<<if $burger_grill eq 4>>\nLooks like you got it right! Go you, I guess.\n\nNow we got to figure out the proper toppings though.\n<<set $correct = $correct + 1>>\n<<else>>\n...well, shit. You're not sure if that undercooked or just plain burnt, but you're pretty sure the burger shouldn't hiss at you. Well, all burger get digested the same way, let's hope the customer won't notice or care.\n\nNow, about those toppings...\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Bacon and Lettuce?|Topping1]]\n[[Lettuce and Tomato?|Topping1]]\n[[Bacon and Tomato?|Topping2]]
Welcome to your first day working at Frieser Crane's! It's not a big restaurant spot, but it sure is popular enough with the locals. You never really ate here yourself though - one can eat burgers and fries only so much.\n\nAs you put on your hat and nametag, your manager walks up to you.\n\n[[Next|Manager1]]
"Hope this is right."\n\nYou put together the toppings and burger together, hoping for the best that you got it right.\n\nYou probably got it wrong, but whatever.\n\n<<set $correct = $correct + 1>>\n[[Now, what next?|Cook]]
"Hope this is right."\n\nYou put together the toppings and burger together, hoping for the best that you got it right.\n\nYou probably got it wrong, but whatever.\n\n<<set $burger_done = "yes">>\n[[Now, what next?|Cook]]
<<if $correct eq 4>>\nAs you wake up, you notice yourself out in the parking lot, with your badge and uniform gone. A bit harsh, but it seems you were fired. But hey, you seemed to at least kept the change from the customer on you, so you got something out of that horrific ordeal.\n\nYou dust yourself off, and walk home, not looking back at your previous employer.\n\nLesson learned: Fast food sucks.\n<html>\n<p style="font-size:40px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center">FIN</p>\n\n<p style="text-align:center"><img width="200" src="http://i.imgur.com/AUSPcAR.jpg"></p>\n</html>\n<<else>>\nAs you wake up, you notice yourself out in the parking lot, with your badge and uniform gone. A bit harsh, but it seems you were fired.\n\nYou dust yourself off, and walk home, not looking back at your previous employer.\n\nLesson learned: Fast food sucks.\n<html>\n<p style="font-size:40px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center">FIN</p>\n\n<p style="text-align:center"><img width="200" src="http://i.imgur.com/AUSPcAR.jpg"></p>\n</html>\n<<endif>>
"Here's ol' Bessie. She's been with Frieser Crane's since we've opened, and hasn't broken down since. Well, broken down much anyway. She will be your friend. You will respect her. You will love her.\n\nYou will grow a bond with this grill if you value a paycheck anyway."\n\nYou take a moment to take in your manager's advice, while pondering your other employment options.\n\n[[Back|Manager1]]
As you spot the manager yelling at you at the corner of your eye, you realize it's too late before you're attacked with a barrage of straws. You try to swat them away in retaliation, but between the Skull's cries, the manager's scolding, the customer's bewilderment and questioning of the entire scene, you fall prey to the assault of bendy plastics and fall to the ground.\n\nYou black out.\n\n[[Next|Finish2]]
"Well, I'll leave you to it then. As I'm sure I'll repeat to you at some point later, don't fuck up or you're fired.\n\nHave fun!"\n\n[[Next|Intermission]]
"Hello. I figure you're gonna be out of here in a day or two, so I won't get too aquainted to your face for very long. Makes it easier to fire anyway. Since you're here for now anyway, I might as well show you the shit you have to use for your job. \n\nOver here is the [[Drive-Thru window]]. To your right is the [[frier]], and right next to it is the [[burger grill]], tabletop and [[Skull of Regret]]. To the left is the [[soda machine]] and the cash register. I know you're going to do it eventually, but at least try your best not to fuck up? I enjoy having a cash flow not hindered by stupid complaints."\n<html>\n<p>"Oh, and <span style="font-weight:bold">don't forget the straw</span>."</p>\n</html>\n[[Next|Manager2]]
You glance out the window, you realize this may be your only true source of non-grease-drenched air. You take a good whiff of it, you feel a slight sense of euphoria from the small gift nature has given you.\n\n"Christ, you are one of the weirdest employees I've gotten."\n\n[[Back|Manager1]]
"Alright, time for that drink."\n\nAs you turn to the soda machine, you suddenly realize we have a lot of drinks. Some you don't even recognize. Who even drinks Mr. Pibb? And why do we even have espresso on this dumb machine?\n\n[[Pour some Mr. Pibb|DrinkWrong]]\n[[Pour him a Pepsi. Or Coke. Who cares|DrinkWrong]]\n[[Maybe some Sprite for the guy|DrinkWrong]]\n[[Pour him a double espresso I guess|DrinkRight]]\n[[Make him some Dr. Pepper|DrinkWrong]]
Right! Of course! THE EXACT THING THE MANAGER WOULD NEVER LET YOU FORGET.\n\n<html>\n<span style="font-weight:bold">THE STRAW.</span>\n</html>\n\nBut why would someone ever drink an espresso with a straw? That's madness. Whatever, you're in the right - no one drinking an espresso with a straw deserves their right to caffeine anyway.\n\n[[Now, what next|Cook]]
Before you place the drink into the bag, you realize you missed a crucial, near damning error.\n\nYou forgot the hint of cinnamon. \n\nYou quickly rectify your mistake, and the world was right once more.\n\n<<set $correct = $correct + 1>>\n[[Now, what next?|Cook]]\n[[Wait a sec... Again...|DrinkRight3]]
You look at the soda machine. It looks rather normal, save for the seemingly endless amount of flavors of carbonation available.\n\n"As a small bonus to our employees, we allow them to have as much drinks as they want, any time."\n\nFinally, something positive about this job!\n\n"On that note, we do not allow bathroom breaks on shift."\n\nFast food work truly is hell.\n\n[[Back|Manager1]]
<<silently>>\n <<if $correct gte 4>>\n <<set $done_right = "yes">>\n <<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\nOkay, what now?\n\n<<actions "Burger" "Fries" "Drink">>\n[[Send out the Order|Order]]
Don't Forget The Straw
"You forgot the straw!"\n\n[[Next|Order3]]
<html>\n<span style = "color:red;font-size:100px;font-weight:bolder">AAAAAAAAAA</span>\n</html>\n\nYou hear the vile, shrill scream for the first time. You expected it to be pretty annoying to hear, but this is just brutal. As you turn to the soda machine to rectify your mistake, you realise it's too late.\n\n[[WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT FORGETTING THE STRAW"|Finish]]
You find yourself staring at the odd Skull dripping of black ooze on the wall.\n\n"I see you've noticed the Skull. It's been here for god knows how long, but we haven't bothered to get rid of it cause it's useful. If you forget any part of a order, it will yell at you. A lot. \n\nSo I repeat.\n<html>\n<span style="font-weight:bold">Don't fuck up.</span></html>"\n\n[[Back|Manager1]]
As you snarl silently at your manager as he leaves, you barely get a chance to reflect on your newfound knowledge and location before your first customer honks wildly at the window.\n\n"STOP STARING AROUND AND GET TO MY ORDER JACKASS"\n\nTime to get to work, I suppose!\n\n[[Take the Order|BeginOrder]]
Wait...\n<<set $burger_grill = $burger_grill + 1>>\n\n[[Wait some more|BurgerWait1]]\n[[Put it on the Bun|Burger2]]
Time to make fries you guess.\n\nYou toss the fries into the oil and take them out hours later. It's not like anyone cares - who's ever complained about burnt fries ever?\n\nInto the bag they go.\n\n<<set $correct = $correct + 1>>\n[[Now, what's next?|Cook]]
"Who the hell drinks a double espresso with a burger and fries anyway."\n\nAs you ponder such unexpected but possibly valid thoughts, you pour the drink and place it into the bag.\n\n[[Wait a sec...|DrinkRight2]]
<<if $correct gte 3>>\nYou finally finish everything, and hand the customer the order. To your surprise, he seems very content with his order! You give yourself a little pat on the back for your successful order.\n\n"Oh. Wait, you forgot one thing, actually!"\n<<else>>\nYou hand the customer his order. As he looks into the bag, he raises his head up with the most putrid and vile expression you've ever seen the human face contort into. Simply put, he's not very pleased.\n\n"Everything is just wrong with this, I can't believe you even work here! You even forgot the most important thing too!"\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Next|Order2]]
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<<if $question gte 6>>\n"FINE. Since you clearly can't do your job right, I'll do it for you. \n\nWhat I want is a burger grilled for a good 4 minutes with bacon and tomato, some fries, and a double espresso with a hint of cinnamon. That can't be hard for someone of YOUR caliber, right?"\n<<else>>\n"I'm not gonna do your job for you, geez!\n\nIf you can't figure out, why don't you go ask that ugly skull up there?"\n<<endif>>\n<<set $question = $question + 1>>\n[[Ask again|Customer1]]\n[[Go ask the ugly skull|Customer2]]\n[[Give it up, dude. Just cook something|Cook]]
As you stare up at the Skull of Regret (really, what kind of name is that anyway), you ask it in the most pleasant way you can think of.\n\n"Dear O heavenly Skull of Regret, may perchance you can tell me what a Niles Special consists of?"\n\nThe skull stays silent.\n\n(Really, what the hell did you expect a skull to do?)\n\n[[Ask him again|Customer1]]\n[[JUST COOK ALREADY|Cook]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $question = 0>>\n<<set $correct = 0>>\n<<set $done_right = "no">>\n<<endsilently>>\n"I'd like the Niles Special."\n\n[[What the hell is a Niles Special|Customer1]]\n[[Coming right up!|Cook]]
Welp. Here's hopin' for the best. You pour the drink, and stuff it into the bag. \n\nWhat else now?\n\n[[Next|Cook]]
You take a look at the frier. Seems pretty standard - there's fries, fire and boiling hot oil.\n\n"I feel obliged to tell you this before you think of it - no. The frier is not for personal use. No, you cannot make deep fried ice cream on your lunch break, or you're fired."\n\nTruly these are the moments one dreads in life.\n\n[[Back|Manager1]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $burger_grill = 0>>\n<<set $right_topping = "no">>\n<<endsilently>>"Let's start that burger! Should be easy."\n\nYou slap the burger onto the grill, and hope for the best.\n\nAnd by hope for the best, you mean wait.\n\nFor what seems to be an eternity.\n\n[[Wait|BurgerWait1]]