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<img src="http://i.imgur.com/OKKMLSL.jpg" height="500">
You have reached The Emergency Services, what seems to be your emergency?
1) [[I have pains]]
2) [[Someone else has pains]]
3) [[I am missing a body part]]
4) [[I have killed someone]]
5) [[My house is on fire]]
6) [[I have forgotten to fill in my tax returns]]
7) [[I need a vet]]
8) [[Redirect me to personal sevice]]
Are you a hypocondriac?
[[yes|Contact own doctor]]
[[no|Do you still have pains]]Please call within working hours:
Monday: closed
Tuesday: 9-10:30
Wedneday: 9-9:30
Friday: closedHave you lost the bodypart within the last 6 months?
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/fMEFNpT.jpg" height="500">
[[yes|which bodypart]]
[[no|which bodypart]]
[[I don't know|which bodypart]]
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/fAFqSPC.jpg" height="500">
Are you:
[[a soldier]]
[[a murderer|are you a pyromaniac]]
[[a driver|my liver]]
[[an idiot|thanks for calling]]
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/2uF116U.jpg" height="500">
Are you inside the house?
[[yes|get out]]
[[no|did you start the fire]]<img src="http://i.imgur.com/zjuH89e.jpg" height="500">
Do you own off-shore property?
[[yes|How to avoid tax traps]]
[[no|here's how you acquire off-shore property]]Are you an animal?
[[yes|go have a drink]]
[[no|do you have animals]][[Redirecting|Main menu]] Contact your own doctor.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/rb2qRqC.jpg" height="500">Do you still have pains?
[[yes|where do you have pains]]
[[no|thanks for calling]]
Where does it hurt?
1) [[my liver]]
2) [[my heart is broken]]
3) [[my pancreas]]
4) [[other]]Thank you for calling The Emergency services. Have a nice day!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/5Vq72DU.jpg" height="500">Are you drunk?
[[yes|Stephen stop calling us]]
[[no|go have a drink]]Do you have a heartbeat?
[[yes|thanks for calling]]
[[no|Stephen stop calling us]]We will now redirect you to the hospital....
[[redirect me|Main menu]]<img src="http://i.imgur.com/hQLaQ19.jpg" height="500">
[[My brain hurts]]
[[I am a pain in the ass]]
[[broken limbs]]<img src="http://i.imgur.com/sfGF1ON.jpg" height="500">
Stephen, please stop prank calling us.Go have a drink, then. Your liver's fine! Who knows how a broken liver feels anyway?
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/KjTBb6w.jpg" height="500">[[It must be removed|Contact own doctor]]
[[we know|thanks for calling]]Redirecting you to your [[local hospital|Main menu]]<img src="http://i.imgur.com/VDvwTcJ.jpg" height="500">
Does your animal have pains?
[[yes|I have pains]]
[[no|thanks for calling]] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/expat-money/9760320/How-to-escape-the-offshore-property-tax-trap.htmlRead all about off-shore property here: https://www.justlanded.com/english/Portugal/Portugal-Guide/Property/Buying-Through-an-Offshore-Company[[get out|did you start the fire]]Did you start the fire?
[[Yes|are you a pyromaniac]]
[[no|Main menu]] Are you a pyromaniac?
[[yes|Contact own doctor]]
[[no|thanks for calling]] Which bodypart?
[[my leg|I am a pain in the ass]]
[[my arm|Someone else has pains]]
[[all of them|Someone else has pains]]Was it your mother-in-law?
[[yes|was she an enemy]]
[[No, it was my own doctor|Contact own doctor]]<img src="http://i.imgur.com/E5lmnPP.jpg" height="500">
Was she an enemy?
[[yes|keep following orders]]
[[no, not really|my liver]]We're proud of your determination! Please wait for your next assignment