're not lactose? Well, either way. We need to leave. I mean, mint? Vanilla? How pedestrian. [[I want mint|Selfish]] [[I like vanilla|Selfish]] [[Leave|Restart]]So? You can be so selfish sometimes. [[Apologize|Apology Accepted]] [[But ice cream--|Apology Accepted]]Oh, but those strawberries look like they're covered in sugar. And you know I can't eat sugar. How about that one? You know, [[the basic crust|The Basic Crust]]?Mexican Chocolate... I mean, it's okay. But, I mean... really? Mexican Chocolate? [[Forget it|The Pie Shop]] [[I thought you liked chocolate!|Yeah, but]]Oh, but matcha has caffeine, right? And caffeine is a drug. Are you a drug addict? [[Forget it.|The Pie Shop]] Of course I can see that there's no filling. That's the whole point. MINIMALISM. Please read that art history book I bought you. It's really aggravating to try to have an intellectual conversation with you sometimes. [[Please, tell me more about this minimalism.|Minimalism]] [[That's not a pie, you pretentious prick.|Fight Back]] [[Fine. Let's get the basic crust.|Give up]]What is minimalism...? Well... it's an art movement. It's all about keeping it minimal. You know, minimal design, minimal color, minimal thought. You know, keeping it minimal. You do know what "minimal" means, right? [[Yes. Do you?|Apology?]] [[...|Apology?]] Author's note: Congratulations on leaving a toxic relationship! Have some pie. With filling. Lots and lots of filling.That doesn't mean I want chocolate right now! What do you think I am, some kind of machine? Let's see what else they have... Ooh, look. A basic crust. [[But it's just a pie crust.|The Basic Crust]] [[Let's look at the others first.|The Pie Shop]]It's okay. Don't worry about it. Ooh. Look. Basic crust. That looks delicious. [[It's just crust...|The Basic Crust]] [[What?|Apology?]]Ooh. Pie. You remembered I like [[pie|The Pie Shop]].You know what? Forget the pie. I have pilatetic yoga tomorrow. I can't do that if I'm all bloated and gross. Let's go. This was [[fun.|You Fail]]Author's note: ...Really? Really???Like I was saying. Dessert? [[The Coffee Place|The Coffee Place]] [[The Ice Cream Parlor|The Ice Cream Parlor]] [[The Pie Shop|The Pie Start]]What!? Do you think I'm going to stay in this relationship when you are verbally ABUSING me!? If you don't apologize in the next 4 seconds, I am walking out that door and your life FOREVER! [[I'm so sorry. Please take me back.|You Fail]] [[I'm getting my pie, you judgmental lunatic! And my ice cream! And my coffee!|Get out]]