\n<html>\n<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/y7ykto8lknjn4qs" target="_blank">\n <img src="9-ballOctoPool.jpg" />\n</a>\n\n\n</html>\n\nIf you walked bar today and saw an 'octagonal pool table'. What would your immediate thought be?\n\nWe thought this was a very exciting idea and immedietly we were playing this in our heads. \nWe want to be able to play this game for reals...Nine Ball On An Octagonal Shaped Table.\n\n[[Play It]]\n\n[[Ignore it and hope it goes away]]
\n<html>\n<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/y7ykto8lknjn4qs" target="_blank">\n <img src="9-ballOctoPool.jpg" />\n</a>\n\n\n</html>\n\nWe believe that just by changing the table that you will get new players. If this table was launched in every pool hall/bowling alley/bar that has multiple tables then we think it would be one of the most popular tables in these places. Also making custom tables for 'Man Caves' would certainly be a market worth looking at. As they are square they are much easier to fit into smaller rooms they won't result in the annoying situation when your que is banging off the wall as you try to take that tricky bumper shot.\n\nMultiplayers will enjoy this multi-sided table as it makes for a more imtimate gaming experience.\n[[Some other games we looked at]]
\nAs we've already covered it came out in the 1920's. It is very popular in the United States of America where there are many professional leagues. It has had a few variants through the years but is always played on a standard pocket billards table or pool table as is more commonly known.\n\nStandard 9-Ball involves racking 9 balls in a diamond shape and potting the balls sequently. A foul is committed if the player does not hit the ball with the lowest number value left on the table first. They can win by striking the lowest value ball on the table first and then potting the 9 ball\n\nDifferent variants include: \n\nKiss 9-Ball :- Where you must strike the ball you wish to pot with the que and hit it off the que ball and into the pocket.\n\n3,6,9 9-Ball :- Where you win payouts from other players by potting the 3 ball, 6 ball and 9 ball with a 1,1,2 payout\n\n6-Ball :- Played when 6 balls racked in a triangluar shape. Thought to be invented by players to use the remaining 6 of the 15 balls when tables were not charged by the hour but by the rack\n\n7-Ball :- Not commonly played but involves racking the ball in a hexagonal shape\n\n10-Ball :- Involves racking the balls in a triangluar shape and some professionals would prefer this to 9-Ball as a format used in competitions. It is much harder to pot specific balls from the break thus makes for a more challanging game than original 9-Ball\n\nA reason we looked at these different variants was to see if they could all still be played with our changes.\n\n[[So what else can be done with 9-Ball]]
\nI've played 8-ball pool against the Irish champion. He broke. He potted every red ball. He potted the black and I never got a shot. The same goes for 9-Ball professionals. There are so many great pool players out there that you will always meet a shark or someone who is so happy to have an opponent they will play and you will lose. \nBut if these people were suddenly presented with a new game...\nThey would be very happy to play it/master it/ destroy everyone at it, all over again.\n\nBy adding two extra pockets it speeds up the game which is what the professionals in the USA have been searching for. \nThis is also good for the amateur as they have more chances of being on a pocket and more ways to escape a snooker. \n\n[[So lets see a table again]]
\nSo you've all decided you would play it. Good for you. Well here's basically what we think would happen:\n\nEveryone that sees this table will check it out as it would be so uncommon compared with a normal shaped pool table.\n\nThey would either know the rules to normal 9-ball pool and instantly know what they are doing. Or they would get their nine balls and figure out a game for themselves.\n\n[[Why does this change the playing field for 9-ball pool players?]]\n\n
\nI think not. If you are a games designer you would immediately go over and [[Play It]].\n\nWe think that it would be hard for most people to ignore this table.
<html>\n<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/y7ykto8lknjn4qs" target="_blank">\n <img src="nineballrack.jpg" />\n</a>\n\n\n</html>\nNine-ball (sometimes written 9-ball) is a contemporary form of pool (pocket billiards), with historical beginnings rooted in the United States and traceable to the 1920s. We decided to take this game and give it an unnecessary shake up.\n[[History of 9-ball]]\n\n\n
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'Battleship'\nWhat we thought we were originally going to present today. We found that yes there are ways to improve it. But these ways already exist. \nJapan Rules are where ships take up only one grid place making the Nash Equilibrium of guessing in diagonals redundant.\nNintendo Rules are multiplayer version of this game where you can gang up on single players till they are taken out.\n\n'Tick-Tack-Toe'\nWe tried extending the grid and giving more plays per turn but either resulted in instant victory for the first player of inevitable stalemate just making the game more boring than it already was.
Unnecessary Sequel\n\n9-Ball Pool
\nDaniel Moffatt\nPaul Rowan