couple of options okay

first things first witchdumpling what's in your drawers
OKAY SO TO CONFIRM\nyou have a <<if $vaginahaver eq true>>VAGINA<<endif>><<if $penishaver eq true>>PENIS<<endif>><<if $sweetjunkhaver eq true>>GENITAL<<endif>> in your drawers, little witchdumpling\nyou want <<if $classicsac eq true>>GRUESOME<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>ABSTRACT<<endif>> sacrifices\n\n*[[yes i love it let's go|begin]]\n*[[hmm hmmmm no i changed my mind|start over]]
your hands, as you watch them, stretch and elongate, followed by your arms. as they stretch, they seem to lighten, as if your bones are becoming hollow. your nails, at the tips of your lengthening digits, tint and flow out into pointed black talons. black scales sprout behind them and spread down your fingers.\n\nyour little fingers peel off from your claws and then from your hands, becoming small spars of bone sticking out from your arm, opposite from your thumbs. a fine web of cartilage stretches out between the spars and your elbows.\n\na diabolical itching radiates down from your shoulders through your flesh. you reach up with your hooked talons and stratch desperately, feverishly. flesh tears away under your claws, exposing blood-matted black feathers. as you scratch the last of your flesh from your arms, the feathers beneath fan out majestically, flinging off gobs of blood and tissue. now you have two tremendous and shimmering black wings.
she runs her hands through the coarse fur on your sides, sliding up your body. she circles your navel with a finger, traces it up your abs, then fills her hands with your breasts. she kneads them gently and plays with the stiffening nipples.\n\n"uh, sorry, careful with those"\n\n"what?"\n\n"if you squeeze em too much then this horrible plague wind blows out of them"\n\n"oh, damn, sorry"\n\n"no it's okay"\n\n"well plus i mean, was it doing anything?"\n\n"haha no it's fun but like... they're just boobs"\n\n"what if i just do this?"\n\nshe circles her arms around you in a warm embrace and rests her head against your breasts.\n\n"that's nice"\n\nactually it's a little uncomfortable. the pressure is building up inside your breasts again. you'll probably have to let it out in a little while.
<<if $snakehead eq true>><<display "snakehead tf">><<endif>><<if $bughead eq true>><<display "bughead tf">><<endif>><<if $birdhead eq true>><<display "birdhead tf">><<endif>><<if $goathead eq true>><<display "goathead tf">><<endif>><<if $wolfhead eq true>><<display "wolfhead tf">><<endif>>\n\nthe searing, transmogrifying power arcs down to your [[body|body tf]].
several explosions shock you. you smell burning fur, and a bestial rage builds inside you. you look down. there are tanks in the street, barrels leveled directly at your massive, monstrous form.\n\nyou howl in fury and grapple a high-rise above the tanks. with a primal surge of force, you topple the building onto the offending tanks, crushing them under tons of steel and concrete. tanks ain't shit.
you unleash a gurgling howl of triumph into the smoggy night air. it booms through the hazy streets, a tidal wave of all of mankind's primal fears. slaver drips in tremendous gobs from your maws, pooling on the asphalt below.\n\nyou focus your inner sight upon the thrumming webs of power ensaring the city. your sudden titanic growth has set them into a whirring, spinning chaos. you focus on a familiar thread, and //pull.//\n\nin a purple flash, the witch appears in midair, just above your head. with a cry of surprise, she lands on the brow of your first head and grasps desperately onto the black fur there.
your voice is getting hoarse.\n\n<<if $classicsac eq true>>blood congeals on your body.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>wax cracks on your scalded flesh.<<endif>>\n\nyou fight back tears.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[[...]]
you have the head of a giant centipede, mandibles clacking in hunger, tarsungulums dripping with foul poisons.
extending up from your shoulders is a pillar of gurgling, gaping, growling wolf heads, each one emerging from the distended maw of the one below. there are five heads, all in all.
what a mess. dishes fill the sink. hair covers the floor. the air is hazy and sharp from the cloud of poison misery that smothers the city outside. the air conditioning unit rattles and whines, and the old tv set softly mumbles static. something smells. smells like no job, no money, no prospects, no friends. smells like alienation. smells like late capitalism.\n\nthe only nod to cleanliness in the whole place is in the kitchen. you just mopped the kitchen tiles, but only so you could paint a pentagram on them in your own blood and stick sputtering candles at every point. it's easier to clean that shit off of tile than carpet. you would know.\n\nassuming this doesn't work, that is. which, really, would just be par for the fucking course. you can't live like this.\n<<silently>>\n<<if ($getsnake eq 1) and ($getbug eq 1) and ($getbird eq 1) and ($getgoat eq 1) and ($getwolf eq 1)>>\n<<set $havematerials = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $havematerials eq false>>\nyou've placed all your materials in two different places, the [[living room]] and the [[fridge]]. better round them up.\n<<else>>\nyou had placed all your materials in two different places, the [[living room]] and the [[fridge]], but now you have everything, meager as it is.\n\nhopefully you won't have to live like this for long. time to [[make the sacrifice.]]\n<<endif>>
wild and savage power envelops your groin, filling it with a feral heat. shaggy black fur radiates across your pubis. \n\n<<if $sweetjunkhaver eq true>>the power races across your groin, warping and twisting your genitals, fusing and expanding sensitive flesh in erogenous scintillations. what remains is a lupine mockery of a human vagina. wait, mockery? that's a little closed-minded. it sure seems like a fully-functional vagina. who are you to hold all the genitals in the world to your arbitrary human-centric beauty standards? and i mean, it's not like you're human anymore anyway.<<endif>><<if $vaginahaver eq true>>the power plays across your labia, crackling around your clit, before shooting deep inside you. in its wake, your sensitive flesh reshapes itself. it is still a vagina, but it sure ain't no human vagina no more.<<endif>><<if $penishaver eq true>>the power spirals around your shaft, arcing to your balls before burying itself deep in your body. in its wake, flesh retracts and reshapes, penis becoming clitoris, scrotum becoming labia. but they look... off. they don't seem human.<<endif>>\n\nthen the howling starts. muffled bays sound from inside your womb as it starts to swell, and swell. your womb distends, pushing the flesh of your stomach out in a monstrous parody of motherhood.\n\nsomething inside thrashes its way out. you drop to the ground as it passes your cervix. as you watch, a growling wolf's head squeezes its way out of your vagina, fur matted with blood and fluids. legs follow, then it scrabbles its way fully out of you. it clambers to its feet, sniffs the air, circles restlessly, then, just as suddenly as it left, it burrows its way back inside you.\n\nyou recall a passage from milton:\n\n~~//These yelling Monsters that with ceaseless cry\nSurround me, as thou saw'st, hourly conceiv'd\nAnd hourly born, with sorrow infinite\nTo me, for when they list into the womb\nThat bred them they return, and howl and gnaw\nMy Bowels, their repast; then bursting forth\nAfresh with conscious terrors vex me round,\nThat rest or intermission none I find.//~~\n\nyes. //paradise lost.// this is a perfectly natural thing to think about when your womb is continuously birthing and re-absorbing fully-grown wolves.
luxurious black plumage sprouts from your thighs and calves as power dances across your flesh. your bones feel slightly lighter. the flesh on your ankles and feet shrinks into a hard, black, bumpy set of scales. the whole effect resembles nothing so much as a pair of jodhpurs.\n\nwith a sickening crack, your ankles lurch upwards, spilling you to the blood-slick tiles. your outer toes start to fuse together as your big toes wrench around to your heels and stretch outward. wicked talons rip out of the tips. your calves and thighs seem to shrink to make room for your growing ankle bones.\n\nyou totter to your new taloned claws, flexing them experimentally. and here you thought you were too young to get crow's feet.
"it's... it's a cloaca?"\n\n"but on top, those are snakes though"\n\n"yeah, i have two snakes for dicks, it's a thing that happens to me"\n\n"i would really rather not fuck literal snakes"\n\n"that's probably safer actually, they kinda spew out snake poison when i cum"\n\n"UM"\n\n"i mean, there's still the cloaca"\n\n"doesn't like... doesn't your waste come out of there too"\n\n"well yeah but it keeps itself clean. i think"\n\n"i could give it a shot, i guess"\n\nshe starts to eat out your cloaca, but her heart really just isn't in it.\n\n"hey, don't worry about it. you don't have to do this."
what in the hollerin hell is going on inside your guts? everything feels //wrong.// everything is shifting and squirming. you can't even feel your heartbeat anymore. it feels like everything that used to be inside of your torso and keeping your body from dying has been replaced with pure invertebrate malice.\n\non the surface, your skin takes on a jaundiced hue. imperfections, blemishes, protuberances, all are subsumed into a uniform pillar of hardening flesh. it turns into a thick yellow chitin and creases form, dividing your body into distinct segments. more chitin bubbles up from the center of your torso, pushing aside surrounding segments like tectonic plates, stretching your torso out until it is almost twice as tall. the chitin is even thicker on your back, and tinted a deep crimson.\n\nthe squirming //wrongness// of your innards intensifies. suddenly, in a shower of ichor, tremendous segmented centipede legs erupt from each section of your torso. a pair of stunted legs wriggle out just above your arms. well now. okay.
you screech in triumph into the smoggy night air. windows all along the haze-choked street shatter as the soundwave passes. you flex your tarsungulums, and a torrent of poison floods into the gutters below.\n\nyou focus your inner sight upon the thrumming webs of power ensaring the city. your sudden titanic growth has set them into a whirring, spinning chaos. you focus on a familiar thread, and //pull.//\n\nin a purple flash, the witch appears in midair, just above your head. with a cry of surprise, she lands on your slick carapace and slides down, finding no purchase until she lands, straddling one of your antennae.
<<if $snakearm eq true>><<display "snakearm tf">><<endif>><<if $bugarm eq true>><<display "bugarm tf">><<endif>><<if $birdarm eq true>><<display "birdarm tf">><<endif>><<if $goatarm eq true>><<display "goatarm tf">><<endif>><<if $wolfarm eq true>><<display "wolfarm tf">><<endif>>\n\nas the power erupts from your limbs, more flows down to your [[legs|leg tf]].
rightous power slams into you, knocking the breath from your lungs. does this schween think he can stop you? //nothing// can stop you.\n\nyou squeeze your breasts until another howling blast of plague wind shrieks out. he doubles over, coughing, then recovers. nevertheless, his attack is spent.
ultraviolet lightning arcs from the hovering ring of crystal pillars surrounding your head and into nearby transformers, power lines, lightning rods, and water towers. each bolt sends a thrill of ecstasy through your body. a trail of sparking, smoldering slag follows you, pointing directly for one specific point of the city.\n\nyou reach the capitol building. you knock off the top of the dome and peer inside at a suited sea of corpulent white fucks, fat as ticks on the blood of suffering, staring up in dumbfounded horror.\n\nyou start grabbing your erotic monoliths and hurling them through the dome. as they sink into the ground, they discharge blinding coronas of blasphemous power. oily smoke rises from the broken dome, smelling of burning fabric, flesh, and hair.
<<if $snakearm eq true>><<display "snakearm fight">><<endif>><<if $bugarm eq true>><<display "bugarm fight">><<endif>><<if $birdarm eq true>><<display "birdarm fight">><<endif>><<if $goatarm eq true>><<display "goatarm fight">><<endif>><<if $wolfarm eq true>><<display "wolfarm fight">><<endif>>\n\nblood gushes from his nose as his barrier shatters, leaving him defenseless against your [[counterattack.]]
nest. awww, look! they even stuffed it with newspapers and worthless currency to make it warmer! you have the best subjects ever. you fluff your feathers out and settle down into the nest.
you analyze the shimmering, interlocking whorls of the barrier. astral fractals of force and counterforce swirl beneath your gaze, dancing, shifting...\n\n//there.//\n\nwith a shrill cry, you lash out with every one of your centipede limbs, striking ten points across the barrier in quick succession. the barrier seems unchanged.\n\nthe little shit laughs at you. he's like "god's love protects me" or some bullshit but you stare him the fuck down.\n\nyou're like\n\n"no. nothing can protect you. you are already dead."
you croak your triumph in hideous stereo into the smoggy night air. crackling energy arcs from your hovering crystal crown into nearby transformers and powerlines, and they shatter in blinding showers of sparks.\n\nyou focus your inner sight upon the thrumming webs of power ensaring the city. your sudden titanic growth has set them into a whirring, spinning chaos. you focus on a familiar thread, and //pull.//\n\nin a purple flash, the witch appears in midair, just above your left head. with a cry of surprise, she lands in the bed of giant, soft feathers. she grabs on desperately.
you bend your heads down until you can reach the mouthpiece with your last head. you enclose it with your ultimate slavering maw. with a slight manipulation of the apartment's ethereal webs of energy, the bowl lights, and you draw.\n\nyou pass it to the witch and hold it. <<if $snakebody eq true or $bugbody eq true>>this is impressive because you're not quite sure if you even have lungs anymore. <<endif>> you cough the smoke out. with a gurgling wetness, smoke leaks out of every gaping mouth on the way out before blowing out of your last head, wreathing your towering pillar of heads in a soporific cloud of purple smoke.
you don't have //TIME FOR THIS.// you tear into the barrier with your horrible claws, sending psychic sparks arcing around the room as you rend the shield. you can feel it losing stability, buckling beneath your bloody claws. finally, with a last burst of lycanthropic fury, you cleave it apart.
@import url(;\n\n.blackletter {\n\nfont-family: 'UnifrakturCook'\n\n}
<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=7>THEY ANSWER</font></span></html>\n[[*|THEY ANSWER]]
THE END\n<<if $wolfhead eq true and $bugbody eq true and $snakeleg eq true>>you turned into probably the longest demon possible! pat yourself on the back<<endif>>\n<<if $bugbody eq true and $wolfleg eq true>>i am fairly certain you grew the most legs of all the demons! grats buddy<<endif>>\n<<if $birdarm eq true and $snakebody eq true and $bugleg eq true>>if somebody saw your demonic form they would probably never guess it was once human! have an achievement<<endif>>\n<<if $snakehead eq true and $goatjunk eq true>>you grew the most heads! probably! great job<<endif>>\n<<if $badend eq true>>too bad you are a //coward and a fool.// YOU GET BAD END!<<endif>><<if $goodend eq true>>also, you instated FULL COMMUNISM. YOU GET GOOD END!<<endif>>\n\n<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=6>SABBAT</font></span></html>\nby [[oh no problems|]]\n\nthis story is dedicated to all those cyberpunks who fight to get giant wolf dicks every day of their lives\n\nif you enjoyed this twine, consider purchasing SABBAT: DIRECTOR'S KVT from [[|]]! it includes pixel art by [[cactusbee|]] and music by [[stationlost|]]!\n\ninspirations:\n[[xax|]]\n[[fleshcult|]]\nthe devil's blood\nelectric wizard\nsabbat\nsatan\nmilton\nTRVE FVCKING KVLT P666WER\n\nthis is a work of fiction, please be nice to animals irl, don't sacrifice them :[
your tremendous scaled genitals drool a trail of poison and mucus along the street behind you. onlookers flee for high ground. you pay them no mind. you have a different goal right now.\n\nyou reach the capitol building. you knock off the top of the dome and peer inside at a suited sea of corpulent white fucks, fat as ticks on the blood of suffering, staring up in dumbfounded horror.\n\nyou position your bulk over the dome, stick your serpentine hemipenes into the hole you made, and start thrusting. soon, a torrent of poison bursts from your loins, accompanied by gurgling screams from below.
<<if $classicsac eq true>>where will you put the blood<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>where will you direct the power<<endif>>\n\n<<actions "head" "body" "arms" "legs" "genitals">>
you have a long, crimson and yellow centipede body instead of legs. it ends in a head-like segment tipped by longer segmented legs, useful for grasping prey or fooling complete imbeciles into thinking your head is at the bottom of your body.
occult majjycks rock your body up and down. yep, there they go up, and then back down again. shit is getting crazy in your body. shit is getting so crazy that coarse black fur sprouts across your back, along your shoulders, down to your hips, circling your navel, playing up your flanks. however, the fur goes no further than that, leaving exposed your navel, stomach, solar plexus, and breasts.\n\nspeaking of, //damn.// occult majjycks done gave you about the //rudest titties in the universe.// hell yes. they are pert and plump and full and...\n\nfull. actually, wow, kind of //painfully// full. you grab them and start massaging them to try to relieve the pressure. you'd like to say it was turning you on, but breasts really just aren't that erogenous. mostly it kind of hurts. you feel something pressing urgently behind your nipples and squeeze harder.\n\na hideous, miasmic plague wind wails out of your breasts. several houseplants, caught in the blast, wither and crumble before your eyes. well, at least you feel a little better now.
<<if $getgoat eq 1 and $getwolf eq 1>>\nyou've already grabbed the blood from the fridge. you doubt the darker powers would be interested in a sacrifice of mayo.\n\n[[return.|look around your apartment.]]\n<<endif>><<if $getgoat eq 1 and $getwolf eq 1 and $abstractsac eq true>>\nyou've already grabbed the blood-candles from the fridge. you doubt the darker powers would be interested in a sacrifice of mayo.\n\n[[return.|look around your apartment.]]\n<<endif>><<if $classicsac eq true and $getgoat neq 1 and $getwolf neq 1>>sidling around the pentagram, you open the fridge. in the vegetable drawer, a bag of wilted, slimy lettuce. an empty carton of eggs. a jar of mayonnaise, past its expiration date. and 2 mason jars in the condiments shelf, full of dark red fluid. one says "GOAT" on a tape label, the other says "WOLF"\n\nyou got them from the internet. you grab them and tuck them under your arm.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $getgoat = 1>>\n<<set $getwolf = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nyou shut the door with your foot and [[keep looking.|look around your apartment.]]\n<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true and $getgoat neq 1 and $getwolf neq 1>>sidling around the pentagram, you open the fridge. in the vegetable drawer, a bag of wilted, slimy lettuce. an empty carton of eggs. a jar of mayonnaise, past its expiration date. and two ruddy crimson-black candles in the condiments shelf. one says "GOAT" on a tape label, the other says "WOLF"\n\nyou got the blood from the internet and mixed it into some unholy candles. you had no idea what would happen to a candle's usual shelf life of "forever" if you put blood into it so to be safe you kept em in the fridge. you grab them and tuck them under your arm.<<silently>>\n<<set $getgoat = 1>>\n<<set $getwolf = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nyou shut the door with your foot and [[keep looking.|look around your apartment.]]\n<<endif>>
"ummm... eggs come out of this"\n\n"is it even a sex organ?"\n\n"it feels good when the eggs come out i guess"\n\n"what... what comes out of the eggs"\n\n"centipedes"\n\nshe gags a little bit.\n\n"you okay?"\n\n"sorry i just... would //really// like to keep centipedes away from my junk"\n\n"that is perfectly reasonable"\n\n"i mean, let alone the fact that i don't think i could even fit that thing anywhere inside me"\n\n"hey, don't worry about it"
where once you had a normal set of human junk, now you have a scaled cloaca dripping with viscous fluids. above it, twin black snakes form a lethal and lengthy hemipene. you might want to warn any potential partners about that.
you prowl towards her on padded feet. before you reach her, you tack to the side, stalking in a wide circle around her. she follows you with her gaze, smiling warily. you have nearly completed your circuit when you pounce, bearing her playfully to the carpeted floor. her head rests in the center of her pentagram.\n\n"you know i find it's best to do that in the kitchen or the bathroom, carpet's such a hassle to clean"\n\n"that is excellent advice, i don't know why that never occured to me"\n\nyou lower your warm, midnight-furred bulk over her, resting with just barely enough weight not to crush her.
your compound eyes glitter in fractal gleams. you open your chittering mandibles to address him, tarsungulums dripping with foul poisons.
<<set $sacrifice = "snake">>\n<<if $classicsac eq true>>choking back a sob, you raise your athame with shaking hands. with one clean stroke, crowley's head drops to the floor.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>crowley watches from outside the pentagram as you lift the guttering, speckled snake candle.<<endif>>\n\n<<display "body parts">>
you skitter around the windowsill and anchor yourself above it. with a whipping flex, you smash the window with the end of your centipede tail and latch on to the wall inside. you flow in backwards in an eery, jerking progression, then drop to the floor and wheel to face him.
<<if $getbug eq 1 and $classicsac eq true>>\nyou've already grabbed the centipede. its terrarium is held in the crook of your arm.\n\nbetter [[move on|living room]] before it grosses you out even more.\n<<endif>><<if $getbug neq 1 and $classicsac eq true>>ahh, //scolopendra polymorpha//. the sonoran desert centipede. this one is about 6 inches long, with a glossy red head at the front of a bright yellow body topped with chitinous red plates. the guy at the pet store said it was female. you'll take his word for it. you grab the small terrarium and try not to freak out when it scuttles around the cage.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $getbug = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nwhy did you even buy a centipede.\n\ntime to [[move on.|living room]]\n<<endif>><<if $getbug eq 1 and $abstractsac eq true>>\nyou've already grabbed the venomous candle.\n\nbetter [[move on|living room]] before you decide that maybe you don't need to be exposed to evaporated venom fumes tonight.\n<<endif>><<if $getbug neq 1 and $abstractsac eq true>>ahh, //scolopendra polymorpha//. the sonoran desert centipede. this one is about 6 inches long, with a glossy red head at the front of a bright yellow body topped with chitinous red plates. the guy at the pet store said it was female. you'll take his word for it. there's a black candle next to its terrarium with a greasy sheen to it. you grab it.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $getbug = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\ndo you even //realize// how difficult it is for an amateur entomologist with no equipment or training to milk the venom from a sonoran desert centipede? it's //really hard.// it's also hard to mix that venom into a good candle when your hand is swollen to about twice its regular size, but hopefully yours does the trick.\n\nwhy did you even buy a centipede.\n\ntime to [[move on.|living room]]\n<<endif>>
you call upon mammon, upon beelzebub, upon pythius, belial, asmodeus, merihem, abaddon, astaroth\n\nyou call upon satan, master of witches\n\n\n\nyou call upon the nameless dead, the women burned and tortured for the sin of knowledge, the untold howling pagan dead\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[[you're running out of ideas.]]
you lose a bit of mass as some of your body-snakes crisp and sizzle away under the assault. oh no oh no\n\n//oh no//\n\noh thank fucking satan, crowley is okay!\n\n//you can't lose him<<if $classicsac eq true>> again<<endif>>.// you shrug aside the assault and steel yourself to retaliate.
you grasp your hemipenes and pump furiously. before he can recover his defenses, poison spurts from your serpent members, directly into his eyes.\n\nhe screams in pain and claws at them. venom and blood pool down his face and he gurgles as it seeps into his mouth. red froth bubbles up from his lungs.
several explosions shock you. the air fills with the scent of smoldering feathers. you look down. there are tanks in the street, barrels leveled directly at your massive, monstrous form.\n\nyou don't give them a chance to fire again. you leap into the air and beat down with your enormous wings. they buffet the street with hurricane-force winds, ripping signs from their moorings, shattering hydrants, overturning cars and tanks. you softly land in the wreckage. at least, it's soft for //you,// but you definitely just felt a water main shatter beneath you.
<<if $getwitchaura eq true and $getdweebaura eq true>>\nthe most powerful auras in the city are yours. with them, the world. dawn breaks. your dawn.\n\n[[TAKE THE POWER WITHIN YOURSELF]]\n[[actually, i'm good]]\n<<else>>\nyou slip out <<if $getwitchaura eq true or $getdweebaura eq true>>again <<endif>> into the dead night, a fledgling demoness with the world to gain.\n\nyou can sense two powerful auras in the city, almost blinding in their brilliance. were you to take them into your own, nothing could stop you.\n\nwhich aura will you hunt\n<<actions "dancing flame black purple" "rigid mesh white crosses">>\n<<endif>>
black fur covers most of your body, but leaves your navel, chest, and rockin breasts exposed. your breasts, btw, emit a dire wind and with it comes plague.
you got some sweet junk there, cutie\n<<silently>>\n<<set $sweetjunkhaver = true>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<display "sacrifice options">>
<<if $havematerials eq false>>\nyou take a deep breath, step towards the pentagram on the floor, then stop yourself. the only thing you have to sacrifice at this point is yourself, and that actually sounds like a terrible idea. the whole point of this was to get power for //yourself.// hard to do that when you're bleeding to death in the middle of your own pentagram.\n\nmaybe you should [[look around your apartment|look around your apartment.]] first.\n<<else>>\nyou have all the materials you prepared. hopefully, that'll be enough. what a paltry selection. fuck. you strip from your clothes, set your sacrifices to the side, adjust your grip on your homemade athame and seat yourself in the center of the pentagram on the floor.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $headcoat = "">>\n<<set $bodycoat = "">>\n<<set $armcoat = "">>\n<<set $legcoat = "">>\n<<set $junkcoat = "">>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[it's time.|application]]<<endif>>
<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=4>"gott ist tot! gott bleibt tott!"</font></span></html>\n\n"it's a goat head and i can't get it to say anything except blasphemy"\n\n"oh. okay."\n\n<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=4>"all shall turn to apostasy when faced with our fell power"</font></span></html>\n\n"is it... does it feel good when you touch it?"\n\n"not really, no"\n\n<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=4>"shower the cathedrals with the blood of a million martyrs"</font></span></html>\n\n"so uh... what can you do with it?"\n\n"well, maybe i can try licking you?"\n\n<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=4>"eclipse the hated sun of god's love with the fires of brmmmlflaahmhmmllmmgllghmmmglhlfffmgfffff"</font></span></html>\n\n"ehhhh, sorry it's just... it's too weird."
you stride through the burning streets, a colossus of depravity.\n\n<<if $snakejunk eq true>><<display "snakejunk kaiju">><<endif>><<if $bugjunk eq true>><<display "bugjunk kaiju">><<endif>><<if $birdjunk eq true>><<display "birdjunk kaiju">><<endif>><<if $goatjunk eq true>><<display "goatjunk kaiju">><<endif>><<if $wolfjunk eq true>><<display "wolfjunk kaiju">><<endif>>\n\nyou gaze across the ruined skyline and take a [[deep breath.|kaiju5]]\n
your howl echoes across the desolate ruins: "BRING ME THE SKULL OF EVERY BANKER, EVERY MANAGER, EVERY EXECUTIVE, EVERY JAILER, EVERY PRIEST, EVERY RAPIST. BRING ME //SKULLS"//\n\nand the people obey. by evening, a great mound of skulls fills the crumbling husk of the capitol dome.\n\nunder the directions of your witch-queen, the people shape the mound into a fine <<if $snakeleg eq true>><<display "snakeleg kaiju">><<endif>><<if $bugleg eq true>><<display "bugleg kaiju">><<endif>><<if $birdleg eq true>><<display "birdleg kaiju">><<endif>><<if $goatleg eq true>><<display "goatleg kaiju">><<endif>><<if $wolfleg eq true>><<display "wolfleg kaiju">><<endif>> easing back in contented repose, you turn to your witch-queen.\n\n"WAKE ME UP IF THEY DECIDE TO NUKE US OR ANYTHING, WILL YOU, DARLING?"\n\n"no problem, boss!"\n\ntonight, the city has fallen to you. soon, the world.\n\nnothing can stop your terrible apotheosis.\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $goodend = true>>\n<<set $badend = false>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[NOTHING.|THE END]]\n
you face your hoof-tipped palm to the handle, speak an arcane syllable, and the door slides open. you enter.
midden heap. so, technically they just took the mound of skulls and threw some trash on it. still, it looks great to you, and that's what matters. you burrow into it with your bug legs.
you flex your pythons and roll your shoulders. does he think he's fucking hard? dude probably still wets the bed at night, no way are you gonna lose to this dweebus. you've got //snakes for arms.//\n\nyou rear your arms back and plunge them into the barrier. fangs sink into ethereal force and inject their poison. you can see the venom corroding its way through the astral barrier, but to him it must be pretty confusing, seeing venom suspended, dripping down something invisible in midair.\n\nyou plunge your fangs in again, and the barrier melts beneath them.
you push buildings aside effortlessly as you make your way to the center of the city, leaving a swathe of destruction in your wake.\n\n<<if $snakebody eq true>><<display "snakebody kaiju">><<endif>><<if $bugbody eq true>><<display "bugbody kaiju">><<endif>><<if $birdbody eq true>><<display "birdbody kaiju">><<endif>><<if $goatbody eq true>><<display "goatbody kaiju">><<endif>><<if $wolfbody eq true>><<display "wolfbody kaiju">><<endif>>\n\nsomething screams overhead as more impacts rock your body.\n\n"they've called in the [[air force!|kaiju3]]" yells the witch from her perch.
you hear the fighters circle around for another pass.\n\n"NO YOU FUCKING DON'T" you bellow.\n\n<<if $snakearm eq true>><<display "snakearm kaiju">><<endif>><<if $bugarm eq true>><<display "bugarm kaiju">><<endif>><<if $birdarm eq true>><<display "birdarm kaiju">><<endif>><<if $goatarm eq true>><<display "goatarm kaiju">><<endif>><<if $wolfarm eq true>><<display "wolfarm kaiju">><<endif>>\n\n"oh my god you just took out a whole squadron of fighters!" cheers the witch.\n\n"THOSE WERE F-22S, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE CAN TAKE OUT A WHOLE SQUADRON OF THEM? THE //INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE."//\n\n"oh."\n\nthe military is utterly crushed, routing in disarray. your rampage is now [[unopposed.|kaiju4]]\n
you undulate forward on chitinous legs. you rear back in front of her until you stand eye-to-eye. you use the legs wriggling in the air to clasp all around her body, pinning her gently to you. you delicately lever the two of you to the floor, until her head rests in the center of her pentagram.\n\n"you know i find it's best to do that in the kitchen or the bathroom, carpet's such a hassle to clean"\n\n"that is excellent advice, i don't know why that never occured to me"\n\nyou wrap the rest of your segmented form around her, clasping her nearly head-to-toe in segmented chitin.
spire. they probably used some cement and rebar, skulls don't stack too high on their own. good initiative. you coil around it luxuriously with your enormous snake tail.
<<if $getsnake eq 1 and $classicsac eq true>>\nyou've already grabbed crowley. he coils innocently around your arm. guilt wracks you by the second.\n\nbetter [[move on|living room]] before you lose your nerve.<<endif>><<if $getsnake neq 1 and $classicsac eq true>>\ncrowley, your gorgeous ball python, suns himself under the heat lamp in his terrarium. ohh gosh. look at the little guy. you've had him for years. you blink back tears, move aside the lid, and take him out.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $getsnake = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nwell, you were already planning on hurling yourself out the window if this ritual doesn't work. who would take care of crowley then? it's... it's better this way. you hope.\n\nbetter [[move on|living room]] before you lose your nerve.\n<<endif>><<if $getsnake eq 1 and $abstractsac eq true>>\nyou've already grabbed the snakeskin candle. also crowley, for good measure. he coils snugly around your arm.\n\ntime to [[move on.|living room]]<<endif>><<if $getsnake neq 1 and $abstractsac eq true>>\ncrowley, your gorgeous ball python, suns himself under the heat lamp in his terrarium. ohh gosh. look at the little guy. you've had him for years. there's a black candle next to it, speckled with off-white flakes. luckily, he managed to molt //directly// on a new moon, so you best believe you harvested that shit on the spot and muddled it into a candle.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $getsnake = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nyou grab the candle. oh, hell, crowley's been such a good sport. you can't leave him out of the proceedings now. you lift him out of his terrarium and he coils happily around your arm.\n\ntime to [[move on.|living room]]\n<<endif>>
you have the head of a goat with five faces, ringing around your entire head. each face has two golden horns, which twine upward into a crown of unspeakable glory.
<<if $getbird eq 1 and $classicsac eq true>>\nyou've already grabbed the birdcage. it dangles from your teeth awkwardly and bumps against your chest. man, crows are really smart and really cool.\n\nbetter [[move on|living room]] before the depravity of your actions catches up to your conscience.\n<<endif>><<if $getbird neq 1 and $classicsac eq true>>the crow croaks at you worriedly. you try to tell yourself it's just a bird and try to ignore all those studies they did on the intelligence of crows and other members of the corvus genus. you unhook the cage from the hook above the tv set and clamp it in your teeth.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $getbird = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nawww dangit. dangit dangit dangit this is a life you are giving over to powers you aren't even certain exist.\n\nwelp. better [[move on.|living room]]\n<<endif>><<if $getbird eq 1 and $abstractsac eq true>>\nyou've already grabbed the candle and released the crow. man, crows are really smart and really cool.\n\nnothing else here. time to [[move on.|living room]]\n<<endif>><<if $getbird neq 1 and $abstractsac eq true>>\nthe crow croaks at you worriedly. below the cage, propped on the tv, is a rather chunky black candle. you tried casting whole feathers in wax but the candles just broke, so instead you just stuffed some plumage into your food processor and blended the fuckers. not the prettiest candle, but hopefully it'll burn more evenly.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $getbird = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>\nyou grab the candle, then have a thought. wouldn't it be so fucking sweet if you had like a crow perched on your arm while you were chanting incantations in a pentagram? that would be //fucking sweet.// you open the cage and hold out your arm like a perch.\n\nthe crow flies out the window.\n\nwelp. better [[move on.|living room]]\n<<endif>>
you plug the mouthpiece with your front face's mouth. with a slight manipulation of the apartment's ethereal webs of energy, the bowl lights, and you draw.\n\nyou pass it to the witch and hold it. <<if $snakebody eq true or $bugbody eq true>>this is impressive because you're not quite sure if you even have lungs anymore. <<endif>> you expel the smoke from every single face, wreathing your fivefold head and terrible crown in a soporific cloud of purple smoke.
you clamp the door handle with your arm-jaws, slide it open, and enter.
you fix your reptilian eyes directly upon him. your serpentine hair waves entrancingly.
your ears fill with hideous chittering that seems to be coming from your arms. you stretch them in front of you in time to see strange bulges skitter from your shoulders down to your fingers. for a moment, you start to doubt if you saw them or not, but then your fingers start to blacken and swell.\n\nbefore your horrified eyes, they rupture into open wounds of weeping black goo, exposing pitted and cancerous bone below. black sores spread down your hands. you lift your hands in front of your face, only to see your fingers slough off and spatter to the floor, splashing black gobs back onto your legs. you try to gather it up with your stubby palms, only to have them disintegrate utterly. tainted flesh drips from your plagued bones before they, too, crumble into wet ruin.\n\nyou huddle, shrieking, armless, on the pentagram, as black ooze flows and finally abates from what used to be your shoulders. the chittering returns, even stronger, and you feel //something// writhing inside your body.\n\nwith a rending, sucking burst, tremendous yellow centipede legs erupt from your body, showering you in ichor. one pair writhes at your shoulders, one just below them, another at the base of your ribs, a fourth pair where your old kidneys were, and a final pair wriggles from your hips. each has five segments covered in fine cilia, ending in a wicked point.\n\nthere's no joke here dude you got bug legs now instead of arms. goddamn.
<<if $snakehead eq true>><<display "snakehead kaiju">><<endif>><<if $bughead eq true>><<display "bughead kaiju">><<endif>><<if $birdhead eq true>><<display "birdhead kaiju">><<endif>><<if $goathead eq true>><<display "goathead kaiju">><<endif>><<if $wolfhead eq true>><<display "wolfhead kaiju">><<endif>>\n\n"HOLY SHIT" she shouts.\n\n"NOTHIN HOLY ABOUT IT, BABY" you say. "GUESS WHO JUST GOT FRONT-ROW SEATS TO THE RUINATION OF THE WORLD, HINT, IT'S YOU"\n\nnext stop: [[downtown|kaiju2]]\n
you zigzag through the city's crazed and fractured leylines, following the threads of this enticing aura. you make no attempt to mask your own reverberations. no doubt some have already reached the aura's owner.\n\nyou can almost taste it, a psychic scent like candlesmoke and lavender. there. apartment high-rise. [[top floor.]]
you lurch sideways as the transformative power courses through your legs, smearing yourself with blood and knocking candles over. they stretch out before you, extending impossibly. you feel vibrations in your coccyx, you feel it stretch outwards as new vertebrae bulge into place behind it.\n\nyour legs are drawn together. flesh bubbles and fuses where they meet, bones push through writhing tendons and muscles. your leg bones snap downwards and your coccyx twines them together, absorbing them utterly. ribs scythe out from your lengthening spine.\n\non the surface, large, gold, pliant scales spread around your groin. they taper down into deep crimson, growing finer, sleeker, and tougher as they curve around your body. your legs, now fully fused and scale-bedecked, elongate obscenely. length pours out of you, surging downwards, coiling, shifting. when the changes subside in your lower torso, you find yourself atop a coiled mass of snake body, nearly ten times as long as your old height.\n\nyours is now the path of the lamia, the gorgon, the scylla. humankind will gaze upon your hot ass snake bod and be enslaved.
<<set $sacrifice = "wolf">>\n<<if $classicsac eq true>>you grab the mason jar and unscrew it. you dip in a finger and taste it. well, it's blood all right. you hope it's actually wolf blood.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>this crimson-black candle should be the wolf candle. you should've carved little pictograms into these things or something.<<endif>>\n\n<<display "body parts">>
you hop up on the windowsill, latching on with your talons. you lift one feathered leg, bunch the claws into a fist, and punch it through the pane. you kick out glass and wooden frames until the opening is wide enough for the rest of you, then hop down to the floor.
you grasp the door handle with a bloody claw and heave the door to the side. you enter.
<<if $classicsac eq true>>you rub the blood into your skin, coating your stomach, your ribs, your collarbone, your whole front.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>you slice a gash across your collarbone, then let the candle's wax pour down your torso.\n\now. ow ow ow.<<endif>>\n<<set $bodycoat = $sacrifice>>\n\n<<display "application">>
somewhere out the windows, past the smog and shit and high-rise prisons, a ripe and full moon glows down. you can't see it. the air outside is a uniform dull orange, diffusing the lights from the street and the light from the moon. you can barely even see the buildings across the street from you. you cough.\n\non the coffee table, amidst stacks of bills and filthy plates, you see two terrariums. one holds a [[snake|get snake]], the other, a [[centipede|get centipede]]. hanging over the tv set, there is a birdcage holding a [[crow|get crow]].\n\n<<if ($getsnake eq 1) and ($getbug eq 1) and ($getbird eq 1)>>\nwell, that's everything. better keep moving.\n\n[[return.|look around your apartment.]]\n<<endif>>
bones creak as your nose stretches down towards your mouth, nostrils pressing back against your skull. your jaws push forward, narrowing into a muzzle. coarse black fur spreads across your face. your ears spread into points and flop forward, fine fur covering their backs. you can feel strange bumps pressing out from four points on the back of your head.\n\nyour vision blurs and wavers. if you could see your eyes, you would know your pupils just stretched out to horizontal slits against a jaundiced sclera. just as your sight stabilizes, it //expands,// giving you a panoramic ring of unbroken sight in every direction. four new pairs of eyes blink open around your skull.\n\nthe strange bumps press out further, rippling, then splitting. sounds pour in from eight new ears, and you draw in smoky air from eight new nostrils down four new throats. four new tongues loll from four new bleating mouths, joining your original in a ghastly chorus.\n\ngolden horns erupt from the tops of your five-point skull, two for each face. they twine upwards and weave together, interlocking into a gleaming crown.\n\nyour five goat faces gaze serenely in five directions. you make this shit look //good.//
a feral power surges through your legs. it is almost paralyzing, yet you feel the urge to run, to lope through shadowed snows and tear fleeing throats. black fur cascades in a wave down from your waist. your coccyx lengthens, carrying along flesh and sinew, until it forms a long tail. shaggy fur quickly covers its length. your feet stretch and lengthen with a series of pops, and your knees crack into a digitgrade position.\n\nyou feel flesh harden into calluses beneath your toes and your soles. your toenails ripple and sharpen into rending claws at the tips of lengthening digits while your big toes draw backwards to form dewclaws.\n\n"but wait," you think. "dewclaws are only found on the front legs of canines, and also felines, yet these, logically, should be my back legs." it is the most thought you have given to canine anatomy in basically your entire life.\n\nbones grind and muscles bulge in your hips. new plates form below the surface, and suddenly your hips wrench back, propelled by a pillar of vertebrae, ribs and flesh. you struggle to remain upright with such an awkward center of gravity. thankfully, fledgling limbs stretch down from your displaced hips. as they touch the floor, you clamber to your four new feet. from the waist down, you have the body of a massive lupine beast. your upper body extends from where the neck would go. rad. //rad.//
you mutter a few words as you track the fighters' approach. your terrible gleaming scepter appears before you and you grasp it with hoofed fingers. you point its tip at the center of the squadron and invoke more words of ancient power. black flames lash outwards and destroy the jets utterly.
you have two big fuckin black snakes instead of arms. they are fully functional and fierce as shit.
nestled in your crotch, shrouded in fine grey-black down, is a mysterious crystal-walled grotto, a hidden factory of erogenous crystal pylons that hover around your head. it's all very confusing.
with a shiver, you pull out the latest black crystal pylon from your crystal crotch factory. before it can join the cloud of others hovering around your head, you utter a few syllables of power, then point imperiously at king fuckhead over there.\n\npylons shriek through the air, slicing him, impaling him, each impact bringing a shudder of pleasure through you.
occult power flows into your crotch. coarse black fur spreads across your groin. two points bulge up just above your pubis, then golden goat horns burst out, spiraling upwards. your immediate thought is "handlebars!" but then the changes relentlessly press on.\n\n<<if $sweetjunkhaver eq true>>the flesh of your mons pubis bulges upwards, carrying the horns with it. you feel bones in your hips reconfiguring, shifting, groaning. plated teeth burst out from your genitals. flesh melts away around them, leaving a wriggling tongue as if etched in relief. bone-groans sound from within as the whole structure lurches outwards into a furred muzzle.\n\nyellow goat-slitted eyes wink open, disorienting you momentarily. wings of flesh peel away from beneath your horns, becoming furred goat ears. at the tip of the muzzle, insensitive flesh congeals into a black goat's nose.<<endif>><<if $vaginahaver eq true>>the flesh of your mons pubis bulges upwards, carrying the horns with it. you feel bones in your hips reconfiguring, shifting, groaning. plated teeth slot into place at the mouth of your vagina. flesh works free of the base, turning into a thick tongue. bone encircles your vagina, linking with teeth and sinew, before pressing out into a furred muzzle.\n\nyellow goat-slitted eyes wink open, disorienting you momentarily. wings of flesh peel away from beneath your horns, becoming furred goat ears. your clitoris warps and hollows, becoming a (far less sensitive, unfortunately) black goat's nose.<<endif>><<if $penishaver eq true>>the flesh of your pubic region bulges upwards, carrying your golden horns along with it. more flesh pour into your penis, thickening it obscenely. you get hyped until you realize that the flesh is just... regular //flesh.//\n\nyou feel bones shuddering into strange new positions below the surface of your flesh. your glans flattens and the urethra hole splits into two wider holes, forming a goat nose. muscle and tissue inside your penis-head drains out of a sudden cavity, and new muscles wrench the flesh below your nose open to expose teeth and a flailing tongue, forming a muzzled mouth. wings of flesh peel away from beneath your horns, becoming furred goat ears. finally, as black fur coats the whole former member, two yellow goat-slitted eyes bubble up, expanding your perceptions in bizarre fashion.<<endif>>\n\nyou work the strange new muscles of your crotch. you take a breath through fledgling nostrils, and open your goat-head's mouth to try to say something:\n\n<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=4>"the son of god is powerless to prevent our grim apotheosis"</font></span></html>\n\noh. okay. hm. let's uh... let's try that again.\n\n<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=4>"dethrone the nazarene and sack his bastions of earthly dominion"</font></span></html>\n\nwell now. looks like you just grew an entirely unerogenous goat's head whose every word is blasphemy. should be a big hit at parties.
<<if $snakeleg eq true>><<display "snakeleg windowbreak">><<endif>><<if $bugleg eq true>><<display "bugleg windowbreak">><<endif>><<if $birdleg eq true>><<display "birdleg windowbreak">><<endif>><<if $goatleg eq true>><<display "goatleg windowbreak">><<endif>><<if $wolfleg eq true>><<display "wolfleg windowbreak">><<endif>>\n\nhe starts to flip the fuck out because a goddamn demon just broke into his bedroom.\n\n<<if $snakehead eq true>><<display "snakehead windowbreak">><<endif>><<if $bughead eq true>><<display "bughead windowbreak">><<endif>><<if $birdhead eq true>><<display "birdhead windowbreak">><<endif>><<if $goathead eq true>><<display "goathead windowbreak">><<endif>><<if $wolfhead eq true>><<display "wolfhead windowbreak">><<endif>>\n\n"you will join your aura to mine so that my dominion shall spread to cover the earth"\n\nhe's like "nuuuhhhhh weh weh wehh" who gives a shit you aren't even //fucking// listening\n\n"THEN I WILL TAKE YOUR POWER FROM YOUR [[FLENSED CARCASS]]"
you stretch out your wings to their full span. this shit can't stop you. nothing can stop you. you start flapping as hard as you can.\n\npapers fly everywhere. posters of shitty christian rock bands tear from the walls and cling to his nerd face. the barrier wavers beneath your powerful gusts. a terrible laugh builds inside you, and you release it just as the lights shatter.
in place of a body, you have an amorphous and immense cluster of snakes. there may or may not be a skeleton somewhere deep inside them, but ultimately it doesn't really matter. the occasional snake will drop from your gestalt mass before climbing back up and rejoining the collective.
<<silently>>\n<<set $getwitchaura = true>>\n<<endsilently>>\nhell yeah. now her aura is joined to yours, bolstering your power.\n\nyou pull away after a while and smile at her as best you can manage. "my work tonight is not yet done."\n\n"okay have fun, i'm gonna watch some anime while this shit lasts"\n\n//damn. that sounds really fun.\n\nmaybe just one episode.//\n\n\n---\n\n\nten episodes later, <<display "TIME TO HUNT">>
you effortlessly scale the building's exterior. reaching the balcony outside the apartment, you peer through the sliding doors. yes. good. posters of sweet satanic stoner doom bands on the wall. bong on the living room table. a young woman dressed solely in a black cloak and satanic pendant standing over a pentagram. truly the portrait of the modern witch.\n\n<<if $snakearm eq true>><<display "snakearm door">><<endif>><<if $bugarm eq true>><<display "bugarm door">><<endif>><<if $birdarm eq true>><<display "birdarm door">><<endif>><<if $goatarm eq true>><<display "goatarm door">><<endif>><<if $wolfarm eq true>><<display "wolfarm door">><<endif>>\n\nat the sound, she looks up and gasps. "luckyyyyyyyyyyy"\n\nyou blush as best you can. "aww [[shucks]]."
a pair of big, beautiful black-feathered wings extend out from your shoulders. they aren't quite crow's wings, because they are tipped by strange, taloned claws. they should be enough to get you in the air, though.
you have a massive serpent's head, resplendent in gold, crimson, and black scales. hundreds of tiny snakes coil and hiss where once you had hair.
you've got some lewd-ass goat legs. just lookin at em makes you wish you had some pipes to pipe on.
by oh no problems
"i think it's a wolf vagina? uh oh //look out//"\n\nyour limbs give out from under you as another wolf wriggles its way out of your womb. blood and fluids drip all over the carpet, then more spatter across the walls and ceiling as the freshly-emerged wolf shakes its coat. the witch, perched on your belly, stares in shock. the wolf pads over, sniffs her, licks her face a few times, then burrows back into your vagina.\n\n"so uh"\n\n//"NOPE"//
wild heat spreads through your legs as you approach. you feel your muscles fill with excitement, from hip to hoove. it's all you can do not to break out in a lusty pagan jig. softly but insistently, you push her to the carpeted floor, until her head rests in the center of her pentagram.\n\n"you know i find it's best to do that in the kitchen or the bathroom, carpet's such a hassle to clean"\n\n"that is excellent advice, i don't know why that never occured to me"\n\nyou settle over her, straddling her hips, black fur brushing her thighs.
"what brings you to my humble apartment, demon?"\n\n"oh i was out hunting for auras and yours is super powerful. do you want to join your aura to mine so that i can spread my dominion across the face of this pathetic world?"\n\nshe is like "fuck yeah i do, what do we have to do"\n\n"i don't know... i've never done this before... i think... we do this?"\n\n<<if $snakeleg eq true>><<display "snakeleg shucks">><<endif>><<if $bugleg eq true>><<display "bugleg shucks">><<endif>><<if $birdleg eq true>><<display "birdleg shucks">><<endif>><<if $goatleg eq true>><<display "goatleg shucks">><<endif>><<if $wolfleg eq true>><<display "wolfleg shucks">><<endif>>\n\n"is it sex, do we do sex?"\n\n"i'm pretty sure it's [[sex]]"
you're not about to give those fucking jets another chance to get you. you gouge a convenience store out of the ground with your bloody talons and heft it to your shoulders. you track the squadron for a moment, then fling the convenience store as hard as you can. it wrecks the fuck out of the jets, every single one.
from the waist down you have the body of a hulking dire wolf, black-furred, powerful, and basically just hot as hell. you know. if you're into that.
you call upon lucifer, morning star, the adversary\n\nyou call upon scylla, mother of abominations, she who guards the gates\n\nyou call upon all the dukes, duchesses, barons, and baronesses of hell\n\nyou take a quick water break. there's a lot of those fuckers.\n\n//[[ahem]]//
heretical powers run hog-wild through your arms and arm-bones. coarse, goaty black fur sprouts across your shoulders and prickles down your arms. when it reaches your hands, you feel bones pop and shudder. your fingers fuse, tips hardening into thick keratin. you are left with two thick digits tipped with pseudo-hooves opposed by a furry thumb on each hand.\n\npressure builds up at your joints. at your elbows and shoulders, golden goat horns burst from your flesh, giving you a regal, intimidating air. the elbow horns are somewhat shorter than the shoulder horns. both sets extend out for a short ways before curling back in towards your body.\n\nit's classy as hell, but you won't be doing jumping jacks any time soon.
she ruffles a hand through your thick, lustrous feathers. beneath the coat, she follows the patterns of your strange, inhuman ribs and sternum.\n\nyou spread your massive wings and curve them around front, nestling both of you in downy softness. you take the opportunity to tickle her mercilessly with your wings. she laughs and squirms.
"wait, what the fuck is that?"\n\n<<if $snakejunk eq true>><<display "snakejunk sex">><<endif>><<if $bugjunk eq true>><<display "bugjunk sex">><<endif>><<if $birdjunk eq true>><<display "birdjunk sex">><<endif>><<if $goatjunk eq true>><<display "goatjunk sex">><<endif>><<if $wolfjunk eq true>><<display "wolfjunk sex">><<endif>>\n\nshe wriggles out of your grasp and sits across from you on the carpet. she sighs. so do you.\n\n"hmmm"\n\n"sorry!"\n\n"no, it's cool"\n\n"well..." she casts her eyes around the room. they come to rest on the bong on the table.\n\n"we could get really high and make out for a while."\n\n"i am pretty sure [[that also works.]]"
okay okay geez one second\n<<silently>>\n<<set $vaginahaver = "">>\n<<set $penishaver = "">>\n<<set $sweetjunkhaver = "">>\n<<set $abstractsac = "">>\n<<set $classicsac = "">>\n<<set $sfw = "">>\n<<endsilently>>\nfirst things first witchdumpling what's in your drawers\n*[[vagina]]\n*[[penis]]\n*[[what's it to ya|sweetjunk]]\n
you glance down at your swollen womb, take a deep breath, and //push.// the beasts inside you howl and wriggle their way to freedom. one wolf emerges, then another.\n\nthey lope over to him and tear gaping chunks out of his aura and dipshit dick and balls. bloody prizes in their terrible maws, they return to your waiting womb.
in place of arms, you have five pairs of centipede legs emerging from various places between your shoulders and hips.
couple of options okay\n\nfirst things first witchdumpling what's in your drawers\n*[[vagina]]\n*[[penis]]\n*[[what's it to ya|sweetjunk]]
wild energies race down your bones, sizzling from your shoulders to your fingertips. your muscles ripple and bulge under your skin. this is the most ripped you've ever been in basically your whole life. you feel like you could crush skulls with your bare hands, maybe even harder than usual skulls. double skulls?\n\nthe skin at your fingertips hardens into rough calluses as the finger bones stretch out. you suppress a hiss of pain as wicked claws burst from the tips of your fingers. silky black fur pours down the lengths of your powerful arms.\n\nsuddenly, strips of fur and hide peel off of your arms, flensed by unseen forces, exposing raw muscle and nerve. blood oozes from the wounds, filling your senses with its wet, coppery musk and your mind with a subterranean bloodlust. you flex your bloody claws at the tips of your flayed arms and think about crushing even more skulls. //triple skulls,// even.
<<if $headcoat neq "" and $bodycoat neq "" and $armcoat neq "" and $legcoat neq "" and $junkcoat neq "">>\nthe candles flicker. you are coated head to toe in blood and wax.\n\nwax of the <<print $headcoat>> candle coats your head.\nyour burned body is covered in the wax of the <<print $bodycoat>> candle.\nyour arms drip with <<print $armcoat>> wax.\nyour legs, likewise, with <<print $legcoat>> wax.\nwax from the <<print $junkcoat>> candle encrusts your blistered genitals.\n\n<<silently>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakehead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bughead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdhead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goathead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfhead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakebody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bugbody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdbody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goatbody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfbody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakearm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bugarm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdarm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goatarm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfarm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakeleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bugleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goatleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakejunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bugjunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdjunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goatjunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfjunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\ntime to call upon the [[unknown powers]].\n<<else>>\nwhat will you sacrifice\n<<actions "the snake" "the centipede" "the crow" "the goat" "the wolf">>\n<<endif>>
you clamber to the balcony window and peer inside. a simple cross above the bed. a few posters for generic christian rock bands. a young man at a clean desk posting on... bible discussion forums? oh come on dude, for real?\n\nhow did this dweeb get such a powerful aura? ugh he's probably like a "good person" or something.\n\n[[bust in the goddamn window]]
enormous eggs drip from your abdomen constantly. when they hit the cracked and smoldering pavement below, they burst open, releasing man-sized centipedes. a ripple of scuttling invertebrate horror spreads out before you and behind you.\n\nyou reach the capitol building. you knock off the top of the dome and peer inside at a suited sea of corpulent white fucks, fat as ticks on the blood of suffering, staring up in dumbfounded horror.\n\nyou jam your abdomen into the hole and //squeeze.// you are rewarded by a hellish chorus of skittering and screams.
blasphemous energies race down your legs. in their wake, swathes of coarse, earthy black fur sprout up. as the power reaches your toes, they start to fuse into cloven hooves with a series of pops and creaks. your knees vibrate before wrenching backwards, hurling you to the cold floor.\n\nyou can feel your coccyx stretch out, curving upwards and outwards. fur sprouts along it and strange new muscles fill in. you stand, hooves clicking on the blood-slick floor, and give your goat tail an experimental shake. heat spreads in waves throughout your legs, the legs of hoary pagan wood-spirits, of pan and baphomet.\n\ncan't go wrong with the classics.
you reach down and impale parked cars on every one of your segmented limbs. you track the fighters' approach. just as they pull into range, you whirl, hurling a hail of cars directly into the squadron's flight path. you shield yourself from the shower of flaming debris, then straighten.
you hook a few segmented limbs around the handle, slide it open, and enter.
how do you feel about sacrificing animals to satan for power\n\n*[[blood for the blood god|gruesome]]\n*[[i'd rather not, even in a work of fiction, if it's all the same|abstract]]
<<set $sacrifice = "crow">>\n<<if $classicsac eq true>>the crow flaps desperately in your grip. tears stain your cheeks. you slice its head off with your dagger. fuck. fuck.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>you lift the smoking black crow candle. the flame will occasionally pop and flare as it consumes pockets of ground feather.<<endif>>\n\n<<display "body parts">>
she plays a hand across your chitinous underbelly, feeling its smooth contours, sending a tingle down your... well, "spine" isn't the right word for it anymore. your feely-guts?\n\nyou draw in your torso's segmented legs and trace them across her back. she shudders and giggles as the fine cilia tickle her spine and shoulders. she grins up at you.
<<if $snakejunk eq true>><<display "snakejunk tf">><<endif>><<if $bugjunk eq true>><<display "bugjunk tf">><<endif>><<if $birdjunk eq true>><<display "birdjunk tf">><<endif>><<if $goatjunk eq true>><<display "goatjunk tf">><<endif>><<if $wolfjunk eq true>><<display "wolfjunk tf">><<endif>>\n\ngasping, shuddering, you lift yourself from the pentagram. you flex new muscles, test new appendages, and [[examine your new form.]]
<<if $classicsac eq true>>you slather your arms in blood.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>you slash each arm with your athame, just below the shoulder, then dribble molten wax down each.<<endif>>\n<<set $armcoat = $sacrifice>>\n\n<<display "application">>
cave. it's big enough for to snugly cover your entire lupine lower body if you lie down in it, so you do. you wonder how they got the arching effect? guess this skull cave must have... ribs?
you slither across the floor to her, circling her in an instant, then again, and again, until she is snug within your thick coils. you adjust your coils, bearing her to the carpeted floor, until her head rests in the center of her pentagram.\n\n"you know i find it's best to do that in the kitchen or the bathroom, carpet's such a hassle to clean"\n\n"that is excellent advice, i don't know why that never occured to me"\n\nyou lean down until your faces are mere inches away. you can feel her breath.
his attack washes over your body. feathers strip away, uprooted by the blast. you shake your head and bear the brunt of it, flapping your powerful wings to stabilize yourself.\n\nit passes, and you ready yourself to strike back.
o frabjous day callooh callay\n<<silently>>\n<<set $vaginahaver = true>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<display "sacrifice options">>
a constant stream of blasphemy follows wherever you go, as if your junk was a PA system hooked up straight to hell's 24/7 propaganda chamber. people gaze in dumb horror or drop to their knees, clutching their skulls. at this point you're pretty sure your junk is just reading off black metal lyrics.\n\nyou reach the capitol building. you knock off the top of the dome and peer inside at a suited sea of corpulent white fucks, fat as ticks on the blood of suffering, staring up in dumbfounded horror.\n\nyou position your goat-head crotch directly over the hole. it gazes down at them with uncaring yellow eyes.\n\n<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=4>"my god. your children will live under communism. see you in hell.</font></span></html>\n\nand there is a great wailing and a gnashing of teeth.
throne. yes. this is //exactly// what you have always wanted. you lean back into it and cross your hooved legs, then adopt your best brooding position. but really, it's so hard to genuinely brood when you just got a goddamn //skull throne.//
<<if $classicsac eq true>>you slather your legs in blood.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>you slice your inner thighs lightly and dribble burning liquid wax down them.<<endif>>\n<<set $legcoat = $sacrifice>>\n\n<<display "application">>
you squeeze your insectoid abdomen as you've never squeezed it before, sending a shower of writhing orange eggs to the floor. as they strike ground, they burst open. dozens of segmented horrors scuttle across the ground towards him.\n\nhe swats desperately at them as they clamber up his limbs, but there are simply too many. they bite him all over, injecting poison into his idiot flesh.
<<if $classicsac eq true>>you cover your head in the sticky fluids.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>you carve an upside-down cross into your head with the athame, lift the candle above your head, and tip it. molten wax drips down your head, mingling with the blood.\n\nthis really hurts.<<endif>>\n<<set $headcoat = $sacrifice>>\n\n<<display "application">>
your entire head buzzes. with a hideous cacophany of creaks and pops, your head inflates, then flattens, then widens in regular pulsing spurts. your skull jellifies and fuses with your hardening skin. in your warping reflection in the kitchen tiles, you see your eyes turn pure black as your skin solidifies into dull red chitin. your vision explodes into fragments as fell power vivisects your eyeballs into compound monstrosities.\n\nyour nose flattens into your face. nostrils skew outwards until they rest nearly below your eyes, slightly closer to the center of your flattening head. suddenly they erupt outwards, segment after segment pushing out of what was once your nose, each covered in fine, waggling cilia. your new antennae make you acutely aware of the room's atmosphere, tasting the smoke and heat of the sputtering candles.\n\nyour head is almost entirely flat now, shaped like a sharp dome along the top while tapering down to a wide diamond below. wait, hang on. you're kidding yourself, right? a //sharp dome?// you can call it whatever you like, but listen. //you// were the one that <<if $classicsac eq true>>chopped up a centipede and mushed the parts into your face<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>milked a centipede into a candle and poured scalding wax onto your head<<endif>> before calling on incomprehensibly blasphemous powers, and now your head is turning into a centipede head, and a centipede head, straight-up, is shaped like a dick. like the glans of a dick. you are going to have to live with that.\n\nyour teeth liquefy and sharpen, then erupt from the outer planes of the diamond (you suppose they were once your cheeks), buoyed forward on a segmented pillar of chitin-plated muscle. momentum carries a spray of ichor and poison forward as your black tarsungulums (those are the stabby parts) reach their full extension, flanking your head at the tips of powerful maxilipeds (those are the parts behind the stabby parts). two more segmented appendages, smaller than your poisonous pincers, erupt out just above them. your lips, or what's left of them in any case, twist around and forwards until they hang down from the underside of your head, nestled between your mandibles. they harden into a chitinous, vertically-bisected dome.\n\nseveral segmented centipede legs burst out of your segmented neck and twitch off the ichor of their birth. finally. you have the head of a giant centipede. try not to let it...\n\n//''BUG YOU''//
you feel a soaring sense of vertigo as the dark energies surge into your chest. your heart pounds and your guts feel like they're floating around somewhere in your ribcage. speaking of your ribcage, something very strange is happening in there. you can see spurs of bone stretch down from each rib, locking them over the one below. they swell outwards, stretching your chest.\n\nyour sternum bulges forward sharply and extends down into an osseous keel. it seems to pull mass from the rest of the bones in your chest, because it feels no heavier than it was. your organs have noticably migrated up into your chest, leaving your abdominal area gaunt and shrunken, nearly hugging your spine.\n\nagonizing pressure builds beneath your shoulder blades. you hunch forward, and jointed spears of bone lance out of your back in a shower of blood. flesh and muscle knit to them, then black feathers sprout across their surfaces before spreading to the rest of your torso. as the power ebbs from your chest, you flex your new powerful wings experimentally. good deal.
feral energy rockets down your spine. in its wake, a silky, midnight-black fur ripples outwards, spreading across your back. your ribs creak and shit. they're pushing outwards, giving you a gaunt look.\n\nthe fur creeps around your sides. as you look down, you notice two more pairs of nipples pop up below your first set before the black fur swallows them. but before you forget the sight of them, they swell and push aside the fur. a few droplets of black milk leak from them as they reach their fullest girth.\n\nyou have the teats of a she-wolf. what new romes will they suckle? also, do you get any say in what to name the new romes? what if you named one... what if you named one "BIG WEED CITY"\n\nwhat if you did that
he grabs a cross from his desk drawer and brandishes it at you. it actually hurts, damn!\n\n<<if $snakebody eq true>><<display "snakebody fight">><<endif>><<if $bugbody eq true>><<display "bugbody fight">><<endif>><<if $birdbody eq true>><<display "birdbody fight">><<endif>><<if $goatbody eq true>><<display "goatbody fight">><<endif>><<if $wolfbody eq true>><<display "wolfbody fight">><<endif>>\n\nhe starts yammering about swords of the spirit and shields of faith and shit like that. somehow, probably unconsciously, he has thrown up a [[powerful barrier]] between the two of you.
you coil your scaled length beneath you like a spring and surge forward, smashing the thin panes effortlessly. you land on your underbelly and wriggle upright, sliding the rest of your bulk through the window behind you.
great. //great.//\n<<silently>>\n<<set $penishaver = true>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<display "sacrifice options">>
enjoy the depressing taste of SABBAT CLASSIC\n<<silently>>\n<<set $classicsac = true>>\n<<set $abstractsac = false>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<display "options roundup">>
the witch clasps you with her legs and twists until she rests on top of you.\n\n<<if $snakebody eq true>><<display "snakebody sex">><<endif>><<if $bugbody eq true>><<display "bugbody sex">><<endif>><<if $birdbody eq true>><<display "birdbody sex">><<endif>><<if $goatbody eq true>><<display "goatbody sex">><<endif>><<if $wolfbody eq true>><<display "wolfbody sex">><<endif>>\n\n"this is nice"\n\n"are you ready?"\n\n"[[i'm ready]]"
you bleat your triumph from five blasphemous muzzles into the smoggy night air. the sound rolls and echoes along the hazy street. your panoramic sight takes in everything around you as horrified faces press to suddenly-illuminated windows.\n\nyou focus your inner sight upon the thrumming webs of power ensaring the city. your sudden titanic growth has set them into a whirring, spinning chaos. you focus on a familiar thread, and //pull.//\n\nin a purple flash, the witch appears in midair, just above your head. with a cry of surprise, she lands on an interior platform in your golden crown. She peers out of a gap between woven horns like an archer in a gleaming, terrible fortress.
<<if $vaginahaver eq true and $classicsac eq true>>blanching, you coat your groin with the blood, lather it into your pubic hair, and smear it into your labia.\n\nyou are a bad person.\n<<endif>><<if $penishaver eq true and $classicsac eq true>>blanching, you coat your groin with the blood, lather it into your pubic hair, and smear it along your shaft.\n\nyou are a bad person.\n<<endif>><<if $sweetjunkhaver eq true and $classicsac eq true>>blanching, you coat your groin with the blood, lather it into your pubic hair, and smear it into your genitals.\n\nyou are a bad person.\n<<endif>><<if $vaginahaver eq true and $abstractsac eq true>>you wince as you draw the athame delicately across your mons, then set it aside. you lift the candle, tilt it,\n\nAND //WOW// THAT IS MOLTEN WAX ON YOUR VAGINA\n\n//WOW OW//\n<<endif>><<if $penishaver eq true and $abstractsac eq true>>you wince as you draw the athame delicately across your mons, then set it aside. you lift the candle, tilt it,\n\nAND //WOW// THAT IS MOLTEN WAX ON YOUR PENIS\n\n//WOW OW//<<endif>><<if $sweetjunkhaver eq true and $abstractsac eq true>>you wince as you draw the athame delicately across your mons, then set it aside. you lift the candle, tilt it,\n\nAND //WOW// THAT IS MOLTEN WAX ON YOUR GENITALS\n\n//WOW OW//\n<<endif>>\n<<if $sacrifice eq "centipede" and $classicsac eq "true">>\n"WOW GREAT" you think.\n\n"BUG PARTS, ON MY JUNK. JUST WHAT I WANTED TO HAPPEN, TODAY"\n\nthe things you do for earthly dominion.<<endif>>\n<<set $junkcoat = $sacrifice>>\n\n<<display "application">>
the hair on your hackles rises as strange energy courses through your skull. it rises, then it spreads, turning into a thick, lustrous coat of slate grey fur. first it rings your neck, then it spirals upwards across your face before reaching the crown of your head. your ears shudderingly stretch further up your skull, shaping into swiveling furred points.\n\nyour bones shift and crack as your mouth and nose stretch forward. your teeth warp and sharpen into great tearing fangs. slaver drips from your mouth as your tongue flattens and spills out of your lengthening muzzle. whiskers flex just behind your reshaped black nose.\n\nyou pant in the haze, shake your lupine head. you feel a howl building deep in your chest, and inhale deeply to let it out. as you open your jaws, your gorge rises. you have a queasy sensation of rushing redness, slimy tracheal tubes, and then a flash of passing fangs as another wolf head erupts from your maw.\n\nanother muted howl, another nauseous rushing, and your heads bulge and shudder as a third wolf head thrashes out of your second head, still clamped within the mouth of the first. then out comes another, and //another.// finally the howling stops, and you find yourself in possession of a pillar of gaping wolf heads.\n\njust like you've always wanted!
you have the rippling arms and deadly claws of a //loup-garou,// flesh partially flensed in ever-bleeding strips.
bulging out from your crotch is an engorged abdomen, writhing with unclean invertebrate spawn. at the tip is a small opening in the chitin that allows you to squeeze out eggs when the pressure gets too much. for optimal performance please monitor your egg pressure gauge regularly.
your legs shudder and spasm as dark powers course into them. before your horrified eyes, the bones seem to liquefy utterly, sending you flopping to the blood-smeared floor. the jellied masses twitch weakly as terrible powers draw them inexorably together.\n\nflesh melts away as they touch, forming a thick sluglike pillar of flesh from your hips down. it stretches downwards, lengthening. ridges bubble up in bands around its length. your flesh hardens, forming a thick, glossy crimson carapace. your underbelly gleams a sickly yellow. the ridges solidify, slotting your carapace into distinct segments.\n\nyou feel something wriggling all along your lower body. in a shower of ichor, a pair of segmented legs erupt from each segment, twitching in the gloom. from the final segment, two massive limbs scythe out, dripping with ichor and poison. you coil your lower body, legs scrabbling for purchase on the slick tiles. finally you right yourself, and lift yourself up on your centipede lower body, now roughly three times as long as it once was. you have a sudden urge to eat some crickets.
several explosions shock you, tearing gashes across your torso. you look down. there are tanks in the street, barrels leveled directly at your massive, monstrous form.\n\nyou don't give them the chance to fire again. you massage your giant breasts and soon they expel a howling plague-gale. under its searing onslaught, concrete buckles, metal corrodes, glass shatters, and rubber melts. when it passes, the tanks are mere rusted heaps of slag piloted by rotting skeletons.\n\n"okay now i know why you warned me about that" says the witch.\n\n"NO PROBLEM" you boom.
your egregiously distended lupine womb is birthing and re-absorbing fully-grown wolves constantly. it's a little inconvenient.
two tremendous wings extend from the back of your slender black-feathered avian body.
<<set $sacrifice = "goat">>\n<<if $classicsac eq true>>you unscrew the mason jar and take a whiff. smells like copper. does not smell like goat. you don't know why you expected it to smell like goat. it's blood.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>you lift what you are pretty sure is the goat candle. you removed the tape before you lit them. you waft the ruddy candle's smoke into your nose. smells like smoke and faintly like copper. does not smell like goat. you don't know why you expected it to smell like goat. it's a candle.<<endif>>\n\n<<display "body parts">>
"you know, i've been asking myself that ever since i got it"\n\n"is that crystal your dick?"\n\n"i don't even... look, it comes out, and then it floats around here with the others"\n\n"hahahaha"\n\n"they feel good though? i mean, maybe you could use one like a dildo?"\n\n"are you kidding? look how sharp those fuckers are! i'd rather not cut myself down there"\n\n"yeah, that entirely understandable"\n\n"what do the crystals come out of?"\n\n"ooh take a look, it's really pretty"\n\nshe spreads your black down to peer into your mysterious crystalline cavern.\n\n"wow!"\n\n"also it feels really good when you touch it"\n\n"maybe we could just use our hands for a while?"\n\nyou do. it doesn't really work.\n\n"this doesn't really work"
you have the lean torso of a she-wolf, fur black as midnight, six teats swollen with blasphemy (also milk. in fact, mostly milk).
you lift a delicate, feathered limb, extend a talon, and tap the glass. it disappears with a shimmering, crystalline tone. you enter.
power surges and crackles through your body. the <<if $classicsac eq true>>blood<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>wax<<endif>> sizzles and evaporates from your flesh. your body is a crucible, a nexus, a locus. euphoric spasms build in your gut and radiate outwards.\n\nthe changes start at your [[head|head tf]].
the attack staggers you for a moment, but your body is //strong.// you laugh in challenge, then shake your wolf-teats at him.\n\n"LEMME GUESS" you growl, "THESE THE FIRST THREE PAIRS OF TITTIES YA EVER SEEN"\n\nwith a tiny scream, he drops his cross and covers his eyes. what a nerd. you're gonna pummel him into nerd paste.
yo i respect that and that was the number one thing i regretted about the first release of SABBAT\n\nlil warning this path has no animal cruelty but does have a bit of self-harm! gomen\n<<silently>>\n<<set $abstractsac = true>>\n<<set $classicsac = false>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<display "options roundup">>
several explosions shock you, followed by hisses of pain and distress from your snake-mass. you look down. there are tanks in the street, barrels leveled directly at your massive, monstrous form. you focus on the astral webs of the street below, tracking nodes of potential energy and waves of hostility.\n\n//now.//\n\nthe tanks fire again, but your snakes have already parted. the shells pass harmlessly through your body and detonate against buildings behind you. giant snakes drop from your body to the street below. they slither over to the tanks, coil around them, and constrict them into nonfunctional heaps of scrap. the snakes return and you laugh.
you peirce him between the glowing stares of your twin crow heads. your voice seems to thrum and resonate with your whirling crystal crown.
two crow heads rest atop your shoulders, eyes smoldering with fell energies. crackling black crystal pylons circle between the heads in a crown of dire power.
you weave the strands of arcane power into the core of your being. power surges within you, but where before you were the plaything of terrible powers, now you are the instigator, the catalyst, //the master.//\n\nyou direct power through every synapse and cell of your twisted form, and are rewarded as you surge upwards. hell yes. it's attack of the 50-foot demon up in this [[shit.|kaiju1]]\n
<<set $sacrifice = "centipede">>\n<<if $classicsac eq true>>the centipede wraps around your hand and stings it painfully. fuck! you almost smear your pentagram in pain but you control yourself and chop the little fucker into pieces.\n\nwhy didn't you wear gloves or something //OW//<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>you lift the greasy black candle infused with centipede venom and give it a whiff.\n\nwoah. maybe you shouldn't have done that.<<endif>>\n\n<<display "body parts">>
you have never felt your hair before, but you can feel it now, bulking, twining, writhing. one bundle of twisting strands stretches down into your field of vision. tiny ribs seem to weave out of the hair before it flows over them and solidifies. at the tip of the strand, a tiny jaw stretches open. a hundred tongues taste the air, two hundred eyes blink in the candlelight, and your brain is flooded with new sensations.\n\nyour teeth liquefy and flow inwards and upwards, spiralling down your canines, filling your nose with the scent of burning hair. your cheeks split and part obscenely. you clutch your head, athame clattering to the blood-soaked floor. the very structure of it shifts and groans upwards, wider, flatter, longer. scales of crimson, black and gold boil out from your mouth, coating your entire skin.\n\nyou squeeze your eyes shut, open your mouth to howl in pain, but only a hiss escapes. your split tongue spills out from your maw, past your massive, dripping fangs, and immediately your senses are //filled// with the scents of blood, fire, smoke, poison.\n\nfinally there is a blossoming deep in your mind. your pineal gland spirals upwards and outwards, bursting from the crown of your skull in a blinking, burning eye. the night is suddenly alive with humming webs and auras of energy. You open your slitted eyes and taste the hazy air.
your womb bulges with the weight of your writhing lupine spawn, but you don't release them yet. you have a special prey for them.\n\nyou reach the capitol building. you knock off the top of the dome and peer inside at a suited sea of corpulent white fucks, fat as ticks on the blood of suffering, staring up in dumbfounded horror.\n\nyou press your furry groin up to the hole and //push.// wolves the size of metro cars plunge to the senate floor and start a gruesome hunt. howls and screams, like the most beautiful of music, drift up to you.
your voice booms imperiously from five goat mouths in unsettling, imperfect unison. your horn-crown gleams in the room's light.
you nestle the mouthpiece between your massive fangs and close your scaled lips around it. with a slight manipulation of the apartment's ethereal webs of energy, the bowl lights, and you draw.\n\nyou pass it to the witch and hold it. <<if $snakebody eq true or $bugbody eq true>>this is impressive because you're not quite sure if you even have lungs anymore. <<endif>>you expel the smoke from every single one of the snakes that make up your hair, wreathing your serpentine head in a soporific cloud of purple smoke.
you track their approach, then at the last second, you gush a cloud of poison into their path from your snake arms. the fighters scream through the cloud, exiting with melting wings and fusing cockpits. the squadron slams into several buildings behind you and explodes.
you clamp the mouthpiece in your inner mandibles, forming the best seal you can with such a rigid mouth. with a slight manipulation of the apartment's ethereal webs of energy, the bowl lights, and you draw.\n\nyou pass it to the witch and hold it. <<if $snakebody eq true or $bugbody eq true>>this is impressive because you're not quite sure if you even have lungs anymore. <<endif>> you vent the smoke out of the seams in your carapace, wreathing your invertebrate head in a soporific cloud of purple smoke.
she reaches down to your body to stroke it. when she does, her hand sinks into your mass of snakes. some coil around her arm, tickling her with their tongues as they slither up her limb.\n\nshe gasps in astonishment as you draw her into your body, enveloping her with writhing, scaled flesh. you feel your snakes passing over every inch of her, just as she must feel their cool scales playing across her flesh.\n\nshe resurfaces and pulls herself playfully out of you with a wicked grin.
something coils deep within your guts. perhaps it is your guts themselves. they feel alive and //writhing//. the sensation spreads upwards and outwards. you take a breath, another, then your lungs fill with writhing forms. you try to choke, try to cough, but your muscles no longer respond. you focus on your heartbeat, focus on its staccato panic, but something coils itself around it and //squeezes.//\n\nbulges ripple under your skin. two prominent forms bubble up under your nipples, then stretch outwards. massive serpents burst from under your flesh and coil around your body. more spill after them, and yet more erupt from new places on your torso. well. that explains that, you suppose.\n\nthere should be pain. you should be feeling your own flesh tearing, your own organs failing as they are devoured by the gaping maws of deadly serpents. there is none. instead you feel the exultation of scale on scale, twisting, flowing, coiling and uncoiling. you can no longer see your own flesh, if indeed it remains and is even yours any longer. instead there is only a riot of scales and flickering tongues in constant movement.\n\n<<if $classicsac eq true>>wait. hang on. is that...?\n\noh gosh. //oh gosh.// you reach into the writhing mass of snakes and pull one out. it's crowley! he's alive! he licks your face happily and then slithers back down your arm to return to your new gestalt snake mass. this is the best day ever.<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>wait. hang on. what is crowley doing? wait how can you //feel// crowley?\n\ncrowley slithers deftly across the pentagram, then coils up and around your wax-covered leg before plunging headlong into your new gestalt snake mass. now that's just adorable.<<endif>>
<<if $snakehead eq true>><<display "snakehead new form">><<endif>><<if $bughead eq true>><<display "bughead new form">><<endif>><<if $birdhead eq true>><<display "birdhead new form">><<endif>><<if $goathead eq true>><<display "goathead new form">><<endif>><<if $wolfhead eq true>><<display "wolfhead new form">><<endif>>\n<<if $snakebody eq true>><<display "snakebody new form">><<endif>><<if $bugbody eq true>><<display "bugbody new form">><<endif>><<if $birdbody eq true>><<display "birdbody new form">><<endif>><<if $goatbody eq true>><<display "goatbody new form">><<endif>><<if $wolfbody eq true>><<display "wolfbody new form">><<endif>>\n<<if $snakearm eq true>><<display "snakearm new form">><<endif>><<if $bugarm eq true>><<display "bugarm new form">><<endif>><<if $birdarm eq true>><<display "birdarm new form">><<endif>><<if $goatarm eq true>><<display "goatarm new form">><<endif>><<if $wolfarm eq true>><<display "wolfarm new form">><<endif>>\n<<if $snakeleg eq true>><<display "snakeleg new form">><<endif>><<if $bugleg eq true>><<display "bugleg new form">><<endif>><<if $birdleg eq true>><<display "birdleg new form">><<endif>><<if $goatleg eq true>><<display "goatleg new form">><<endif>><<if $wolfleg eq true>><<display "wolfleg new form">><<endif>>\n<<if $snakejunk eq true>><<display "snakejunk new form">><<endif>><<if $bugjunk eq true>><<display "bugjunk new form">><<endif>><<if $birdjunk eq true>><<display "birdjunk new form">><<endif>><<if $goatjunk eq true>><<display "goatjunk new form">><<endif>><<if $wolfjunk eq true>><<display "wolfjunk new form">><<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $getwitchaura = false>>\n<<set $getdweebaura = false>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\none thing is for certain. you are 100% the most authentic bitch. it is time to find some powerful auras and suck them fucking dry.\n\n[[TIME TO HUNT]]\n
<<if $snakejunk eq true>><<display "snakejunk fight">><<endif>><<if $bugjunk eq true>><<display "bugjunk fight">><<endif>><<if $birdjunk eq true>><<display "birdjunk fight">><<endif>><<if $goatjunk eq true>><<display "goatjunk fight">><<endif>><<if $wolfjunk eq true>><<display "wolfjunk fight">><<endif>>\n\nhe collapses. before he hits the floor, you lurch forward and [[sieze him.]]
<<if $classicsac eq true>><<display "classic application">><<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>><<display "abstract application">><<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $getdweebaura = true>>\n<<endsilently>>\nhe collapses in your merciless grip and screams a hideous scream as you suck the aura from his being.\n\npower flows into you, bolstering you. you drop his spent husk. it shatters into ash when it hits the floor.\n\n<<display "TIME TO HUNT">>
you crouch down on black-furred haunches, compressing for a tremendous leap. in midair, you deliver a twirling hooved kick to the window, shattering it. landing, you crouch yet again and flip through the window.
<<if $headcoat neq "" and $bodycoat neq "" and $armcoat neq "" and $legcoat neq "" and $junkcoat neq "">>\nthe candles flicker. you are coated head to toe in blood and filth.\n\nyour head oozes with the fluids of a <<print $headcoat>>.\nyour body is covered in the vital essence of <<print $bodycoat>>.\nyour arms are slathered in <<print $armcoat>> blood.\nyour legs, likewise, with that of a <<print $legcoat>>.\nsticky <<print $junkcoat>> blood coats your genitals.\n\n<<silently>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakehead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bughead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdhead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goathead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $headcoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfhead = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakebody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bugbody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdbody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goatbody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bodycoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfbody = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakearm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bugarm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdarm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goatarm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $armcoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfarm = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakeleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bugleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goatleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $legcoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfleg = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "snake">>\n<<set $snakejunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "centipede">>\n<<set $bugjunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "crow">>\n<<set $birdjunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "goat">>\n<<set $goatjunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $junkcoat eq "wolf">>\n<<set $wolfjunk = true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\ntime to call upon the [[unknown powers]].\n<<else>>\nwhat will you sacrifice\n<<actions "the snake" "the centipede" "the crow" "the goat" "the wolf">>\n<<endif>>
this aura festers in the pit of your astral senses like a throbbing cheek sore torn open by molars that you just can't help but probe with your tongue just to know you can still suffer. it feels inimical to your very being.\n\nyou scowl as best as your inhuman features allow as you near the aura's source. it feels like a migraine now. there. a house in some forgotten suburb. [[second floor.]]
several explosions shock you. pain radiates from oozing cracks in your carapace. you look down. there are tanks in the street, barrels leveled directly at your massive, monstrous form. your chitin knits itself together as you focus on the astral webs of the street below, tracking nodes of potential energy and waves of hostility.\n\njust as they fire, you twist your body. the shells skid obliquely off of your plating and ricochet into nearby buildings. laughing in triumph, you bend down and sweep the tanks aside with your tremendous segmented legs.
you bend your creaking, slavering wolf pillar down so that the final head stares directly at him. in a deep growl, you speak.
<<silently>>\n<<set $havematerials = false>>\n<<endsilently>>tonight's the night. the omens are right and the stars are in alignment. tonight you must make the sacrifice, or miss this opportunity for the rest of your lonely life.\n\nit's hard to have a sabbat of one, but you make do the best you can.\n\n[[look around your apartment.]]\n[[make the sacrifice.]]
you clamp the beak of your left head around the mouthpiece, making as snug a fit as you can with your stiff beak. you gaze intently at the bowl with your right head, and as your eyes flash with a brilliant purple gleam, the bowl lights, and you draw.\n\nyou pass it to the witch and hold it. <<if $snakebody eq true or $bugbody eq true>>this is impressive because you're not quite sure if you even have lungs anymore. <<endif>> you crane your necks back and blow twin spumes of smoke into the cool air of the apartment. your crystal crown carves delicate trails through the soporific cloud of purple smoke.
she runs her hands through the silky fur across your chest, then buries her face in it, breathing in your feral musk. her voice is a little muffled.\n\n"you smell kinda like a ferret"\n\n"uh... is that bad?"\n\n"is it?"\n\nfair enough. she nuzzles her head back and forth between your six pairs of breasts and giggles.
your head throbs as power surges into it. it feels like a crackling disc is whirling vertically downwards through the middle of your head. you feel it widen, and it feels like your head is being torn in half. suddenly, two more eyes blink open in the void left by the power. you look inwards and are met with a mirror image of your own head. that was precisely what happened!\n\nthe vantage point of two heads lets you see firsthand the changes that follow. hair frays and widens, becoming luxurious jet-black feathers. more sprout across your foreheads, along your jaws and necks, blanketing your ears. as the feathers crawl inwards, you watch as your eyes turn a pure black, radiating inkily inwards from the lids. your nose heaves forward, carrying the bones of your skull, before the sea of feathers drowns it.\n\nyou feel your teeth meld together before erupting outwards in a heavy black beak. you croak in surprise, the harsh sound echoing from two throats. suddenly, in a shower of ultraviolet lightning, power erupts from all four of your eyes. the beams meet above your head, and from the scintillating nexus of energy, small glowing pylons of black crystal trail outwards. they loop around the crown of one head, then double back and encircle the other. the power subsides, leaving your eyes a glowing purple and a hovering crystal crown in an infinite moebius loop above your twin crow heads.\n\n//killin it.//
you start beating your wings as hard as you can. the smog before you whirls and shudders. you shape the currents precisely. a howling vortex spins down from the sky, and with a final push, you send the tornado careening towards the squadron. tortured metal shrieks as the jets are torn apart by whipping winds and debris.
in place of genitals, you have a goat's head whose every word is blasphemy. you're not sure what to do with it in polite company. maybe cover it with a towel.
the force of it rocks into your body, denting your carapace in several places. one of your legs cracks. ichor pools out of the opening in your chitin.\n\nyou bolster your own defenses and shunt the attack aside. your shell knits itself back together. time for payback.
a hideous voice bleats from your crotch.\n\n<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=4>"christ has abandoned your wretched world"</font></span></html>\n\nhe's like "NO YOU'RE LYING"\n\nyou're like "FOOL! THIS HEAD OF MINE SPEAKS EARTH-SHAKING TRUTHS TOO POWERFUL FOR YOUR FEEBLE MIND"\n\nthis may or may not be true, but he doesn't have to know that. the head speaks again.\n\n<html><span class="blackletter"><font size=4>"the righteous shall be spitted in the blackest pits of hell"</font></span></html>\n\nit's too much for this dweeb.
<<if $sweetjunkhaver eq true>>glimmering arcs of energy lance across your sensitive flesh. in their sizzling wake, grey-black down sprouts and spreads. groin-flesh //caves//, vibrating deeper into new hidden recesses of your warped body.\n\nyou have no context for how deeply you have been inverted, but it doesn't seem to be stopping. the vibrations raise in frequency, becoming an audible hum. the down on your groin flutters wildly.<<endif>><<if $vaginahaver eq true>>thaumaturgical vibrations shake you to your core. a sensual alien heat suffuses your groin. as you watch, a soft grey-black down sprouts across your skin, fluttering softly in the air and masking what happens next from your sight.\n\nyou can feel your vagina and uterus shifting, spreading, deepening. delicate air currents play against the walls of your flesh, implying that somehow it is now open to the air. ethereal hums emanate from deep inside. your down waves and dances in sympathetic frequencies. <<endif>><<if $penishaver eq true>>glimmering arcs of energy lance across your sensitive flesh. in their sizzling wake, grey-black down sprouts and spreads. before your eyes, your scrotum retracts into your body, followed by your penis. as the flesh burrows back into your body, vibrations rumble through your groin.\n\nyou have no context for how deeply you have been inverted, but it doesn't seem to be stopping. the vibrations raise in frequency, becoming an audible hum. the down on your groin flutters wildly.<<endif>>\n\nsomething feels incredible in there. the soft feathers part. they are pushed gently aside by a small 5-sided pylon of perfectly geometrical translucent black crystal. you reach down. your old hands would have fit snugly around it. at your touch, it emits a scintillating glow and a shimmering tone. it is incredibly sensitive.\n\nyou adjust your grip and stroke it. at least, you try to. with a cascading tone, it comes away in your grasp, an incredibly precise crystal wand tapering to points at both ends. you can still feel it. you drop it in shock, but it remains hovering in the air. in a moment, it floats upwards to circle lazily around your head, glowing softly.\n\nalready another pylon extrudes from within the down. you pull it out, leave it in the air to join its sibling, and spread the feathers yourself to peer within.\n\na glittering crystal cavern greets your eyes. purple sparks arc from angled stalactites into another black pylon suspendend in the center of the strange expanse. with each spark, it coalesces further. one last crackling torus of energy plays up and down its length, flooring you, before the pylon slowly drifts from its ethereal moorings, joining the others drifting around your head.\n\ncurious, you reach inside to touch the cold, perfect walls of your crystalline grotto and\n\n//''OH WOW''//\n\nyep, that's good. that's real good.\n\nalready another pylon is forming. you are... not entirely certain how to operate this genital.
alien energy swarms across your groin. the sensation is akin to being buried in a colony of hedonistic bees.\n\n<<if $sweetjunkhaver eq true>>you feel a squirming pressure from inside your groin. your body is producing something, something that will need to escape shortly. but in the meantime, the pressure remains constant. not because you have stopped producing whatever is filling you, but because the sheer volume of it forces your crotch to swell outwards.\n\nas it expands, the flesh hardens into banded, interlocking segments of sickly yellow chitin, like the swollen abdomen of a queen ant. finally, your abdomen expands to its fullest. no surface flesh remains, all has solidified into chitin, leaving a small opening at the tip leading to whatever strange organs have formed inside.<<endif>><<if $vaginahaver eq true>>you feel a squirming pressure from inside your womb. your body is producing something, something that will need to escape shortly. but in the meantime, the pressure remains constant. not because you have stopped producing whatever is filling you, but because the sheer volume of it forces your crotch to swell outwards.\n\nas it expands, the flesh hardens into banded, interlocking segments of sickly yellow chitin, like the swollen abdomen of a queen ant. finally, your abdomen expands to its fullest. no surface flesh remains, all has solidified into chitin, leaving a small opening at the tip leading to whatever strange organs have formed inside.<<endif>><<if $penishaver eq true>>you feel a squirming pressure from inside your body. it feels almost as if it's emanating from your prostate. your body is producing something, something that will need to escape shortly. but in the meantime, the pressure remains constant. not because you have stopped producing whatever is filling you, but because the sheer volume of it forces your crotch to swell outwards.\n\nit expands, absorbing your genitals utterly in its path. the extruded flesh hardens into banded, interlocking segments of sickly yellow chitin, like the swollen abdomen of a queen ant. finally, your abdomen expands to its fullest. no surface flesh remains, all has solidified into chitin, leaving a small opening at the tip leading to whatever strange organs have formed inside.<<endif>>\n\nand now the pressure builds. your carapace creaks softly under the weight of whatever squirms inside you. you grasp your abdomen and //squeeze,// both with your limbs and with strange new muscles inside it.\n\nthe tip stretches open and a brilliant orange orb emerges to plop stickily down onto the tile floor. another comes on its heels, and another, until, exhausted, you slump in front of a wet pile of twitching eggs, pressure finally relieved.\n\nthe pile deflates before your eyes as dozens of centipedes squirm out of the eggs and scuttle off into dark corners of your apartment. already you can feel your body producing more eggs. welcome to bug hell fucker, hope you like eggs.
you punch the barrier, then punch it again, to no effect. hmmm. you're gonna need something stronger.\n\nunbidden, terrible knowledge bubbles up within you, and you speak eldritch syllables of dreadful power you never knew you knew. with a flash of hideous black flame, a golden scepter appears in the air before you. you grasp it with surety and confidence.\n\nyou level the scepter at the barrier. several more calamitous syllables leap to your metaphorical tongue and you speak them. black flames erupt from the scepter, battering the barrier. before your eyes, it breaks apart.
you rear back on your hind legs, landing your forelegs on the pane. glass buckles under your weight, and with a simple flex, bursts inward. you land, straddling the sill with your body, before you step fully inside.
wow. great. you're //good,// huh? yeah, let's just amass enough power to crush every structural inequity and injustice perpetrated by humanity, and then do //nothing.//\n\ngreat. //great.\n\nexcellent work.//\n\n<<if $classicsac eq true>>let's just kill three creatures, profit from the deaths of two more, //murder a man,// and then<<endif>><<if $abstractsac eq true>>let's just, you know, profit from the possible deaths of two creatues, then, you know,\n\n//murder a man,// and then<<endif>>\n\n//DO\n\n''NOTHING//''\n\n\n\nyou disgust me.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $badend = true>>\n<<set $goodend = false>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[THE END]]
in place of legs, you have an immense, coiled snake tail. thick crimson scales cover most of its length, fading to softer golden scales along your underbelly. it's really, really, //really long.//
you strut across the floor to her, black plumage rustling in the gentle night breeze. softly but insistently, you push her to the carpeted floor, until her head rests in the center of her pentagram.\n\n"you know i find it's best to do that in the kitchen or the bathroom, carpet's such a hassle to clean"\n\n"that is excellent advice, i don't know why that never occured to me"\n\nyou clasp her ankles with your talons, then sink down until you straddle her, feathers tickling her bare legs.
you hiss in triumph into the smoggy night air. the cacophany pours from your writhing snake-hair and massive, dripping maw, echoing in the haze-choked street like the tumult of a mighty cataract.\n\nyou focus your inner sight upon the thrumming webs of power ensaring the city. your sudden titanic growth has set them into a whirring, spinning chaos. you focus on a familiar thread, and //pull.//\n\nin a purple flash, the witch appears in midair, just above your head. with a cry of surprise, she lands in your scaled hair, and you coil a strand around her protectively.
she opens up a weed jar on the table and unscrews it. she starts to reach in.\n\n"wait" you say. you take the weed jar from her, hold it in front of your eyes, and utter a few syllables of eldritch power. there is a sizzling, black-purple flash, and a thin wisp of violet smoke streams up, coalescing into the vague shape of a baphomet's head, before dissipating.\n\nyou have transmogrified the herb into //wytchweed,// a formidable substance indeed. few are the mortals who can withstand it. you pass the jar back to her and she packs a bowl, then passes the bong to you.\n\n<<if $snakehead eq true>><<display "snakehead weed">><<endif>><<if $bughead eq true>><<display "bughead weed">><<endif>><<if $birdhead eq true>><<display "birdhead weed">><<endif>><<if $goathead eq true>><<display "goathead weed">><<endif>><<if $wolfhead eq true>><<display "wolfhead weed">><<endif>>\n\nshe takes a massive rip and holds it. impressive! she is powerful indeed, to endure the potent wytchweed for so long. her eyes water and finally she coughs out an equally massive cloud of thick purple smoke. she keeps coughing.\n\n"you okay?"\n\n~~"mokay"~~\n\n"you need some water?"\n\n~~"eah"~~\n\nyou nip into her kitchen, rummage around in her cupboards until you find a glass, fill it, bring it back. she drinks some. she seems to have recovered somewhat.\n\n[[so you make out.]]
extending from your neck to your hips is a wriggling massive length of centipede body, covered in deep red chitin on the back and sickly yellow chitin on the front. it's nearly twice as tall as your old torso was.
you have the arms of a goat-demon, tipped with psuedo-hooved digits. curled golden goat horns sprout from your elbows and shoulders.
<<if $snakeleg eq true>><<display "snakeleg tf">><<endif>><<if $bugleg eq true>><<display "bugleg tf">><<endif>><<if $birdleg eq true>><<display "birdleg tf">><<endif>><<if $goatleg eq true>><<display "goatleg tf">><<endif>><<if $wolfleg eq true>><<display "wolfleg tf">><<endif>>\n\nthe crackling power jolts inwards and sensuously encases your [[groin|junk tf]].
<<if $snakebody eq true>><<display "snakebody tf">><<endif>><<if $bugbody eq true>><<display "bugbody tf">><<endif>><<if $birdbody eq true>><<display "birdbody tf">><<endif>><<if $goatbody eq true>><<display "goatbody tf">><<endif>><<if $wolfbody eq true>><<display "wolfbody tf">><<endif>>\n\nthe changes roar outwards to your [[arms|arm tf]].
your arms thicken and quiver. jellied muscles slink out of position. bones segment, resegment, resegment, erupt in ribs. black scales burst from your shoulders and spiral down the lengths of your arms.\n\nbefore your eyes, your fingers fuse together. finger bones inside crack and shift and stretch and join again. nails liquefy and flow inwards, then downwards into wicked, hollow points. two slits open where your knuckles once were and you suddenly view from the slitted eyes that boil up out of the holes your own inhuman face staring back.\n\nsacs inflate in the cavities of your hands, and black fluid gushes from the tips of their fangs. you flex your arms in impossible directions and coil them around each other, bringing the snake heads that were once your hands together before uncoiling them back apart.\n\ndamn.\n\ncheck out //these// pythons.
you have a handsome pair of crow's legs, coated in fluffy black feathers and ending in black talons covered in pseudo-scales.
<<if $sweetjunkhaver eq true>>eldritch powers subject your groin to a storm of terrible and erotic energy. your bowels shift giddily and your rectum lurches forward through your perineum as sensitive flesh molds itself around the new arrival. the sensation is indescribable. waste and reproductive tracts fuse together into a cloacal opening. soft golden scales radiate out from it. honestly, this doesn't seem very sanitary, but at least it feels good.\n\ndark energy surges upwards from your cloaca. twin nubs of flesh erupt from the top of the opening, questing upwards. a thin mucous seeps out of your cloaca in arousal, or possibly in a natural self-cleaning mechanism. let's go with arousal. it seems you are developing a hemipene.\n\nyou grasp the strange phalluses, now well over six inches and showing no signs of stopping. you can feel ribs and vertebrae growing under the tender flesh and muscle. twin hisses sound as the tips split apart, fangs slotting into place and tiny tongues darting out to taste the smoke-filled air. twin slits open up atop the jaws, and snake eyes blink open, bringing you the stereoscopic sight of your own inhuman face slack in blasphemous ecstasy.<<endif>><<if $vaginahaver eq true>>your sensitive flesh quivers. your bowels shift giddily and your rectum lurches forward through your perineum, melding with your vagina. the sensation is indescribable. waste and reproductive tracts fuse together into a cloacal opening. soft golden scales radiate out from it. honestly, this doesn't seem very sanitary, but at least it feels good.\n\ndark energy surges upwards into your clitoris. it engorges, pushing out of your hood, questing upwards. a thin mucous seeps out of your cloaca in arousal, or possibly in a natural self-cleaning mechanism. but probably arousal. with a sucking pop, your clitoris splits down the middle, still growing. it seems you are developing a hemipene.\n\nyou grasp them, now well over six inches and showing no signs of stopping. you can feel ribs and vertebrae growing under the tender flesh and muscle. twin hisses sound as the tips split apart, fangs slotting into place and tiny tongues darting out to taste the smoke-filled air. twin slits open up atop the jaws, and snake eyes blink open, bringing you the stereoscopic sight of your own inhuman face slack in blasphemous ecstasy.<<endif>><<if $penishaver eq true>>eldritch power crackles through your groin, and lo! it gives you mad wood. your shaft trembles, and precum leaks from the tip. damn. you should've tried this //ages// ago. the power surges inwards, dancing like lightning through your prostate. your scrotum splits down the center and folds inwards. your balls unravel and are absorbed into your flesh. dire, exciting rumbles sound from your bowels.\n\nyour rectum shifts through your perineum, trailing guts squeezing your prostate and sending another gob of precum up the pipes. the new orifice under your shaft welcomes the vagrant rectum and melds it into a new cloaca. vague hygiene worries flit across your thoughts before a new sensation drives them away: your penis has split in half. the mirrored shafts pulse upwards, growing, and you reach down to touch them.\n\nyou can feel ribs and vertebrae growing under the tender flesh and muscle. twin hisses sound as the tips split apart, fangs slotting into place and tiny tongues darting out to taste the smoke-filled air. twin slits open up atop the jaws, and snake eyes blink open, bringing you the stereoscopic sight of your own inhuman face slack in blasphemous ecstasy.<<endif>>\n\nbeneath your touch, sensitive black scales spiral around the twin shafts. you play a limb downwards to stimulate your new cloaca. finally, with a gush of fluids from your cloaca and poison from your snake-headed hemipenes, you climax, twin shafts coiling out to their final lengths of roughly a foot.\n\nwell.\n\nthat could be inconvenient.