Restart Story

<<set $person_days = $person_days - 15>>\n<<if $person_days lt 0>>\n[img[]]\nOh no! You have run out of time on this implementation trip. It it now time to fly back to Boston. \n<<set $person_days = $person_days + 15>>\nReturn to Ewbusa City and [[fly home. |Return trip to Boston]]\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\nTime check! You have enough time left to complete this task.\n\n\n[[Onward! |Electric lines.]]\n<<endif>>\n
<<if $community_event>>\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 20>>\n<<else>>\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 40>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $person_days lt 0>>\n[img[]]\nOh no! You have run out of time on this implementation trip. It it now time to fly back to Boston. \n\nYour team uses your remaining time to begin digging trenches with the community and leave the villagers to finish digging while the chapter is not in the country.\n<<set $person_days = $person_days + 20>>\nReturn to Ewbusa City and [[fly home. |Return trip to Boston]]\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\nTime check! You have enough time left to complete this task.\n\n[[Onward! |Trench digging.]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $person_days gt 0>>\n[img[]]\nSurprise! With the few days leftover on your trip, your team gets to do a little siteseeing :D This beautiful attraction is one of the most renowned and famous tourist sites in the whole country of Ping.\n\nEnjoy!\n\nNow it's time to actually [[fly home.|Return home.]]\n\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\nCongratulations, you have successfully completed your first implementation trip! While you may not have completed every necessary step, it is time to go home, analyze your data and field notes, and plan your next trip to Develo. \n\nBe ready to face the challenges ahead as you delve deeper into the project. Monitoring and evaluation are large components of post-implementation work and are just as important as installing the system itself. However, be proud that you have made it this far successfully and keep up the good work. The community is counting on you!\n\nThe end.\n<<endif>>
[img[]]\n<<set $rehab_latrines = true>>\nAfter seeing the state of the latrines in the village, the travel team has decided to rehab the system. However, this was not one of the issues found during your assessment trip. Now the latrines of the villagers are in working condition, but you are not closer to achieving your primary goal of building a water system for the village.\n\nThis takes your team ''9'' person-days, so you now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days remaining.\n\n<<display "Construction_options">>\n\n\n
[img[]]\nWelcome to Implementation!\n\nYou have completed:\nAssessment, Alternatives Analysis & Design.\n\nNow its time to make your design a reality!\n\nYour travel team will consist of 6 travel team members, and you will be in the country of Ping for 18 days.\n\n[[Continue |Design]]\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $person_days = 106>>\n<<set $community_event = false>>\n<<set $digging_trenches = false>>\n<<set $installing_transmission_line = false>>\n<<set $electric_lines = false>>\n<<set $tank_foundation = false>>\n<<set $rehab_latrines = false>>\n<<set $got_materials = false>>\n<<set $backfill = false>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\n\n
<<if $digging_trenches>>\n[img[]]\nWith the help of the community, the travel team installs the transmission pipe line and backfill the trenches. The transmission line is what transports the water from the source up to the tank on the hill. The distribution lines are what take the water from the tank to the tap stands, which will be implemented on your next trip. This takes your team ''25'' person-days.\n\nYou now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days left.\n<<set $installing_transmission_line = true>>\n<<display "Construction_options">>\n<<set $backfill = true>>\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\nThe transmission lines in your design are underground. In order to begin laying the lines, you need the trenches already dug. Now you have to make your way back into town to grab the tools the team needs to dig the trenches…\n\nIt takes your team ''3'' person-days to organize trench digging, so you now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days remaining.\n<<set $mess_up_transmission = true>>\n<<display "Construction_options">>\n<<set $backfill = true>>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<if $got_materials>>\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 30>>\n<<else>>\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 33>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $person_days lt 0>>\n[img[]]\nOh no! You have run out of time on this implementation trip. It it now time to fly back to Boston. \n\nYour team uses your remaining time to begin working with the mason to build the tank foundation and leave him to finish it while the chapter is not in the country.\n\nReturn to Ewbusa City and [[fly home. |Return trip to Boston]]<<else>>\n[img[]]\nTime check! You have enough time left to complete this task.\n\n[[Onward! |Tank foundation.]]\n<<endif>>\n
[img[]]\nCongratulations, you have successfully completed your first implementation trip! While you may not have completed every necessary step, it is time to go home, analyze your data and field notes, and plan your next trip to Develo. \n\nBe ready to face the challenges ahead as you delve deeper into the project. Monitoring and evaluation are large components of post-implementation work and are just as important as installing the system itself. However, be proud that you have made it this far successfully and keep up the good work. The community is counting on you!\n\nThe end.
<<if $community_event>>\n[img[]]\n<<set $digging_trenches = true>>\nThe first community work day is finally here. The travel team is eager to begin digging with the community. Before, at the service everyone decided to meet in the village center at 9 am ready to work. When you arrive there is a group of community members waiting for you! \nNow the digging process takes ''20'' people-days!\n\nYou now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days left.\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\n<<set $digging_trenches = true>>\nYour travel team is eager to begin trench digging. Breaking ground will excite the community members because they will finally be able to see real results. But oh no! The community does not seem to be aware that it is a community work day and only a couple Water Board members show up to help dig. Too bad they hadn't been aware of this beforehand... \n\nNow trench digging takes your team ''40'' person-days.\n\nYou now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days left.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $mess_up_transmission>>\n[[Continue onto transmission line installation |Time check]]\n<<else>>\nOpen trenches are a large hazard to the community if left open for long amounts of time. Make sure to backfill them before you leave the country!\n\n<<display Construction_options>>\n\n<<endif>>
[img[]]\nYour team was able to work with the local electric company to bring electricity to the village. The poles that you had installed on your previous implementation trip proved to be installed and secured correctly, which made for a smooth installation of the wires. This will take your team ''15'' person-days.\n\nYou now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days left.\n\n<<display "Construction_options">>\n
<<set $person_days = $person_days - 25>>\n<<if $person_days lt 0>>\n[img[]]\nOh no! You have run out of time on this implementation trip. It it now time to fly back to Boston. \n\nYour team uses your remaining time to begin installing the transmission lines with the community and leave the villagers to finish the job while the chapter is not in the country.\n<<set $person_days = $person_days + 25>>\nReturn to Ewbusa City and [[fly home. |Return trip to Boston]]\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\nTime check! You have enough time left to complete this task.\n\n\n[[Onward! |Transmission line installation]]\n<<endif>>\n
<<set $person_days = $person_days - 9>>\n<<if $person_days lt 0>>\n[img[]]\nOh no! You have run out of time on this implementation trip. It it now time to fly back to Boston. \n<<set $person_days = $person_days + 9>>\nReturn to Ewbusa City and [[fly home. |Return trip to Boston]]\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\nTime check! You have enough time left to complete this task.\n\n\n[[Onward! |Rehabilitate latrines.]]\n<<endif>>
Welcome to Implementation!
[img[]]\nOnce you arrive in Develo, you spend the rest of the day and the first half of the following day getting accustomed to the landscape of the village, greeting villagers and collecting some survey data.\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 9>>\nThis takes your entire team the rest of the day, which equates to ''9'' person-days. You now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days remaining.\n\nWhile you are walking through the village center, one of the members from the Water Board tells you about the terrible state of the latrines in his part of the village. He begs you to rehabilitate them during your trip.\n\nWhat would you like to accomplish next on your trip?\n\n* Rehabilitate the village latrines, which should take your team about ''9'' person-days to complete.\n* Supervise trench digging for pipe lines, which should take your team about ''20'' person-days.\n* Host a community awareness event, which should take your team about ''6'' person-days.\n* Monitor the mason constructing the tank foundation, which should take your team about ''30'' person-days.\n* Install the transmission pipe lines, which should take your team about ''25'' person-days.\n* Connect the village to Ping's grid using the poles you installed on your previous implementation trip. This should take your team about ''15'' person-days.\n\n<<display "Construction_options">>\n\n
[img[]]\nAfter travelling for two days*, you arrive in Ewbusa City, the capital of Ping. Since your travel team has ''6'' members and traveling takes ''2'' days, ''12'' person-days are taken out of the ''106'' person-days that represent the length of your trip.\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 12>>\nSo you have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days remaining.\n\nAfter months of fundraising and design work with your team, you are finally ready to implement your project. However, the work has only just begun. \n\nMake sure to keep track of what you have accomplished and how much time you have left on your trip as you go through implementation! Your team will ''not'' have time to finish everything, and you never know what you will encounter on the ground. Thorough field notes are essential to the project process because your fellow chapter members need to be able to know what happened while your travel team was in country.\n\nAs soon as you get into the city, you encounter your first executive decision as the travel team. You must decide whether you wish to order supplies in the capital ''OR'' travel to the village and meet the community, as well as survey the land.\n\n<<choice "Go into Ewbusa City and order building materials.">>\n\nor\n\n<<choice "Go to the village of Develo to begin work.">>\n\n''*''Note: The two days it takes your team to travel is compiled for the time it takes you to get to Ping and to fly home at the end of your trip.\n
[img[]]\nWith the help of the community, the travel team installs the transmission pipe line and backfill the trenches. The transmission line is what transports the water from the source up to the tank on the hill. The distribution lines are what take the water from the tank to the tap stands, which will be implemented on your next trip. This takes your team ''25'' person-days.\n\nYou now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days left.\n<<set $installing_transmission_line = true>>\n<<display "Construction_options">>\n<<set $backfill = true>>
[img[]]\nRemember your travel teammate complaining about that bug bite on her leg a couple days ago?\n<<set $person_days = $person_days + 15>>\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 7>>\nWell it turns out that that mosquito was infected with dengue fever! Your teammate has to spend the next ''7'' days in the village clinic recovering from this ruthless disease.\n\nYour team now has ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days remaining.\n\n[[Continue to electric line installation. |Electric Line Time Check]]\n\n\n\n
[img[]]\nThe next morning you are now ready to begin work. You spend the first half of the day familiarizing the travel team members with the village layout and greeting community members.\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 3>>\nThis takes you ''3'' person-days, so you now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days left.\n<<set $got_materials = true>>\nWhile you are walking through the village center, one of the members from the Water Board tells you about the terrible state of the latrines in his part of the village. He begs you to rehabilitate them during your trip.\n\nYou are now faced with some decisions that need to be made. The following tasks are potential options of what your team can work on during your trip.\n\n* Rehabilitate the village latrines, which should take your team about ''9'' person-days to complete.\n* Supervise trench digging for pipe lines, which should take your team about ''20'' person-days.\n* Host a community awareness event, which should take your team about ''6'' person-days.\n* Monitor the mason constructing the tank foundation, which should take your team about ''30'' person-days.\n* Install the transmission pipe lines, which should take your team about ''25'' person-days.\n* Connect the village to Ping's grid using the poles you installed on your previous implementation trip. This should take your team about ''15'' person-days.\n\nWhat would you like to accomplish next on your trip?\n<<display "Construction_options">>\n
<<silently>>\n<<if $digging_trenches>>\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 25>>\n<<else>>\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 3>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $person_days lt 0>>\n[img[]]\nOh no! You have run out of time on this implementation trip. It it now time to fly back to Boston. \n\nYour team uses your remaining time to begin installing the transmission lines with the community and leave the villagers to finish the job while the chapter is not in the country.\n<<set $person_days = $person_days + 25>>\nReturn to Ewbusa City and [[fly home. |Return trip to Boston]]\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\nTime check! You have enough time left to complete this task.\n\n[[Onward! |Transmission lines.]]\n<<endif>>\n
<<set $person_days = $person_days - 6>>\n<<if $person_days lt 0>>\n[img[]]\nOh no! You have run out of time on this implementation trip. It it now time to fly back to Boston. \n<<set $person_days = $person_days + 6>>\nReturn to Ewbusa City and [[fly home. |Return trip to Boston]]\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\nTime check! You have enough time left to complete this task.\n\n[[Onward! |Community event.]]\n<<endif>>
<<set $person_days = $person_days - 15>>\n<<if $person_days lt 0>>\n[img[]]\nOh no! You have run out of time on this implementation trip. It it now time to fly back to Boston. \n<<set $person_days = $person_days + 15>>\nReturn to Ewbusa City and [[fly home. |Return trip to Boston]]\n<<else>>\n[img[]]\nTime check! You have enough time left to complete this task.\n\n[[Onward! |Dengue!]]\n<<endif>>
History.prototype.originalDisplay = History.prototype.display;\n\nHistory.prototype.display = function (title, link, render)\n{\n if ((render != 'quietly') && (render != 'offscreen'))\n removeChildren($('passages'));\n \n this.originalDisplay.apply(this, arguments);\n};\n\n\n
[img[]]\n<<set $community_event = true>>\nThis morning you get to clean up and wear your dress shirts; a welcome change from the dust covered t-shirts and zip-off cargo pants. It is time to go to the local religious centers to talk to the community about the progress of the project.\n\nRaising awareness in the community is an integral part of an EWB project. By attending religious services, the community feels more involved and included in the process of implementing their water system. Now, when you call for community workdays, people will show up excited and ready to work!\n\nThis will take your team ''6'' person-days.\n\nYou now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days remaining.\n\n<<display "Construction_options">>\n<<endif>>\n
Your chapter has worked very hard to design a water distribution system for the village of Develo. The following graphic is a schematic drawing of the system that your team designed.\n\nThe pump will be powered by electricity, which your chapter has been working to extend to the village. On your last implementation trip, you installed the poles for the electrical lines.\n\n[img[]]\n\n[[Continue | Day 1 - Ewbusa City]]\n
Engineers Without Borders USA - Northeastern University
<<actions "Rehabilitate latrines (9 p-d)" "Trench digging (20 p-d)" "Community event (6 p-d)" "Tank foundation (30 p-d)" "Transmission lines (25 p-d)" "Electric lines (15 p-d)">>\n\n
[img[]]\n<<set $got_materials = true>>\nWhile in Ewbusa City, you were able to order the materials needed for the mason to build the tank foundation, including mortar, bricks and reinforcing bars.\n<<set $person_days = $person_days - 6>>\nYour travel team spends the rest of the day traveling to the village of Develo after leaving Ewbusa City. \n\nYou now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days remaining.\n\n[[Continue | Day 2 - Begin work]]\n
[img[]]\n<<if $got_materials>>\nThe excavation for the tank foundation is already done. Now it is time to meet with the local mason and begin gathering the necessary materials for construction. The supplies the team ordered while in Ewbusa City begin arriving in the village. Now it is time to organize and oversee the construction of the tank foundation. \n\nConstruction is also the time to train local community members about the water system. The appointed Maintenance Director for the village will be heavily involved as well. After the team leaves the country, this appointed villager will be responsible for performing the day-to-day maintenance of the system. \n\nYou now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days left.\n\n<<else>>\n<<set $got_materials = true>>\nOops! You don't have materials for the mason to build with! You have to go back to Ewbusa City to pick up materials, which takes ''3'' person-days.\n\nNow that you have ordered the materials it is time to meet with the local mason and begin construction.\n\nThis is an opportune time to train local community members about the water system. The appointed Maintenance Director for the village will be heavily involved as well. After the team leaves the country, this appointed villager will be responsible for performing the day-to-day maintenance of the system. \n\nYou now have ''<<print $person_days>>'' person-days remaining.\n<<endif>>\n<<set tank_foundation = true>>\n<<display "Construction_options">>\n