You are tired and want to [[rest]], to sit.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Chaos")>>\nYou are restless and want to [[move]], to dance.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
<<set $inventory.push(" Order")>>\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance does not come easily. You chose:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n<<set $inventory.sort()>>\n<<if ($inventory ==' Chaos, Chaos, Chaos, Order, Order, Order')>>\nYou teeter on the highwire but [[find your footing|Success]].\n<<else>>\nYou teeter on the highwire and [[lose your footing|Failure]].\n<<endif>>
You are tired and want to [[rest]], to sit.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Order")>>\nYou are restless and want to [[move]], to dance.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
Balance is everything.\n\nThe tightrope compromise between chaos and order a tricky one to [[navigate]].
A day like any other.\n\nYou walk the path of consensus reality in search of sustenance for your physical body.\n\nThere are two cans in the cupboard and you must choose one to eat from.\n<<set $inventory = []>>\n[<img[][Food1]] [img[][Food2]]
Churning maelstrom to one side, iron-clad prison cell to the other.\n\nLife is the [[dance]] of adjustment tip-toeing between.\n\nYou must not fall. \n\nYou must. not. fall.
<<set $inventory.push(" Chaos")>>\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance does not come easily. You chose:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n<<set $inventory.sort()>>\n<<if ($inventory ==' Chaos, Chaos, Chaos, Order, Order, Order')>>\nYou teeter on the highwire but [[find your footing|Success]].\n<<else>>\nYou teeter on the highwire and [[lose your footing|Failure]].\n<<endif>>
Your mind is fogged with doubt.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Chaos")>>\nThis way, that way. What's the difference?\n\nYou can't even tell anymore.\n\nAll the worlds and times seem very close, too close.\n\nLike being [[bound]] in a corset. \n\nLike being [[submerged]] in warm mud.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
Your hand burns.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Order")>>\nSudden direct pain that over-rides the looping levels of transcendent thought.\n\nYou look down in shock. A hot coal glowing from within. <html><i>Where did that come from?</i></html>\n\nYou [[drop]] the coal and cradle your hand.\n\nYou [[grip]] the coal harder and focus the pain.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
The night falls and the moon and stars appear.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Order")>>\nAppear, but they are always here. This is how it is.\n\nEverything is always here but sometimes hidden.\n\nIt's all a trick of the light.\n\n[<img[][Light1]] [img[][Light2]]\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>\n
Your mind is fogged with doubt.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Order")>>\nThis way, that way. What's the difference?\n\nYou can't even tell anymore.\n\nAll the worlds and times seem very close, too close.\n\nLike being [[bound]] in a corset. \n\nLike being [[submerged]] in warm mud.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
A road forks ahead to wildly divergent realities.\n\nWhich way leads to happiness? \n<<set $inventory.push(" Chaos")>>\nEither? Neither? \n\nOnly time can tell.\n\n[<img[][Road1]][img[][Road2]]\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
You see things others cannot see.\n\nThe paths you walk weave and wend through and past the reality others perceive.\n\nThe veils of time and space, always gossamer thin, part to show you the light behind it all.\n\nYou live in [[this world|world]] yet know this world is only one of many.
A road forks ahead to wildly divergent realities.\n\nWhich way leads to happiness? \n<<set $inventory.push(" Order")>>\nEither? Neither?\n\nOnly time can tell.\n\n[<img[][Road1]][img[][Road2]]\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
Your hand burns.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Chaos")>>\nSudden direct pain that over-rides the looping levels of transcendent thought.\n\nYou look down in shock. A hot coal glowing from within. <html><i>Where did that come from?</i></html>\n\nYou [[drop]] the coal and cradle your hand.\n\nYou [[grip]] the coal harder and focus the pain.\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>
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The night falls and the moon and stars appear.\n<<set $inventory.push(" Chaos")>>\nAppear, but they are always here. This is how it is.\n\nEverything is always here but sometimes hidden.\n\nIt's all a trick of the light.\n\n[<img[][Light1]] [img[][Light2]]\n\n<html><i><span style = "color:#e4dd14">Balance is precarious. Choose wisely. So far, you have chosen:</span></i></html>\n<<print $inventory >>