As you run, you find a photo pinned to a tree. Its your aunt, the astronomer that hadn't made it through that first tundra of a winter.

Take it and folded it into your pocket. It's begun to storm.

You're with them now.\n\nWith everything.\n\n[img[]]
The right choice young adventurer. As you look down at your feet you found a photo of your [[uncle]]. Or is it your [[dad]]?\n\n[img[book.jpg]]
[img[]]\n\nFirst went his hearing.\n\nThen his eyes began to cloud.\n\nHis hands grew hard.\n\nThen he wasn't him anymore\n\nHe was with them [[now]]\n\n
The swelling sun is rising on the wrong side of the corn field this morning. Surely strange times are [[coming]]. \n\n[img[sam.jpg]]
[img[]]\n\nYou'd talk with them about what might come after the war, though she didn't last through the first winter.\n\nYou keep walking ahead. You can't stop. \n\nIs it time to look for [[food]] or time to set up [[shelter]]?
Excellent. Good strong wood. People love clogs.\n\nYou find a photo on the ground, your [[dad]]
Lets try to do [[both]], young friend.
[[Please don't let it be]]
You're not safe here as the tides rise. It's even less safe to climb but you have to [[press on]].\n\n[img[]]
You make it to the other end of the mountain and the worst of the weather has passed. Sitting by the fire you wonder if the photos of your aunt and uncle could be a message. Is someone trying to warn you? Guide you? You've been on your own since the war when they came. Slowly at first, then quicker.\n\nYou remember when your brother [[turned]].
The Beautiful and Harrowing Adventure of Sam Johnson.
[[It couldn't be]]
You must be tired from the road. It's your [[uncle]] \n[img[uncle]]
As you run, you find a photo pinned to a tree. Its your aunt, the astronomer that hadn't made it through that first tundra of a winter. \n\nTake it and folded it into your pocket. It's begun to [[storm]].\n\n[img[]]
You need sleep as well, let's do [[both]].
Not ideal but still good. Stuff the bags with hay and you've some slippers. A tattered photo on the groun, one that looks like your [[dad]]
Why would a photo of your uncle be here? He taught on the other end of the world and has been missing for years. Ever since the war. The last great battle that ended everything.\n\nRemember his wife? The [[astronomer]]?\n\n[img[]]
But you don't have any shoes on, young one. Do you walk barefoot? [[Yes]] or [[No]]
[img[]]\n\nThey were the grunts you heard.\n\nWhenever you're safe they're back.\n\nWhenever you're warm, the cold comes.\n\nWhenever there's light, the dark's not [[far off.]]\n\n
But you hear them. They're making that slow, wheezing grunt they always make when they're ready to come for you. You need to [[run]]\n\n[img[]]
Never safe. Always waiting.\n\nThe old world's gone. The cars. The people. The lights. The speed.\n\n[img[]]\n\nThe herds are coming. One in the distance [[looks familiar]]
[img[]]\n\nBut it's [[over.]]
The leaves were poison ivy! Now you have no shoes and blisters everywhere. You find a photo on the ground of your [[dad]]
Your aunt.\n\nYour uncle in the ground beneathe her.\n\n[img[]]\n\nRun until your legs [[give out]]
Michael Vickers
Oh you brave fool! You need to make some shoes or you'll never be able to carry on. Do you fashion some shoes out of [[leaves]], [[bark]] or [[plastic bags]]?