You say nothing as she looks you up and down.\n\n"Weapon of choice?" Dreda asks when she seems satisfied with looking you over.\n\n[[machette]]\n\n[[gun]]\n\n[[knife]]\n\n[[axe]]
You grab onto the assailant, hoping to throw them over your shoulder, only for you yourself to end up with the concrete digging into your ass, the wind knocked out of you by the fall.\n\nA women steps into your line of vision, which until that point consisted of a perpetually moving sky. \n\nShe has a mint colored mohawk, black plug gages, swirling tattoos going up her arm and her neck, and a Monroe piercing. She is short and chubby with a pretty face and large lips, which are turned upwards into a motherly smile, although she looks no more than mid-twenties. \n\n"Oh, honey! Nice try but your form is all wrong! You are obviously the new hunter right? Straight out of the academy! No wonder you're so sloppy, a green horn." Her words are light and she has a smile on her face but each word pierces like a dagger. \n\nWell I did try to attack her, you think.\n\nShe offers you a hand up, which you accept trying not to make anymore faux paus. \n\n"You're just lucky it was me you tried to pull that on, not Dreda, or you'd have more to worry about than a busted ass. Come on in. I'll help you get acquainted."\n\n*[[walk in]] \n\n
This is where you come in. \n\nYour name is [[Sofie]] you are straight out of the acedemy, specializing in offensive arts. Meaning you are a "hunter" a field member of the society. \n*[[first day on the job]]
You ask about Breezy.\n\nDreda shruggs before she talks.\n\n"Breezy--like me- didn't go to the acedemy, but she also isn't human so she always knew about this stuff. She is a [[nephilim]] We have been friends since we were little and she became a hunter because I did. She just went along with me like always. I think she is happy though. She has all those books to keep her busy, and she doesn't have to pretend in the compound. The old compound we were at didn't like the thought of her not being human. No matter how many times she saved the assholes they still treated her like shit. But make no mistake, her and Cullen could take on just about anything. It's not that she doesn't have the strength to fight, it's that she doesn't have the heart to kill.\n\n[[what she thinks it is]] \n(the monster)\n\n\n[[ask about Cullen]]\n\nor\n\n[[let the car go quiet]]
The inside looks just like how the outside would suggest. The whole interior is in tones of brown and orange, with minimal lighting. The walls lined with dusty tomes and a dusty looking reading corner filled with ottomans and a particulary threadbare couch. Also thrown haphazardly, and suspiciously new looking, was a kitty print bean bag chair.\n\nBehind the counter is a woman. She has a mint colored mohawk, black plug gages, swirling tattoos going up her arm and her neck, and a Monroe piercing. She is short and chubby with a pretty face and large lips, she is looking down at a large book on the counter. \n\nThe bell on the door rings, but she doesn't look up as she chimes out,\n\n"Welcome-" She looks up from the book, a large smile on her face, reconination lighting up her features. \n\n"-oh! You must be the new girl! Welcome to the District 108 headquarters." She stood up and walked over to me. I towered over her small stature. \n\n"Hi! My name is [[Breezy]]! I'm the [[claviger]] of this district. If you'll just wait a few moments your new partner should be coming in any could sit around here or I can show you your room?"\n\nDo you...?\n\n[[wait]]\n\nOr \n\n[[ask to be shown your room]]
\n\n\nhair: black\neyes: hazel\nheight: 5'7"\nother: Has freckles and a lot of scars\n\n(hit back arrow to return to game)
As children we were told stories about what goes bump in the night...\n*[[next]]\n*[[skip]]
You decide to call Breezy. She is the claviger so she has to know her baddies.\n\nYou call, it rings a couple times then a less than cheery Breezy answers the phone. Her voice is horse like she just woke up.\n\n[[apologize for waking her up]]\n\nor\n\n[[ask about the monster]]
You decide to break the silence that is filling the car. But you don't know what to talk about.\n\nDo you ask about...?\n\n[[ask Dreda if she read the case file]]\n\n[[ask Dreda about her past partner]]\n\nor \n\n[[ask about being a hunter]]
Cullen leads you through the rather large compound. You see a kitchen, two large bathrooms, a small living room, and then he leads you back down the hallway with all the bedrooms. The whole tour is brief, Cullen walking briskly. \n\nHe leads you to your bedroom door.\n\nDo you...\n\n[[ask what's with Dreda]]\n\n[[ask what's his problem]]\n\nor\n\n[[go in your room]]
You ask about the monster. It's not your fault she was asleep.\n\n"...What? Oh! Oh yeah right..."You hear a faint shuffling on the other side. You hear Cullen mumble something irate. \n\n"What ever I thought I put in the report." She sounds a little annoyed, you are about to ask her more when you hear Cullen say something, Breezy makes a affronted noise then the line goes dead.\n\nWell that was a waste of time. \n\n[[go to bed]]
Breezy gives you a small smile. She looks miserable when she replies,\n\n"They didn't die or anything don't worry. I was Dreda's partner."\n\nBreezy turns and leaves without saying anything, a spring no longer in her step. There appearently is some deep drama involded with Breezy and Dreda. \n\n[[go in your room]]
Breezy shows you around the book store/ society hideout. She adds a little story sbout each room, her face lighting up with the memories. The compound is rather large dispite what it looks like on the outside. You start to think that those closed shops on either side are actually part of the charade. \n\n"This is the kitchen. See those scorch marks? Dreda trying to make cookies."\n\nShe leads you towards a rather large bathroom. There is a sheet taped to the door with time slots on it, and in every space is "Cullen." Breezy gets an annoyed look on her face and erases all of his entries. \n\n"This is my office, though I am normally out front during store hours." The room is the size of a closet, the walls filled with paper clipping and case files. The paperwork is scattered over a desk, making it hard to see the piece of furniture under the clutter. The desk is strangly without a chair, but in the corner is another kitty bean bag chair. \n\nYou then walk down another hallway filled with doors with names on them, this being the dorm section. \n\nBreezy stops you at the one that has your name on it. \n\nDo you...?\n\n[[go in your room]]\n\nor\n\n[[ask what Dreda's deal is]]
"So...did you have time to read the case file?" Dreda snorts.\n\n"Yes, Mom. I did before we left. "Bear" attacks. Sounds like something more up our alley than Ranger Smith's." \n\nAsk...\n\n[[what she thinks it is]]\n\n[[ask Dreda about her past partner]]\n\n\n[[ask about Cullen]]\n\nor\n\n[[let the car go quiet]] \n\n
You say you're sorry for waking her up.\n\nBreezy laughs on the other side of the line.\n\n"No, you're fine sweetie. I was just taking a nap. Another team is suppose to call in to check-in at around 4, so I want to be awake then. What did you need?"\n\nYou ask her about the monster.\n\n"Well I won't know anything more until the test results come in, then I'll be sure to call you. But other than that my thoughts are in the sticky notes. Though I will say it's not the typical villian, so focus on something a little more...obscure." \n\nYou tell her you will. She bids you good night and hangs up before she does though you hear Cullen in the background laughing. \n\nSleeping. Yeah. That sounds right. \n\n[[go to bed]]
"Claviger" or key-bearer is the name of a district leader. They are the ones that pair up the hunters and determine what cases to work. When you are in a pinch they are who to call.\n\n(hit the back arrow to go back to the game)
You sit silently (and a little akwardly) in the chair across from him.\n\nYou sit in silence for a couple minutes. The silence suffocating you, until it is broken by the guy.\n\nHe looks up at you, reveiling more tattoos along one side of his face, under one eye. Even with the tattoos he is rather attractive, though something seems off about him, but you can't place your finger on it. \n\n"You the new one?" His voice is low with a thick accent that you have never heard before. He still puts you off for somereason.\n\n"Umm..yes?" You internally smack yourself for making that a question. \n\nHe smiles at you viciously that reminds you of Breezy for some reason. Speak of the devil, you see Breezy bounce--not walk- towards you. She seems a little less disgustingly happy.\n\n"Dreda should be walking in at any moment." She tries a smile, but it seems forced. You think that if this "Dreda" can do this to someone like Breezy what can they do to you? \n\n[[meet your partner]]
You sit in the leather seat of a typical SUV, Dreda driving. \n\nThe morning was rather mundane. You has woken up, ate the breakfast Breezy made with the other, and now you're on the road to some little camping town with 3 "bear" attacks in the last week.\n\nDreda hasn't said anything. You two have been on the road for a couple hours but when you offered to drive Dreda just shrugged saying she was good to drive. You sit with the case file on your lap, flipping through it again. \n\nDo you...?\n\n[[look through file]]\n\nor\n\n[[break the silence]]
You google what monster eats flesh.\n\nAll you get is results for flesh eating parasites. So you try mythical flesh eating monsters.\n\nThe first hit you get is from list verse:\n\n\nYou decide that is enough research and [[go to bed]]\n\n
You turn to see a woman. She has a mint colored mohawk, black plug gages, swirling tattoos going up her arm and her neck, and a Monroe piercing. She is short and chubby with a pretty face and large lips, which are turned upwards into a motherly smile, although she looks no more than mid-twenties. \n\nAt first you are confused as to what she could want with you-- other than perhaps your number- when she speaks.\n\n"Hello! Are you the new meat?" Her dimpled smile goes vicious.\n \n"You're Sofie, right? I saw your picture in the file. You're awfully early aren't you?" She keeps talking not giving you a chance to speak. \n\n"Well what are you doing out here? Don't tell me your shy! Come in! We don't bite hard!" She grabs your arm, comically because of your six feet height and her measly five four, and leads you into the book store.\n\n*[[walk in]]\n
"What is your problem?" You ask agitated. Dreda's eyes widen, and she gain a feirce look on her face. Dreda gets in your space, somehow filling it even with her smaller size. Breezy lets out an "uhh-ohh" under her breath.\n\n"Excuse you?! Listen here hot-stuff I might have went to your precious acedemy but I will always be a better hunter than you could ever dream to be. Thank all the gods that you got paired up with me because I can keep you alive, piss me off and I could just claim you pulled a rookie mistake, you feel me?"\n\nBreezy puts a hand on Dreda's shoulder.\n\n"Well it's getting late...why don't we all chill out, go get some air and I'll send you both on your first mission tomorrow." Breezy says in a calm voice, but then her voice gets comanding as she says, "Make no mistake. You two will be working together, so get used to it or you can both get killed."\n\nDreda glares at Breezy, who meets her gaze with one filled with ice to match Dreda's fire. Dreda finally nods, Breezy smiles.\n\n"Come on then Sofie I'll help you unpack and show you around a bit."\n\n[[go with Breezy]]
What not even our parents know was the truth to these stories. Or--the even closer guarded secret- that there are people out there fighting off the boogey man and his ilk for the sake of humanity.[[...]]
You decide to say something to Dreda. \n\n"You're up early." You say as you get out of bed. \n\nDreda looks back at you starteled. \n\n"Y-yeah. You too. You want some breakfast? I'm gonna go out for coffee." You accept her offer. You figure you might as well start the day. You get ready in your normal fashion, by the time you get out of the shower Dreda is gone.\n\nYou have some free time before Dreda comes back.\n\nDo you...?\n\n[[do more research]]\n\n[[you call Breezy]]\n\nor\n\n[[wait until Dreda comes back]]\n\n
"Why don't we try calling Breezy first? She might know more." Dreda agrees and pulls out her phone.\n\n"Where's Breez?" You can't make out the other voice but from the level of annoyance in Dreda's voice you can guess.\n\n"Cullen. Get me Breezy." Suspicion confirmed. The two have a yelling contest, using insults you've never heard before, for sometime until the phone goes quiet.\n\n"Breezy, I swear I'm gonna kill him. He is dead...fine. I'll just lock him up, or bury him under ten feet of concret." You can hear Breezy laughing on th other end. Dreda flops down on the nearest bed, rubbing her eyes. \n\n"You got anything bout the case, boss?" Dreda is smiling as she says it. \n\n"Sounds grody. Whelp, thanks...yeah you too." Dreda pulls the phone away from her face, covers her face with her arm then lets out a sigh. \n\n"Cave gunk." She mutters from under her arm.\n\n"What?" You reply because honestly what the hell does that mean.\n\n"They found cave gunk on the back of the vic." Dreda gets up shuffeling through her bag finding a rolled up blank poster and tape.\n\nShe hangs up poster. Turns out it isn't completely blank. There are three circles in the middle labeled "poor bastard 1", "poor bastard 2" and "poor bitch". \n\nShe then adds "cave gunk" to a list labeled "important shit"\n\n"Helps me think. I honestly picked it up from Breezy. You've seen her office right? You should have seen it before she had an office. She did this shit before she was a claviger. We'd be on a hunt and she would do that to hotel rooms. Once the maid called the cops because we had pictures of dead people on our wall in a cheap motel, in a very serial killer-esque fashion." Dreda laughs at the memory. \n\n"I know the results are back, but we should go look at the body. Sometimes things don't stick out in reports because the people doing them don't know what too look for."\n\n[[agree]]\n\n(hit back arrow to return to game)
"So what do you think is munching on campers?"\n\nDreda lets out a little surprised laugh. She then looks annoyed she let down her broody facade.\n\n"It could be a lot of things. Though that the organs where left intact makes it interesting. Rouge werewolves normaly only kill to protect their territory, but they are normally better at disposing of bodies. Plus why take the skin? What ever it is has a thing for human flavored pork rinds."\n\nYou nod and jot her ideas on the margin of a paper in the file.\n\n[[let the car go quiet]]
Dreda cocks her head and looks down her nose at you. \n\n"Really? You sure your not just trying to hard to look tough? Machettes are okay, if you wanna decapitate it, but you also have to have an insane amount of strength to do that. It's also really bloody." You can't help but feel offended by her condisending tone, but before you can retort she is talking again.\n\n"I personally prefer the basics. A gun and two knives, always have a back up for when something knocks it out of your hand." Dreda smirks. \n\nBefore you can say anything to retort Breezy is talking again.\n\n"Well you two met! It's getting late. You two can hit the road tomorrow for your first mission." The four of you akwardly stand there for a moment until once again Breezy breaks it with her trademark sing-song voice.\n\n"How bout this? [[Cullen]] will show you around, okay? Help you unpack and stuff, while me and Dreda go get some groceries." She puts her hand infront of her mouth as if to tell you a secret.\n\n"This one here," points at Cullen, "eats like no other!" Cullen for his part looks put off.\n\n"I do not eat at all." He replies in his monotone. Breezy giggles.\n\n"You eat, I eat what's the dif?" Cullen looks at her in a clearly not amused fashion. Breezy waves good-bye, then walks out the door with Dreda in tow, who looks grudenly resigned to her fate. \n\nYou akwardly stand around as Cullen watches them go, until he turns silently leading you back towards the back door. \n\n[[go with Cullen]]\n
"Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?" \n\nDreda colors. \n\n"Well Breezy has made me aware that I may be sort of a bitch. So here I am trying to make this work. It's not your fault I'm pissy about being reassigned. You didn't fuck up, I did." She looks uncomfortable confessing all this, her cheeks turning red, making her freckels stand out even more. You spend a moment in silence before she abruptly snaps her head up, her signature glare staring you down.\n\n"But don't think that gives you a pass. You're still inexperienced." You agree because honestly you can't disagree. You're untested and Dreda didn't know you at school. In her shoes you'd be nervious too.\n\n"So do you wanna go talk to the coroner?" Dreda is smirking at you, no longer meekly tip toeing like earlier that day nor as belligerent as the first time you met. This Dreda seems to be her defult.\n\nDo you...?\n\n[[agree]]\n\nor \n\n[[suggest calling Breezy]]
This is where you come in. \n\nYour name is [[Sofie]] you are straight out of the acedemy, specializing in offensive arts. Meaning you are a "hunter" a field member of the society. \n*[[first day on the job]]
Dreda nods.\n\n"Knifes are probaly the most versitle weapon, and they are honestly most baddies weaknesses. There are few things a silver knife won't put down. Though that also means you have to get close, so I hope you did well in hand-to-hand."\n\nBefore you can say anything to retort Breezy is talking again.\n\n"Well you two met! It's getting late. You two can hit the road tomorrow for your first mission." The four of you akwardly stand there for a moment until once again Breezy breaks it with her trademark sing-song voice.\n\n"How bout this? [[Cullen]] will show you around, okay? Help you unpack and stuff, while me and Dreda go get some groceries." She puts her hand infront of her mouth as if to tell you a secret.\n\n"This one here," points at Cullen, "eats like no other!" Cullen for his part looks put off.\n\n"I do not eat at all." He replies in his monotone. Breezy giggles.\n\n"You eat, I eat what's the dif?" Cullen looks at her in a clearly not amused fashion. Breezy waves good-bye, then walks out the door with Dreda in tow, who looks grudenly resigned to her fate. \n\nYou akwardly stand around as Cullen watches them go, until he turns silently leading you back towards the back door. \n\n[[go with Cullen]]\n
You call Breezy.\n\nShe answers in her normal sing-song voice. \n\n"Used Book Society! What can I do you for?" She giggles into the reciever. You hear shuffeling in the background as well as a door being shut as--you assume- Breezy moves from the store to her back office. \n\n"I was just about to call you! Those test results came in. There was bacteria found on the body, like the uber gross kind found in caves. There was some evidence of moss--probably from said cave and the forest of course. But we already got that obvious it lives in the forest, other wise the deaths would be in urban areas. I'd say it's not humaniod.\n\nYou thank her then hang up.\n\n[[wait until Dreda comes back]]\n
Ordained by the government back in its revolution days, the society has been working behind the scenes since day one, and even before that in various countries since before the Christian conversion of the west.\n*[[....]]
You walk into your room.\n\nIt is small, but what could you really expect? The room is in shades of beige, with awful floral triming.There is a worn, old dresser in one corner, next to a small desk. Along the other wall is a bare twin bed and a plain wooden night stand. Wood seems to be the prevailing theme here. \n\nYou thank Breezy. She opens her mouth to say something in return when her phone goes off. The sound filling the tiny room.\n\n"Hello! Yeah? Your new partner is here! Aren't you excited?" Breezy says into the device in that too happy tone that you are starting to think is her trademark. She listens for a second, you catch a glimpse of her face turning to worry before she turns, giving you her back, and speaking in a low tone.\n\nShe uptly hangs up, turning around, she is smiling but her body is all rigid.\n\n"Well Dreda just got in, ready to meet your partner?" Her normaly happy voice sounds forced. You think that if this "Dreda" can do this to someone like Breezy what can they do to you?\n\n[[meet your partner]]
You unpack what you need in order to pass out on the small bed. You sleep like a rock dispite your worries about the mission the next day.\n\n[[next day]]
Dreda snorts and proceeds to look down her nose at you--which shouldn't be possible at her height. \n\n"An axe...really? Like a danish one or your run-of-the-mill i'm gonna chopp some wood variety? I mean it works on certain hunts, but you got to learn to choose your weapon. A gun or knife is better in most situations." \n\nBefore you can say anything to retort Breezy is talking again.\n\n"Well you two met! It's getting late. You two can hit the road tomorrow for your first mission." The four of you akwardly stand there for a moment until once again Breezy breaks it with her trademark sing-song voice.\n\n"How bout this? [[Cullen]] will show you around, okay? Help you unpack and stuff, while me and Dreda go get some groceries." She puts her hand infront of her mouth as if to tell you a secret.\n\n"This one here," points at Cullen, "eats like no other!" Cullen for his part looks put off.\n\n"I do not eat at all." He replies in his monotone. Breezy giggles.\n\n"You eat, I eat what's the dif?" Cullen looks at her in a clearly not amused fashion. Breezy waves good-bye, then walks out the door with Dreda in tow, who looks grudenly resigned to her fate. \n\nYou akwardly stand around as Cullen watches them go, until he turns silently leading you back towards the back door. \n\n[[go with Cullen]]\n
You agree and the two of you get in the SUV towards the coroner's office after some phone calls to locate said coroner's office. You pull up to the building.\n\nAnd then the monster came and killed us all. \n\nTHE END. \n\n(I'll continue this later)
Nephilim are the offspring of an angel and a human. Breezy is one, although she is only 1/4 angel not 1/2.\n\n(hit the back arrow to return to the game) \n\nhair: mint colored (blonde naturaly)\neyes: grey\nheight: 5'4"\nother: Has a monroe piercing, and black swirly tattoos on one side of her body. \n\n(hit the back arrow to return to game)
You get online and try to do more research but you just find the same information again.\n\n//\n\n(hit back arrow for more options)
You ask what is Dreda's deal.\n\nBreezy stiffens. She looks at you, a smile still on her face but now its cold and menacing--it's all teeth. \n\n"Dreda is...well I know she ain't the sweetest when you first meet her, but she is without a doubt the best hunter out there. She didn't go to the acedemy, she got into this life through expierence not birth like most. She acts tough but she would give her life up for you in a second. She is also way above you on the totem pole so you pay her the respect she deserves or I'll discharge you. Understand?" She looks at you--smile still plastered on- until you nod. Breezy visualy relaxes. \n\n"Dreda...don't take it personally. She is stil upset about being reassigned a new partner." At this Breezy's smile drops and she looks downcast.\n\nDo you...\n\n[[ask about Dreda's partner]]\n\nor\n\n[[go in your room]]
"Why isn't she your partner anymore?" Dreda's eyebrows knit together, then she sighs.\n\n"Did you notice anything...weird about Breezy?" Dreda glances at you. When you say nothing she curses under her breath.\n\n"I know your a rookie but damn. I'll spell it out for you, Breezy isn't human. I got hurt, like really hurt...and she almost died trying to save me. Killed every last one of the baddies, leaving her with no more magic for herself. She was never really meant to be a hunter. When she got hurt Cullen pulled some strings and got her the position of claviger, and I moved out with them. But of course I've been given a new partner." Dreda looks at you again a smile watery smile on her face. \n\nDo you...?\n\n[[what she thinks it is]] \n(the monster)\n\n[[ask about Breezy]]\n\n[[ask about Cullen]]\n\nor\n\n[[let the car go quiet]]
Cullen stares down at you for a moment, then breaks out into a smirk, the two clearly don't like each other. He replies in his thick accented voice, drawing out each word.\n\n"She is a...marytr, or thinks she is. She is too reckless. Endangered Breezy once on a mission."\n\nYou open your mouth to say somethings but he is already walking down the hallway back towards the book store. You wonder what he is doing in the compound anyway.\n\n[[go in your room]]
Dreda answers you with no sarcasm.\n\n"It's a lot of blood. I don't know what they teach you in the acedemy but this, this life takes a tole on you. We go to war everyday with stuff most people don't knoe is real. We are limited to relationships within the society because you don't want to involve anyone else. It's basicly like a prison sentence." \n\nYou are taken back at this answer, all the hunters that came to the acedemy seemed to love being a hunter. It fulfilled them. Though you suppose if they spoke the truth no one would sign up.\n\n"If you hate it why don't you quit?" \n\nDreda tightens her gripp on the steering wheel.\n\n"You don't just quit. Once you're in the life you're in. If I was to just quit now i'd feel dirty with the blood of all those people I could have saved. That's how you get through it kid, that every one you lose you hopefully saved two more.\n\n[[let the car go quiet]]
You walk in with the mint haired woman on your heels.\n\nThe inside looks just like how the outside would suggest. The whole interior is in tones of brown and orange, with minimal lighting. The walls lined with dusty tomes and a dusty looking reading corner filled with ottomans and a particulary threadbare couch. Also thrown haphazardly, and suspiciously new looking, was a kitty print bean bag chair.\n\nThe mint-haired woman somehow manages to get infront of you. Getting your attention, she starts to speak again.\n\n"So I know your name is Sofie, and this is your first assignment. I'm [[Breezy]] the [[claviger]] Your partner should be coming in any you mind waiting around? I could show you your room or you can sit around here for a bit?"\n\n[[wait]]\n\nOr\n\n[[ask to be shown your room]]
Cullen looks taken back, or at least as much as his stoic face will allow. Then he lets out bursts of laughter until he is outright laughing, tears streaming down his face. \n\n"I change my mind. I like you."\n\nHe is still laughing as he walks down the hallway back towards the book store.\n\nYou mutter under your breath, "Wierdo."\n\n[[go in your room]]
the library is closed! \n\nDurr. It's like midnight.\n\n\n(hit the back arrow to return to the game)
You ask about the door.\n\nBreezy startels then turns around, her face bright. \n\n"Oh! You noticed?" She traces a hand along the frame.\n\n"I did it myself, you know? Warding spells. Nothing that isn't invited can get past here. It took me forever and a day, but I thought it was important. If some normal person or unwanted baddie tries to get in they'll find themselves on the other side of town, slightly confused and a little case of amnesia." She giggled, then narrowed her eyes, somehow looking down at you even at her shorter height. \n\n"Better hope you don't trigger it!" She says in a sing-song voice, giggeling and walking infront of you, leaving the door open.\n\nYou swallow the lump in your throat and walk through the door.\n\n[[keep walking]]
You decide to wait in the book shop.\n\nBreezy leads you to the area you saw earlier with the chairs, but now there is a man sitting in the kitty bean bag chair, his long legs comicly streched out infront of him. He is lounging in the chair, his golden hair falling over his eyes, leaning over a large book that doesn't seem to be in english. Another thing you notice about him is he has white tattoos, contrasting with his dark tan. \n\nDo you...?\n\n[[sit silently]]\n\nor\n\n[[talk to him]]
You have just been assigned to district 108, as the newest hunter of the area.\n\nYou walk into a nondescript building located in the business part of town. It is surrounded by other cutesy old buildings that could belong in any other small Midwestern town.\n\nThe particular building that you are to report in advertises used books in scrawling script writing. The only thing setting it apart from the other businesses on either side is the prominent algiz [[rune]]-- the society’s symbol- etched into the wooden door. \n\n[[open door and walk in]]\n[[stay outside and collect yourself for a moment]]\n
You decide to try and talk to the guy. \n\n"So are you a hunter or...?" You ask. \n\nHe looks up at you, reveiling more tattoos along one side of his face, under one eye. Even with the tattoos he is rather attractive, though something seems off about him, but you can't place your finger on it.\n\nHe doesn't answer he just stares at you, face blank but annoyance radiating off him. The air grows tense and you couldn't feel more akward if you tried. Luckily Breezy showed up at that exact moment.\n\n"Hey, Sofie-oh! You're back?" She is addressing the man, now out of the bean bag chair. He walks over to Breezy, towering over her, he stands behind her, his arms incirceling her neck. Breezy just smiles at him, then continues to talk to you, while the guy is giving you a vicious smirk.\n\n"Dreda should be walking in at any moment." She tries a smile, but it seems forced. You think that if this "Dreda" can do this to someone like Breezy what can they do to you?\n\n[[meet your partner]]\n\n
You go to bed. Dreda is already asleep. She did drive all day, though you did offer. You worry over the night day and some where in there finally drift off to sleep. \n\nThe room is filled with a dull morning light when you wake up. Dreda is changing infront of the mirror, though the light isn't on.\n\nHer back is towards you, all over the expanse of her back are scars. There is a particularly nasty one between her shoulders. In the light you notice for the first time how small Dreda is, and yet normally you feel so small near her.\n\nDo you...?\n\n[[stay quiet]]\n\nor\n\n[[say something]]
You stay quiet. You slowly drift back to sleep. \n\nYou wake up to Dreda cursing and the door being slammed shut, followed by more swear words. \n\nYou see Dreda tumbling into the room her arms full of food. She somehow manages to make it to the table before she dropps all the fast food. \n\nShe huffs then glances at you. She sheepishly smiles at you.\n\n"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. But I brought food." You thank her and get up. Dreda got you the basics. You two eat in silence. Dreda is the first to break the silence.\n\n"So I was thinking we could go to the coroner and see if the test results are in." \n\nDo you...?\n\n[[agree]]\n\n[[suggest calling Breezy]]\n\nor \n\n[[ask why she is being so nice]]\n
You decide to stay up and do research. \n\nWhat do you do...?\n\n[[look online]]\n\n[[go to the library]]\n\nor\n\n[[call Breezy]]
Breezy leads you towards that back of the store. You pass through more isles of books, each more duster than the last.\n\nBreezy leads you to a solid wood door. Like the one in the front of the shop there is a rune carved into the wood, but unlike the other this one also has more interigate carvings all along the door frame. You reconize some as runes, others in different tongues, and a little latin. \n\n[[ask about door]]\n\n[[keep walking]]
You're a little anxious and stay outside and take a moment.\n\nYou breathe in the small town smell and the stale scent of old books that wafts out from the store. You are completely zoned out when a hand comes to rest on your shoulder...\n\nDo you...?\n*[[calmly turn around]]\n*[[use your training to flip the assailant over your shoulder]]\n\n
Dreda nods.\n\n"Guns are the most practical. Easy to conceal and no one thinks twice about a government agent carrying a firearm. Though you always need a back up for when you drop it at the most inopurtune time." She raises an eyebrow at you, looking you over again.\n\nBefore you can say anything to retort Breezy is talking again.\n\n"Well you two met! It's getting late. You two can hit the road tomorrow for your first mission." The four of you akwardly stand there for a moment until once again Breezy breaks it with her trademark sing-song voice.\n\n"How bout this? [[Cullen]] will show you around, okay? Help you unpack and stuff, while me and Dreda go get some groceries." She puts her hand infront of her mouth as if to tell you a secret.\n\n"This one here," points at Cullen, "eats like no other!" Cullen for his part looks put off.\n\n"I do not eat at all." He replies in accented his monotone. Breezy giggles.\n\n"You eat, I eat what's the dif?" Cullen looks at her in a clearly not amused fashion. Breezy waves good-bye, then walks out the door with Dreda in tow, who looks grudenly resigned to her fate. \n\nYou akwardly stand around as Cullen watches them go, until he turns silently leading you back towards the back door. \n\n[[go with Cullen]]\n
You both let the car grow quiet. The rest of the long drive is in silence, although it is not uncomftable.\n\nThe two of you roll into town at dusk and stop at the first hotel off the interstate. You get into the room and leave to get ice, by the time you get back Dreda has already claimed one bed you you take the one farthest from the door.\n\nIt is pretty late...\n\nDo you...\n\n[[stay up and do research]]\n\nor\n\n[[go to bed]]
To see a picture click the link\n\n\nhair: light brown/ dirty blonde\neyes: dark brown\nheight: 6'0"\nother: Has one dimple.\n\n(hit the back arrow to go back to the game)
a rune is a germanic form of writing that predates the roman alphabet. \n\n(click the back arrow to return to the game)
Breezy leads you to the front of the store, the guy with the white tattoos following behind. When the two stand close to each other you notice that their tattoos are similar.\n\nYou all make it to the front of the store just in time to hear the bell ring and a woman step into the book store. \n\n[[Dreda]] walks in. She has an athletic build with long dark hair, pulled into a tight, high ponytail. She is wearing a flannel that does nothing for her figure and a pair of ripped jeans, tucked into dirty combat boots. She looks rather nonplussed as she storms in the room. \n\nThe guy behind Breezy brakes the silence in his monotone voice, "Hello Dreda." Dreda just glares at him, which he returns in full. \n\nGetting the feeling they don't like eachother, you think. Breezy smiles--though it's brittle- and walks over to the dark haired girl, hands out infront of her like she is trying to aproch a wild animal. The look in Dreda's hazel eyes seem to suggest that she might infact be one. \n\n"Dreda, I-"\n\n"Save it Breezy." Dreda retorts back, but her face softens into a expression of concern and affection. "I know you're sorry." Breezy gives her a watery smile, then turns her attention to you.\n\n"Dreda this is Sofie, your new partner. She enjoys long walks on the beach and yoga." Dreda gives her a look. \n\nDreda looks you up and down, somehow despite the height difference making you feel very small. You could tell in the way this woman holds herself she is a vet, she has killed, hunted, and seen horrors you have only read in text books. The society normaly pairs newbies with vetern hunters, makes the percentage of deaths lower. \n\nDo you...?\n\n[[ask what her problem is]]\n\nor\n\n[[say nothing]]
Dreda is gone the better part of a hour. You hear the door knob jiggle, the sound of keys being dropped and some mild cursing afterwards.\n\nYou take pity on Dreda and go open the door. She lets out a little surprized gasp when you swing the door open. She then proceeds to pout and look annoyed at herself. You can't help but giggle at her which is met with a heated glare, that you can tell she doesn't mean.\n\nYou two walk inside with the food. \n\nDreda got you the basics. You two eat in silence. Dreda is the first to break the silence.\n\n"So I was thinking we could go to the coroner and see if the test results are in." \n\nDo you...?\n\n[[agree]]\n\n[[suggest calling Breezy]]\n\nor \n\n[[ask why she is being so nice]]\n
You pass through the door, Breezy ahead of you. \n\nYou are lead down a dark hallway, the walls lined with various pictures, showing who you think are people who work in the district. \n\nYou are finally lead up some iffy stairs at the end. Breezy looks back at you a little sheepish. \n\n"The last claviger didn't keep up with the place, i'm trying but I care more about keeping everyone stocked up on weapons to--you know- keep them alive, that and the utilities. You don't know how important a good shower is until you come back from a hunt covered in ectoplasm. Trust me." \n\nFinally she stops at a simple wooden door, just like the others in the hallway, except this one's name slot says "Sofie"\n\nBreezy, hands you two keys on a simple ring, that she seemingly pulled out of no where. \n\n"Your stuff came in a while ago. I took it up here but I didn't know if you would freak if I touched it, so I didn't." \n\nEnter [[your room]]
You ask about her past partner.\n\nDreda goes still and the silence is now like a wet blanket, choking the atmosphere. Finally after what feels like a small eternity Dreda responds.\n\n"Breezy. Breezy was my partner."\n\n[[press the issue]]\n\n[[what she thinks it is]] (the monster)\n\n\n[[ask about Cullen]]\n\nor\n\n[[let the car go quiet]]
The file contains three police reports.\n\nThe first one is of a man who dissapeared on hiking trip and then found two weeks later deep in the national forest. There is a picture of the victim both before and after the attack paper clipped to the file. \n\nThe next two where a couple of honeymooners who rented out a cabin for the week. When the owner went up to the cabin after the newly weds reservation was up he found the solid wood door off its hindges. The man was found a couple days ago but the woman was still missing.\n\nThe autopsys of both victims had highlighted sections. Both men where moved from where they died, as suggested by the blood pooling patterns. There is a sticky note saying, "sample taken from clothes: results pending" Also both men had mainly premortem injuries, like the attacker didn't want anything to do with them once they where dead. One of the men had evidence of being tied up, heavy bruising on his wrist, well the one with skin still on it. The main reason there where driving 12 hours was because both victims had been skinned and that was all they took. All the internal organs where there. \n\nSince bears cannot operate a knife or tie a knot you and Dreda where dispatched to solve the case and hunt the monster. \n\nDo you...?\n\n[[break the silence]]
Dreda snorts and her position relaxes.\n\n"Cullen in an asshat. He barely speaks english and thinks he is the grestest thing ever. He was a Celtic god forever ago, lost his godhead and Breezy ended up binding him to her, so dispite how they act Cullen has to do anything Breezy wants, in exchange he gets to use her to stay on this plane." \n\nSo that wierd tan guy is actually a god!? or at least at one point was? You make a mental note not to piss him or Breezy off because he is a god and she is his boss.\n\n[[what she thinks it is]] (the monster)\n\nor\n\n[[let the car go quiet]]