<p>What happens when you multiply two lowest-common-denominators? \nFuck if I know, I'm not a math teacher.</p>\n\n<h1><u>Rules:</u></h1>\n<p>Cards Against Buzzfeed is a multiplayer party game for several on up to a billion players.\n\nThere are two roles to play in CAB: Journalists and the Editor.\n<br><ul>\n<li><b>Journalists</b> will use the given prompt to write a Buzzfeed worthy article. They will be given a deadline of 5 minutes to complete their writing (but be carefull, the Editor has the right to change the deadline at will.) When the deadline is up they will present their article to the Editor and other Journalists. Lone players can take the role of Journalists but working in teams is encouraged.</li>\n\n<li>The <b>Editor</b> serves as the official judge. When the deadline is up, the Editor evaluates the articles and decides which Journalist will win that round. This decision can be based on any factor (best, funniest, most offensive, who the editor most wants to sleep with, etc.) The Editor also has the ability to make demands during the deadline. These can be either reasonable or arbitrary. Use your imagination.</li>\n<br></ul>\nAfter the round is over the current Editor will step down and become a Journalist, While one of the Journalists will become the new Editor. This will continue until everyone has been the Editor or is to drunk/bored/tired to continue playing. </p>\n\n\n<h1>[[Let's Play]]</h1>\n
<p><u>Game and writing by:</u> \n\n <a href="https://twitter.com/DachshundTechno">Soda51</a>\n\n<u>Inspired by:</u>\n\n <a href="http://www.shutupandsitdown.com/blog/post/review-cards-against-humanity/">Shut up & Sit Down</a>\n\n\n<u>Parody of: </u>\n\n <a href="https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/">Cards Against Humanity</a>\n <a href="http://www.buzzfeed.com/">Buzzfeed</a>\n\n<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>\n[[Return|Start]]</p>
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<br><br>\n<h1 style="text-align:center">Fear of Twine Presents:</h1>\n<h2 style="text-align:center">Cards Against Buzzfeed</h2>\n<br>\n<h1 style="text-align:center">A Dachshund ♥ Techno Game</h1>\n<br>\n<br>\n<p style="text-align:center">[[Start|begin]] | [[Credits]]</p>\n<br>\n<br>\n<p style="text-align:center">#Altgames #Parody #Politics #Race #LGBT #Buzzfeed #CardsAgainstHumanity #Madlibs #Random #Headlines #Offensive #MostOrLeast #Racism #Sexism #OtherKindsOfIsims #Adjetives #Nouns #FoT #D<3T #Twine #NoVerbs #PartyGames #Top10Lists #ClickBait #CardGamesWithoutCards </p>
<p style="text-align:center">(This headline was randomly generated, if it is lame, offensive or nonsensical please skip it.)</p>\n<br><br>\n<h3 style="text-align:center">Top <<print random(5,12)>> <<print either("Most", "Least")>> <<print either("Abhorrent", "Able", "Abnormal", "Abrasive", "Absorbed", "Absurd", "Abusive", "Acceptable", "Accessible", "Accidental", "Accurate", "Acidic", "Adamant", "Adaptable", "Addicted", "Adorable", "Adventurous", "Afraid", "Aggressive", "Agonizing", "Agreeable", "Alcoholic", "Alert", "Alive", "Alluring", "Aloof", "Amazing", "Ambiguous", "Ambitious", "Amusing", "Ancient", "Angry", "Animated", "Annoying", "Anxious", "Apathetic", "Artistic", "Arrogant", "Ashamed", "Aspiring", "Astonishing", "Attractive", "Auspicious", "Available", "Aware", "Awesome", "Awful", "Bad", "Barbarous", "Bashful", "Beautiful", "Befitting", "Beneficial", "Bent", "Berserk", "Best", "Bewildered", "Big", "Billowy", "Bitter", "Bizarre", "Black", "Bloody", "Blue-eyed", "Blushing", "Boorish", "Boring", "Bouncy", "Brainy", "Brash", "Brave", "Brawny", "Breakable", "Bright", "Broad", "Broken", "Brown", "Burly", "Busty", "Busy", "Bitchy", "Cagey", "Calculating", "Callous", "Calm", "Capable","Careful", "Careless", "Cautious", "Charming", "Cheap", "Cheerful", "Childish", "Chivalrous", "Chubby", "Chunky", "Classy", "Clean", "Clever", "Closeted", "Clumsy", "Coherent", "Cold", "Colorful", "Colossal", "Combative", "Comfortable", "Common", "Complex", "Concered", "Condemned", "Confused", "Confusing", "Cool", "Cooperative", "Coordinated", "Courageous", "Cowardly", "Crabby", "Craven", "Crazy", "Creepy", "Crooked", "Cruel", "Cuddly", "Cultured", "Curious", "Curly", "Curvy", "Cut", "Cunty", "Cute", "Cynical", "Daffy", "Damaged", "Damaging", "Dainty", "Dangerous", "Dapper", "Darkest", "Dashing", "Dazzling", "Dead", "Deadpan", "Debonair", "Decisive", "Deepest", "Defeated", "Defective", "Defiant", "Delightful", "Demonic", "Delirious", "Dependent", "Depressed", "Demure", "Deranged", "Determined", "Devilish", "Different", "Difficult", "Dirty", "Disagreeable", "Diastrous", "Disgusting", "Distinct", "Dickish", "Disturbed", "Divergent", "Domineering", "Drab", "Dramatic", "Dreary", "Drunk", "Dry", "Dull", "Dynamic", "Dysfunctional", "Eager", "Earthy", "Easy", "Educated", "Elderly", "Elegant", "Elite", "Effeminate", "Embarrassing", "Eminent", "Empty", "Enchanting", "Encouraging", "Energetic", "Enormous", "Entertaining", "Enthusiastic", "Envious", "Erect", "Erratic", "Ethereal", "Evasive", "Excellent", "Exciting", "Exotic", "Exuberant", "Exultant", "Fabulous", "Faded", "Fair", "Faithful", "Fallacious", "Familiar", "Famous", "Fanatical", "Fancy", "Fantastic", "Fascinating", "Fat", "Faulty", "Fearless", "Feeble", "Feminine", "Fertile", "Festive", "Fierce", "Filthy", "Fine", "Finicky", "Flagrant", "Flaky", "Flashy", "Flat", "Flawless", "Flimsy", "Flippant", "Flowery", "Fluffy", "Foolish", "Forgetful", "Fortunate", "Frail", "Fragile", "Frantic", "Free", "Fresh", "Friendly", "Frightening", "Functional", "Funny", "Furrious", "Futuristic", "Fuzzy", "Fucked Up", "Gabby", "Gaudy", "Gay", "Gentle", "Giddy", "Gifted", "Gigantic", "Glamorous", "Glistening", "Glorious", "Godly", "Good", "Goofy", "Gorgeous", "Graceful", "Greasy", "Great", "Greedy", "Groovy", "Grotesque", "Grouchy", "Gruesome", "Grumpy", "Guiltless", "Guilty", "Gullible", "Gusty", "Hallowed", "Homophobic", "Handsome", "Handy", "Hapless", "Happy", "Hard", "Harmonious", "Harsh", "Hateful", "Healthy", "Heartbreaking", "Heavenly", "Heavy", "Hellish", "Helpful", "Helpless", "High", "Highfalutin", "High-pitched", "Hideous", "Hilarious", "Historical", "Homeless", "Homely", "Honorable", "Hospitable", "Hot", "Huge", "Hulking", "Humorous", "Hungry", "Hurt", "Husky", "Hypnotic", "Hysterical", "Icky", "Icy", "Idiotic", "Ignorant", "Ill", "Illegal", "Ill-fated", "Ill-informed", "Illustrious", "Imaginary", "Immense", "Impartical", "Imperfect", "Impolite", "Important", "Impossible", "Incompentent", "Inconclusive", "Industrious", "Incredible", "Infamous", "Innocent", "Inquisitive", "Insidious", "Intelligent", "Interesting", "Irate", "Irritating", "Itchy", "Jaded", "Jazzy", "Jealous", "Jittery", "Jobless", "Jolly", "Joyous", "Juicy", "Jumbled", "Juvenile", "Keen", "Kind", "Kindhearted", "Kinky", "Knowledgeable", "Known", "Lackadaisical", "Lacking", "Lame", "Lamentable", "Large", "Laughable", "Lavish", "Lazy", "Lean", "Learned", "Legal", "Lethal", "Lethargic", "Lewd", "Likable", "Lithe", "Limping", "Limp-wristed", "Literate", "Little", "Lively", "Living", "Lonely", "Loose", "Lopsided", "Loud", "Lovely", "Loving", "Lowly", "Lucky", "Ludicrous", "Lumpy", "Luxuriant", "Lying", "Lyrical", "Macabre", "Macho", "Maddening", "Mad", "Magical", "Magnificent", "Majestic", "Masculine", "Malicious", "Maternal", "Mammoth", "Maniacal", "Massive", "Married", "Marvelous", "Materialistic", "Mature", "Mean", "Measly", "Meek", "Mellow", "Melodic", "Merciful", "Messy", "Mighty", "Mindless", "Minor", "Miscreant", "Mixed", "Moaning", "Modern", "Moldy", "Momentous", "Motionless", "Mundane", "Murky", "Mushy", "Mute", "Mysterious", "Naive", "Nappy", "Narrow", "Nasty", "Natural", "Naughty", "Nauseating", "Neat", "Nebulous", "Necessary", "Needless", "Needy", "Neighborly", "Nervous", "Nice", "Nifty", "Nimble", "Noiseless", "Noisy", "Nonchalant", "Nondescript", "Normal", "Nostalgic", "Nosy", "Noxious", "Nutty", "Oafish", "Obedient", "Obese", "Obnoxious", "Obscene", "Obsequious", "Observant", "Obsolete", "Obtainable", "Odd", "Offbeat", "Old", "Old-fashioned", "Onerous", "Open", "Optimal", "Ordinary", "Outgoing", "Outrageous", "Outstanding", "Overconfindent", "Overjoyed", "Overated", "Overt", "Overwrought", "Painful", "Pale", "Paltry", "Panicky", "Pastoral", "Pathetic", "Peaceful", "Perfect", "Petite", "Phobic", "Physical", "Placid", "Plain", "Plastic", "Plausible", "Pleasant", "Plucky", "Pointless", "Poised", "Polite", "Political", "Poor", "Possessive", "Powerful", "Precious", "Prejudiced", "Pretty", "Producive", "Proud", "Psychedelic", "Psychotic", "Puffy", "Pumped", "Puny", "Pushy", "Puzzling", "Queer", "Quaint", "Quarrelsome", "Questionable", "Quickest", "Quiet", "Quirky", "Quizzical", "Rabid", "Racial", "Racist", "Ragged", "Rambunctious", "Rare", "Raspy", "Ratty", "Receptive", "Rebel", "Regular", "Remarkable", "Repulsive", "Responible", "Rich", "Righteous", "Ritzy", "Romantic", "Rotten", "Rough", "Royal", "Rude", "Rustic", "Ruthless", "Sad", "Safe", "Sassy", "Satisfying", "Scandalous", "Scarce", "Scared", "Scary", "Scientific", "Scintillating", "Scrawny", "Screeching", "Secretive", "Selfish", "Serious", "Shaggy", "Shanky", "Skanky", "Sluty", "Shallow", "Sharp", "Shocking", "Short", "Shrill", "Shy", "Sick", "Silent", "Silly", "Sissy", "Simplistic", "Sincere", "Skillful", "Skinny", "Sleepy", "Slim", "Slippery", "Sloppy", "Slow", "Small", "Smart", "Smelly", "Smiling", "Smooth", "Sneaky", "Snobbish", "Snotty", "Soft", "Soggy", "Solid", "Somber", "Sophisticated", "Sorbid", "Sour", "Sore", "Special", "Spectacular", "Spicy", "Spiffy", "Spiritual", "Spiteful", "Splendid", "Spooky", "Spotless", "Spotty", "Shity", "Squalid", "Square", "Squealing", "Squeamish", "Stale", "Statuesque", "Steadfast", "Stereotyped", "Sticky", "Stiff", "Stimulating", "Stingy", "Straight", "Strange", "Strong", "Stupendous", "Stupid", "Sturdy", "Subdued", "Successful", "Sulky", "Super", "Superb", "Superficial", "Supreme", "Swanky", "Sweet", "Swift", "Taboo", "Tacky", "Talented", "Tall", "Tame", "Tan", "Tasteful", "Tasteless", "Tawdry", "Tearful", "Tedious", "Teeny", "Temporary", "Tender", "Tense", "Terrible", "Terrific", "Testy", "Thankful", "Thick", "Thin", "Thirsty", "Thoughtful", "Thoughtless", "Threatening", "Tidy", "Tight", "Tightfisted", "Tiny", "Tired", "Tiresome", "Tough", "Towering", "Tranquil", "Trashy", "Tremendous", "Tricky", "Trite", "Troubled", "Trueful", "Typical", "Ubiquitous", "Uguliest", "Ugly", "Ultra", "Unable", "Unaccountable", "Unadvised", "Unarmed", "Unbecoming", "Unbiased", "Understood", "Undesirable", "Unequal", "Unequaled", "Unhealthy", "Uninterested", "Unique", "Unkempt", "Unknown", "Unnatural", "Unruly", "Unsightly", "Unsuitable", "Untidy", "Unused", "Unusual", "Unwieldy", "Upbeat", "Uppity", "Upset", "Uptight", "Used", "Useful", "Useless", "Utopian", "Vacuous", "Vagabond", "Vague", "Valuable", "Vengeful", "Venomous", "Verdant", "Versed", "Victorious", "Vigorous", "Violent", "Voiceless", "Volatile", "Voracious", "Vulgar", "Wacky", "Waggish", "Wandering", "Wanting", "Warlike", "Warm", "Wary", "Wasteful", "Weak", "Wealthy", "Weary", "Well-groomed", "Well-made", "Well-off", "Well-to-do", "Wet", "Whimsical", "White", "Wholesome", "Wicked", "Wide-eyed", "Wiggly", "Wild", "Willing", "Wiry", "Wise", "Wistful", "Witty", "Woebegone", "Womanly", "Wonderful", "Wooden", "Wozzy", "Workable", "Worried", "Worthless", "Wrathful", "Wretched", "Wrong", "Wry", "Xenophobic", "Yellow", "Yielding", "Young", "Youthful", "Yummy", "Zany", "Zealous", "Zesty", "Zippy", "Zonked")>> <<print either("White", "Black", "Asian", "Hispanic", "Latino", "Native", "Islander", "Muliracial", "Biracial", "Middle Eastern", "European", "American", "Creloe", "Mulatto", "Irish", "German", "Lebanese", "Arab", "Moroccan", "Caucasian", "Scottish", "British", "English", "Dutch", "Albanian", "Armenian", "Russian", "Romainan", "Gypsy", "French", "Greek", "Hebrew", "Italian", "Norwegian", "Spanish", "Mexican", "Canadian", "Turkish", "Danish", "Lithuanian", "Persian", "Polish", "Portuguese", "Slovak", "African", "Colored", "Negro", "Indian", "Vietnamese", "Korean", "Chinese", "Iranian", "Isreali", "Packistani", "Iraqi", "Japanese", "Puerto Rican", "South African", "Columbian", "Egyptian", "Ukranian", "Bulgarian", "Australian", "Tibetan", "Thai", "Filpino", "Palestinian", "Saudi Arabian", "Syrian", "Samaritan", "Swiss", "Welsh", "Brazilian", "Romani", "Eskimo", "Christian", "Mormon", "Muslim", "Buddhist", "Hindu", "Indigenous", "Jewish", "Atheist", "Agnostic", "Taoist", "Confucianist", "Catholic", "Orthodox", "Protestant", "Islamic", "Jamican", "Cuban", "Shinto", "Scientologist", "Wiccan", "Druid", "Satanist", "Nontheistic", "Baptist", "Pentecostalist", "Adventist", "Calvinist", "Presbyterian", "Puritan", "Methodist", "Lutheran", "Amish", "Evangelical", "Fundamentalist", "Rastafari", "Gnostic", "Raëlian", "Unitarian", "Male", "Female", "Transgendered", "Cisgendered", "Transexual", "Cisexual", "Intersexed", "Intergendered", "Transvesite", "Cisvestite", "Genderqueer", "Androgynous", "Pangendered", "Bigendered", "Trigendered", "Monogendered", "Nongendered", "Ungendered", "Heterosexual", "Homosexual","Bisexual", "Asexual", "Pansexual", "Straight", "Gay", "Lesbian", "Androphilic", "Gynephilic", "Polysexual", "Queer", "Pansensual", "Polyfidelitous", "Ambisexual", "Biphilic", "Nonpartisan", "Republican", "Democrat", "Libertarian", "Conservative", "Liberal", "Socialist", "Communist", "Minority", "Majority", "Progressive", "Independent", "Populist", "Anarchist", "Federalist", "Masonic", "Proletarian", "Vegetarian", "Southern", "Northern", "Eastern", "Western", "Moderate", "Nazi", "Internationalist", "Reformist", "Handicaped", "Disabled", "Able-bodied", "Paraplegic", "Quadriplegic", "Lame", "Blind", "Color-blind", "Autistic", "Deaf", "Mute", "Dumb", "Retarded", "Cretin", "Demented", "Diseased", "Healthy", "Idiot", "Imbecile", "Moronic", "Mongoloid", "Epileptic", "Dyslexic", "Phobic", "Obsessive-compulsive", "Depressed", "Maniac", "Bipolar", "Manic-depressive", "Schizophrenic", "Antisocial", "Narcissistic", "Anorexic", "Bulimic", "Obese", "Insomniac", "Paraphiliac", "Narcoleptic", "Sociopathic", "Pshycopathic", "Addict", "Histrionic", "Negativistic", "Passive-aggressive", "Masochitic", "Self-defeating", "Sadistic", "Dogmatic", "Neurotic", "Catatonic", "Alcoholic", "Diabetic", "Kleptomaniac", "Pyromaniac", "Amnesiac", "Hyperactive", "Dysphasic", "Dyscalculic", "Eccentric", "Asthmatic", "Crippled", "Elderly", "Geriatric", "Middle-aged", "Rich", "Poor", "Upper-class", "Middle-class", "Lower-class", "Foreign", "Domestic", "Alien", "Immigrant", "Teenaged", "Wealthy", "Homeless", "Texan", "Unemployed", "Blonde", "Red-headed", "Dark", "Brunette", "Bald", "Freckled", "Overweight", "Underweight", "Introverted", "Extraverted", "Tweenaged", "Underaged", "Transient", "Marxist", "Bourgeoisie", "Aristocratic", "Proletaritat", "Working-class", "White-collar", "Blue-collar", "Barbarian", "Homophobic", "Xenophobic", "Transphobic", "Racist", "Misogynist", "Misandrist", "Feminist", "Misanthropic", "Humanist", "Activist", "Aboriginal", "Bigoted", "Technocratic", "Meritocratic", "Monarchist", "Utilitrianist", "Yangist", "Antinomian", "Discordian", "Aryan", "Pedifilic", "Gingered", "Venezuelan", "Hermaphoroditic", "Omnisexual", "Albino")>> <<print either("People", "Men", "Women", "Children", "Families", "Boys", "Girls", "Politians", "Governors", "Lawyers", "Sports Teams", "Athletes", "Ball-players", "Kings", "Queens", "Vacation Destinations", "Dances", "Towns", "Cities", "Playgrounds", "Malls", "Prisons", "Jails", "Cops", "Police Officers", "Judges", "Attornies", "Airports", "Voyages", "Stage Plays", "Musicals", "Movies", "Actors", "Directors", "Singers", "Songwriters", "Playwrights", "Writers", "Musicians", "Composers", "Ministers", "Artists", "Advertisements", "Militaries", "Generals", "Warlords", "Beggars", "Birthday Parties", "Churches", "Clubs", "Companies", "Chefs", "Rockstars", "Criminals", "Crooks", "Clowns", "Hotels", "Restaurants", "Doctors", "Dolls", "Action Figures", "Toys", "Dresses", "Costumes", "Fashions", "Diseases", "Drugs", "Schools", "Colleges", "Universities", "Experts", "Experiences", "Slogans", "Conversation Topics", "Soundbites", "Facts", "Myths", "Lies", "Fairies", "Fans", "Flags", "Jellybean Flavors", "Pizza Toppings", "Icecream Flavors", "Food", "Flowers", "Friends", "Furniture", "Farms", "Games", "Board Games", "Video Games", "Card Games", "Phone Apps", "Ghosts", "Goats", "Governments", "Guides", "Phamplets", "Guitar Players", "Guns", "Haircuts", "Hair Styles", "Hats", "Histories", "Hobbies", "Holidays", "Homes", "Houses", "Jokes", "Instruments", "Ideas", "Industries", "Islands", "Countries", "States", "Bodies of Water", "Kisses", "Laborers", "Languages", "Slang", "Lists", "Machines", "Automobiles", "Managers", "Maps", "Masks", "Meals", "Planets", "Moutains", "Music", "Names", "Nations", "News Programs", "Newspapers", "Reporters", "Websites", "Blogs", "Noises", "Sounds", "Observations", "Offices", "Officers", "Operations", "Opinions", "Organizations", "Ornaments", "Parks", "Bars", "Pubs", "Hangouts", "Parties", "Pests", "Pictures", "Artwork", "Paintings", "Drawings", "Sculptures", "Pies", "Places", "Plantations", "Plots", "Conspiracies", "Plans", "Positions", "Sex Positions", "Pimps", "Prostitutes", "Whores", "Sluts", "Sex Toys", "Scandals", "Cover-ups", "Properties", "Protests", "Protesters", "Punishments", "Purposes", "Questions", "Reactions", "Books", "Magazines", "Pornos", "Novels", "Pornstars", "Weddings", "Records", "Regrets", "Religions", "Representatives", "Rewards", "Riddles", "Mysteries", "Jewlery", "Roads","Street Names", "Baby Names", "Pet Names", "Rules", "Scenes", "Memes", "Scientists", "Servants", "Mistakes", "T-shirt Sayings", "Shoes", "Stores", "Shops", "Shows", "Signs", "Slaves", "Concentration Camps", "Smells", "Societies", "Soda", "Drinks", "Beverages", "Soups", "Spots", "Spies", "Stamps", "Stars", "Strangers", "Structures", "Substances", "Suggestions", "Suits", "Supporters", "Sports", "Sportstars", "Surprises", "Systems", "Talks", "Speaches", "Teachers", "Professors", "Deans", "Presidents", "Leaders", "Tendencies", "Territories", "Tests", "Theories", "Things", "Objects", "Nouns", "Adjectives", "Thoughts", "Thrill-seakers", "Tombs", "Times", "Titles", "Transport", "Treatments", "Tricks", "Curses", "Troubles", "Trips", "Plot Twists", "Spoilers", "Uniforms", "Lingerie", "Bible Verses", "Vessels", "Race Horses", "Sailboats", "Voices", "Walks", "Wars", "Words", "Works", "Wounds", "Wenches", "Progamers", "Programmers", "Indie Developers", "Indie Games", "Game Developers", "Game Publishers", "Game Studios", "Movie Studios", "Comic Books", "Comic Book Characters", "Video Game Characters", "Book Characters", "Movie Characters", "Television Characters", "Television Shows", "Journalists", "Game Journalists", "Superheroes", "Heroes", "Villians", "Supervillains", "Player Characters", "Voice Actors", "Screenwriters", "Fashion Designers", "Software Products", "Skin-care Products", "Products", "Abilities", "Lovers", "Sciences", "Investments", "Activities", "Media", "Stories", "Communities", "Qualities", "Players", "Equipment", "Policies", "Series", "Strategies", "Workout Routines", "Routines", "Diet Tips", "Weightloss Tips", "Bumpersticker Slogans", "Secrets", "Confessions", "Sex Tips", "Techologies", "Marketing Jingles", "Goals", "Marriages", "Divorces", "Celebrities", "Failures", "Philosophies", "Inventions", "Inventors", "Roles", "Role Playing Games", "Successes", "Movements", "Moments", "Decisions", "Events", "Properties", "Unions", "Competitions", "Entertainment", "Entertainment Products", "Categories", "Opportunities", "Performers", "Drivers", "Relationships", "Relationship Tips", "Messages", "Associations", "Deaths", "Births", "Discussions", "Advice", "Sex Advice", "Finacial Advice", "Dieting Advice", "Expressions", "Responsibilities", "Situations", "Sitcoms", "Romantic Comedies", "Comedies", "Comedians", "Skills", "Perspectives", "Photos", "Recipes", "Topics", "Collections", "Passions", "Ads", "Agencies", "Criticisms", "Debts", "Descriptions", "Stereotypes", "Memories", "Solutions", "Administrations", "Attitudes", "Personalities", "Responses", "Arguments", "Complaints", "Employment", "Jobs", "Ocupations", "Preferences", "Traditions", "Devices", "Priorities", "Variations", "Anxieties", "Emotions", "Employees", "Employers", "Charities", "Diasters", "Editors", "Reflections", "Clothes", "Labs", "Poetry", "Poets", "Vehicles", "Accidents", "Assumptions", "Committees", "Errors", "Explanations", "Farmers", "Historians", "Instructors", "Manufacturers", "Perceptions", "Poems", "Revolutions", "Villages", "Warnings", "Winners", "Workers", "Contributions", "Establishments", "Impressions", "Menus", "Professions", "Reactions", "Weaknesses", "Affairs", "Ambitions", "Analysts", "Assistants", "Sidekicks", "Celebrations", "Champions", "Fortunes", "Indicators", "Definitions", "Intentions", "Obligations", "Platforms", "Reputations", "Sympathies", "Tales", "Trainers", "Vampires", "Men's Rights Activists", "Activists", "Monsters", "Creatures", "Robots", "Killers", "Murderers", "Dictators", "Dictatorships", "Cannibals", "Seamen", "Clerks", "Councillors", "Animal Trainers", "Animal Breeders", "Animators", "Cartoonists", "Cartoons", "Cartoon Characters", "Referees", "Anthropologists", "Terrorists", "Architicture", "Architects", "Therapists", "Dramas", "Animated Movies", "Astronaunts", "Bands", "Brands", "Banks", "Bankers", "Rock Bands", "Mechanics", "Porters", "Ports", "Bakers", "Bakeries", "Biologists", "Guards", "Accountants", "Inspectors", "Detectives", "Truck Drivers", "Simulations", "Simulators", "Professions", "Birth Control Methods", "Fluffers", "Engineers", "Social Workers", "Psychologists", "Comercials", "Nurses", "Game Consoles", "Computers", "Computer Games", "Plastic Surgeries", "Video Game Controlers", "Cafeterias", "Fast Food Eateries", "Cosmetologists", "Costumes", "RPG Quests", "Reporters", "Dentists", "Disk Jockies", "Jockies", "Editorials", "Elevator Music", "Emergencies", "Exercises", "Explosives", "Facilities", "Cowboys", "Models", "Fitness Tips", "Fitness Trainers", "Dick Jokes", "Drugs", "Side Effects", "Sucides", "Translations", "Fund Raisers", "Funerals", "Shakespear Characters", "Gynecologists", "Pilots", "Economists", "Immigrants", "Rappers", "Rapists", "Rape Victims", "Holocausts", "Hygiene Tips", "Tropes", "Janitors", "Test Subjects", "Hobos", "Laws", "Locomotives", "Marines", "Survey Questions", "Equations", "Medical Questions", "Medical Tips", "Merchandise", "Souvenirs", "Heavy Metal Bands", "Painters", "Pests", "Radio Stations", "Television Stations", "Radio Programs", "Television Programs", "Talk Shows", "Game Shows", "Reality Shows", "Documentaries", "Reservations", "Swear Words", "Tours", "Treasures", "Drug Dealers", "Thugs", "Gangs", "Gangsters", "Thieves", "Videos", "Abortions", "Pro-lifers", "Pro-Choicers", "Podcasts", "Youtube Shows", "Femnazis", "Bro Gamers", "Gamer Gaters", "Albums", "Gift Baskets", "Halmark Cards", "Civil Rights Movements", "Civil Rights Leaders", "Suffragettes", "Mouseketeers", "Elves", "Dwarves", "Pokémon", "Award Winners", "Awards", "Assholes", "Dicks", "Cunts", "Jerks", "Nerds", "Dweebs", "Dorks", "Bitches", "Comic Strips", "Love Letters", "Marriage Proposals", "Urban Legends", "Executions", "Assassins", "Creeds", "Skinheads", "Hooligans", "Hipsters", "Hippies", "Punks", "Greasers", "Preps", "Jocks", "Bullies", "Witches", "Courtesans", "Gigolos", "Social Justice Warriors", "Cults", "Murder Victims", "Clichés", "Pedifiles", "Disney Movies", "Nintendo Games", "Currency", "Cultures", "Text Adventures", "Twine Games", "Indie Platformers", "Free to Play Games", "Mobile Games", "Altgames", "Instruction Manuals", "Puzzles", "Catastrophes", "Apocalypses", "Taboos", "Tabloids", "Rewards Programs", "FAQs", "Arcades", "Arcade Games", "Operating Systems", "Text Editors", "Movie Scripts", "MacGuffins", "Chicks", "Dudes", "Casanovas", "Fetishs", "Crossdressers", "Smurfs", "Care Bears", "Martyrs", "Bastards", "Muses", "Pranks", "Rebels", "Brats", "Stalkers", "Yanderes", "Eunuchs")>>.\n<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>\n[[Next Round|Let's Play]]\n</h3>\n<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>\n<p>Back to [[Title|Start]].\nReturn to <a title=" Top $Number Either(Best ,Worst) $Adjetive Games" 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